Sunday, October 6, 2024

Don't Take Another FED evil Shot of No Thing!

 My wife hasn't been feelin too well and shit ovah thah past three days some shit!

Of course, I suggested tah her Elderberry, Echinachea and NAC!

She took two vaccination shits back around 2021 and shit, and she stated them shits were from

Pfizer! So she could travel and see our grandchild and shit that lives in Florida!

I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass has gottin USed tah bein not


I mean, can ah niggah introduce you to

Black walnut hulls, Fenbendazole, Thyme...

Whatevah thah fuck!?

CaUSe an old ass broke niggah 

Loves your ass!

And don't take anothah shot of 



And, she hasn't!

Thanks tah

Our Father!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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