Friday, September 20, 2024

Acupuncture: The Chinese Have Been Doing It Since The Beginning Of Humans! And It Ain't been Debunked, Yet! IX

 So, my old Black sorry broke ass went tah her again today!

I mean, shit!

My fucked up old painful shit comin 'round, yo! Anyway!

"So? Where do you have pain, Meredith?"

Pointed to, and she pinned thah muh fuckin

USual sUSpects and shit!

Juiced one of thah muh fuckin pins she had stuck some

Twelve or some shit!

Thrty-five minutes latah, Doctor Lee comes in and

UnPins me!

She lights this fire.

Takes these round glass cups

Puts thah fire undah every cup that she applied upon me.

"I will leave you to relax."

Sixteen minutes after she takin them bitches off!

"You may dress, And come to the front, please?"

And my old Black sorry ass ain't havin no

Pain, as I was instructed to

"You may now get, dressed."

Got my old Black ass dressed!

Weird as fuck!

But thah results are fuckin


But. I mean, shit!

Interestin as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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