Tuesday, September 24, 2024

"Red Than Dead"?

 'Membah thah RighteoUS shit back in thah day?!

Brings ah whole new light tah some sorry ass evil shit!

Back when that shit was all thah rage, by muh fuckUS that didn't know any bettah! That's when Communism had flourished in Russia! So that was ah fuckin bad thing tah say, because US muh fuckUS didn't want tah be no Commies! "I am an American God damnit!" God damned skippy!

But look where thah fuck US are now?!

Russia kicked thah Commies out in 1991 some shit!

But Russia is bad becaUSe thah Commies had tah fuckin

Move and shit!

Thah fuck them sorry evil no-good for fuckin nothin asses move to?!

Them sorry ass evil muh fuckin Commies done set their fucked up 

Commie Camp in


Big fuckin time!

Talkin about ah highly fucked up blatant non-violent

Covert Communism



God damn!

Thah fuck's wrong with US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Thah fuck!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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