Monday, October 14, 2024

The FCC, Is Now The US: Federal Commie Commission?!

 I mean, shit!

I was ah Radio/Television major in thah University and shit!

All this shit them evil muh fuckahs talkin bout is





my old Black sorry broke ass ain't heard

Shit from


FCC's sorry assUS!?

They don't have US communications shit tah say about 

US communications shit!

Thah absurd US fuck!?

Them sorry ass muh fuckUS' gettin paid on average taxpayin USDs,

$145,000! Times 1,482 FEDeral employees and shit!

And ain't none of these young technologically sound US muh fuckUS have evah heard about 'em!?

Talkin 'bout needin tah be



What thah fuck is this old sorry broke ass

Radio/Television degreed niggah

Missin and shit?!

And what thah fuck done happened tah 

US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

What thah Holy fuck!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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