Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The O-Line

I mean shit!

Talkin bout some underappreciated muh fuckUS! God damn! Can't get no Love!

Yo ass can be ah muh fuckin future quarter-back, half-back...dick all that yo sorry ungrateful ass wants! But yah bettah start givin props and some ends tah thah Offensive Line stupid muh-fuckUS! That's where thah evil sports money starts God damnit!

"Well, what about the Defensive Line! They're just as important!"

I undahstand! But thah problem comes in where unless you get a fumble recovery for a touchdown (very rare), a pick-six (very rare)or ah muh fuckin safety (very rare)!? That's thah only way y'alls defensive muh fuckUS can win thah game for US! On very rare occasions! Offense now, that's where the points and thah spreads happen God damnit! Fuck ah defense!

Now muh fuckin US propagandist’s minions wannah push about what makes ah muh fuckin


QB muh fuckah!

But, my ol Black sorry broke ass nevah heard about thah muh fuckin

O-Line with Brady, Montana, Foutz, Moon, Young…

"They were just exceptional quarterbacks!"

And them propagandists' evil sports minions don't say one fuckin name on thah muh fuckin step-child

O-Line for all them 


QB posers!!



And them evil muh fuckin degenerates still payin thah




Have US witnessed all them muh fuckin contraptions on their muh fuckin knees?

I mean, shit!

RobO-Line and shit!

God damn!

Our Father’s speed!...

(Peace! More to come…)

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