Thursday, October 10, 2024

US Clandestinely Commie States' Welfare Systems!

 "But they just got hit with a natural catastrophe!"

And don't give ah US IN Holy fuck!


my old Black, stank, wrinkly, hairy nuts!

Ain't nothin 

"Natural" bout this manmade evil fucked-up weather shit!



US states' Governors know what thah fuck is goin on and shit!

US are individual states!

Payin ah fucked-up vig tah thah US FED!


Don't fuckin have ah fuckin clue God damnit!

I had tah pay in 2023 state taxes, two-hundred and forty-five USDs tah thah state of US IN!

Thah fuckin US evil FEDeral taxes?!

Two-thousand and nineteen USDs! I mean, shit! I'm makin payments on that shit! Fuck that! Ah niggah ain't got those types of ends jUSt lyin around with my old Black sorry broke ass!



Anyway...When states, want tah put intah thah FED fucked-up pot, for fucked up insurance purposes for this Beautiful country! Like most recently Helene and Milton! Shit! I can dig that righteoUS shit!

But when US Individual states includin thah state where I

Hive?! And pay state taxes


And thah evil fucked-up Commie FED done said tah those othah US states,

"Shit sorry ass muh fuckUS! US evil FED muh fuckUS are tapped! "No soup for you!"!

US Governors have neglected

US's individual states'

Security and 


US Individual states, God damnit!

These sorry ass Governors are and have been co-saboteurs and shit with this insidioUS Commie takeover of US! This soon tah be collusional "Global New World Order" evil sorry shit!

Takin individual state taxpayin USDs out of thah state which it was intended is...

US muh fuckin


And fuckin illegal

Misappropriations of





Kindah fuckin Commie US absurd shit US IN done been complicit and are bein an accomplice IN!?

I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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