Thursday, October 17, 2024

US Transplants?

 It can be thirty-two degrees outside and these niggahs from Africa, wearin sandals and shit? No fuckin socks! Just crusty bare feet and sandals! And talkin loud in their native tongue on thah muh fuckin cellphone and shit!

"Well, what about all of these Ukranian, UK, Mexicans, Venezuelans, Canadians..."

Don't give one US solid fuck! Them muh fuckahs at least tryin tah blend in and shit! These black ass muh fuckahs from wherevah thah fuck, ain't even tryin!?

I mean, shit!

Thah fuck done happened tah US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

What thee Holy fucked-up, 

US fuck!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Privacy: As A US Right?! Some of US Done Took An Oath To, "The US Commie Dark Side"! Fuck A Privacy!

 Thee Holy fuck!

US sorry assUS signed that fucked-up evil contract in US's own

Blood and shit!

And got six othah sorry assUS, unbeknownst US muh fuckUS on board that evil fucked-up shit


The Entertainment industry ain't, 

"All glitz and glamour" God damnit!



God damned, skippy!

That's some evil ass sorry shit

US done gave an

Allegiance to!

And it ain't evah gonnah be about

US broke assUS!



Just fuckin US evil!

Find anothah muh fuckin 



Sonshines!? God damnit!

I mean, shit?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

" 'My mother-in-law is now requesting we pay her to watch our daughter'. - moneywise"

 God damned 

Skippy! Y'all made thah lil muh fuckah! Not me! 

Sorry ass ungrateful muh fuckUS earnin 

230k between thah two!

I mean, shit!

Whatevah that G'Ma is askin for in compensation, give it gratefully tah her, keepin yo Child safe sorry ass for! Thah fuck?!

Like Daddy and Mommy said tah me, when I asked tah live with them again and shit, I was only makin 22k at Riley Hospital as ah Night-Shift Unit Secretary and shit after graduatin thah university...well Mommy said more than Daddy,

"That'll be four-hundred dollars a month."

'Four hundred dollars a month?!'

"Now you know, Meredith. You told US how much you were paying in rent! And you were paying close to five-hundred dollars in an efficiency apartment! Plus water, electricity and gas! And not one time, did I hear you complaining about their cost of rent."

Mommy was always makin some delicioUS shit! So, I got 

Board for free!


I shut thah fuck up!

And paid that more than fair agreed upon

PaRENTal RighteoUS shit!

Nevah missin ah payment! Fuck that!?

And could move-thah-fuck-out whenevah my fuckin grown broke Black sorry ass well pleased!

But I smile and always have fuckin wondered,

'What thah fuck would they have done, if I didn't pay thah rent?!'...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Liam Payne's Death at 31"?

911 call supposedly states,

"His life may be in danger. He is in a room with a balcony!"

Kindah fuckin absurd muh fuckin shit?!

Muh fuckUS ain't gonnah dive no fuckin place off of ah fuckin balcony and shit!

Have US evah looked down at "42 tah 45" feet off thah muh fuckin ground?!

I mean, shit!

Even fucked up!?

US assUS still be thinkin,

"That's ah long ass way down!"

And this crazy "Superman" muh fuckin shit 's gonnah 


(Peace! More to come...)

Oil of Oregano or O-o-O!

 Whenevah yah feel like yah catchin some shit US don't want tah get 


Take 1000mgs Oil of Oregano 


Aftah three fuckin days! Take it for six days and shit!

Hollah at an old ass muh fuckin broke niggah?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Broken evil elite FED/FBI/CIA Conjured Entertainment?

 Witnessed some of US Black muh fuckUS watchin, "Duck Dynasty", "Honey Boo-Boo" and shit like that!

my old Black sorry confused ass asked them.


One hundred percent of US NiggUS' responses,

"I jUSt love watchin stupid White folks!"!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US-A! US's Still, okay!

 I mean, shit!

What does US want my old Black sorry broke ass tah tell muh fuckin



"Great day in thah neighborhood!..." some banal conditoned fucked up shit, like that sorry US shit?!

This US neighborhood is, fucked up!

Can't let this evil Commie Coup ovahtake





"Wouldn't you like to be, my neighbor?!"!

God damned muh fuckin, skippy!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Chemical Skies (A Satirical Musical): Act II (Ordinary man on lunch break looking up at the staged skies), Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, Indiana - Fall 2024 VI

 There always will be 

Blue skies!

Gray skies?!

Oh, no!

There 're gonnah be

Blue skies!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Ingredients?!

 Can't make ah three ingredient claimin meal of Pork, Cheese and tortilla chips; then, add

Salt, Pepper, Garam Masala, MSG, lettuce, tomatoes...

Three ingredients!?

I mean, shit!

Do US even undah-fuckin-stand what an



(Peace! More to come...)

"Dallas Love Triangle Murder"? No Muh Fuckin evil elite Propagandists' Minions, "Dallas Lust Triangle Murder"!

 So these muh fuckin two US niggUS fuckin thah same pussy and shit!

Well, I guess, thah 36 year-old muh fuckah was hittin it ah lil bit too good and shit!

Because, thah muh fuckin 22 year-old decided tah give him his daily doses of iron and minerals, and shot that oldah muh fuckah in broad daylight, with US NiggUS with cellphones recordin this stupid ass nigger, killin anothah nigger ovah pussy and shit! And thah oldah muh fuckah subsequently died and shit! Now, ain't none of those two idiot Black ass muh fuckUS gonnah be able tah hit that, "tah die for", Pussy evah again!

I mean, shit!

Kindah absurd US NiggUS' shit?! 

Ovah fuckin, pussy! God damn!? Ain't no pussy that mean! Fuck that!

US Pussy or

US Dick,

Ain't worth dyin ovah!



And thah Woman still kickin rocks and shit! Braggin that yeah, she was havin sexual relations with thah two dumbass NiggUS involved! Thah fuck?!


Sayin tah her stank ass self,

"Yea, I knew my pussy was good! Got niggUS dyin ovah it and shit! 




(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 Druids?! Celtics?! Crazy ass White folks?! Thah fuck?!

I mean, shit!

Brings ah whole new meanin for that,

"Trick or Treat" evil complicit US


And have US noticed thah amount of money generated from US Halloween is getting very close tah


ChristmUS and shit?!

What thah Holy fuck!

my old Black

Ign'ant sorry broke ass learnin somethin new every-fuckin-day!

I mean, shit!

Who thah fuck else

US knew about this evil Commie Coup shit?!

But my old Black sorry broke ass has tah give it tah these 

FED Commie evil US muh fuckahs!

Y'alls's shit kindah tight!

And US Commie evil...


Shall forever


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

UnNatural Surfaces, Create UnNatural Number of American Football Injuries

 I don't give ah fuck about anothah sport!

I'm talkin about American Football and shit!

"Why are we seeing so many injuries?"!

I tell US, "Why"!

American Football was made to be 

Played outdoors!

On natural surfaces!

No mattah thah weathah,  potential fan base or money involved!

How thah fuck do US not witness, muh fuckUS on thah D-line and O-Line clockin ah 5.0 forty and shit?!

Put that big ass on natural grass!




InnumeroUS American Football injuries


(Peace! More to come...)

The US Human Manufacturing Dilemma

 "Italy makes it illegal for couples to have a baby surrogacy overseas - CNN"

God damned, US skippy!

US don't want tah have ah US child thah traditional and Human way!

But, wants one of US muh fuckUS tah help 

Their sorry broke assUS tah achieve that fucked-up


Thah fuck!

Figure that ill shit out yo God damned evil influenced

US selves!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

From 2020 to Present Day And The US Free Hits JUSt Keep On Coming

 I'm not feelin well my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Not thah fuck at all! God damn!

For thah past four fuckin years it's felt like I'm in ah bubble, slowly suffocatin and shit!

Weird ass US type of shit!

I mean, shit! my old Black sorry broke ass started researchin, listenin and watchin this FED shitshow for thah past four plus years and shit! And fuckin realized,

All of US have been 

Mentally tortured by this 

Global World Cabal!

And ain't none of 

US feelin too


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Alienated III

 So we made our way to a table with only two chairs. It was by the front windows of he restaurant. We started eating our subs and potato chips, while we washed it down with water. Maybe about six bites in she started talking,

"You might be asking yourself, "Why is this crazy old woman inviting me to lunch?". Well, the short answer is that, I like you. I like talking to you. And this is probably the last time I will ever have a conversation with you again."

'I'm sorry? I'm not understanding?'

"Well, when you have been here as long as I have. Been married as long as I have. You should know better? I'd gotten caught up with that I'd found a friend that I was connecting to mentally. And told my husband as much. He said, "That's good!". At first. Then I used the pronoun, "He" in a conversation about you? That's where I messed up. And why I'll probably never have a conversation with you again, Meredith. I even like your name."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Human Degenerative Blessed Nature

 Aftah awhile in this muh fuckah!

my old Black sorry broke ass has been



But, I mean, shit!

I'm cool with thah way this 

US shit's

Flowin and




But, I mean, shit! Thah way this US muh fuckUS' 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A Global World!? Now, That's Some Stupid evil elite Sorry Ass Commie Funny Shit!

 Thah stupidest muh fuckin thing about these evil Commie FED sorry ass muh fuckahs is that,

Them evil lazy asses can't even take care of ah muh fuckin single

Country without fuckin it up!

And thah evil imbeciles gonnah step out here and try tah 

Rule this


It's like ah sorry ass muh fuckah tryin tah teach US how tah build ah 

Mansion and them broke muh fuckUS livin in ah fucking


Thah fuck's wrong with 

US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Time Is Running The Fuck, Out!

 Like most everyone of US!

Shit, my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass done kicked fuckin rocks and shit too!

Ignorantly thinkin,

US is goin tah be 



And Howevah thah fuck 


I was cool with that RighteoUS

US free tah choose broke shit!

But, my old Black broke ass is havin panic attacks like ah muh fuckah!


I mean,


Did I evah have one thought that 

US will be taken thah fuck ovah!

Without ah 

US Revolution or

US Civil War!?



And here US broke sorry assUS


Gettin ready tah be taken ovah by evil fuckin degenerate

Commies no less!

And ain't none of these US evil Commies been

Murdered and shit?!

I mean, shit!?

Them evil muh fuckahs got 

US's sorry assUS!

Thah fuck!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Donald Trump FTM & Melania Trump MTF

Pick US's poison muh fuckUS!

President Putin called these sorry ass evil

FED muh fuckahs


No mattah thah fuckin vote!

evil Doth veiled



That's how US's



Coup FED shit

evil US





I mean, shit!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, October 14, 2024

US Lives Are For US's Future: US YOUths!

 I write this blog on thah fly. Afterwhich I save it in all kinds of shit!

"Oh! You must think yo shit is that important?! Old ass muh fuckah!"

I undahstand!

But tah me it is!

my old Black ass actually visualizes this future human comin across this madman circa 2000's shit! I write this shit for therapy! But in thah back of my mind, this voice says, 

"But YOU're writing for US YOUths to cope with some future ill shit!"




And when my old Black sorry broke ass stops writin!!

Which would mean I've finally


Over some shit!

I shall hope until thine last old ass 


That there's gonnah be ah future child, future teenager, future young adult...will some day come across this shit! And say to themselves, like 'Spock',


I fatally 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Kamala Harris is uniquely unqualified. - US Speaker of The House, Mike Johnson (Meet The Press)"

 Just witnessed thah clip!

my old Black sorry broke ass about died laughin and about pissed my old ass self!

I mean, shit!

"Uniquely, unqualified"?!

That Johnson politcal correctness sorry ass shit said,

"That Harris he/she ain't shit!"!

And US wonderin why Harris ain't got no


Children and shit!?

Thah fuck!?

Only ah biological 

Man could be this fuckin



What thah fuck?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Mean, Shit! "Alms For The Poor?"

 There're some of US that I get ah creepy fuckin vibe from!

Male and Female God damnit!

And what thah fuck yo broke ass gonnah do and shit!?

I mean, shit! Do US really have options and shit when US has an occupation workin with thah Public?!



I mean, shit!

In thah words of


"Do I really want tah suck that muh fuckUS' nasty dick becaUSe, fuck it, I'm ah whore! Suck it becaUSe I need thah money! Or? Fuck it! I don't need thah ends that muh fuckin bad! I ain't suckin nobodies dick!"?

But shit! When US is workin with thah public and shit! And US gots thah nerves tah be broke assUS?! Don't fuckin mattah whethah thah first two queries are true and are truly

Options, or 



Thah third 



Not ah muh fuckin 


Option with US severely 

Broke assUS!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The evil elite Take The Best Years From US!

 Middle aged US muh fuckUS with real job(s)! Talkin that stupid 

US ubiquitoUS


"Got tah make that money! Overtime is, double time! That means double thah money!"

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass undah-fuckin-stands!

And what thah fuck does US sorry ass two, three...

Children have tah say about that fucked-up shit!?

CaUSe, I mean, shit!

All them lil' muh fuckUS want is tah see and tah be with is

Mommy and





"Tryin tah make that money!" US and that Sorry broke ass mantra?!

I mean, shit!

US broke assUS 

Created, God damnit!

Now, feel what thah fuck

Our Father goes through on ah muh fuckin

Human every fuckin witnessed


In Humans' existence!

Which means,

Your creatin

Child and Children sorry assUS!

Shall be


US sorry muh fuckin

Heathen assUS!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come..)

"Et Tu, Brute?"

 US grown muh fuckin assUS let

This Commie sorry ass 

Devil shit


Thah fuck US IN complainin about and shit!?

A Global World, The U.N., WHO, Agenda 2020, Agenda 2025, Agenda 2030,,,!

I mean, shit!

Them evil elite muh fuckahs done told 

US their dastardly plan and shit!



Thah fuck is thah abhorrent evil



I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Words To US Live By

 In the words of

Mommy and Daddy,

"No one can tell you Meredith, what you individually know."

(Peace! More to come...)

The FCC, Is Now The US: Federal Commie Commission?!

 I mean, shit!

I was ah Radio/Television major in thah University and shit!

All this shit them evil muh fuckahs talkin bout is





my old Black sorry broke ass ain't heard

Shit from


FCC's sorry assUS!?

They don't have US communications shit tah say about 

US communications shit!

Thah absurd US fuck!?

Them sorry ass muh fuckUS' gettin paid on average taxpayin USDs,

$145,000! Times 1,482 FEDeral employees and shit!

And ain't none of these young technologically sound US muh fuckUS have evah heard about 'em!?

Talkin 'bout needin tah be



What thah fuck is this old sorry broke ass

Radio/Television degreed niggah

Missin and shit?!

And what thah fuck done happened tah 

US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

What thah Holy fuck!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

In Due Fucking Old Ass...US Time! And It's About Fucking, US Time!

 There was ah time my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS 

Politics didn't mean nothin tah my Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

But I'm old now!





I've found out throughout this Human time I've witnessed!

I mean, shit!

I should 've paid more attention tah


Politics and shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Russia Kicked The Sorry Ass evil Commies Out! And US Took Those Sorry Ass evil Commies In!?

Been kicked out of 109 muh fuckin countries and shit! And thah muh fuckin total countries are 

195 countries in this firmament! 

Them Russians been tryin tah warn 

US and shit!

US's bein played by these sorry evil elite



And, God damn!





If US don't kick these evil FED Commies out



Like, yesterday some shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Russian Gloating of US Is...Shit...US RighteoUS To US Believers!

 I was watchin this video of President Putin havin an interview and shit!

Thah smooth, always smirkin at US, President Putin said (So the interpreter stated President Putin said. I don't know one word of Russian and shit. Fuck! No!)...

"I would think everything is fine in America. The way she is always laughing and smiling? But if I was in America? I'd vote for Vice President, Harris." As he smirked again. And the audience chuckled...

That shit ain't good for


I mean, shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Polls?! Fuck Them evil Commie Rigged US Polls! They Ain't Worth US Shit!

 This US shit US is goin through is...

Mind numbin!

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass witnessin this shit!

And I'm like,

Shit! US ain't fightin back in no fuckin 


Form or


God damnit!

US are

Just...takin this US torture from these evil elite FED Commie


I mean, shit!

Thah fuck done happened tah



(Peace! More to come...)

The US FED Commie Takeover Is 93% Complete! God damnit!

 I mean, shit!


All them evil muh fuckahs have tah do is, like I've written before, 

Dot some sorry ass


Cross some muh fuckin


Then put ah period on this

Commie FED










Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Universal Basic Income NWO II


Allowance and shit!

With US's grown muh fuckin assUS!?

"You people! If you do well in this society? We, will increase your buying credits! If you do not do well in this society? We will decrease your buying credits!"

Thah fuck kindah absurd fuckin shit!

Grown ass US Americans!?



And them evil muh fuckahs with their sorry ass 

Agendas gonnah push that

"Act like I say. Not as I do." Sorry ass shit!

US ain't no God damned muh fuckin

Children, God damnit!

And y'all evil FED Commie muh fuckahs 





Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Must Remember: Russia Kicked These US FED Commies, Out!

 Thee Holy fuck!

This is a FED Commie US shitshow!

That's gettin

Shittier by thah muh fuckin


I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Military Dicyanin Goggles

 That's what these evil elite muh fuckahs gonnah do and shit!

When thah shit goes south for US broke ass muh fuckUS!

Send their military minions with these shits on!

US muh fuckUS thinkin US's hidin undah ground, hidin in caves...won't make no fuck bit of difference!



Them evil demons will be pointin tah thah places US are hidin...from, tah thah



And thah evil realm shall be givin that broke ass


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

What The US FED Fucked Up evil Commie Coup?

 Got ah headline talkin about ah muh fuckah threatened FEMA representatives and shit?!

Lyin ass evil muh fuckahs! Why thah fuck would some dumb shit like that go down and people need shit!? Unless that sorry ass muh fuckah was paid by them evil FEMA directors tah carry out some stupid shit these propagandists' minions are reportin?! And US fallin for that stupid absurdity!? Fuck!

How thah fuck them evil FED muh fuckahs, US pays in FED taxes and shit gonnah say some shit like,

"We're not going to okay anymore relief money until after the election!"

Thah fuck?!

And them evil Commie FED muh fuckahs jUSt sent Israel an additional

17 billion and some change of US taxpayers hard earned USDs!

Thah fuck, times two! God damnit!

And US ain't sayin shit en masse!?


Thah fuck, times three! God damnit!

I mean, shit!

US broke assUS are in some fuckin real sorry ass




Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Alienated! II

 Well, we got tah thah 'Subway' located not more than two miles past East 86th Street. We ordered and I pulled out ah twenty tah pay. 

"Please? Don't do that?," she said. Turned to the cashier and said, pleasantly, "His money means nothing here, today."...

(Peace! More to come...)

It Is What It US Is! Until It US Ain't!

 US muh fuckUS listen tah this muh fuckin shit but 


Reseach and/or

Read for shit!

"Well the preacher said," "Well, the law enforcement official said.", "My Momma said!," "My Daddy said!."...or whatevah thah blamin muh fuckUS that US wants tah muh fuckin

Blame! God damnit!

Most of US muh fuckUS have reached thah age of majority in this US bitch!

US are some grown muh fuckin assUS!

So, I mean, shit!

US can't absolve US selves in this FED fucked up Commie US Coup!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Makes This Beautiful US Shit! Not These FED US Commies!

 I read US's muh fuckUS 

"Alternative" blogs and shit!

Listen tah US's

"Podcasts" and shit!

Witness and watch US's 

Streamin video sharin and shit!...

I mean, shit!

Aftah ah 

US while and shit!?

What say,


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come,,,)

1 Timothy 1:4 KJV

 4 Neither give into fables and endless geneologies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.

Beautiful written

Biblical prose shit!

Almost in perfect US concise written

Language and shit!

So it shall be thah muh fuckin





Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...(

US Universal Basic Income NWO

 That's what these sorry evil elite muh fuckahs want tah create and shit!

US sorry evil asses shall give US broke assUS US's sorry

Basic muh fuckin


Then, US shall

Shut thah fuck



Wants, are for their entitled evil elite sorry asses!

I mean, shit!

Thah fuck done went wrong with

US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

US are in ah fuckin heap load of fuckin US evil elite



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Broke Sentence: Perpetually Witnessing US Being Tortured Until US's Broke AssUS' Are, Murdered!?

 my old Black sorry broke ass is convinced this sht is ah muh fuckin expensive ass


Ain't no fuckin way!

What my old Black sorry broke ass is witnessin is bein

Witnessed by my fellow future



I mean, shit!?



(Peace! More to come...)

The Near US Future

 There shall come ah time soon, US IN, my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Where all of 

US starts witnessin each othah!


Then, thah 


Epiphany shall take place within


I mean, shit!

US, have been fuckin evilly elite

Fooled about 

US broke sorry ass muh fuckUS!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Then All College Football Teams Should Be One-Loss To One-Win?

 Got all these God damned evil coaches in football, volleyball, tennis, basketball...or whatevah thah professional, college or high school sport!

I mean, shit!

Please tell an old Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin niggah?!

Why muh fuckUS still losin and shit?! Got all these God damned, Offensive Coordinators, Defensive Coordinators, Special Teams coordinators...and shit! And muh fuckUS still losin and shit?!

"Well, someone has to lose! Old ass sorry Black muh fuckah! And the other teams have the same coaching structure!..."

I undahstand!

But God damn!




Payin thah Head college football coach three million USDs for that sorry ass shit?!

I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass ain't got no coachin experience and could get those young men at this point, 0-6! But cha evil asses goin tah break an old ass Black sorry broke muh fuckah at least 


Fuck that!

God damn!

I mean, shit!

Some muh fuckUS need tah be fucking



Not today!

Fuckin yesterday, God damnit!



CaUSe them sorry ass "coaching" losin muh fuckUS don't give ah fuck! 


Thah fuck's wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

The Fucked-Up Commie US FED!

 Them evil degenerate muh fuckahs are not beholden tah any 





Their only FED sorry ass purpose is tah

Rob from,

Steal from,

Pimp and tah muh fuckin



US broke ass muh fuckUS!

I mean, shit!

Thah fuck! Done went wrong with 

US Sonshines!?

What thee Holy fuck!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Declination of US Is Not Luciferians, Not Freemasons, Not evil elites....Or Whatever The Fuck!



I mean, shit!

It is

Lil ol sorry broke ass


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US HAARP's Fucked-Up Firmament's Off Heavenly Chords

 Three quarters of this firmament was pissed!

The Impregnable firmament's shields that were there to protect the other 75 percent of this firmament from Earth's manmade silliness was getting on their nerves.

Constant noise bouncing off of the safety shields.

They were told that when this entire firmament is


That's when the shudders shall come down!

And this


Shall be



(Peace! More to come...)

Agree To Disagree. The US RighteoUS Way: Civilly!

 I love talkin tah othah muh fuckUS IN US!

Like 'Spock' USed tah say,


Back in thah day, with my young insecure Black ass, I would sit up there and talk shit back with 'em and shit if thah othah person didn't agree with me! Gettin all heated and shit!

Absurd shit!

But, I mean, shit! my old Black sorry broke ass smiles at those silly ass confrontations now

BecaUSe ah niggUS' 


Broke and


I mean, shit!

Now, my retort is jUSt two words and shit!

'I undahstand!'



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I remembah talkin tah ah patient and shit. Found out she was Pentecostal. We started havin ah lil chit-chat about some shit! She, at thah time, was probably fifteen years oldah than my forty-five years old Black ass. She was married! Anyway...she said, to me,

"When is your lunch? Let's go have lunch? And I'll buy you lunch? And we'll continue this conversation?! How about it?"

'Okay. It's close to noon now. So where would you like to go?'

"Is 'Subway' agreeable? If not, you choose?"

'That's fine by me.'

"Okay. I'll drive us."...

(Peace! More to come...)

There Are InnumeroUS Amounts of Lights To Screw INto US!

 Got ah story for US and shit!

I remembah talkin tah this muh fuckah about some current shit!

He looked at me like I was crazy.

I looked back at him with ah blank face.

Finally, he said, "Seriously?!"

'Seriously,' I said.

"Bro. I'm goin to have to get back with you on that wild shit?!" He said.

'Please, get back with me? I'm here as a witness. For now.'...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, October 12, 2024

"Oklahoma vs Texas"

Oklahoma shall lose!

Can't beat thah numbah one team in college football by

Puntin on fourth and one!

And kickin fuckin field goals at fourth and

Goal! With yo one loss sorry tryin tah get ah




Didn't them evil college Oklahoma coaches, or any college footbal coaches, even watch thah videos of

Vanderbilt tearin number one Alabama ah fuckin new one last week!?

I mean, shit!

Playin conventional college football play percentages ain't gonnah get that shit done, Sonshines!



(Peace! More to come...)

3.3333333... and 6.666666666666667: Ten & Twenty Are Masonically and Luciferian evil, Divided by Three!

 Dividin ten and twenty by thah muh fuckin "magic number"


Thee Holy fuck!

And thah muh fuckin

7 equals shit when three is divided intah twenty!?

Is for thah muh fuckin


Churches in thah book of


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The World's Doomsday Seed Vault"?

 But, them evil muh fuckahs are talkin about

"Global Warming" and shit?!


Doomsday Seeds don't fare well within ah 

Manmade environmental 


"Global Warming"




Our Faather's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Needs To "Shut The Fuck Up" About This US Prepper RighteoUS Shit!

 All thah technology these FED evil degenerates have at their sorry ass fucked-up

Fingertips and shit!


"US are going to survive in a remote area! And start this Eden once again!"

I mean, shit!



US shall be thah first 

US muh fuckUS tah die!

US needs tah shut thah fuck up about 

US's cataclysmic survival shit!

Thah fuck done went wrong with 

US broke jUSt tryin tah

Survive assUS?!

"Yah don't tell or show massah! Nothin!"!

God damned skippy!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ain't No US Black Muh FuckUS's Gonnah Fuck With Your US White Muh Fuckin Ass! TrUSt An Old Black Broke Sorry Ass!?

 If US is one of US NiggUS and shit!

US done heard that ubiquitoUS hackneyed phrase,

"Some of my best friends are, Black!"

my old Black sorry broke ass undahstands, my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!


How many of those White muh fuckUS that say that solid shit!

And you suggests tah those White muh fuckUS US IN, Indianapolis,

"Let's go to "The Point..." and have a few beers?"

Once they "Google" or whatevah thah fuck!?

US IN White folks be like,

"I would love to Bro! But give me a raincheck this time?"!

Yet, them White muh fuckUS think every muh fuckin place they invite yo

Black broke ass

 to, is cool with some

US NiggUS' shit?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Dr. Oumair Aejaz, 40 (Detroit, Michigan). Sorry Ass Degenerate evil Minion To The US FED Commie evil elite!

Thee Holy fuck! 

This is thah kind of shit these evil ass degenerate elite have been gettin away with and shit for fuckin decades and shit!

Now, comin tah


Broke ass


Even though that sorry ass muh fuckah is ah person of color, that sorry ass muh fuckah ain't no muh fuckin niggah!

Just witness thah evil FED elite minion's name God damnit!

That ain't no White folks God damned US niggUS' slave name!



And them evil White FED muh fuckahs makin thah US White folks thinkin

US NiggUS are thah muh fuckin problem 



I mean, shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Mick Jagger" FTM And "Milla Jovovich" MTF

 Cloned from thah same



(Peace! More to come...)

"Trump is in a better polling spot now than he was against Clinton or Biden - USA TODAY"

 Thee Holy fuck!

That ain't good for US

Republicans and shit!

Headlinin on "yahoo! News" and shit!?



This means thah evil Commie FED takeover gets muh fuckin




Yesterday and shit, God damnit!

I mean, shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Black Hills of South Dakota 575 Units Doomsday Preppers' Community"?

I betchah ain't one US niggah in that Community!



And not one of those silly sorry ass muh fuckin bunkers are painted


Strike number one, on the first wave thah FED

DEWs are goin tah


All 575!

Thah fuck!?

US are some absurd sorry ass muh fuckUS!

I mean, shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, October 11, 2024

The Near US Future?

 There will come ah time my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Where each and every single one of 

US, will have tah ask that old ass hackneyed


"Are those sorry ass muh fuckUS worth my US blessed broke ass muh fuckin


Choose US wisely, Sonshines!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Truman Show" And Other Predictive Programming FED, Hollywood CIA, Fucked-Up US Fucking ill Ass Shit!

 Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs showin 

US what thah fuck them evil muh fuckahs about and shit!

And what thah Holy fuck do 



US broke assUS spendin hundreds of millions of absurd

USDs, as ah sorry ass US collective, tah view in

US cinemascope...or whatevan thah US fuck!

And US spends good money for information that

US willfully paid for and shit!

And toss it tah thah side as far as jUSt,

"That was an excellent movie! Such vision!..."

How thah Holy fuck yo evil elite ass gonnah make ah muh fuckin movie for three hundred mill', and that shit only made ten percent upon, thah fuck first week and shit,


Ain't makin' no money, God damnit!

But, I mean, shit!

It's an evil expensive gamble US Commie FED degenerates gots tah invest 


Always! It's called thah evil Commie heavy price of


Propaganda and shit!

And, ""US Commie FED Sorry Asses!" Like you so eloquently evilly put it! Is all the evil rage!"

I mean, shit!

US really bein complicit in this fucked up

FED evil



I mean, Shit!

I'm proud tah be one of 

US! And shall always be 



But, I mean, shit!

Thah fuck!

Done happened tah US Sonshines?!

God damn!

What thee Holy US fuck!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US DUMBs for The evil elite! And US Are IN Heaven!

 Them evil muh fuckahs can fuckin 


But they show thah fuck can't


US are goin tah finally 

Hunt and

Murder you sorry ass degenerates!





Reset this 



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Humans' Children Birth Strike!

 That's thah only way US are goin tah get out of this evil FED Commie conjured

Doldrum shit!

Choose tah



Birth any more of US

Humans! God damnit!

Until US broke ass muh fuckUS can reaffirm righteoUS



Othah than that Sonshines!?

US, are jUSt fartin in thah 


US evil fucked up current Commie ubiquitoUS destructible



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The VR Headset That Kills You If You Die In The Game."

 Thee Holy fuck!

Don't got enough of real life that will take US's sorry broke ass out!?

Then them evil imbeciles gots some shit for 

US imbeciles and shit!

And US muh fuckUS will be playin that sorry ass muh fuckin shit!

And droppin like flies!


Think about thah muh fuckin evil FED funded vaccines and shit! Supposed tah be safe?! But them shits ain't! Now, think about ah lil muh fuckah gettin on some "Kitty" game some shit!? Them evil muh fuckahs, like thah sorry mRNA they put in some shit, puts some ill shit in ah lil "Kiddy" game that kills those unbeknownst lil muh fuckin 


"Why would anyone play this shit?! It's ridiculoUS!"

I undahstand!

But, I mean, shit!


US are muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Al Sharpton", A Shame Before Our Father!

 Sorry ass muh fuckin 

US evil

FED paid

Conk haired

Drug dealin


Child Trafficking

Snitch (Like Sean Combs, Jesse Jackson...) on US broke assUS, fuckin degenerate


I mean, shit!

And yah heard it from this old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass niggah


(Peace! More to come...)

Fighting The US Human Inevitable?! And "The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert CamUS".

 Irks my fuckin old Black sorry broke ass somethin terrible, God damnit!

US old ass muh fuckUS sittin up here, lookin all pitiful and shit, talkin that ill ass evil conditioned bullshit,

"I wants tah live as long as I can!"

I mean, shit!

By jUSt that statement with US old broke muh fuckin assUS,

US knows,

The end is nigh!


Shut thah fuck up about that 



Life bullshit!

And with some  muh fuckin






When US's old ass numbah's 




Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Cardi B" MTF





Would put themselves through such disfigurements tah look more like a 

Real muh fuckin





my old Black sorry broke about tah die muh fuckin ass don't give one solid fuck!

And I'm 

Weary as fuck!



I mean, shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US FED Commie Coup Is Going Down IN US 2024!

 This ill Commie Coup is goin down, "Charlie Brown"!

Them evil muh fuckahs already settin that shit up and shit!

Got pedophile Barack O'Bama out here tryin tah make it happen, captains! Lookin, tired, worried and old as fuck!

These FED major pedophiles can't be exposed!



I mean, shit! 

In thah evilest ass month of thah fuckin year in


God damn!

It's gonnah be US bloody and US ghoulish as fuck before this election!




Just keep workin and prayin my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS every fuckin day!?

And US 

Shall be


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, October 10, 2024

US Clandestinely Commie States' Welfare Systems!

 "But they just got hit with a natural catastrophe!"

And don't give ah US IN Holy fuck!


my old Black, stank, wrinkly, hairy nuts!

Ain't nothin 

"Natural" bout this manmade evil fucked-up weather shit!



US states' Governors know what thah fuck is goin on and shit!

US are individual states!

Payin ah fucked-up vig tah thah US FED!


Don't fuckin have ah fuckin clue God damnit!

I had tah pay in 2023 state taxes, two-hundred and forty-five USDs tah thah state of US IN!

Thah fuckin US evil FEDeral taxes?!

Two-thousand and nineteen USDs! I mean, shit! I'm makin payments on that shit! Fuck that! Ah niggah ain't got those types of ends jUSt lyin around with my old Black sorry broke ass!



Anyway...When states, want tah put intah thah FED fucked-up pot, for fucked up insurance purposes for this Beautiful country! Like most recently Helene and Milton! Shit! I can dig that righteoUS shit!

But when US Individual states includin thah state where I

Hive?! And pay state taxes


And thah evil fucked-up Commie FED done said tah those othah US states,

"Shit sorry ass muh fuckUS! US evil FED muh fuckUS are tapped! "No soup for you!"!

US Governors have neglected

US's individual states'

Security and 


US Individual states, God damnit!

These sorry ass Governors are and have been co-saboteurs and shit with this insidioUS Commie takeover of US! This soon tah be collusional "Global New World Order" evil sorry shit!

Takin individual state taxpayin USDs out of thah state which it was intended is...

US muh fuckin


And fuckin illegal

Misappropriations of





Kindah fuckin Commie US absurd shit US IN done been complicit and are bein an accomplice IN!?

I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Asian Giant Hornets And The evil elite

 Invasive species!

God damned


Commie shit,

Fuckin US's shit thah fuck

Up! God damnit!

Like what thah evil ass US FED 's doin and shit! Takin ovah 


Colonies, then thah varioUS


Hives and shit!

Then gots thah nerves, wonderin why US muh fuckUS tryin tah

Kill them evil lazy psychotic muh fuckin sorry, nasty, murderoUS,.. degenerate asses?!

I mean, shit!

Fucking FED evil sorry ass muh fuckin


Bullies and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US FED Set-Up!

 Them evil FED elite minions fizzled


"Well, why would they do that old mother fucker! That's just fucking even dumb to be writing!"

I mean, shit!

I undahstand! But check it?

US knows their evil nasty asses are about opposites and shit!

So I must look at that old Children's story of

"The Boy Who Cried Wolf"!

Same fuckin thing but with ah muh fuckin modern evil spin on some dastardly shit!

Well, them FED degenerates (And that's what President Putin calls these sorry ass evil Commie FED political muh fuckahs! And an old niggah agrees!), gives all these news stories from every network, talkin bout ah Hurricane Milton that will be devastating! Uhh...thah shit didn't go down like y'all sorry ass muh fuckahs said it was catastrophically goin tah go down! Where, "Here in lies the rub!" and shit!

Aftah doin that shit tah US! US muh fuckUS be like

"Fuck that shit! We're riding it out! At home!" on subsequent evacuation warnings and shit! Now, these FED fucked-up evil muh fuckahs done played that ass! 

Them evil FED degenerates fire that HAARP shit up once again, for thah 23rd hurricane of thah muh fuckin season! Hurricane William!

Give thah muh fuckin alerts! Oh, every one of those sorry ass broke muh fuckahs goin tah ride thah shit out! Stayin home and shit! Just like we evil muh fuckahs' had planned! Excellent!


That CAT 5 stays at

CAT 5 when it makes fuckin landfall!

I mean, shit!

Sorry for US's fucked-up luck!

And US broke assUS are now, stuck like chuck!

While thah FED evil decimation of states and it's peoples' in


Shall be successfuly, evilly...


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Write On This US FED Fucked Up Shit!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Every one of US doin this 

PC shit ad nauseaum and shit!

Tap dancing, doin ah lil soft-shoe all thah God damned time!

Fuck that shit!

I'm old God damnit! Feet and hips are fuckin hurtin like ah muh fuckah!

This be 


God damnit!

How that RighteoUS shit go,

"If they mind, then they don't matter! And if they matter, then they don't mind."?

God damned muh fuckin 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Vanessa Kerry, MD MSe", John Kerry's Daughter?

 God damn!

Talkin bout an ugly muh fuckin 


Fuck ah muh fuckin 


That busted muh fuckah is ah evil sorry ass

Adrenochrome only

Drinkin repugnant sorry ass muh fuckin



I mean, shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, October 9, 2024



Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come...)

Feeding Human Family Pigs?

 Every time I hear one of 

US broke ass muh fuckUS espousin

"I have to go home and feed the family."

I mean, shit!


 Makes my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass 

Cringe and shit!

What thah fuck?!


YOUr family ah bunch of

Pigs some shit!?

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Thee Holy fuck!

Ain't nobody guidin US broke grown muh fuckin assUS


Amiss! No fuckin place that US don't want tah fuck tah




How thah Holy fuck, grown ass muh fuckUS gonnah talk that ubiquitoUS sorry ass


Victim fecal matter!?

US is doin that thah fuck 

US God damned


Lettin these now US Commies 


Thah fuck's done went wrong with 

US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

What thee Holy fuck?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Broke Ass Muh FuckUS, Be! God Damnit!

 Do you know what my old Black ass 



Pretty in


Makes pure thoughts


Prick some sweet Human fruit from this


Tree of 


Fuck ah muh fuckin sorry ass



Institutions tah thah fucked up


Don't need tah go any further!

It's jUSt individual 

You, me and

Our blessed



(Peace! More to come...)

"The Logical Song - Supertramp" III

 my old Black sorry broke ass thinks I told US before,

I love this shit!

Speaks tah my old broke 

Black ass 

Soul for some fucked up 


But, I mean, shit!



Some bad ass muh fuckin righteoUS shit!

I mean, shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Start Writing US's Human Historical Truth my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!


US's broke 'bout ready tah die muh fuckin

Souls out intah this muh fuckah!

Just inform an old broke niggah where tah

Find US?! Anyway...

Them evil degenerates created it with muh fuckin evil





"Happy-Harry-Hard-On", stated in thah movie

"Pump Up The Volume"!

"The Truth is a


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Adam evil Global World Effect

 Blanket this firmament in 






Adams...which shall


(Peace! More to come...)

No Thing But US!

 E pluribUS





US are being






But, I mean, shit!

It's jUSt US broke ass


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"17 Days - Prince" II

 Do US not undastand when that muh fuckah sings or whatevah thah fuck,

"...and all I've got! Is two cigarettes! And this broken heart of mine!"

Do US undahstand what my ex-nicotine cigarette hittin smokin ah pack-and-a-half ah day was thinkin bout that shit my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

"Uh! my shit's low! NiggUS' gonnah have tah make ah run!"

And thah muh fuckah still ponderin and shit?!

Thah fuck niggah!?

Yo ass about ready tah run out of that muh fuckin well needed



I mean, shit!

Pondering and 


I dig that



Nic' shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"17 Days - Prince"

US funky bad ass 

RighteoUS shit!

Read between thah lines


US evil Messages of warnings abound in this


The B-Sides!

Thah real




And evil US Commie


Shall be


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Modern US YOUng Adults' Parental Communications

 I think about my Daughter on ah regulah!

She 's all grown-up now and shit! But, what's an old niggah supposed tah do and shit?! 

 I texted her, 

"Call an old niggah?! So I can hear your voice!? Make sure you 're all right?!" 

And what thah fuck do these young people do?!

Do they call?! So US can hear their voice at least!?



She texted me back,

"Daddio! I'm just fine! Love you!"

Thah fuck?!

I mean, shit! Modern day muh fuckin technological young ass

YOUth shit!?

But an old-school broke niggUS' still, needin tah hear ah Daughter's voice,

I guess, gots tah


I mean, shit!


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Is The US Government Controlling Hurricane Milton?"

 Short answah,



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

U.S. House of Representative from Florida's 19th district, Byron Donalds

 Thee Holy fuck!

All my old Black ass gots tah say about this muh fuckah is:






Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Bastard Milton

 US knows how many incensed muh fuckUS there 're goin tah be aftah this manmade FED shit hits!?

I mean, shit! Them evil degenerate muh fuckahs jUSt got through with sendin thah manmade bitch

Helene and shit!

But shit, where there's ah fucked-up manmade


There is always ah fucked-up manmade


Son tah


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

"Andrew Garfield Recalls..."We Didn't Hear Cut" - DEADLINE" II

 Okay? And do US remembah when ol

"Caligula" and shit came out, the Penthouse version?!

And Malcolm McDowell, Peter O'Toole, Helen Mirren... callin foul becaUSe

Old evil Penthouse Founder, Bob Guccione, filmed these orgy sex scenes

Unbeknownst tah these sorry ass

Actors aforementioned and shit?!

Then "spliced" thah shit intah thah movie?!

I mean, shit!

And some of 

US still aspire tah be

Actors and


What thah absurd US Free fuckin, fuck is wrong with 


(Peace! More to come...)

"Andrew Garfield Recalls..."We Didn't Hear Cut" - DEADLINE"

Naw muh fuckah! Yo sorry ZJ ugly ass, like Brando, didn't hear muh fuckin,

"Cut!"! God damnit! 

And US ain't heard shit from thah muh fuckin supposed 

"Woman" in thah fucked-up scene and shit!

His sorry ass's account


Supreme and shit!

Remembah my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS when 

Marlon Brando took it upon his nasty evil elite minion ass, tah

Put buttah around thah MTF Maria Schneider character's anal area and fuck thah muh fuckah in thah anus in thah evil movie,

"Last Tango In Paris" and shit!?

I mean, shit!

Look thah shit up and shit!? Ol Marlon was goin tah fuckin prison God damnit ovah that "acting" "extemporaneoUS" fucked up shit!

And in 

Today's times,

Florence Pugh ain't said

Shit tah thah muh fuckin adverse!

But aftah awhile!

Ol Maria show thah butt fucked


I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Speak On This evil US Commie ill NWO/Global World Takeover of US's Shit!

 There is no time like thah present my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

US muh fuckUS needs tah read this fucked-up 



History from


Not from their 

Commie propagandized evil elite progandists' minion sorry asses!



I mean, shit!

From only lil broke assUS


Not from them evil elite muh fuckahs!





Before it's too 

Late for 

US broke assUS?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Ignorance, Oft Times, Is Not Bliss! II

 But here's thah best evil shit about thah "slight" prescription ruse!

If my optical doctah sorry ass changes my shit by ah quartah of ah diopter, or change five degrees axis or more?!

I still got yo muh fuckin sorry broke ass


Havin problems with that new prescription!? Nevah ah fuckin problem!

"Oh! We can definitely remake your custom-made prescription lenses back to your old prescription! That is not a problem at all! You are within your sixty days of a prescription change! But I will caution you. The doctor, based on your input, changed your prescription. You are the one that aided him in your prescription change. And based on that we will forewarn you that, the prescription which you were a definite party to, he still feels this prescription change is better for you than the old prescription. Just keep that in mind if you would please, once you receive your old prescription?."

Now aftah all that bullshit is avowed tah thah unbeknownst takin advantage of patient, that remake ain't costin thah individual office, jack shit! 

CaUSe thah lab has ah one-time doctahs change in rx remake for "free", policy!

And aftah all of that!

Yo sorry 

Optometrical owner evil 

Unethical ass, has still got yo


Then these Optometrists want tah sit up here now, and wondah why thah less ignorant

Patients are goin on-line tah

Zenni, Warby Parker or some othah non-

Brick and Mortar shit!?

I mean, shit!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Ignorance, Oft Times, Is Not Bliss!

 US tries tah tell broke ass muh fuckUS some shit and shit?! But for some fucked-up reason muh fuckUS don't listen tah yo Black old seasoned broke ass?!

But I can dig that ill ass shit!

I work in optical! I have for about thah past twenty years some shit?!

I USed tah work for this sorry ass optometrist that had ah business in thah 'Eagle Creek' area! Thah muh fuckah's retired now and shit!

Well, I started noticin some shit in his prescriptions and shit! He'd change thah clueless optical patient that they had ah slight prescription change! And thah slight change bein ah quarter sphere, or ah quartah cylinder or ah quartah add power or change thah axis by three degrees some sorry shit! What they call in thah muh fuckin

"Optical industry", 


But thah sorry ass money grubbin muh fuckah would say to me, right in front of thah unknowin patient,

"Now, Meredith. We have a visually interesting change in (Insert patient thah fuck's name) visual acuity! Even though slight, in my visual findings, albeit slight? They will definitely benefit from new lenses due to their slight prescription change. And based on their slight prescription change, make sure they have the best progressive lenses, the best anti-reflective coating, definitely polycarbonate and I would definitely explain and mention about the advantages and benefits of Transitions to (Insert patient thah fuck's name") filled prescription!" Then he'd turn tah thah sucker patient and say, "Okay? I'll see you next year! Meredith will take it from here. He will take care of all of your visual needs. And if you have any problems with the change? Please, come back and see me?"

I was always thinkin, 'for ah fuckin quartah or three off axis... tolerance prescription change?'! But that's how these unethical doctah muh fuckUS roll,



I mean, shit!?

Thah muh fuckah was writin my checks and shit!? And supposedly an "ethical" optometrist?! What's ah niggah supposed tah do and shit?

So, I'd walk that shit down tah thah patient like he ordered me tah do, clandestinely, aftah they chose their frame and shit, 

'And that will be twelve-hundred and thirty dollars. Will that be cash, check, FSA or HSA?!' 

I mean, shit! If they went for that bullshit?! That Heathen no-count optometrist muh fuckah jUSt got paid! For ah fuckin quartah! If not?! Yo sorry broke ass chose thah fuck, "Right"! Take your God damned prescription and run God damnit! And nevah come back!

But I absolutely loved when I would get ah broke ass muh fuckah, like me, aftah tellin them that bad ass evil aggregate for their new seein eyeglasses or jUSt lenses! They'd say humbly, broke,

"What would you do?! I don't have that type of money? I mean, I could possibly swing it? But what would you do?"

And I'd tell them with the utmost earnestness,

'Nothing! Absolutely, nothing. You're fine. Thank you! And you have an exam copay of ten dollars. Will that be cash, check, credit card, FSA or HSA?'

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass lasted less than

Six months at that evil bitch/bastard!

Oh, I didn't get fired, God damnit!



But one day, I couldn't do thah dastardly unethical shit any longah!

And I said tah myself,

Fuck this shit!

And jetted!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Pain Thresholds Currently Are Off The US Fucking Charts!?

 Remembah my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS, in the movie "Ronin"!?

And Robert DeNiro's character was talkin tah this othah spy kind of mothah fuckah?

Thah othah spy muh fuckah said some shit tah Robert DeNiro's character somethin like,

"So what? We torture them to death and they still won't talk?"

Robert DeNiro's character looked at that muh fuckah like he was stupid, 'Whah?'. But then he said,

"They always talk!"

I mean, shit!

US are bein 

Tortured, for thah past four fuckin years and countin, by these evil ass heartless, worthless, nasty, narcissistic,,,, lazy ass muh fuckahs!

And ain't none of 

US still saying, any


RighteoUS shit on ah broad basUS!

I mean, shit! Thah muh fuckah said,

"They always talk!" aftah bein tortured!?

I mean, shit!

US eithah loves muh fuckin, sorry ass fucked-up



US are some muh fuckin really


Free, evilly desentisized, 


US sorry ass muh fuckUS!

What thah US RighteoUS, fuck!?

Thah fuck?!




Women and 




I'm an old ass niggah!

Fuck this shit!

I don't know about thah rest of

US?! But, I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass got ah muh fuckin strong

Aversion tah 

Absurd evil induced





Pain, God damnit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Brittany Mahomes" MTF and "Patrick Mahomes" FTM

 And thah sorry ass evil controlled minions have not







I mean, shit!


(Peace! More to come...)

US, Please?! Don't Fucking US Early Vote!?...

 I mean, shit!

This is where thah US cheatin starts God damnUS!

Based on thah muh fuckin early

US votin numbahs and shit!?

It gives them evil elite degenerate muh fuckahs critical information on,

Where them evil elite nasty worthless muh fuckahs, need tah



Lethal tired of this FED 

Commie shitshow




Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Scientists Say They've Traced Back the Voices Heard by People With Schizophrenia - Futurism"

 Thee Holy fuck!

I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass can tell

US that simple shit!


Manufactured ill ass

Vaccines and 






Now, how much of thah fuckin hundreds of wasted Billions of USDs for this evil absurd research in fucked-up, US taxpayin, FED grant money?! Y'all evil muh fuckahs gonnah break off tah an old broke sorry ass 



I mean, shit!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Jennifer McCormick (D)" MTF US IN Gubernatorial Candidate

Once thah fuck again, God damnit!

Kamala Harris MTF et al! 

And now,

US IN Hoosiers,

"She would be the first Indiana 'Female' Governor, if elected."


I mean, shit!

my old Black hairy, stank, wrinkly nuts!

And IN US 


Women, still ain't sayin


And (D) stands for, still got ah


(Peace! More to come...)

"Gin & Juice - Snoop Dogg" Doth Thine Rapper Be Currently Prophetic?!

What thee Holy fuck done happened in thah last four years tah have US YOUng ass muh fuckUS be droppin like muh fuckin flies?! 

I mean, shit!? Some type of, "Three, six, nine, twelve, fifteen eighteen...because, Three! It's a magic number - Schoolhouse Rock," type of evil sadistic, fucked up sick shit?!

Just read the headlines on "yahoo" or some shit?!

A lot of those muh fuckUS I ain't evah heard of, bein YOUng ass "Influencers" and shit, with my old Black broke ass but them US YOUng muh fuckUS are now


And got these physicians' elite sorry ass minions tryin tah justify thah uptick of Cancer, Heart Disease... rare fucked-up names of new diseases sorry shit them evil muh fuckahs done 'conjured' up and shit! Tah fuckin abhorrently justify with "Science-based evidence" thah reason why US future YOUths are droppin fuckin


Or havin ah prolonged new made-up disease and aftah about thirteen weeks in thah hospital, thah YOUng pitiful ass muh fuckUS are


And US jUSt sittin

Back! And ain't sayin dick about US's 


"In US plain sight," and shit! 

Bein horribly abused and tortured by injectin some evil manmade shit that

US sorry broke assUS don't know ah God damned thing about!

"Stick it tah me Doc'! Whatevah y'alls asses gots! I wants tah live as long as I can!"

I can dig that, shit!

But fuck US old about tah die sorry broke ass muh fuckUS! US old assUS can be fuckin experimental guinea-pigs' pin-cushions...whatevah thah fuck. if US have absurdly chosen tah do so! But doin this horrid shit tah 

US's future: 

US's beautiful YOUths! 

Now this is some evil degenerate fucked-up shit!




US's have got tah this desensitized conditioned fucked-up mindset,

Like ol evil "Snoop Dogg" back in thah day,

"Laid back! With my mind on my money and my money on my mind" US sorry ass muh fuckUS done got on that ooowww-weee, alcohol...and said,




What thah fuck!?

US are suggestin tah my old Black sorry broke about tah die ass that, 

"Snoop" bein ah modern day evil muh fuckin

NostradamUS some shit?

Thee Holy fuck!?

What thah fuck done happened tah US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

What thah fuck done fuckin happened...tah


I mean, shit!


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"A Simple Plan (1998 - Movie)"

 Fuck thah movie! Read thah novel written by

Scott Smith in 1993!

Excellent, normal psychological, still contemporary shit! US won't regret it!

And my old Black sorry broke ass still waitin for them sorry evil Hollywood imbeciles tah make ah muh fuckin movie out of 

John Katzenbach's, "State of Mind"! I mean shit! Talkin about some 

RighteoUS speculative fiction shit at its finest!

And quite topical, today!



(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, October 7, 2024


 (Peace! More to come...)

The US Three Percent IV

 "Thank you. Now please lock the door? Thank you."

I'm thinkin what the fuck!? I done said what I said. I'm sorry. But we ain't gonnah keep talkin about this. I mean shit!

She slowly approached me. Got real close to my face where I could feel her breath on my lips. Then she said, softly, "Now. Let's go have that adult conversation."

Then my manly bit, unexpectedly started to move...

(Peace! More to come...)

US White Folks Are Gettin Fucked by US FED White Folks!

Got White folks still hatin 



Cracks my old Black ass up!

Ain't one

US niggah runnin

Real US


Not fucking




There's only one niggah on thah board of directors at BlackRock, out of sixteen! God damnit! Shit, that ain't no fuckin juice! Think for one second that muh fuckin one pepper flake gonna tell some shit tah the surroundin, mostly Kosher, fifteen crystals of salt, in adverse of any fuckin thing?!



But White people please read an old Black broke ass niggah jUSt one time?

Y'all don't have tah worry about US NiggUS!



Look around my Dear Sweet White SistUS and BrothUS!




Folks are fuckin yah!

Thah same FED White folks makin these fucked up laws that are fuckin

US White folks!

Not US NiggUS!



I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US, Always, Pays For This US "Free" Shit!

 my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass is so tired of readin these muh fuckin "stories" of muh fuckUS tellin some shit ten years latah and shit, "Because, I didn't know what tah do!"

Shit, I don't know about US?!

But my old Black broke ass learned long ago!

"If yah ain't did shit for it! Don't take thah muh fuckin money, food, pussy, dick...whatevah thah fuck!!!"



 Ain't nothin in this muh fuckah 

"Free" God damnit!



CaUSe my 

"Free" livin 

IN US, sorry old Black broke ass. is ah muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Don't Take Another FED evil Shot of No Thing!

 My wife hasn't been feelin too well and shit ovah thah past three days some shit!

Of course, I suggested tah her Elderberry, Echinachea and NAC!

She took two vaccination shits back around 2021 and shit, and she stated them shits were from

Pfizer! So she could travel and see our grandchild and shit that lives in Florida!

I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass has gottin USed tah bein not


I mean, can ah niggah introduce you to

Black walnut hulls, Fenbendazole, Thyme...

Whatevah thah fuck!?

CaUSe an old ass broke niggah 

Loves your ass!

And don't take anothah shot of 



And, she hasn't!

Thanks tah

Our Father!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Christopher Ciccone, Madonna's brother and collaborator, dies at 63 - Entertainment"

On 10-04-2024!?

At 63?

I mean, shit!

Don't dare cross muh fuckin paths with that evil elite minion muh fuckin old ass




I mean,

God damned!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

'MTG's New Hurricane Helen Conspiracy: 'They Can Control the Weather' - DAILY BEAST" II

 Thee Holy Fuck!

They let these evil muh fuckin propagandists' minion politicians say shit that US muh fuckUS don't believe is 

True and shit!

Them evil muh fuckahs call some shit

"Conspiracy Theories"!

But, shit!

Those, "US conspiracy theory" shits are muh fuckin

True as fuck!

No mattah thah muh fuckin sorry ass evil elite propagandists'


(Peace! More to come...)

"King Charles Breaks The Habit Of A Lifetime. Starts To Eat Lunch On Doctor's Orders - DEADLINE"

 "Damnit man! For Our evil King's sake Charles! You cannot live by




(Peace! More to come...)

"Meet Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi's 2 kids:...People"

 Thee Holy fuck!

This is what gets my old Black broke ass fumin about these evil elite propagandists' minions and shit!

How thah Holy fuck!

Can ah muh fuckin

MTF (Graf) and muh fuckin

FTM (Agassi) have muh fuckin


Children and shit?!

Please tell an old ass niggah!

CaUSe ah niggah would really like tah know before my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass


(Peace! More to come...)

"Who Is Colorado Buffaloes Player Travis Hunter's Fiancee?... - People"

 And in every muh fuckin God damned photo in thah clicked article, on that sorry ass muh fuckah!

That Black muh fuckin ass lookin and smilin like,

"Look, muh fuckUS?! I's got myself ah near White Woman!"!

Kindah fuckin absurd 2024 sorry ass US shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Donald Glover/Childish Gambino"

 Thah latest one, of many, young US entertainers' muh fuckUS that have been cancelling tours and shit! Canceling their US muh fuckin livelihoods for undisclosed health reasons!?

Aftah thah last four years of strong armed vaccinations! Where US assUS couldn't travel, work...without bein fuckin vaccinated! 

I mean, shit! 

An old niggah jUSt puttin it out there and shit! CaUSe he's anothah young muh fuckah cancellin some shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass wonders what undisclosed health reasons, pray tell?!

I mean ah niggah ain't got tah tell my old Black broke ass shit! HIPPAA privacy and personal privacy and shit! I undahstand! Just wonderin? 

BecaUSe if it's some muh fuckin ill ass

VAERs, shit! That shit could help US with the Truth of these evil elite and FED sorry ass muh fuckahs tryin tah




That's all?!

Our Father's speed,


(Peace! More to come...)

"Hurricane Tracker: Milton to strengthen into a hurricane today, set to make landfall in Florida this week - yahoo! News"

 Thah fuck DeSantis do and shit?

Say tah those evil ass nasty muh fuckahs, "I ain't suckin nobodies dick! And I for damn show ain't lettin none of y'all evil muh fuckin HPV, Herpes infected...muh fuckahs, fuck me in thah ass!"!?

I mean, shit!

Them evil muh fuckahs are aftah US Florida's ass!

Big fuckin time!

That HAARP shit is bein calibrated tah do some more muh fuckin damage tah 


For some fucked-up reason those evil elite minions ain't through with

US's Floridians!

Out Father's speed

US Floridians!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tel Aviv, Israel! US Reading About Some Back To Babylon Shit!

 I mean shit!

I'm listenin tah this muh fuckUS's podcast and shit! While researchin thah shit he's spittin!

That muh fuckah says, "In Tel Aviv, Israel. 25% of the population identifies as being, gay."

I'm like, ain't no fuckin way?

So I put intah thah search engine,

"What percentage of Tel Aviv, Israel population is gay?"!


my old Black sorry broke ass kids US thah fuck


25 fuckin percent!

US sendin ovah 100 billions of USDs taxpayin dollUS tah help this obvioUS degenerative shit?!

US is complicit in fightin for this evil ass shit!?

And that's thah muh fuckin 

Capital God damnit!

I mean, shit!

Thah fuck's done went wrong with US Sonshines?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Intrinsic US evil elites' Military Bodyguards

 Thee Holy fuck!

These evil muh fuckahs talkin all bad and shit, and when one of these other nation's call their sorry ass on some shit! Shit, fuck it! 


US right now, God damnit!

Them sorry lazy evil elite muh fuckahs tells US others, "Follow your orders! And kick their asses!"!

While them slothful evil elite sits back, imbibe, do drugs and carry-on with their various nasty prurient interests and othah dastardly non-labor shit!

Thah fuck?!

And US's pitiful 

US Military, US Law Enforcement Officials, US political figures...

US broke ass muh fuckUS!

Following fucking evil US FED fucked-up sorry ass


Does thah evil shit for them evil ass worthless muh fuckahs!

I mean, shit!

Thah fuck done went wrong with US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

What thah Holy fuck?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, October 5, 2024

'MTG's New Hurricane Helen Conspiracy: 'They Can Control the Weather' - DAILY BEAST"

Thee Holy fuck!

Can't stand thah muh fuckin MTF but,




Them evil muh fuckahs got records and shit of

"Project Cirrus/Project Stormfury" and shit!


That shit comes with 





Receipts, God damnit!

I mean, shit!?

Thee Holy fuck!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"As Medicare fraud spreads, SFla tops US for billions lost, spent on Lambos and luxe watches - Miami Herald"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Ovah thah past four years thah fuckin evil FED sendin ovah $200 billion tah non-American countries and givin non-US taxpayin citizens money, for fuckin free!



As long as them Medicare fraud muh fuckUS are US citizens and pay their state and federal taxes!?

I mean, shit!

Good lookin 



(Peace! More to come...)

Migrant US Homes?

 Muh fuckahs, US transplants, havin all types of Daddies and shit!

But, dreamin of another Momma's 

Home and shit!

I mean, shit!

You fucking sorry ass bastard


Your muh fuckin 

"Home" is thah muh fuckin country yo broke ass

Mommy fucked your muh fuckin sorry ass migrant


And here yo sorry broke ass chose tah 

Be! Wherevah thah fuck in this firmament!

Now, that shit shall always be

Called your broke ass


Othah than that shit!

Yo broke ass is thah fuck here, ah muh fuckin visitor and shit, for whatevah thah fuckin reason and shit! 

But, I mean, shit!

Shut thah fuck up!

US labor!

Save some fuckin USDs!

And find thah fuck your sorry broke ass way back thah fuck

Home God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Diddy Streams! And Some Grown Ass Willful Muh FuckUS in The Videos Scream of, "Foul"?

 Muh fuckUS talkin bout these muh fuckin parties these sorry ass grown ass muh fuckUS done went to, and got thah fuck caught up and shit!

Come on, now?!

Ah muh fuckah, yo sorry ass, knows videos shit?!

And yo ass is stupid enough tah fuck in ah place this muh fuckah owns, rents...whatevah thah fuck!?

But for some reason, with technology as it is today?!

Yo sorry ass complainin about thah shit possibly bein made thah fuck

US public?!

Yo sorry ass thinks?!

It was jUSt ah mattah of fuckin time caught up you grown nasty ass muh fuckUS!

I mean, shit!

Thah fuck done happened tah US Sonshines?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Jimmy Kimmel Burns Donald Trump With Absolutely Brutal... - HUFFPOST"

 US don't give one solid fuck, about anothah entitled ugly fucked-up

Commie sorry ass

ZJ bein programmed about

US's shit!

I mean, shit!

Get thah fuck


You evil sorry ass worthless, lazy...propagandists'

Commie minion muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Kentucky Judge Killed by Kentucky Sheriff" Psyop? Perhaps?

A Judge's chamber video shit?!

Thah fuck! Didn't know them sorry ass  evil muh fuckahs had tah be monitored and shit!?

Why? BecaUSe they, themselves, are some criminal deviant muh fuckahs?!

I mean, shit! 

Fuck that shit!

How many judges'

Chambers are 


CaUSe fuck it!

my old Black sorry broke ass wants tah see thah last four years of that dead ass judge's chamber videos

God damnit!

Mattah of fact! All these sorry ass judges' chambers videos for thah past four fuckin years

God damnit!

I mean, shit! US Taxpayers' pays for that ill ass shit! So, fuck it! And of course

With unadulterated sound,


US thinks I can get some shit from askin for 

FOIAs on some shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US: "Operation Noah's Arc"

We will flood the seas with venoumoUS reptiles, venoumoUS amphibians, deadly microscopic flora, venomous fish and the like.

Then we shall relocate venomoUS reptiles, deadly animals...on dry land where those deadly species are in diaspora, to herd the people of the US.

We shall infuse the drinking water with deadly toxins.

We shall infuse the food-supply with deadly toxins.

We shall rain down on them vapor toxins to inhale.

We shall starve and dehydrate them to their deaths....


We shall finally 


Our evil



(Peace! More to come...)

"The Biden administration isn't extending a two-year program for migrants from 4 nations - AP"

"The Biden administration will not extend a two-year program that allows migrants from certain nations in the U.S. if they came by plane with sponsorship."

Uh! my old Black sorry broke US ass jUSt wants tah fuckin know,

Who thah fuck sponsored them sorry ass muh fuckahs in thah first, God damned place!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

BecaUSe Russia Kicked These US evil Commies The Fuck, Out!!!

 Have US noticed thah gaslightin goin on about


Them evil FED propagandists' minions back in thah muh fuckin day, USed tah always talk about

"Communist USSR" blah, blah, blah and shit!

Since '91, them evil FED and FED proagandists' minions just talk about plain old muh fuckin


I mean, shit!?

When Russia was Communists, they were US's enemy and shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass knows they are not

Communists' any longer!

So...what thah Holy dastardly evil FED fuck?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

One of The Voices In my Head

 "Come on, let's write on this shit we thinkin?!"

We're at work. Can't just write because I want to write about some shit! That'll take too long.

"Well, let's go into the bathroom? You record on your cell what we want to write later and shit?"

Fuck! No! That's not thah same! You know that!

"Oh, you gonnah be like that hunh?"

Yeah, muh fuckah! You know we have to earn our keep, labor for a time. Then we can write.

"You right! Cause I was thinkin about thah shit we were thinking about a little more."

We think about a lot of things. You have to be a little more specific."

"Well, yo ass always talkin tah us about money. How muh fuckUS are too bound by it and shit?"

Okay? We've talked a lot over the years about that together. So again? You're going tah have tah be a lil more specific?

"Oh, hold up! Here comes a patient. I'll hold off..."...

Thank you! Okay, you were saying about money and we've talked about it...

"Yeah! Well, check it! Remember when US niggUS would always be sayin, in thah movies and in thah neighborhoods, "I bettah get my bread niggah!"! Or some shit like that?!"

Okay, I can dig it! Preach?

"You silly. Anyway....You remember reading, Matthew 4:4? And with, you know, you always preachin tah US constantly with those thoughts of, "fuck money" shit! That shit's startin tah make hella sense!"

Hold up? I don't memorize the Holy Bible like a few. Give me ah sec, and let me reintroduce myself in what we thinkin and shit? But before that, I have to help this next patient. Then we'll get back with this.

"Fo sho!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Are Amid An US evil Communist-State-Convention

 That bitch/bastard is in

US God damnit! 

All them evil FED muh fuckahs gots tah do now is,

Dot some 

"i"s and 

Cross some major


Then put a 


Period, on this sorry ass sentence "to life of everlasting, evil"!

Thah fuck them dumb evil worthless muh fuckahs waitin on and shit!?

I mean, shit!?



Our Father speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Harold Daggett"

 Now that's an evil lead US sorry ass minion if my Black broke ass has evah witnessed one!

Thah stupid muh fuckah agreed tah suspend thah shit until

January 15, 2025?! Why thah fuck until Wednesday, thah middle of an US work-week?!

CaUSe he's ah sorry ass Freemason! 

"You're an idiot! Old ass worthless fucker!"


But check it? There're seven days in thah muh fuckin week! The week in US starts

Sunday! Now by Wednesday, there has been three days of the week that have past! After Wednesday, there shall be three more days that have past!


And if that stupid muh fuckah's not ah muh fuckin 'Mason!? I mean, shit! As bad as that old ass fucker was talkin before them evil muh fuckah's suspended that sorry strike shit! That sorry ass muh fuckah ain't gonnah be alive come thah date


But if he's still with US come that date in US's future time?! He's eithah ah muh fuckin clone by then?! Or shit, he's just anothah evil elite sorry ass propagandists' 'Mason minion! 

But pick US poisons muh fuckUS! CaUSe none of these evil US "leaders" are about, fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, October 4, 2024

A Dire Warning To US Black Ass Muh FuckUS

 Them evil muh fuckin FED muh fuckahs doin this shit tah people who are thah same White

Color as them worthless evil muh fuckahs!?

Like Malcolm said so long ago (In so many words),

"It ain't about jUSt US broke ass niggUS! It's about US all of US broke assUS!"

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Israel? And US FED Ongoing Fuck Ups!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Thah devastation in 

North Carolina and Tennessee from Helene, thah HAARP weather modified funded FED influenced fucked up shit?!

FEMA givin every family in


$750 funky US dollUS!

I mean, shit!

And US FED done gave

Israel within thah last 30 days,

8.6 Billion muh fuckin evil  US

FED dollUS! 

Funded by US righteoUS


What thah Holy fuck done happened tah US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

Kindah of fuckin shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Truth IN US Is Growing Exponentially! II

 "Nine people ain't shit! That ain't gonnah make your old ugly Black ass any money?!"

Money?! I don't make dick off of this shit! Not one fuckin cent!

"Then you are crazy! Old ass muh fuckah!"


But, I mean, shit!

This shit I write are about thoughts! my old Black broke ass ain't got no "special" thoughts!

Since fuckin Human birth, my whole environment, wherevah thah fuck that I was or is, creates my...Being! These thoughts that I blog have nothin tah do with my old Black sorry broke ass individula self!



This shit has every-fuckin-thing that 



Environmentally from

US around me,

Now, within me!

And has been properly instilled in my old Black sorry broke ass ovah time given my chosen environment!

Now, bloggin thoughts that have been conditionally imbued!

But with an

Old Black sorry broke assUS'


Voice, from all that 

Fifty-eight years of





How thah fuck I'm gonnah make money off of 

Plagiarizin every muh fuckin body in my old Black ass 



I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Truth IN US Is Growing Exponentially!

 Do US know how I know that shit's ah muh fuckin 


CaUSe nine of US muh fuckUS done kept passin by this pitiful muh fuckin old ass Black sorry broke ass muh fuckUS' blog in thah last three days!



There is only 

One, every two or three days some shit?!

And why thah fuck else would my old Black broke ass be gettin a nine times 

Uptick on ah muh fuckin


I mean, shit!

CaUSe US muh fuckUS are 

Searchin for thah 


Tryin tah make some muh fuckin 

Sense out of this fucked up evil elite FED shitshow!

But, I'll tell US this lil factoid!

'US shall not be able to make up for US's varioUS neglected pasts!'



But US show thah fuck can correct some shit,

And prepare



Adults for their fucked up

Future, which US were complicit in fuckin it up for


Fuck US grown ass muh fuckUS bein thah fuck righteoUSly 

Ashamed, for fuckin up their Beautiful future!

Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come...)

US RighteoUS, Agenda Commie Coup Complicity (A-C3)?

 I mean, shit!

If US let this evil deplorable child sacrifice, child rape, child eating, child adrenochrome drinkin...US espoused elite FED evil

Propagandized fucked up shit happen for ovah two decades and shit!?

How thah Holy fuck!?

Are US gonnah even fix US's sorry assUS silent for ovah two decades mouths tah say,

"That shit is and was dead ass 

Humanly fucked-up


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ecclesiaste 10:20

 It's been proven throughout US's

Human History!

Alas; ain't no cryin tah this 





Manmade mothah fuckah, that's thah fuck about tah be thah muh fuckin

US evil



(Peace! More to come...)

RighteoUS Prayers?! And Matthew 6:5-13 KJV II

 And if US wannah evah get ah good muh fuckin laugh God damnit?!

If US evah darkens ah brick and mortar church evah again? But, fuck that shit! Durin thah COVID lockdowns, these sorry ass churches showed them evil muh fuckahs are


Empty of 

Our Father's 

Words! Spritually empty! And them sorry ass muh fuckahs took that evil PPE Federally funded shit! Thah fuck happened tah thah ruse "separation of Church and State." bullshit?! Anyway...

When them Biblically legalistic muh fuckahs say, "Let us pray."! Fuck that. Let othah stupid ass muh fuckahs put their heads down tah pray! But what US should do is tah keep US's heads up and start lookin around that bitch! And there will always be one like, US that doesn't do that manmade conditioned shit! US'll make eye contact with 'em! Nod US's  head up and smile! They'll smile and nod back too! Like "This is some bullshit, right?!" Right! But keep lookin around? 

CaUSe sometimes anothah one of US will be ah righteoUS

Witness tah this fucked up condtitioned manmade religious outward praying hypocritical sorry ass shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

RighteoUS Prayers?! And Matthew 6:5-13 KJV

Thee Holy fuck!

Is ah muh fuckin old ass broke niggah illiterate some shit?!

US muh fuckUS, preachers, priests... want tah sit up here and avow,

"Let us pray?"...

What!? Thah fuck yo "God sent" sorry ass, thah fuck doin?! That ain't how this 

Holy Bible


Shit was fuckin 




And yo sorry ass supposed tah "know" thah muh fuckin 

Holy Bible?!

"Well, you're not reading the books and scriptures in the right, Godly spirit!"

What?! I'm not Biblically "Bible Class" conditioned and shit?! Ah niggah can't correctly read and shit?!...



This RighteoUS

Holy Bible was written in thah spirit tah 

Free all of US from this materialistic, Manmade and conditioned fucked-up


If US muh fuckUS can read this RighteoUS shit!

Then it is written, how it was meant tah be read! Ain't no God damned underlyin

Our Father's

Secrets tah these



Words contained 


I mean, shit!

"Doth not thy hypocrites do also?"

Thah fuck done happened tah US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Princess Beatrice"? Ain't No Fucking Way!!! II

 Thee Holy fuck!

Firstly, how thah fuck is ah biological man goin tah have muh fuckin


Secondly, who thah fuck scared thah ugly muh fuckah! Lookin like ah deer in headlights and shit all thah God damned time! Shit!


Thirdly, ain't no fuckin way ah muh fuckah can be that fuckin God damned

Ugly, and not be ah muh fuckin biological

Man, of course posin as ah muh fuckin ugly ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Delicate US Complexed Broke Ass Palates

 I love turkey necks, turkey tails, pig tails, cartilage, fried chicken skin, chittlin's, fried pork skin, chicken that type of shit!

"Why?! That shit 's gross as fuck!"


I mean, shit!

Because, when I was young, Mommy intruduced me tah those 




And cooked thah shit, I would deduce, thah propah



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Israel/US Bombing of Lebanon?

 Thee Holy fuck!

Ain't them muh fuckahs done made their muh fuckin money?!

Keanu Reeves, Shakira, Salma Hayek, Vince Vaughn...

Them evil elite minion muh fuckahs ain't sayin, dick! And obvioUSly, don't care about their


Brethren and 

Sistren at thah fuck all?!

Kindah fuckin sorry shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US FruitlUS?

 Thah old muh fuckah said in thah movie,

"No Country for Old Men,"

'You can't stop what's comin. Now, that's vanity!'

But, I mean, shit!

Can't stop it!?


But US broke muh fuckin assUS can stave that ill shit off for ah muh fuckin sorry ass

Lifetime at thah fuck, muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Windsors - (TV Series - 2016 - )"

 Now this shit!

Is thah 

"Royal" muh fuckin family,

Live and in thah muh fuckin

Black mirror evil innumeroUS



Them evil muh fuckahs are

Just fuckin lazy for no God damned reason, save for, 

"That's the way this Royal shit 's always been!"?!

Kindah fuckin evil absurd shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Royal Family"? Ain't No Fucking Way!!!

 "Well, what about the men? Old ass Black muh fuckah! You always are writing about these ugly "Royal" women! And the "Royal" men are heinous!"

my old Black sorry broke ass ain't written nothin of the sort, about US's 




Don't get it twisted Sonshines!

I'm writin bout





my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass, ain't wrote no negative evil vile shit about ah "Royal"



(Peace! More to come...)

"Princess Anne" Ain't No Fucking Way!!!

 And here in is witnessed anothah one of those ugly sorry ass "Royal" evil elite muh fuckahs!

I mean, shit!

Thah frog done did that busted ruse again! And them "Princesses"/Princes are fallin for that ill ass shit every God damned time!

Ugly fucked up 


Abound with these

Fucked up highly tainted


Lines sorry ass muh fuckahs!



Reset that whole muh fuckin sorry evil

Royal family's fucked up genes God damnit!

ExpeditioUSly and shit!

That shit's just fuckin cruel!

Cause thems some evil ugly ass muh fuckahs fo show!

Kindah fuckin sorry ass shit?! With all that muh fuckin money!?

I mean, shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Princess Beatrice"? Ain't No Fucking Way!!!

 Thah fuck!

Talkin bout "The Princess and The Frog" that turned terribly thah fuck wrong!

That ugly muh fuckah turned intah thah muh fuckin


God damn!

That's an ugly ass, evil elite, no count, worthless...weird lookin, horribly

Busted, fucked up muh fuckah!

Ah fuckin shame before 

Our Father!

I mean, shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Mexico's first female president promises 'No return to drug war' - The Telegraph" And Kamala Harris.

 Mexico's first "female" president?!

Muh fuckin


I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass still gigglin about that successful 

Ill ass evil elite 


Mexico brilliant sly




Them evil dastardly muh fuckahs,

Tryin tah do thah same thing in


But that ill evil elite shit ain't workin out too well



Fuckin evil slothful imbeciles!!!

And with all that money???..

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Humane Society" /"The ASPCA (Revenues Over $400 Million Yearly)" NeedsTo Be US Defunded! Today!

 Research them two sorry ass shits!?

Talkin bout some hypocritical bullshit!

I mean, shit!

US ain't even got this

Human Rights shit thah fuck corrected, God damnit! Not even fucking close!

And these idiots bein funded/donated in hundreds of millions for

Animal rights by 

US taxpayers?!

Kindah fuckin evil stupid shit?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"ARRESTED: Columbus Animal Control director, other staff booked into Muscogee County Jail - WRBL Columbus"

 'Membah "Michael Vick" got put intah prison for that dog stupid shit!?

Ovah fightin dogs and shit?!

Thah Holy fuck?!

Got Children fuckers gettin off, with time served and shit!

Sorry ass pedophiles fuckin US's youths' lives thah fuck up!

And ain't servin no God damned time for doin shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass shall deduce:

US can Rape, murder, FED fuck children, FED kill children, assault...and get thah fuck off, God damnit!

But US sorry broke assUS bettah not 

Ever fuck with ah muh fuckin sorry ass


I mean, shit!

Kindah stupid absurd US shit?!

Thah fuck done went wrong with US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

What thah Holy fuck!?

Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


 (Peace! More to come...)

Longshoremen Union or Whatever The US Union Fuck?!

 Thah fuck!

Talkin bout some antiquated

US shit that needs tah come intah




I mean, shit! And

Thah muh fuckah talkin that shit! Old sorry ass evil

Daggett (Now ain't that some US absurd last name Fed fucked up shit?),

That evil sorry ass muh fuckah's glasses cost more than ah muh fuckin US average American monthly Income and shit! And check out that muh fuckah's gold necklace?! Shiiiought! And that muh fuckin Daggett don't give ah sorry ass US Longshoremen fuck!

I mean, shit!

Eithah this is some US FED psy-op bullshit!?


What thah fuck is really goin thah fuck

On!? God damnit!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Chocolate Chip - doo bop, Miles Davis 1992"

 Come ohn naw?!

Get yo muh fuckin broke muh fuckin assUS out yo muh fuckin

Seats! God damnit!

And, I mean, shit!


US muh fuckin




Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"doo-bop - Miles Davis, 1992" II

 Miles loved him some 


Thah whole muh fuckin 

Joint is some bad ass muh fuckin

RighteoUS shit!

Our Father's speed

Monsieur Davis!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Aura - Miles Davis"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Bad ass muh fuckin US shit!

Will take US broke ass muh fuckUS on ah 




But smoke some 

RighteoUS weed 


Embarkin on this oft times

Sad ass  pensive



Cruise, God damnit!


"Indigo", followed by


Are my old Black sorry broke assUS' favorites!

I mean, shit!

Just suggestin some shit?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Follow US's VarioUS Beautiful Human Our Father's Paths! And US Shall Be Just Fine, Sonshines!

 There's some jazz shit that my old Black sorry broke ass hears that makes my heart

Sing God damnit!

I'm sure I told yah, back in my university days, I was ah Radio/Television major!

10pm - 2am on 

104.5, WAJC!

Played jazz shit!

And hated jazz before my young Black ass started doin that 


Evening tah early mornin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Believe Nothing! But, I Mean, Shit! And Believe Everything!

 I mean, shit!

It's thah only muh fuckin way tah stay

Humanly muh fuckin




Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Menage a Cinq?

 A patient came in today that my old Black sorry ass really likes! Lil oldah than me and shit, mid sixties. But he has ah muh fuckin way about him. Always smilin, in ah good mood! But I don't think that muh fuckah is on no good mood, street drugs or prescribed pharmaceuticals and shit! 

We talk every time he comes in tah pick up his glasses, fix his glasses, adjust his glasses...Hopefully US gets thah picture! I don't mind him at all!

Well, we started talkin today about just general shit! Then he said,

"Man my left arm is hurtin like ah muh fuckah!"

'What happened?'

"Shit, you know, I went to my doctor two days ago. And he told me all of the shots I hadn't got yet? Five in total. I said, 'Let's do this. If I can take all of them go ahead and do it today?' So I got my RSV, Shingles, COVID, Flu and I forget the other one. And I asked them, 'What's the most shots have you all given to one person, at one time? And they told me, six?"

'How do you feel today?'

"I mean, yesterday I was down for the count all day long! But today? Day two? I'm feelin great, man!"

And my old Black sorry broke ass is thinkin,

A calm before thah muh fuckin storm?! Perhaps?...

(Peace! More to come...)

US evil Commie FED ETI (Estimated Time of Implosion)

 Muh fuckUS talkin that ill 

"If" shit!

I mean, shit!



Not fuckin




God damnit!

Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


 (Peace! More to come...)

"Kelsey Plum" MTF

 Lookin like

"Parker Posey's" 

Brother/Sister and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Human Lifelong Learning

 I don't fuckin know!

I mean, shit!

Thah more I read shit!

Thah more thah fuck,

I don't fuckin


(Peace! More to come..._

The US Three Percent III

 'Grown up talk,' I said. 'Excuse me? But I thought we were already having a friendly grown up, one?'

"Please?" she asked. As she looked at me with that beautiful face. I mean she has always been a good friend for the past three years. But it was the way she said that God damned,

"Please?", that fucked me up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Three Percent II

 She just looked at me for a time. my old Black sorry broke ass started gettin uncomfortable and shit! I'm like, 'I asked you if we were speakin like real friends' truths and shit?! Because I'm about tah use some foul language. Straight up!'

 And, now after it's all said and done! my old Black sorry broke ass just lost ah muh fuckin RighteoUS friend! Because, 'If she's your friend? Tell her like she's your friend! Tell her like you would tell, 'D'! Your male friend. Fuck it!

So, fuck it!

I did! A friend is a friend! No matter the muh fuckin gender! Speak ah muh fuckin friend's grip! But...that's what led tah this uncomfortable male, female friendship fucked up silence and shit!

'I'm sorry? I'm going to go. I never meant any harm. I just thought you would need to be told some shit, from a friend? A true friend.' I turned and started turning the front door's handle to open and, freedom! But, no!

"Don't do that? Please? We need to have a grown up talk?! Please?"

Thee Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Three Percent

 'Listen to this old man which you see in front of you as a fucking witness! I am tired of hearing "Oh, He did me wrong!..." Or whatever the fuck! Look around you Sonshine! And like 'Jerry' said on "Seinfeld", "Over seventy percent of the population is, "Un-date-able"! And yo fine ass ain't in no God damned upper thirty-percent that are "date-able"! Fuck! No! Yo ass is in the upper three-percent! I mean, shit! Quit acting like a muh fuckin victim!' I said to her with the utmost conviction! Fine ass shit! And, "Oh, woe be me?" Fuck you! Get yo shit together God damnit!

Mommy even said with her Pentecostal RighteoUS ass;

"Meredith! Don't care what anyone else says? But I'm telling you as a witness. There're not too many good looking people in this world, believe it or not? There are only three percent of this world are looked-upon as the, "Upper Three Percent" as looks are concerned. And you are one of them."

What thah Holy fuck?!...

(Peace! More to come...)