Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Para-Lymp-Dicks!

my old Black sorry broke ass is sorry!

But, this shit is thah funniest fuckfest US will evah enjoy!

Got this muh fuckin High Jump muh fuckah named, "Roderick Townsend"!

This Black ass no count muh fuckah, got two arms, two legs, multi-colored hair that has all these painted all seein eyes in his shit! Othah than that, thah muh fuckah lookin normal and shit? Not Para-Lymp-Dicks crowning jewel material and shit, in my broke old ass opinion! 

What thee Holy fuck?! Is thah US muh fuckah crazy some shit?! And thah second place muh fuckah had jUSt one hand and shit! No othah witnessed malformations and shit?!

Thah fuck! What thah fuck is keepin y'alls funky assUS from qualifyin for thah regular High Jump

O-Lymp-Dicks and shit!?

"That's just mean! You sorry old ass broke muh fuckah!"

I undahstand!

But, I mean, shit!

Have US evah winessed the movie, "The Ringer"?!

"I didn't like that movie!"

I undahstand!

But like it, or not?!

Now, who thah fuck is so "Special" in this Luciferian fucked up muh fuckin

Para-Lymp-Dicks sorry ass shit???!!!

Now, that's some cruel, disrespectful muh fuckin


And thah muh fuckahs that this shit 's glorifying,


Are happier than ah muh fuckin

Sissy in ah 




And them sorry ass "Special" muh fuckUS ain't even bein righteoUSly represented and shit!?

Thah Holy fuck 's wrong with US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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