Saturday, October 5, 2024

"Harold Daggett"

 Now that's an evil lead US sorry ass minion if my Black broke ass has evah witnessed one!

Thah stupid muh fuckah agreed tah suspend thah shit until

January 15, 2025?! Why thah fuck until Wednesday, thah middle of an US work-week?!

CaUSe he's ah sorry ass Freemason! 

"You're an idiot! Old ass worthless fucker!"


But check it? There're seven days in thah muh fuckin week! The week in US starts

Sunday! Now by Wednesday, there has been three days of the week that have past! After Wednesday, there shall be three more days that have past!


And if that stupid muh fuckah's not ah muh fuckin 'Mason!? I mean, shit! As bad as that old ass fucker was talkin before them evil muh fuckah's suspended that sorry strike shit! That sorry ass muh fuckah ain't gonnah be alive come thah date


But if he's still with US come that date in US's future time?! He's eithah ah muh fuckin clone by then?! Or shit, he's just anothah evil elite sorry ass propagandists' 'Mason minion! 

But pick US poisons muh fuckUS! CaUSe none of these evil US "leaders" are about, fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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