Saturday, October 5, 2024

"Kentucky Judge Killed by Kentucky Sheriff" Psyop? Perhaps?

A Judge's chamber video shit?!

Thah fuck! Didn't know them sorry ass  evil muh fuckahs had tah be monitored and shit!?

Why? BecaUSe they, themselves, are some criminal deviant muh fuckahs?!

I mean, shit! 

Fuck that shit!

How many judges'

Chambers are 


CaUSe fuck it!

my old Black sorry broke ass wants tah see thah last four years of that dead ass judge's chamber videos

God damnit!

Mattah of fact! All these sorry ass judges' chambers videos for thah past four fuckin years

God damnit!

I mean, shit! US Taxpayers' pays for that ill ass shit! So, fuck it! And of course

With unadulterated sound,


US thinks I can get some shit from askin for 

FOIAs on some shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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