Thursday, August 31, 2023

"DeSantis Overtakes Trump in New Poll - Micrsoft Edge News Page"

 I laugh my ol Black sorry broke ass off about this shit!


And it is done for their ill muh fuckin sorry ass


(Peace! More to come...)


 "Where are we going to go today?"


(Peace! More to come...)

"Alright - Allen Anthony" II

Niggah version of Phil Collins' "Another Day in Paradise", 

And of course, Whitey Fords, "What It's Like"!






"...Y'all don't hear me?!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"What's Up...? - Filthy Fine Lines" Sun25August2024, Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, IN @ 15:30


No one gives ah fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...niggah come on, gives ah fuck, fuck

Niggah what's up!

Gives ah fuck niggah tell me 

What's up?!...

Instant Communication! But With Whom?!

 I get shit kindah fucked up now!

Times! Circumstances of those times!

But I know that they happened! My point of many ponders.

Expressing in real time thah shit that comes intah my mind to write that shit in real time then, hit...


God damn!

US do remembah pen, pencil and paper; typewriters; snail mail....


God damn!

Them evil elite muh fuckahs done fucked


(Peace! More to come....)

Florida Is Going To Get Hit By One of Many HAARP's evil ass Strings! II

 "I told y'all, shit! Ain't shit gonnah happen except some same old shit! Hurricanes, torrential rains, flooding...Same ol shit!"


Shit! It's 

Hurricane season 


Still early in this muh fuckah!

US thinks these evil ass degenerate muh fuckahs through with muh fuckin Florida and US muh fuckUS jUSt on

"I" muh fuckin "Idalia"!


"Are you real sure Ron that you want to seek the presidency?!"

Them evil ass muh fuckahs just gettin

Started on that sorry broke "Gator"


(Peace! More to come....)

Authority Figures?!

 Muh fuckahs talkin about US in ah bad muh fuckin way!

Talkin bout civilians, citizens and shit! Like US ain't shit!

Have yah looked at US IN "fine women and men in blue?" The IMPD?!

Muh fuckahs lookin like criminals straight up!

Tatoos all ovah thah God damned place! Beards and mustaches galore! Muh fuckahs ridin in patrol cruisers leanin hard! Some of them can't communicate for shit!...Shit US ain't out of muh fuckin control! The many police municipalities have lost their God damned ever lovin muh fuckin minds and ever lovin muh fuckin ways!

Thee Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Always Searching For The Head of The lines!

 I search?

Where is thah catalyst of thought? Mainstream? Independent stream?...

Oh, where or where shall it be!?...

Bingo! Bango! Stank ass negro!...

Fuckin found it!

How are you my sweet pretty fucked words?

Let 's begin!

Shall we? three, two one:

These muh fuckahs be trippin my ol Black sorry broke ass thah fuck out!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Are Just US! And That Is A Beautiful Muh Fuckin Thing! Oh, Yes It Is!

So this patient, I forget what she was talkin bout but I heard ah certain word from her mouth that I usually don't hear! "Ennui", one of my favs! Anyway... I think most of US do that shit too! And it makes US pay attention tah thah muh fuckah that espoused that one word that threw US's shit off for ah tick! And I guess she realized that shit too. And offhandedly said,

"Oh, I'm sorry for the word! You know sorry I'm a reader!"

Thah Holy fuck!

Now this was thah same muh fuckah that was talkin about thah prescription in her lenses callin thah shit, "Medicine in my glasses"! Kindah hillbilly niggah shit is that?! God damn! Thah fuck wrong with you God damnit!?...

I'm suggestin tah yah!

Fuck goin tah thah show, thah club, thah strip club...fuck all that ill ass noise! Just pay attention around US! There's a muh fuckin production goin on around US ungrateful assUS don't even deserve! 

But, ye, US is still here tah witness beautiful, whimsical...sorry ass 


(Peace! More to come...)

Simple Tuna Salad Cookie

 Two "Sandies Shortbread - Keebler" cookies

Tuna Salad (Prepared by choice)

Spread Tuna salad healthily on each shortbread cookie.


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

"Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne - Infowars-Alex Jones"

 Niggah Jones!


How can I take yo show serioUSly when yo "guest" looks like ah fucked up 

Elvis impersonator, Jew from South African niggah hatin "pastor", with that fucked up South Afrikaans English accent muh fuckah! How?! Thah fuck they do tah yo sorry portly ass?! Lookin all confused and shit all thah God damned time! Lookin like on thah muh fuckin camera, "What was I supposed to say again?" evil muh fuckah in thah background, his handler of course, points to the teleprompter. "Oh!..." US evah notice he does that shit alot? That "Oh!" shit? US thinks cause he's kind of queer? Odd? But fuck no! His handler's gettin in that ass!...Anyway...

And thah muh fuckin guest gots thah nerves tah be ah Pentecostal preacher!???

Can't make this shit up in ah millenia Sonshines!

Fuckin absurd muh fuckin shit!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"They Don't Dance No Mo' - Goodie Mob"





(Peace! More to come...)

US Need Tah Quit Playin!

And Leave Them Gats Alone! 

If...US AssUS Don't Know How Tah Be On Target! 

At All Times!

God damn muh fuckUS!

Leave them muh fuckahs alone God damnit!

Cause shit,

If there's only two muh fuckahs in that gunfight!?

Why thah fuck I done heard at least 

Eighteen gunshots niggUS!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Kick, Push - Lupe Fiasco" II

 Avid skateboarder enthusiast!

He felt this shit!

Straight up!

Big ups


Horribly underrated bad ass muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

US Be God...Damned! Those God Damned evil elite Aliens!!!

 How can a Human tribe, a Human bloodline, a Human culture...?

Hate any other Human culture, Human bloodline, Human tribe...?

For being who 



(Peace! More to come...)

Alas; 'Morrow?

 Shit I can't stand sleepin!

I can't say I feel sleepy any longer!


Shit my ol Black broke muh fuckin ass be tired!


I'm serioUSly tired of bein muh fuckin


"Oh, yo sorry broke ol Black ass be sleepin real soon! Sooner than soon!"...


Thanks Love!

Our Heavenly Father!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 US has tah burn!

Ain't no way around thah muh fuckin shit!

Maybe ah small burn, some of US can jUSt heal with some muh fuckin blessed ointments! 

But most of US...

Are gonnah die



But shit!

US meeks 're still gonnah be fine


That's thah muh fuckin nature of Our Father's

RighteoUS Beast!

Unbeknownst tah them evil elite dastardly muh fuckin

Degenerates of course!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Them evil elite Muh Fuckahs Want This Shit Tah Implode IN US!

 Since thah apparent lapse of law enforcement IN US on thah streets and on IN US highways, my sorry broke Black muh fuckin ass be seein some ill ass shit!

God damn!

Fucking evil sorry ass 


This 's where y'all evil muh fuckahs wannah take this shit?!

SerioUSly! I thought my ass was ah crazy muh fuckin drivah!


My ol Black sorry broke ass ain't got shit on what I'm muh fuckin witnessin!

Fuck that!

Muh fuckUS nuts!

Them city, state muh fuckahs gonnah tell me,

They can't put sixty-six part-time muh fuckahs, in and around Indianapolis, Indiana propah, tah jUSt write muh fuckin speedin, movin violations...


Shit! Pay for itself and then some in ah muh fuckin three-hour morning drive-time and three hour evening drive-time clips!

And ain't none of those muh fuckahs cited gonnah go tah court and fight that shit! They know they some ill ass drivahs! Them muh fuckahs be praisin Our Father, "A ticket? For real!" Yeah muh fuckah! I should be takin yo ill ass drivin ass tah jail! Happy birthday muh fuckah! Now! Pay thah city and/or state muh fuckUS?!...

Thee Holy fuck this ol Black ass broke niggah missin?!..

(Peace! More to come...)

The Mandela Effect. No, You Are Remembering Truthfully!

 That shit's all around US my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Over time shit jUSt kind of fades!

Them evil elite degenerate bullies know that!


Aging is

Ah muh fuckah!

And numeroUS sponges of minds are muh fuckin


God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Quell The Human Pure Urge!? Then Quell The Human Pure Urge Fail...Always!

 Them evil muh fuckahs are trying to cease

Human Pure Thoughts!

US knows they're stupid!


That will 

Never muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Not Thah Holy Fuck!? Thee Holy Fuck!?

 Them muh fuckahs even fuckin with this lil shit!?

That's how I know them evil muh fuckahs ain't shit!

All these algorithms and shit for specific phrases, words...tryin tah control their evil agenda!

Y'all some petty ass evil muh fuckahs!

For real!

Ain't nobody readin this shit!?

This is therapy for my ol Black sorry broke ass!

Since implementing this written therapy of thoughts tah be out for anyone tah muh fuckin read?!

Fuck it! And I ain't killed ah muh fuckin soul today! Broke thah muh fuckin law! tah be honest! Niggah goes seventy all thah way on thah highway home once ah niggah gets on it! But I'm damned thah fuck show, y'alls asses undahstand that shit!? No? Tough readers! Damn! Anyway... This is me! This is how I think! Not what I do! Just thah fuck thah way I muh fuckin think! Thah fuck! Philip K. Dick wrote that ill ass shit so long ago so topical today, "Minority Report"!

Thah muh fuckin "Thought Police"! God damn y'all evil elites sorry ass muh fuckahs are corny as fuck! And with all that muh fuckin money!? Thah fuck! Even 'Forest Gump" called that shit with his stupid simple ass, "Stupid is. As stupid does." Damn that makes my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass smile! Y'all some real stupid muh fuckahs! And with all that money?! Just sorry ass needed tah be dead worthless sorry ass Bullies! God damn! Y'all are abso-fucking-lutely ab-fuckin-surd!!! Whew! Anyway...

This is jUSt ah lil piece of what's goin down Sonshines!

One lil ol Black broke sorry ass muh fuckah!

And they fuckin with this shit!

I know Blogger is some Google shit!

But fuck!

You stupid muh fuckahs!

Ain't nobody readin this shit!

God damn!?

Or shit...

Are US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Adios Muchachos

 HAARP's evil powerful strings stretches to Cuba!


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Cornell West and Bernie Sanders. Uhm!

 What's worse than an evil ass muh fuckin Black/ Nigger and an evil ass muh fuckin Jew/Kike?!




(Peace! More to come...)

Ukraine To Russia: A Muh Fuckin Gnat! II

 If? I mean 

If? This stupid ass shit is really goin on?!

Russia and US wastin ah goddawful tonnage of muh fuckin


God damn! And thah muh fuckin IRS wants my $1700 fed taxes from 2022?! Thah Holy fuck is this niggah missin!? Anyway...

Cause this shit should have been ovah day fuckin one!

Like Mike Tyson goin against Oscar de la Hoya some shit!

And in ah fifteen round match,

Mike still ain't knocked that lil muh fuckah thah fuck out! Goin intah 



And shit!


Quit playin!

Time is money muh fuckah!

I didn't mean that shit Mike! Come ohn nah! What I meant tah say is:

Time is money Mister Tyson!...


Well, I'll be God damned!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Alzheimer's, Dementia...? No, Muh FuckUS! It's Called "Old Fucking Age", You elitist Sorry ass evil 'scientific' Dicks!

 I don't even fuckin know anymore! I mean shit!

I look at this shit oft times now and try tah remembah one of these actwhores names and shit! Nothin!

I was thinkin bout this fierce tribe in Africa that even thah lions and shit that stays thah fuck from! Nothin!

This patient I've been knowin for years came up to me and said "Hi" in Kroger, remembered her face clearly! The name...fuckin nothin!...

I mean I could search this evil Internet for thah muh fuckin answahs? But fuck it!

But does it really mattah about thah outer fringes with my Ol Black sorry broke ass?!

Maybe it does? 

But tah me, as long as my ol Black sorry broke ass rememberin thah important shit, it jUSt shouldn't mattah! 

But God damn! 

Maybe I don't remembah anything any-fuckin-more!?...


Or, maybe? 

My ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass's mind, unbeknownst tah me of course, jUSt 's

Startin tah get rid of heavy-laden sorry ass muh fuckin memories of


For thah memoryless weight-free ride 


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Fuck Fonzie!

 "Henry Winkler says, US at very scary time in history. - Yahoo news"


Ah "Happy Days" muh fuckah talkin that ill ass shit!


What tribe say you with yo sorry muh fuckin ass on thah muh fuckin evil elite Jewish stroll and shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ukraine To Russia: A Muh Fuckin Gnat!

 Irritatin thah dogshit out of Russia!

Them Russian muh fuckahs tryin not tah scorch that nothingness of ah muh fuckah!

But US fed et al, makin it hard for ah muh fuckah not tah muh fuckin scorch that lil ol sorry ass piece of evil full of Zionist Jewish shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Conflicting Interests!

 I can't stand people oft times! Myself included!


But humbly, 

I love US jUSt thah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, August 28, 2023

The Comforts of Home!


My wife bought this wooden ensemble! God damn! If it doesn't make me smile every time I see thah muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Vladmir Putin! Whad Up My Niggah Real Prez!?

 I love that muh fuckah!

Absolutely love that muh fuckah!

"Well you can't be one of US!"

Shit! US ain't one of US!

God damn!

I don't know what thah Holy fuck is happenin with this Jewish, Masonic, Luciferian cabal that's fuckin goin on in US!

But that suave muh fuckah ain't tryin tah have any of this ill ass shit goin on in US, ovah in



My Russian niggah!

Come on President Putin!?

Jump on ovah here!

Show these evil ass sorry muh fuckin fed and non-fed elite sorry ass muh fuckahs how this shit supposed tah


Up for


Not fuckin horribly 

Down for


(Peace! More to come...)

"Thy Shall Smote Thine evil Elite."... Or Something To That Effect?! Can't Wait!

 How do you see this ill shit!?

That's all that US needs in this fucked up equation!

Is muh fuckin lil ol


Speakin on this real shit! 

In real muh fuckin time!


Makes ah verbal righteoUS contract of:

The murderin of the evil elite in ah fucked up violent way doth thee


(Peace! More to come...)

Maui II

 Temperatures reached in excess of more than 1300 degrees my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

What kind of natural muh fuckin fiery occurrence could reach that fucked up temperature!

Unless it was MANmade!?

Save for ah muh fuckin volcanic eruption!

And them evil fed elite muh fuckahs ain't said shit about that shit! So...

Please help an ol niggah thah fuck out!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

MAN Dated Vac SIN of Nations

 What trips my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass tah thah max is:

US got doctors, cities, towns, states, schools, colleges and universties, the fed, employers, hospitals, clinics, parents...still pushin this vaccine shit!

Thah fuck wrong with US?!

Thah Holy fuck!

That's some scary ass shit!

And an abundance of those muh fuckahs in those categories,

Are real good muh fuckin Women and Men!

But thah muh fuckahs are jUSt caught up!


And US meek are still gonnah be fine Sonshines!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Florida Is Going To Get Hit By One of Many HAARP's evil ass Strings!

 Florida 's bout tah get muh fuckin hit!

DeSantis done got that pitiful news, but that sorry ass muh fuckah can't tell US about their evil shit!

So what does thah muh fuckah do tah kindah tell muh fuckahs in ah round about way,

Tah get thah fuck out of Florida!? CaUSe some real shit's comin!

"State of Emergency!"


That Maui shit got too hot for them evil elite degenerates!

Gots tah start stirrin that evil sorry ass muh fuckin cauldron tah produce more dastardly

Magical spells and shit!

Them evil muh fuckahs ain't worth shit!

God damn!

And Florida ain't gonnah like 

HAARP's ill tunes at thah fuck all!

Soothing my ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin wrinkly old right nut!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, August 27, 2023

"Kelis And Bill Murray Call It Quits After Two Months of Dating..."

 Talkin bout an ol Black sorry muh fuckin ass laughin!


God damn!

Ain't no fine Sistah like her that muh fuckin desperate!

Should have been one muh fuckin day Sis!?

Aftah thah five-star meal (I would hope!?) and your fine ass company!

Burp and say,

"Niggah I'm gonnah catch ah cab home! Bitch is tired as fuck! But thanks for the delicioUS dinner! Umm! Hollah!"...

(Peace! More to come...)  

So I Called The IMPD! II

 "So what happened?!"

Don't give ah fuck!

I did US's part!...

(Peace! More to come...)

So I Called The IMPD!

 But what gives me anxiety about ceasing my bad habits is, when I'm not hazy, I notice shit!

Shit I hadn't noticed before about the declination of this existence. It's always been planned but still!

Watchin lil young ass Black teenagers on thah side of the E-Z Mart rollin dice near Shore Drive! On thah westside of Indianapolis! Lookin comfortable in what their sorry ghetto worthless assUS are doin!

No you lil young lil niggah muh fuckahs!

This side of town can't be y'alls start up!

Fuck that!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Misery Is Genetic?!

 I remembah back in thah day Sistah Elsie said tah Mommy,

"Out of all of your boys Elaine! I mean all of your boys are good looking. But, he's something good looking! And he has the saddest eyes I have ever laid my eyes upon!"

Ain't shit changed! And I tear up when I see that shit in my 

Daughter's eyes!

Thah Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Black Ice - Goodie Mob" II

 "...Broke it down tah ah neighborhood slang: Cash before fame!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Truth Be Told!

 I ain't shit!

But I know that!


Yeah! You heard right!

I ain't shit without...


(Peace! More to come...)

What The Holy Fuck DId Your No-Count evil elite Ass Say?!

 I don't give ah fuck You, me...US bein broke! Fuck that shit!

Klaus "Butt Ugly" Schwab of the WEF gonnah say some ill shit like, "You will own nothing! And you will be happy!"

Really ugly ass evil muh fuckah?

CaUSe it seems y'all muh fuckahs in thah same muh fuckin boat God damnit!

Y'all sorry evil elite asses own every God damned thing,

And y'all miserable as fuck! God damnit! Always fuckin with US!

So all of US shall take that misery off yo sorry ass evil muh fuckin bank accounts!

Then y'alls sorry stupid asses can be Happy like you said our broke assUS will be owning nothing!...

Thee Holy fuck is wrong with them evil idiots! 

Some fucked up evil elite reasoning fo show!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Live Life Without, The Three Chemical Masks Shit?! Thee Holy Fuck?!

 I'm starting to really look at my life and I am starting to understand what it is I've been missing in this life?

Since Daddy died in 1998 and six years later Mommy died, I have been trying to escape life with nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, over consumption of food delights, pharmaceuticals for awhile and of course marijuana now CBD. 


Well, shit...I'm starting to understand, not overstand yet cause I'm still doin three out of the six!

Shit, at some point before I die, which is nigh! 

I'm going to have to live this life sans chemical inducements!

And that shit gives me anxiety like ah muh fuckah!

Where thah Holy fuck is that CBD pen!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Future Survival Will Be About Our Father's Choices! Not Prepping! II

 Prepping are for individuals!

Prepping is not about US!

The RighteoUS Human War  

Shall always be fought from

Within US;

Never from 

Without US!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Future Survival Will Be About Our Father's Choices! Not Prepping!

 Prepping? Them evil ass muh fuckahs will jUSt 

"Do The D.E.W" 

On that "off" the grid prepared assUS! Have US witnessed what them evil ass muh fuckahs did tah 

Maui?! And nobody gives ah fuck!...

I mean, God damn!

Muh fuckahs talkin this ill ass shit! Believe me, I undahstand! But tah me, lookin at this evil ass shit...

Preppin ain't gonnah do that ass ah damn bit of good!

Should US have some shit when thah shit goes down?!

Fuck yes!

But six months at least of food? Where thah fuck normal livin muh fuckahs gonnah store six months of provisions!? First aid necessities?!...Oh! And we ain't even gonnah get on potable water storage?...Anyway...

Most of US done watched too many God damned Hollywood evil incited movies! Do US honestly think them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs gonnah let millions of protagonist preppers survive thah ill shit that's about tah go down in this spectacularly muh fuckin costly production!? 


Hollywood version? 

Fuck yes! 

IN US's reality?!

Fuck no!

Y'all thah first sorry broke ass muh fuckUS them evil muh fuckahs know are due thah muh fuckin


Or how they evilly put thah muh fuckin ill ass shit:

Rampant Destructive Wildfires'!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Dr. Vernon Coleman II

 Old muh fuckah had ah loud ass blarin wakeup call from his peers! Them othah muh fuckahs suggested tah him I would bet, "Yo bro! Shut thah fuck up! And get in on this cash cow muh fuckah!? No?"... Now thah muh fuckah got banned all ovah this firmament caUSe he wanted tah preach that medical ethics and shit!...Anyway...

I still watch his ass even though I can tell he's shitty!

He thought this doctors' ethic bullshit was absolute and he found out in ah vicioUS upper-cut kind of punch tah this muh fuckin manmade reality, thah ill ass shit is far from it!

He'd worked all those years in his industry, to be revered; yet, now, with his old ass. findin thah fuck out real thah muh fuckin quick that:

"You were never shit either!..."

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Larry Ellison: Oracularly Speaking About Maui's evil Incendiary Malwared Clouds!


Them evil elite muh fuckahs are well...

Muh fuckin evil!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Amid US Tribulation

 US is in it Sonshines whethah US likes it or not!

Thah shit done went down!

 US are in for some muh fuckin ill ass shit!

But keep thah faith!

Stay vigilantly good!

We'll be tortured for ah lil while caUSe that is US's penance for sloth!

It's gonnah hurt!

But...after awhile...

Our Father shall always

Protect thah muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come....)

3 Bs! And You're Out!

 So thah muh fuckah says,

"...The United States is broke, battered and barely hangin on!"...

I about died muh fuckin laughin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Tower of (Glo)Ba-Bel Proportions!

 This shit will 

Right itself!

Always has!

Always shall be!


That don't mean that our broke sorry asses ain't gonnah feel thah muh fuckin horrible pain to be one of the


(Peace! More to come....)

Follow Me?

 Let US go to this land 

And overstand 

Our individual Human purposes!

Band and bind the ties of Human

Purchases of the Humans' beautiful fine lattices of delicate Youthfulness


(Peace! More to come...)

US Bypasses

 US can put makeup on the ill ass shit all US muh fuckin wants! But, what's still ugly as Fuck!

Some muh fuckin places yo ol Black ass should know you don't belong! So fuck it! Don't belong tah that ill ass shit!

"What do you mean?!"

Well, I've lived in Indiana all of my ol Black sorry broke ass life! And I ain't met one niggah that has avowed, "Yes, I'm from Martinsville, Indiana!" Evah! Plainfield, Greenwood, Connersville...! Martinsville? Fuck no!

So why thah fuck would my ol Black ass take myself anyplace near that muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Shit! I Don't Even Know?!

Muh fuckUS coveting all this material bullshit! No mattah who thah fuck US are!? When it gets down tah thah lattah years! The one question we'll start askin Ourselves is inevitably, 

"How's it going to end? - The Truman Show" (Nasubi -Documentary.)

Damn right bout that muh fuckin ill ass real shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Near Future Accountability Thy Must Suffereth!

 This life humbles me so!

God damn!

I look at muh fuckahs skippin and shit! And their sorry broke assUS gots thah nerves tah be grown ass adults and shit!?


And all my Black sorry broke ass can say tah myself is,

That shit 's bout tah muh fuckin end

Sooner than soon!

But for now,

Fuck it! I would deduce?!

Keep skippin muh fuckUS!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thine Ultimate Penalty Thy evil elite Shall Suffereth!

 I let my soul to go out and grow;

To bestow 

Thine righteous calling upon


Thy evil ones!...

(Peace! More to come....)

"Star Of The County Down - Bela Fleck And The Flecktones"






(Peace! More to come....)

"Tintin - David Sanborn"

 Almost time to go tah muh fuckin sleep! 

Got tah end on ah high fuckin note!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Sweet & Saxy - Kim Waters"

 Just ride!

Don't let thah othah drivahs concern US!?

"I'm doin thah right thing muh fuckah! Stayin in my lane! Goin thah muh fuckin speed limit! But do yah hear this shit playin?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Avenue - Paul Taylor"

 Talkin bout skippin rocks!

Walkin along thah boulevard!

Ridin hard round 4-6-5!...

Turn this shit on!


Everything is gonnah be jUSt fine


(Peace! More to come...)

US! Does Not Have A God Damned Thing To Lose!... Freedom Comes From Within! Never Without!

 US has tah believe in somethin!

I don't give ah fuck if yah want tah pray tah ah head of cabbage everyday!?

Fuck it! May thah vegetables always be with Yo crazy broke ass!...

I mean God damned!

Thah muh fuckin alternative is believin in:

US Humans are goin tah do thah right thing!?...

(Peace! More to come....)

Beiden's Future US Lockdown? And S.172-No Mask Mandates Act of 2023 II

 Oh shit!

This shit's talkin bout what thah fed can't do no mo!

That ain't got shit tah do with US individual states and their muh fuckin individual Governors'!

And US IN got Luciferian Masonic Holcomb?! 

Holy shit!...

But US IN will be jUSt fine


Our Father's Speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Nasubi - Japanese Livestream" Circa 2000

 Thee Holy fuck!

Thah Holy fuck!

Them Hollywood muh fuckahs are some plagiaristic muh fuckahs!

I mean, God damn!?

"The Truman Show"!? And this shit are dead ass on thah muh fuckin money with one of thah muh fuckah's wearin clothes and in real, real time! Not ah muh fuckin stitch!

Fuck it,

"Battle Royale" and 

"The Hunger Games" God damnit!...

I mean,

What thah fuck is wrong with them 


I know most of those muh fuckahs are atheists or agnostics...

Well I'll be God damned!?...

(Peace! More to come...)


 The fed subsidized modern day powdered,

"Soylent Green"!

Thee Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Beiden's Future US Lockdown? And S.172-No Mask Mandates Act of 2023

 If that sorry ass pedophile and thah evil sorry ass muh fuckin elite get around some shit this time!?

Then shit my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

It will be

Murdering time for real in this piece!

Cause US Law, the US Constitution...has been

Fucked for thah last muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck Old Ass Muh Fuckin Busted Warren Buffett!

 "Buffett was born in 1930 Omaha, Nebraska, the second of three children and the only son of Leila (nee Stahl)... - Wikipedia". I wondah what tribal bloodlines that old ass muh fuckah belongs to?!

Fuck that old ass crotchety evil elite need tah take ah long final nightmarish sleep muh fuckah!

Almost ah centenarian and shit!

Go sit yo old ugly happy ass down someplace and


You worthless piece of old muh fuckin

Shit from 

Alien sperm!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Hot Ass Constant Weather Temperatures Ain't For This Old Black Sorry Ass Muh Fuckah!

 Muh fuckUS wannah talk about livin in Florida, Arizona, Texas, Nevada...wherevah thah fuck!

I don't give ah fuck!

IN catchin that ill ass heat this week!

My ol Black sorry broke ass must say,

This niggah will sho nuff muh fuckin

Pass on that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Jewish Evil Wishes (JEWs)

Can't say or write thah muh fuckin

"J" word!

I say fuck that muh fuckin shit!

I talk about US niggahs jUSt as muh fuckin  bad or oft times even worse! 

So, fuck y'all "J" dogs!

Even in thah muh fuckin video,

"Generation Why - ZHU," ah Black ass muh fuckah always gots tah die


For thah muh fuckin 

Human Cause!?

I wondah what bloodline tribe is responsible for this

Human treacheroUS


That shit 's still thah muh fuckin video and jam though!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Pas De Souci!

 Let US finally start taking care of this Heaven!

This firmament!

They've done enough damage tah last two cycles of US!


Stay vigilantly 


It's gonnah work out for




Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Something Is Wrong (Malcolm Michaels, 21 Years old, Senior, Philosophy Major, Butler University) 01January2024

 I remember as a child. I would go out of the front door and smell the outdoors and think, 

"I'm free!" 

The outdoors doesn't smell the same for some reason now.

So...I understand, in a grave manner,

I am not truly


"Children of Production - Parliament"

 Come on!

How topical does US need tah


Earth flat or round!

Human programming!...

Muh fuckin clonin even!

Just some bad ass muh fuckin shit!

Quite topically muh fuckin

Proper shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Four Cornered Room - War"

Take my ol Black sorry broke ass tah othah places!


Bad ass muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Live By The Evil! And Die By The Good!


Exactly thah way thah shit 's gonnah play out!

Them evil sorry ass don't undahstand that righteoUS shit at all!

Because, they ain't righteoUS!

But thah shit that fucks my ol Black sorry broke ass up is:

How thah fuck y'alls sorry practices gonnah be successful with that muh fuckin

Opposite bullshit?!

I mean? If you're evil! Then I'm good!

But if yo sorry ass can turn me intah "The Dark Side"?

Does that make you good for making me evil!?

And in your space

Evil is good?!

Ah muh fuckin conundrum for sho!...

(Peace! More to come....)

An evil Ass Muh Fuckin, Maui Owie! III

I get thah ill ass shit now!

Smacked me on the face jUSt now on my left cheek!
Still stingin!


2 PETER 3:10 


Them evil ass Luciferian muh fuckahs are

Scoffing, at 

Our Father's 


With their ill conceived evil muh fuckin planned destructive fiery spectacular events and their numerological "magic" oathed horseshit!

Fuckin evil brilliance!

Go head with y'alls sorry muh fuckin asses!

I didn't know they had it in 'em!?

But chall muh fuckahs shall get


Down tah thah last muh fuckin


And down tah thah last muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

An evil Ass Muh Fuckin, Maui Owie! II

Have US witnessed thah drone footage ovah Maui?! Uhm!

Them evil muh fuckahs "Gave into the D.E.W."! And my ol Black sorry broke ass ain't talkin bout no damn Mountain at thah fuck at all!

Fuck that shit!

Those dastardly degenerates singed that muh fuckah!

They are murderers! They torched: Women, Children, Men, dogs, cats...! Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs didn't give ah fuck! It's time to aloha muh fuckahs! God damn them some evil muh fuckahs! Are US startin tah undahstand what these evil ass muh fuckahs got in store for US?!...

How thah fuck them evil worthless sorry ass muh fuckahs gettin away with this shit!?

Fuckin how?!

US's own federal government is complicit in this deplorable muh fuckin shit!

How are thah muh fuckin fires gonnah hop ovah whole houses, whole five star hotels and shit?!



And please don't give me no sorry ass muh fuckin shit like,

"Well! They're "Wild" fires!"

Our Heavenly Father! I'd beat their complexions off their uncarin worthless muh fuckin faces! Then let thah pigs have at'em! But I wouldn't eat those muh fuckin pigs subsequently! Shit, they'd live until they naturally died! CaUSe now they're tainted swine! Like the evil muh fuckahs they jUSt feasted on! Anyway...

Please notice all of thah houses standin! Ninety percent had solar panels on top! The othah ten percent were their next door neighbors! Bullshit you not!

"Well some of the houses that they singed could have had solar panels?" 

Yah really think? Shit! US'll nevah know unless ah private muh fuckah comes up with aerial photos before thah shit happened!? We'll nevah fuckin know?

"They can do test on the ashes to see if solar panel particulates are present."

Uhm! You really gonnah believe any-muh-fuckin-body them evil muh fuckahs hire tah research or investigate some shit like this?! If, so? Shit! I undahstand! Anyway....

Them evil muh fuckahs need tah be murdered


Thee Holy fuck is this ol tired Black sorry ass muh fuckah


God damnit!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Present Time

 Shit if US ain't bein productive with this delicate awfully priceless muh fuckah US calls:




That muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

IN Clusterfuck!

 The fuck's up with this muh fuckin ill ass traffic!

God damn! And in Indianapolis, Indiana no less!?

Thah Holy fuck!

Pre-COVID thah shit was kindah tolerable!

Durin fake ass COVID, yo ass be gettin on thah highway, shit was sparse as shit!


Them muh fuckin shits in mornin and evening drive oft times be gridlocked as fuck!

I mean how many foreign sorry ass muh fuckahs did them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs send 


CaUSe God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, August 21, 2023

Sleep Ill Patterns

 I have problems sleeping! Always have I guess? I've always been a light sleeper. Hear things that don't sound right in the night while sleep. Trippy kind of shit! But it is what it is. Well, after awhile yo ol ass starts gettin tired of bein tired with no sleep! Well I'll try tah help yah out:

2000mgs Taurine

2000mgs L-arginine

2000mgs Valerian Root

600mgs Chamomile 

400mgs L-theanine 

100mgs 5-HTP

100mgs Magnesium

An hour before bedtime!

It kind of hurts your pocket!

But if yah really need to sleep the natural way?

It's well fuckin worth it! 

I wouldn't get this well rested nightly? Unless you got it like that?

So I don't do it too often!

Just when ah niggah needs some muh fuckin blessed God damn


But when I start gettin low on that shit?

I re-order quicker than shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Network - 1976" III

 The late great Peter Finch played that muh fuckin part! 

God damnit!

That muh fuckah, Howard Beale, starts out,

"We're in a lot of trouble!"...

I'm tellin yah my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! I watch that shit at least two times ah month! 

And every muh fuckin time that muh fuckah says that shit, 

Something Humanly charged goes through my body and soul!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Why Are US So Fucked Up!? II

 US are not here to serve 


Fuck that shit!

US is here to serve


(Peace! More to come...)

Why Are US So Fucked Up!?

 I'll tell yah why God damnit!

Yah got muh fuckin churches ain't bout shit no fuckin more!

Ain't gonnah call out these pedophile pimp preachers! Ain't gonnah call out these nasty ass  pedophile priests!...These are supposed devout followers of Christ!? And y'all not stonin them sorry ass evil muh fuckahs!? Oh? Okay. You right! But, please tell ah niggah again? I think I missed thah shit?! Why ain't these degenerates at thah very least in prison for life?!...

Ohhh! Shit! 


Don't stand for shit!

Nevah been about shit!

And now

Just 's fuckin neck deep in muh fuckin bloody


(Peace! More to come...)

It's Okay To Be Just A Broke Ass Workin Muh Fuckah!

 This muh fuckah said some shit on this podcast that made my ol Black sorry broke ass laugh like ah muh fuckah:

"If you want to know what God thinks of money? Just look at the people he gives it to!"...

Our Father!

That shit was funny as fuck!

Cause he's talkin bout churches themselves in thah muh fuckin truth of that shit! And I do believe, unbeknownst tah him!

Still laughin at that ill ass shit!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Polarity is the

Singularity to 

Humans' non-

Religiosity ...

(Peace! More to come...)

"World Track Championships" II

 Listen my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

I loved Track and Field! Loved it so much I was goin tah roid myself with

"Winstrol" like Ben Johnson! Couldn't break 10.4 for shit doin it my way! Back in thah day, 10.31 would get yo sorry dreamin ass tah thah Olympic trials! I was hoverin round 10.45 oft times 10.5. Niggah needed some help!...Anyway...

Fuck it!

Read some lit' on that shit!

Then started noticin Ben Johnson's sclera!?...

Fuck that shit niggah!

Yo sorry young Black average ass will jUSt always be ah

Mediocre sprinter if that?! Be fuckin well!...


But, I'm serioUSly cool with that shit!

And I still love Track and Field!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"World Track Championships"

 So I'm watchin thah 100m women's sprint final!

These two Jamaicans kickin ass 1-2, in lane 4-5!

Then all of thah muh fuckin sudden down at thah bottom of thah screen,

'Thah fuck!'

Ol Richardson's sorry muh fuckin ass in lane 9!

The two Jamaicans crossed thah finish line thinkin that they came in 1-2!

But thah Jamaican woman in lane 4 aftah crossin ovah thah finish line ah half stride, 

Somethin must've caught her right peripheral and just imperceptibly gestured,

"Damn! Where'd that muh fuckah come from?!"

And thah othah Sistahs sprintin jUSt tryin not tah get beat by thah lonely White sprinter!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Please? Sit Your Happy Ass Down!?

 The two-step, the hustle, Steppin, slow-dancing...all turned tah muh fuckin shit!

Muh fuckahs out here now like,

"I don't need no muh fuckin partner! Watch my fat repugnant ass work!"...

Thee Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Ain't No Time Like The Present!

 I reread my shit oft times and be like, 

"The fuck you thinkin niggah!? Really!?"

And all I can answah tah that neutral lifelong voice is,

'Yeah! Really!'...

(Peace! More to come...)

The fed Ain't Worth Dick! II

 CaUSe US has tah start undahstandin real thah fuck quick! Yeah! They got that muh fuckin leverage with video tah show!

But thah one thing them stupid evil sorry ass muh fuckahs don't undahstand is 



If it's there! US are gonnah find it! Expose that wretched nasty ass shit to US all!

Then...the wailin and gnashin of teeth shall begin for y'alls evil ass gettin ready tah die ah horrible muh fuckin death muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The fed Ain't Worth Dick!

 All these evil sorry ass  muh fuckahs think they got muh fuckahs in their evil ass pockets and shit! 

Cause of thah infinite nasty ass shit they got of those sorry ass muh fuckahs doin some nasty ass shit!

"Listen you fucker! Remember the islands!? Oh, you've done them all Joe! Would you like me to show you some of our archives?!



(Peace! More to come...)

Narcissism US

 Yah watch these muh fuckahs! Read their stories!...

Muh fuckahs sellin out their whole muh fuckin families for a piece of sorry ass "Glitter" time in this fucked up shit!

"Don't give ah fuck! As long as I get paid!"


God damn!

I hope that ill ass shit works out for yo sorry muh fuckin tired ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Religion, Church, Bible Class, Christian Conferences...All Muh Fuckin Bullshit! Read The Shit For Yourself Sans Mans' Teachings of The Shit You Are Reading!

 I read things differently now! It started with The Holy Bible!

US has ah direct relationship with Our Father! US don't need no muh fuckin sorry ass


Fuck that noise!

When US humbly ASK, 

Our Father, 

Tah help US bettah undahstand some shit yo ass been havin some hella difficulty with readin it like you've been conditioned!? That shit's foul all day er day! Anyway...

Our Father,

Wraps his phantom arms around US!

Smiles and gently says,

"Continue readin My Son! Let me show you what these words really

Mean without conditioning!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

BelarUS Is Pro Russia! Again! Fuck The Ukraine!

"US citizens urged to leave BelarUS immediately"

Ukraine gettin that ass kicked in that made up muh fuckin war with Russia! Them evil muh fuckahs runnin out of propaganda shit! Cause it ain't about shit!

So get thah sorry ass Americans out of thah way! So the US fed can start anothah feigned war, coming to BelarUS sooner than soon!! Yah see thah sorry ass evil fed can't have no muh fuckin US citizens fuckin up the big budget fed produced live streamed movie! Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs can't have US takin videos and uploadin some shit that will fuck up thah muh fuckin



Yah see my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Unless US reads and researches some shit, 

US'll nevah know!

Until we know!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, August 20, 2023

"Garlic Guard" Supplement: For Vampirical Mosquitoes and The evil elite!

 I take about 3000mgs of garlic ah day!

No wonder why I don't get bit, but they tear my wife up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

evil elite Manmade Life Always Takes It's Tolls!

 I'm so fuckin muh fuckin tired I don't know how tah describe thah shit!

Just fuckin tired!

Researchin and readin shit?...


God damn!

Thah fuck are 


RighteoUS really

Up against?!

Shit's gonnah hurt!


But, we'll be jUSt fine


(Peace! More to come...)

Silence is not, Golden! As a matter of fact! Silence ain't worth shit!

 Undahstand some shit my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

There's some evil shit goin down!

But y'all already knew that shit! Sorry?

I guess, I jUSt wanted tah write about somethin that's been on my heart for awhile now! Shit! I guess for most of my God damned muh fuckin ol Black sorry ass life!

Child sexual abuse is real! And when it was done to me, I have never let go of the way that I felt: Alone! Defenseless! Vulnerable! Worthless! Lost! Sullied! Confused!...I mean I can describe that shit now! But? Back then I was like, "What is happening to me?"

CaUSe I was ah muh fuckin child!

And no-fucking-one listened/listens tah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Focal Points

 Shit! US witnesses this ill shit that's goin on with these sorry ass evil elite muh fuckahs!

But shit!

What are US really 

FocUSin on!?

I mean,

God damn!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Diner En Blanc"

 Still laughin bout this ill ass shit! My wife hipped me tah this absurd shit! Anyway...

So yo ass in white and have tah carry all this shit!?

Just for thah sorry ass experience!?

And my ol Black ass still gottah pay y'alls confidence game muh fuckahs legal tender?!

God damn!

How thah fuck this suit gonnah stay white muh fuckah movin all that muh fuckin shit!? How?!...

Marketing muh fuckin brilliance! I mean

God damn brilliant!

Muh fuckUS fallin for thah ill ass shit, hand ovah fist and shit!

I undahstand!

CaUSe shit,

US are thah same muh fuckahs that fell for thah muh fuckin stupid ass

"Pet Rock" shit back in thah day!...

I guess don't muh fuckin shit


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, August 19, 2023

"Days Go By - Dirty Vegas" III

 Watch thah muh fuckin video?!

US'll fall in love with this muh fuckah! That Brothah dancin! Right there with him! Though only in my mind! CaUSe my joints be hurtin for real! Anyway....

When music videos had ah muh fuckin story instead of Luciferian originated bullshit!

Beautiful shit! But them evil muh fuckahs done ruined that feel good shit! But...

My ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass watches this shit at least three times ah muh fuckin week


Yah fucked up!

Keep doin what yo sorry ass doin tah relieve thah muh fuckin pain! CaUSe you ain't no-fuckin-body! But yah fucked up! Deal with that ill ass muh fuckin shit! By any means necessary without hurtin anothah muh fuckah!

I feel yo muh fuckin painful emotional Human shit!!!

Some Beautiful feel good 

Human shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Am Not Going To Apologize For Deplorable Truth!

 "How can you think that way? That shit's sick?!"

And I undahstand! But there is no muh fuckin one of 


That thinks any different than what is thah muh fuckin


Them evil muh fuckahs are eating, traumatizing, raping, exsanguinating, ruining...our beautiful innocent


That shit's goin down in ah bad ass muh fuckin way rampantly among thah muh fuckin evil elite!

Not thinkin and talkin bout that ill shit,

Ain't gonnah make it any muh fuckin bettah!

As ah mattah of fact!

Silence about that evil ill ass shit has caused it to muh fuckin overly

Flourish and 


(Peace! More to come...)

Why Maui!?

 Muh fuckah stated in their vlog,

"The directed energy weapons used were not for anything else but to build military bases on Maui! Take the land from Hawaiian landowners! Because of the planned US war with China in 2025!"

I don't believe that shit! Not one muh fuckin word!

US is fuckin broke! How US gonnah go tah war with any damned muh fuckin body especially China and sustain some shit?! With our broke assUS!? Anyway....

All thah muh fuckin pedophile playahs have financial land interests in HI:

Obama, Winfrey, Zuckerberg...

If they learned one thing from Child pimp 


Yah don't shit where yo sorry evil elite ass sleeps!

Islands are thah shit for our sorry muh fuckin pedophilic rich evil muh fuckin

Asses! Law deems Islands as floating! Not landmass!

And that's all there is to this evil ill ass shit!

Yo pedophilic ass wakes up aftah rapin all those children last night!?

And witnesses anothah beautiful 

Hawaiian Sunrise!

Them some evil ass sick muh fuckahs!

God damn!....

(Peace! More to come...)

US Are Just Sorry Ass Worthless Fucking Goyim To These Sorry Ass Muh Fuckin Vampirical evil elite Jews!

 Undahstand some shit Sonshines!

There are no US rules for US beautiful blessed children!

Thah same muh fuckin shit they said Hitler did tah them sorry evil ass elte muh fuckahs!

Is thah same muh fuckin disgusting shit them Jews are goin tah do to 

US's Children! 

US 's Youthful sorry ass 


US! Better recognize real thah fuck quick!

Which tribe is runnin this ill ass muh fuckin 

Diatribe agenda against


(Peace! More to come...)...

Yet, Another Human Cycle Wasted! Unless....

 Oh, feel their evil breezes!

Sneezes the Jewish holocaust being the boss!

Toss aside a landside of real Human hegemony by you


Stand aside!

Stride and glide!

To the start of US


US will rebuild and


And US finally will


(Peace! More to come...)

To Be

 Every-fuckin-thing Our Father says and requires of US!

So saith for US's Beautiful


(Peace! More to come...)

No Fucking Wayward Children! CaUSe Ain't No Fucking Way You Should Be Wayward!

Yo ass can be an adult all that yo sorry ass wants! But help yo old Dad out with some shit!? Cause I'm confused as fuck!... 

Do you not undahstand what this ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass would do if I saw my daughtah in one of these satanic music videos? Shakin ass, on ah pole, twerkin... CaUSe that shit ain't poppin off in thah midwest like that! Them evil muh fuckahs gottah contain thah evilness! New York or California! My Daughter I do believe would pick California becaUSe of the scenario jUSt written! But I don't give ah fuck! Sonshine! Australia! IsraHell! Africa! Asia!... Yo ass bout ready tah witness me! Anyway...

I'd text her ass, "I need to speak with you in person. I will be at your doorstep within twenty-four hours!"

Give or take a few hours! Her ass would have tah witness my ol Black caring muh fuckin befuddled broke sorry ass in thah Human form! Fuck SKYPE, fuck texts, fuck ah cellphone...Naw! Yo ass, it seems, needs tah talk! And I'm all ears! CaUSe this shit ain't cool at thah fuck all!

I ain't scared of whatevah thah fuck you got tah tell me Sonshine! Please believe that shit!? What can I do to help with this shit I ain't undahstandin at thah fuck at all?! So help your old dad out?! Please!? What muh fuckah do I need tah murder?! Or it isn't that deep?! Whatevah thah fuck!...

So shit!

Speak on it!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik -Outkast" III

Thah more I listen tah these ill ass muh fuckahs!

Thah more my ol Black sorry broke ass realizin without

Andre 3000!?

big boi wouldn't be shit!

Hate that muh fuckah's flow!

Ain't organic at thah fuck at all!

Tryin too muh fuckin hard tah be different!

Now 'Dre three!?

He's quite comfortable who that muh fuckah be!

He's always flowin

Differently! ...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Come on naw!?

Come on?!

US can't sit up here and blame thah muh fuckin evil elite and their numerous minions for this blighted mess US gettin guided towards!

Naw! Fuck that shit!

US has acquiesced! US's way past thah age of muh fuckin majority! And still ain't said or did dick!


Gonnah be awhile before this horrible evil living pain

Ceases for


Y'all undahstand that shit my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, right?!

Shit! Okay?!

I won't witness the end! Most of you won't either!

But even in my death!

I will dream about US's righteoUS 



(Peace! More to come...)

US! We! Created This Ill Ass Shit!

 What's wrong with ol muh fuckahs like me is that

We done forgot what it was like when we were muh fuckin


Don't US dare chastise these young muh fuckahs and US gives them thah most powerful evil ill ass shit in this firmament, willingly into those eager hands and eager sponges of minds!

Don't US dare evah blame this era's 


Shit! If I was a thirteen years old male with ah cellphone!?

I'd be watchin porn all muh fuckin day!

Don't give ah fuck!

Fuck ah sport!

And I would wish jackin off was ah sport!? Because if it was! I maybe wouldn't win! But my young testosterone infused young ass would sho nuff, place or show!

"Today's male population does not know how to treat women!"

Yah think?!...

What thee Holy fuck is this ol ass Black muh fuckin niggah missin!?

God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

501 c3s are Giggalos and Harlots for the evil elite!

 Every non-profit makes ah muh fuckin profit!

As long as them evil muh fuckahs get their cut!

I remembah readin one cent of every dollah thah United Way received went towards their "Mission Statement"! Thah othah ninety-nine percent went towards administrative, marketing...fees! Uhm! Anyway...

And their evil outcome!

Come on now!

None of those muh fuckahs workin long term for


Every-fuckin-one of those muh fuckahs have ah muh fuckin



Ergo, being granted 

Non-profit status!


The plethora of brick and mortar evil sorry ass muh fuckin manmade 


(Peace! More to come...)

I Recompense Quite Often Now. III

 Lookin back on it! I smile.


Why thah Holy fuck would they name that center for what it does, muh fuckin



But I know why

Now in


With LGBTQ-Z!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Recompense Quite Often Now. II

 So I had my interview to volunteer. I forget thah muh fuckah's name but thah first thing thah muh fuckah asked me was,

"And why are you volunteering with this organization exactly?!"

'I just want to help out wherever I can. I live right across the street. I figured why not?'

"You do understand what this center is all about don't you?"

'Yes. But that's interesting the way that you put that last question. Does it matter whether someone that wants to help out in this organization has a certain gender preference?' 

"It greatly helps!"

'Thank you for your time!' 

Shook his hand! Jetted!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Recompense Quite Often Now.

 I was lost for ah muh fuckin time! I mean out there kind of lost!

Didn't know where thah fuck my next move my middle aged ass was gonnah make?!

Started volunteerin at different organizations. It was pro'ly like 2003 some shit, close tah when I was forty.

I went for some reason to try to volunteer at the Damien Center. The shit fascinated me. It used tah be located about thirteenth and Pennsylvania. Now it's located near east of downtown. It was almost right across the street where I lived. A Zender property. I was on thah seventh floor and shit! Around July 4th you could see thah fireworks show on top of the Indiana Bank Tower (It's been so many muh fuckin names so please forgive me if this name isn't correct for the time written for thah muh fuckin structure?). Cool as shit spot! Single! Didn't have ah muh fuckin care in this firmament! Anyway...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck Preaching and Fuck Teaching! Just Listen to Muh Fuckahs!

 Yo ass evah talked tah ah muh fuckin 


I mean whatevah day, time, year...those muh fuckahs decided tah 

Awaken don't fuckin mattah!

Yo sorry broke ass can't tell them shit!

Whatevah yo sorry ass talkin about,

They already know?!

So I jUSt listen tah thah muh fuckahs now!

With thah ubiquitoUS responses,

"For real?!"

"I undahstand!"

"Sho nuff?!"

"I ain't heard that!"...

I mean fuck it!

Hopin that an ol muh fuckah will stumble across ah subject I'm not hip too!

And tah my ol Black sorry broke ass surprise!

Muh fuckUS know some shit I didn't thah fuck know!

Preach God damnit!

Go home and research some shit!

Right thah fuck on!

Now, that's what I'm talkin bout!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Adam and Eve?! Were The Genesis of evil! Not Good! II

 Yah see, thah shit got so bad back in thah day, flooded this shit!

Oh, like the bottleneck effect, some of US lived!

Most perished!

Then it started ovah for US!

But thah problem is,

Aftah all these muh fuckin years since Noah!

We done got back into thah same hedonistic, niggardly shit once


Manmade, Nature made...

Our Father really don't give ah fuck!

"But I told you insolent heathens what was going to be done aft! Once you went down this evil road again! And fire, would be thine demise for most!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Reset: to the evil elite! Regeneration: to US!

 Muh fukahs think US gonnah be flooded thah fuck out!

My ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass be laughin at that ill ass shit!

It's been done!

God damn!

And it didn't fuckin work!

Now it's time tah scorch this muh fuckah!

Time tah burn this bitch


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, August 18, 2023


 Thee Holy fuck!

On thah muh fuckin


I mean Navratilova, BJK, Evert, The Williams Sisters...Anyway....

God damn!

Only thing that muh fuckah got any different than ah muh fuckin man are those 

Protuberances up top!...

(Peace! More to come...)

High Fat, Sodium, Sugar and Starch?

 CaUSe it makes US muh fuckin broke assUS more delicioUS tah them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!

Like pigs and shit eatin slop!

Don't even have tah add salt or any seasoning!...


And the blood exsanguinated?!


Can't get enough!

Fatty, salty, unctuoUS, kind of sweet and tangy at the same time!? 

Love it!"

God damn!

Our Heavenly Father!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

It Ain't Your Fault Love! It's An Age Thing! And Blessed Marital Banter!

 My mind jumps! I think I told y'all this shit before but I'm noticin thah shit more for some God forsaken reason!

I'll be thinkin of some shit! Then poof! That shit's gone with thah muh fuckin winds! If somethin or someone interrupts that muh fuckah!

God damn!

I try tah make my wife undahstand some shit, caUSe she has thah tendency tah interrupt and disrupt my thoughts by askin valid questions! But...


Do you not undahstand Love!

Just from that one question?

That interruption of my ol Black sorry broke ass thought!

I have not thah slightest muh fuckin clue where I was goin with that muh fuckah!?

"Sorry," she usually says.

You don't have to be sorry for me gettin old!? And you too! (I usually say)

"Oh! I'm not getting old! I'm getting well seasoned old man!" She usually says.

And we both start laughin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Martial Law/Military Law. And Take POAC Measures!

 Remembah when this shit comes to fruition my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Don't fuckin panic?!

For Our Father's sake!

Everything is gonnah be cool and copacetic!

Plan some shit!

Organize some shit!

Actuate some shit!


Carry them muh fuckahs tah hell!

Where they're from!

Fuckin evil elite real illegal



US'll be jUSt 

Fine Sonshines!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Signing Up For Voluntary Human Pain!?

 Thah muh fuckin military is ah shitload of experimentations goin on and gathered!

Just look at


US thinks that's jUSt for that sorry ass recruit!?

Them evil muh fuckahs receive data and video ad nauseum bout US sorry assUS pain threshold!

Shit, US even signin up for shit like

BUD/S et al!?

Makes them undahstand every-fuckin-thing them evil muh fuckahs need tah know about US supersilly muh fuckin assUS pain thresholds! When them evil muh fuckahs gonnah test that muh fuckin shit for their damned selves sooner than soon!...


US assUS are

Gullible as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Dr Vernon Coleman

 I watch this muh fuckah all thah muh fuckin time!

He sits up there with his legs crossed, readin from some shit!

Speakin that English tone which makes yo broke ass think that instantly 

"I'm muh fuckin broke!" CaUSe you are!

But it's cool! CaUSe he tears that evil elite ass up! With his proper English tone even! And ain't said one cuss word! Don't know how thah fuck he does that shit!? Anyway....

Read some of his shit?

Way before his time!...

This muh fuckah tryin tah do some shit!

Big ups you oldah ass muh fuckah!

Keep fightin thah good ass muh fuckin and only 



I'll meet yo righteoUS ass in thah muh fuckin


Maybe we'll have a pint...

Or four!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

An evil Ass Muh Fuckin, Maui Owie!

 Y'all remembah that documentary shit, "When The Levees Broke..."? Them Black muh fuckUS were talkin that shit about hearin ah loud explosion some shit?!

I mean 9-11 and thah Oklahoma City bombin shit was kind of subtle! Sandy Hook, Columbine, Jim Jones, JFK Assassination, Uvalde...also kind of subtle!


With this shit here!?

This shit was blatant as fuck!


In plain muh fuckin sight!

CaUSe them evil muh fuckahs don't give ah fuck

About US!

And they have thah power, thah means and thah idle muh fuckin time tah do this evil ass shit!

God damn!

Our Father's speed 

HI !...

(Peace! More to come...)

Controlling Real Human Content

 So them evil muh fuckahs usin these algorithms and shit where...

Private citizens can't post from Maui!

All mainstream bought and sold news outlets showin their propagandized bullshit!

All this Facebook and shit! And muh fuckahs ain't postin because of

"Graphic Content"!

God damn!

They're showin their muh fuckin 


"Yeah muh fuckUS! Look at the power we have! And this ain't shit!"


We still got ah lil time my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

But jUSt ah muh fuckin lil!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Step Up The US Prep!


Where thah fuck US IN gonnah go?

Tah Lucas Oil stadium some shit!?

Fuck that!

Hunker thah fuck down!

Only go out when absolutely fuckin necessary!

And when you go thah fuck out?

Just ah suggestion,

Always be muh fuckin 


Now when thah NATO and UN forces get thrown at US!

Stay strapped!

But yah got tah conceal that shit!

Remembah undah Martial Law/Military Law

US's rights are fuckin


CaUSe unbeknownst tah US,

US jUSt joined thah muh fuckin


And US ain't ranked jack shit!

Not even ah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, August 17, 2023

"Black Ice (Sky High) - Goodie Mob (feat. OutKast)"

 Bad ass muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Kick, Push - Lupe Fiasco"

 RighteoUS muh fuckin ass shit!

Where yo ass be at


"...Kick push! Coast!"!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"A Dream Deferred"?!

 Unless yo sorry ass is in control of that muh fuckin



Now, you've let them evil muh fuckahs take ovah yo muh fuckin one of ah kind


And that shit ain't muh fuckin good for

US at

Thee Holy fuck at all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US News?!

 No evil muh fuckahs!

This shit ain't no muh fuckin 



"I just made some fabulous believable shit up,

Bitches! And they bought it!

Pay the manly lady!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Don't Even Know!

 I'm always makin muh fuckin excuses for myself by always sayin, "I'm sorry?!," tah muh fuckUS! CaUSe I know I'm flawed as fuck! God damn! Anyway... No matter who they are! Or whether I was in the right or wrong! CaUSe fuck it! I'm jUSt tryin tah get my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass back home!


"Just say it, with yo corny old Black broke muh fuckin ass! Yo ass is scared!"


Y'alls Black muh fuckin assUS with this scared manly sorry ass bullshit!?

God damnit!


Ain't got US 




Not even ah smell muh fuckUS!

Get yo muh fuckin broke Black ass back home!


The name of this now sorry ass Human real game!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Southwest U.S. could get rare direct hit from hurricane - Yahoo news"

 Y'all muh fuckUS bout ready tah get directly hit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Appreciate You! But A Muh Fuckah's Old!

 Interlock your hands together?

Raise them as high over your head that you can possibly raise them!

Then raise them even higher!...

Your memory muscles will be like,

"Bro! Where have you been!?"...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I have to give it up!


Damn! Yo ass ain't even been readin this muh fuckah at thah fuck all!?

God damn!


I undahstand!

But shit!

You wannah know?

Do ah lil work and read?!

If not?

Thah next blog's comin soon...

(Peace! More to come....)

Under US's Fine Firmament

 "Oh, I grow and raise my own protein. Have a six acre garden....We live organically!"

But what about those chemtrails yo?!

Those shits ain't droppin  on yo muh fuckin shit?!


And you ain't got ah patent for that

Priceless muh fuckin secret garden type of shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

They're...Befuddling As Fuck!

 Them evil elite muh fuckahs tryin tah make pure Human electricity, fUSed to 

Manmade electricity!


Ain't evah gonnah happen you sorry ass rich degenerates!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Modern Day Parenting

 Nannies? Babysitters?!...

Thah fuck these muh fuckahs need that out of date type of shit for?

Give that lil muh fuckah ah muh fuckin cellphone!

Show 'em how tah pop ah Capri Sun!

Endless amount of Cheetos Puffs!...

Shiiiought! Without thah financial burden of an outside source?!

Bath and finally change that ass when I get home?!

Amuse themselves for eight fuckin hours until they fall thah fuck 


Troublesome sleep!

But still?!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Know US Place

 "Hey man got this cool ass boat! All of US from the office are going to hang out and float! You down?!"

Fuck no!

That shit's 

Maritime Law!

Somethin happens tah my ol Black sorry broke ass on that boat? On thah muh fuckin watah!? All y'all muh fuckahs gonnah lie! Why not?! Maritime Law is ah muh fuckah! And talkin bout makin some shit Global!? Fuck Maritime Law! Purge thah sorry ass shit! 

Maritime Laws were conjured for Human trafficking! Period!

Should only be Human Law! Anyway...

I'm ah Human land species kindah muh fuckah!

I don't fuck with thah 


(Peace! More to come...)

Overstanding and Understanding

 At least US sorry broke ass muh fuckahs now, have thah muh fuckin right tah 

Overstand some shit!


When they militarize local, city, enforcement!


All of US are under the

Military Code of Conduct!

And them sorry ass muh fuckahs are

Overstanding US!

And US now coming to 


Some real ass muh fuckin ill shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

When It Needs To Come Down To Some Shit!

 There are some White muh fuckahs that really don't see thah fuckin color of US Black muh fuckUS' skin!

Well, I mean if yo ill ass rollin like that, 

"Can you describe the perpetrator"

"Well he was male. Way taller than me! Kind of really, really, curly dark hair. Really tanned!..."

"So he was Black!"


(Peace! More to come...)

Breakfasts Sausages

 I'm gonnah try tah save yah lil bit of money in this severe inflationary period!

Fuck Bob Evans! Fuck Old Folks! Fuck Tennessee Pride!...Hoverin around five fuckin dollahs some shit for ah pound!

Go tah muh fuckin Kroger and get their one pound breakfast delicious sausage for half thah muh fuckin price!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fake It! Until You Make It? SerioUSly?!

 US got ah lot of these glassy eyed muh fuckin so-called celebrities now!

Look at their eyes? Them muh fuckahs someplace!

But that muh fuckin someplace ain't particularly thah place

Where they are at talkin!

And dreamin...

While talkin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Conflicting Financial Circumstances.

 How thah Holy fuck yo grown professional coachin ass, makin four mill ah year!?  

Gonnah tell ah professional athlete some shit and that muh fuckah makin five times yo shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Shut the Internet down!" Shit! I wouldn't do that shit if I were y'all evil muh fuckahs!?

 Them evil muh fuckahs ain't seen real crazy until they shut this

Internet down!

Lil muh fuckahs, now in college, almost born with cellphones in their muh fuckin hands!

Shit, even adults glued tah thah wicked shit!


Just ah suggestion,

Don't do it you evil muh fuckahs!?

Stupidest move y'all sorry evil ass imbecilic muh fuckahs could evah


CaUSe there will be severe repercussions from US!

"An idle mind is a devil's workshop?!" Y'all evil muh fuckahs already know!

Gettin cut off that, obvioUSly, technological 


Thah Holy fuck was y'alls evil muh fuckahs thinkin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The US Coasts

 They done paid these niggahs tah cut up on thah 


West and



"Well we don't have enough money in our districts and cities to control all of this violence!"

The Coast Guard and The National Guard comes first!

Then they'll send some of US real military personnel!

They'll keep thah propaganda bullshit up for awhile.


"We're overwhelmed with violence!"

Send US some NATO forces!

Then UN!

Bros and Bro'esses!

Now thah official Global World has finally

Commenced on


(Peace! More to come...)

Adam and Eve?! Were The Genesis of evil! Not Good!

The Holy Bible is about the era of evil not


US is gettin back tah Goodness but our sorry muh fuckin broke assUS got tah take ah lil pain! 

Christians glorify them two ill ass muh fuckahs!

Them muh fuckahs were fuckin evil as shit!

Thah first muh fuckin recorded sorry ass 


Oh! And they were the beginning?!...

No they fuckin weren't!

Some fuckin sorry ass religious legalistic bullshit!

"They shall surely kill thee!"


Them two sorry ass evil muh fuckahs were far from

US's muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

rich evil elite Muh Fuckahs Should Not Ever Have Offspring!

 I remembah this documentary. About this great chef. Forget that muh fuckah's name but I can see him while he was doing this documentary. Speaking casually about his life. Then he said some shit like, 

"Yes! I was nine or ten. And I had been six months on this cruise ship. Well. I went to eat and there were my parents at a table eating! I walked up to their table and they looked at me and offhandedly said to me, "Why are you not in school?"!? 

I remembah lookin at my wife and askin her, 'Did that muh fuckah just say thah shit I thought he said?!'

"Young on ah boat! Family rich as cream and don't give a fuck! Yeah! You heard right Love!" My wife said and kept lookin at thah documentary.

Thee Holy Fuck!

And I kept watchin too!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Indianapolis, Indiana

 Shit in US IN it ain't that bad!

Is it gettin there?!


But even these bad ill ass muh fuckahs ain't really known


Like US gonnah feel that evil ass shit

Sooner than soon!

Just remembah!

Keep praying!

Keep doing Good!...

And if US makes it tah 


Shit, them evil elite muh fuckahs have been in muh fuckin righteoUS hella


(Peace! More to come...)

How Far Are You From Home?

US cannot serve two masters! God damnit!

 When muh fuckahs from othah countries just up and says,

"Oh! We're going to America!" Whatevah thah fuckin tongue thine speaks this ubiquitoUS

US agenda shit!

Yo sorry ass leaves that muh fuckin

"Home" country for Hopes and muh fuckin Dreams!

Come tah this shit!

Y'alls sorry muh fuckin asses still gonnah be

Hopin and 


Cause y'all ungrateful muh fuckahs refuse tah call this savior 


Your muh fuckin blessed


(Peace! More to come...)

"Alex Collins, NFL Running Back Dies - Yahoo news"

 That niggah ain't dead!

So thah muh fuckah's name was: Alex Collins. (A (1) , C (3) or (1-3) or (13)

Died at 10:20 pm. (1+2 is 3). In ah 2400 time scenario,

Died at 2220! (2+2+2 is 6)

Near the 3300 block! (Obvious shit here!)

Riding a motorcycle, a 2004 Suzuki...(2+4 is 6)

While approaching 33rd Avenue. (Uhm!)

"So where is he at?"

Fuck if I know!

But that niggah ain't muh fuckin


Unless he was sacrificed during thah planned accident!

But for whom or for what?!

Only them elite sorry ass muh fuckahs would


"But he was 28 years old when he died."

See that's where they fuck with US!

Them evil muh fuckahs see that shit as,

(2+8+8 or(2 + (2) 8s') is 18!

18 divided by 3 is 6 or

(3) 6s!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Where All These Black Ass Niggahs Come From?! I mean, God Damn!

 You watch this shit!?

Muh fuckahs like cockroaches and shit! 

Thee Holy fuck!

Shit, I be like,

God damn!

Where thah Holy fuck did all these African niggahs come from?! In such ah short amount of time?! How thah fuck y'all get here and shit!? In Indianapolis, Indiana of all muh fuckin US cities in this bitch!? I mean God damn!?...

"Are you trying to say? Black African people can't move to another country because most Black Africans don't have that type of money?!"

Yeah muh fuckah! 

That's exactly thah fuck I'm sayin!..

(Peace! More to come...).

Monetization! Now Yo Muh Fuckin Ass On That evil Ass Stroll!


I loathe monetizing!

"Why? You get paid for your content!"

But then shit,

It horribly cheapens yo muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Like Four Legged Human Animals! elite evil Human Feed!

 "Oh, I like that one! That I fancy just fine! Substantial fat! But not overly so! We did keep the offal? Yes? Yes! This US meat market is brutal! But delicioUS and sustainable! CaUSe they loves tah fuck and procreate!!'...

(Peace! More to come....)

The Beautiful Human Horizon!

 Well, where are you on the spectrum of this

Human shit!?

"I'm not understanding a God damned thing you just have asked me!'

Shit! I totally undah-fuckin-stand! Once that righteoUS shit gets on that ass! It's well...


And quite fucked up!

But when you have


Come hollah!?

CaUSe US can make some beautiful shit happen for


(Peace! More to come,,,)

Ain't No Niggah Gonnah Kill No-Muh-Fuckin-Body! Shit! Until It's Time To Kill you evil elite Sorry Ass Muh Fuckahs! II

 I'm not gonnah tell you shit!

But have you got two minutes?!

"Yes sir! I think we can spare two minutes."

Thank you!.

I started typing...

Two muh fuckahs came to my door wanting to speak with me! Don't know why? But them sorry ass muh fuckahs were there all the same! And yes, like thah muh fuckin "Men in Black", dark suits, white dress shirts and a non-descript dark tie! I would say the suits and their ties were black! Askin an ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckah these ill ass questiions?!..Hit "Send:"!...

Check it?

I turned the screen to them to witness!

'This is what I do!'

But fuck it!

Query on you sorry ass fed seekin answahs sorry ass muh fuckahs!!!

Is this muh fuckin shit I flippantly fuckin wrote jUSt now muh fuckin

Fiction or 


And undahstand some shit 



I ain't shit!...

(Peace! More to come....)

The Unification of US?!

 I feel this life in it's essence!

Feeling it's presence!

Our Father's sent to my


He's still muh fuckin' tryin!

Why are not


We're jUSt muh fuckin


Yet still being able to be,,,



(Peace! More to come....)

"The Chain - Fleetwood Mack"

"Listen to the wind blow, 

Watch the sunrise..."


Luciferian beautiful bullshit at it's


(Peace! More to come....) 

Ain't No Niggah Gonnah Kill No-Muh-Fuckin-Body! Shit! Until It's Time To Kill you evil elite Sorry Ass Muh Fuckahs!

 "Mister Hopson we would like to thank you for speaking with us sir! But we are having a little difficulty with your words that you write to express your loyalty to this great nation."

You said, "write"? 

And "nation"?

I mean you do mean, "Corporation" not "Nation"!?

"Correct sir."

Thank you!

But shit,

That's easy!

Writing is fiction! Didn't you know that?!

"No sir. But please tell us?"


(Peace! More to come....)

Humanitarianism: Child Trafficking

 Up is


Down is


Ye! Philandering fuck ups fo sho!

Good is


Bad is


Ye, just two of their many philandering fuck ups! 

God damit!

That's them evil muh fuckahs ill mental


Who they fuckin


And who them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs shall always


Them evil muh fuckahs jUSt need tah be

Kilted! (And I don't mean in no Scottish muh fuckin manner bullshit eithah!)...

(Peace! More to come...)


 US are witnessin what them ill evil muh fuckahs are fuckin doin!

God damn! What thee Holy fuck is wrong with


No one that can, muh fuckin


US broke assUS jUSt





CaUSe US don't have dick tah muh fuckin lose!

"What! I can't lose my dick! I'm still fuckin around age at forty-two!"

God damn!

If that's all US sorry assUS thinkin bout!?


God damnit!

Are in some muh fuckin deep ass


(Peace! More to come....)

"Captain Fall - Netflix"


Do yo muh fuckin self ah favor and watch this muh fuckin enlightenin bullshit! That muh fuckin captain will get on yo muh fuckin nerves but fuck him! 

Hidden in plain sight?! God damned skippy!

Cartoon/animation my sorry ol Black broke muh fuckin ass!

I mean really listen tah thah shit?!

It's Maritime Law this evil shit is dealin with!

Remembah ol Ghislaine Maxwell and "The TerraMar Project"?!

Makes me think of all these bigger and better cruise ships them evil muh fuckahs comin up with?!

They are floating "15 Minute Cities"! And thah absolute rulah of that floating muh fuckin city is thah...yeah...thah muh fuckin

Captain! That don't give ah good God damn about Human Law!

God damn!

'Now how many muh fuckin children they traffickin in that big ass muh fuckin floating city!?'...

(Peace! More to come...)

"15 Minute Cities"

 Well, 1+5 is 6! And thah beat goes terribly wrong aftah that!

Aftah awhile them evil muh fuckahs just start callin 'em by grid numbahs and shit!

Here's thah way thah shit's gonnah look Sonshines!

Oh, US has bought intah this grand stupid elite fabuloUS fuck up,

"15 Minute Cities"! All thah fuckin rage for sho! And fuckin yes,

Everything I muh fuckin need is within 15 fuckin minutes! You know everybody workin from home and shit now! Anyway...

We witness what we call now pull-ups!

A Black SUV multiple times in ah day will jUSt pull-up beside US!

Swoop US up!

Nevah tah be heard from again!

Until US 're 


(Peace! More to come...)

Creating Children's Human Holding Pens! So They Can Be Free Range evil elite Human Slaughter! And Fuck'em Whenevah Their evil elite Asses Will!

 Why do US think Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey...buyin up thousands of acres in Hawaii?!

Shit, cause those two sorry ass muh fuckahs are some major child traffickin muh fuckahs!

And they learned from thah best child pimp sorry ass muh fuckin degenerate Jew Epstein! Child pimp of thah muh fuckin year six years in ah muh fuckin sorry ass row!

"Who was it before him?"

"mother" Theresa Sixty-six years in ah muh fuckin row! Elvis came in ah close muh fuckin second tah thah ugly he-bitch back in 1966! After that! He ate himself tah death! Then came your Winfrey's, Penn's, Madonna's.. Anyway....

You know back around 1980 thah movie "Alien" came out!?

And what was thah marketing slogan,

"In space, no one can hear you scream."

Yeah! On ah muh fuckin island surrounded by muh fuckin water!

Yo muh fuckin sorry broke helpless ass is in real firmament inside 



Those terrible infants' and children's screams are not gonnah carry for shit!!


Our Father's Speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, August 14, 2023

Early Retirement

 I have problems sleeping!


Because all my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass once I fall asleep has tah wake up to is:

Just anothah day of muh fuckin


So I put that sleep shit off as long as my ol Black broke ass possibly can!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"You Can Win With Ground Strokes Only! If You Know The Secrets" - Parisian Pierre Tennisse, Tennis Extraordinaire, Now Author 06Jun2024

 Introduction (Translated English):

There is a rhythm to everything! Just listen to it! Everywhere you go! Everyplace that you are! There is a rhythm! Some time it is natural! Oft times unnatural! But, what a pity! But there shall be a rhythm! However slight! And here is where these secrets


PSYOP Plane Parlance?

 If yah gonnah get some shit right!?

Get thah shit right!

Have US seen this video with this fine woman talkin bout thah muh fuckah next tah her was an 

Alien some shit?!

But then, have US seen this shit her ass supposedly apologized for?

Look at those two muh fuckahs?! God damn!

Thee Holy fuck!

That woman shoutin that shit on thah muh fuckin plane was thick!

I don't know who thah fuck this emaciated face

Muh fuckah even is tryin tah


And apologizing and shit?!

I'm sorry Sonshine?

For what?!

CaUSe yo sorry ass sho ain't that fine muh fuckin thick ass muh fuckah that

Started this illl ass shit!

That's for damn sho!...

(Peace! More to come....)

An Up And Coming Fail: US Human Prairie Fire

 Yah see them evil elite muh fuckahs are idiots!!!

Unless y'alls sorry evil asses are goin tah do thah muh fuckin thing right!?

God damnit!

Then don't do thah muh fuckin shit at thah fuck at all!

If yah ain't gonnah scorch thah entire firmament 

God damnit!

Y'all evil muh fuckahs jUSt pissin in thah proverbial 


And even if yah scorched this muh fuckah!

We'll still leave US's 


Remnants tah

Once again

Germinate this fertile Pure Human righteoUS


Like thah introduction tah y'alls propagandized Hollywood


(Peace! More to come...)

They're Going To Be Just Fine My Dear Sweet Sistahs And Brothahs!

 If they try this evil ass stupid ass lockdown shit again!?

Whethah it be anothah COVID variant, some ill perpetrated "Climate Change Mandates", or Our Father forbid, "An Alien Invasion"! I mean, God damn! evil Hollywood muh fuckahs! Get ah-fuckin-nothah script! CaUSe that joint is passé as fuck! Anyway...

Do US not undah-fuckin-stand!? It ain't gonnah be old muh fuckahs like me that are goin tah be thah first tah say, "Fuck you!" Tah that ill ass shit!

And hit thah blessed US streets!

Fuck no!

It will be US's beautiful Fed' thah fuck up



Gettin in that evil elite muh fuckin ass!

With their bootstrapped young 


(Peace! More to come...)

An evil elite Suicidal Mission

 Think about these evil elite muh fuckahs intah these sick ass rituals and shit!

Havin pedophile parties on Epstein island and pervasive othah locales across this vast yet small firmament!?

Suggesting to people to take a vaccine that will kill most, and what's left, well...

"They'll be our Human Energy attenuators when 9G kicks in!"...

And why?!

Fear of ennui!

US Humans are always fascinating as fuck! Shit! Got tah give them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs that! Anyway....

Muh fuckahs just fillin fuckin time some shit?! God damn!


CaUSe them evil muh fuckahs got tired of bein muh fuckin evilly rich!


I want to evilly rule!

And fuck ovah every muh fuckin body!

But shit!

Then what?!

But them evil idiots ain't thought that far down this muh fuckin 

Whimsical fucked up road of


Cause thah evil elite idiots live in thah sorry ass muh fuckin


I'm so glad tah tell y'alls evil sorry muh fuckin asses:

Thah muh fuckin future! Ain't lookin at US's shit in no damned sorry ass muh fuckin 33 and 66 years increments!

God damnit!!!...

(Peace! More to come...) 


 Them evil elite are trying to erase all 

Pure Human History from


And them evil muh fuckahs shall muh fuckin fail


(Peace! More to come...)

Shut The Fuck Up?! And All Will Be Copacetic For US In This Firmament!

 US niggahs kill my ol Black sorry broke niggah too ass!

God damn!

Them muh fuckahs always gottah be fuckin seen!



Then wonderin why muh fuckahs stealin their shit!? Or raidin their shit?!...Let these othah muh fuckin races tell on their sorry assUS selves! TikTok, Youtube, Bitchute, Rumble, Facebook...Ain't yo muh fuckin friends! Fuck that shit!

Work! And 'watch thah muh fuckin wheels' (Translated from John Lennon, US Black Real Dictionary-page 666 )! God damn!

Thah Holy fuck is this ol broke ass niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, August 13, 2023

"But how did we even get to this point!?"

 BecaUSe of 








And US still gonnah be jUSt fine


(Peace! More to come...)

That Shit! Ain't My Muh Fuckin Creation Ass's Shit!

 Don't wannah fuckin hear that ill ass shit!

CaUSe I am not my Sistahs and Brothahs


Don't give ah fuck!

Want ah muh fuckah that should give ah fuck!? 

Thah Holy fuck yo sorry lost ass want me tah tell yah,

"Yeah! Both them muh fuckahs were foul as fuck!"

Where that truthful shit done got me?!

God damn right about that! And fuck that shit! Anyway...

Find yo muh fuckin true


Like Roy Baty (Blade Runner) to no 


'We made you as..."


But, fuck it!

At least yah found yo sorry no-count Human muh fuckin ass


High-five muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

High School Seniors The Last Three And A Half Years. (C. Elaine Hopson)

 Did I have a real high school event in my life? I'm a Senior now and I still don't know what high school really is or was?

Well, what anyone thinks of that absurd rhetorical question escapes me. I was burdened by COVID like everyone else! Even had confirmed COVID once!...But my high school years?! Wearing masks since freshman year until early part of junior year? I think a lot about the seniors who graduated in these three past years and couldn't march with their classmates? Most people I didn't even recognize since high school began for me without the masks?!

"So that's what you truly look like?!" I would say often to myself. At this point not understanding anything about regular high school! I mean I'm in drama for God's sakes! Everyone understands that facial expressions mean everything in drama! All lost behind a backdrop in our human masked history I suppose! I can't get it back! Ever!

And who's fault is that, my age of minority high school self? Mine? 

I can't vote?! I don't pay taxes!? And who listens to us teenagers anyway? Have they ever! We are our future! But this future has been abandoned! For some unconceived/conceived reason! That my high school self is still trying to make sense out of?...

Murdering evil elite Time! (MeeT)

 Shit! Abel was conceived within thah muh fuckin Eden!

Cain was spawned outside that muh fuckah!

Cain knew this evil world which was to


And here US Cain

Tribe muh fuckUS


(Peace! More to come...)

Francais Empereur Napoleon Bonaparte, "History is a set of lies agreed upon. (Translated)"

Mon Dieu!


God muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)


 Whenevah yo sorry Human ass has created multiple times!

Ye, thine can't be beseeched with


Favorites art not thine friend!

Thine creations has all been created naturally and equally!

Though they may have different names and different genders,

Thy, must treat all in one accord!


Thine seeds are


(Peace! More to come...)

The Great Reset II

 They're tryin tah diminish what they've created, coveted then sullied!

Ye, tah no muh fuckin avail!

Them evil elite muh fuckahs are muh fuckin 



To be found!




CaUSe US meek are 

Children of the Biblical

Cain seed!

"We slay all who submits to Baal!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

We evil "545" haven't done a thing illegal! Have you read the reports on these Aliens taking over us?!

 It's sad! Sadder than sad! Too muh fuckin sad!

We're fucking gonnah fall for that ill ass shit!

Congress, Senate, The president...all gonnah lie about this evil fuck up!

"And them damn Aliens! They hypnotized all of us! We're sorry American people! But our lives and of our families were at stake! The Aliens have been in control of us for a long time now!"

Kindah Sci-fi shit y'all evil muh fuckahs done conditioned US too?!

you evil muh fuckahs!

Ain't no Aliens been tah this muh fuckah!

Yah mean thah muh fuckahs y'all created and sent flyin on different PSYOP missions and shit!?

Now, yeah!

Them muh fuckahs been in this muh fuckah!

Copy that ill ass muh fuckin shit!

Cause of y'all evil ass pathetic muh fuckahs!

But ain't shit came from outah muh fuckin


And fuck an absurd muh fuckin sorry ass US




Snakes' of an


(Peace! More to come...)

Serge Monast!? Bro! Them evil muh fuckahs stealin yo shit!

 "Locals report 8-foot alien predators in Peruvian jungle - Yahoo headline"


And so it begins!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Global World Lock-Step US! And US Still Got A Small Window! But US Has To Act, Now!

 Them sorry ass evil elite stupid muh fuckahs' are funny as fuck!

They show these "news" footages from around thah muh fuckin firmament about how this firmament is goin tah shit!

Maybe my ol Black sorry ass is myopic as fuck like ah muh fuckah!?

But shit!

Where I'm livin?!

I don't give ah muh fuckin shit what y'alls evil sorry degenerate asses

Force feedin!

But when it comes tah 


IN US'll be ready!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Show More of This Shit! Them evil elite Child Sorry Ass Kidnapping Minions Shall Cease! III

 But when all of thah vile shit is finally revealed about these sorry ass evil elite and

US are ready tah accept thah truth!

This niggah's hypocrisy only goes so far muh fuckUS!

Rapin babies, lil boys and lil girls! Sacrificing them! Child sex traficking them! Drinkin their adrenochrome! Drinkin their blood! Eating spitted (like suckling pig) babies joyfully! Inoculating US children with lethal vaccines! Prescribing mental health medicines for conditions caused by the inoculations!...Uhm! 

Our Heavenly Father!

Them sorry ass evil muh fuckahs need tah fuckin 


Or like they said back in Biblical days:


In a muh fuckin horrible way!

And yes,

I would rather enjoy witnessing that 

RighteoUS shit!

If, my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass is still here as ah muh fuckin witness when that 

RighteoUS shit goes down?!

But if I am!?

Can't wait!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Show More of This Shit! Them evil elite Child Sorry Ass Kidnapping Minions Shall Cease! II

 Don't no righteoUS individual wants to see ah muh fuckah die from some fucked up shit! Unless that sorry ass muh fuckah makes it go down like that?!

But physical pain brings about causative Human markers!

Can't jUSt let that ill ass uncivil behavior happen, "Oh? You're free to go. You surrendered. You finally did the right thing!" Fuck that shit! Not with an age of majority muh fuckah! Oh, no! Anyway...

And without those Human physical and mental painful markers,

There is no


(Peace! More to come...)

Show More of This Shit! Them evil elite Child Sorry Ass Kidnapping Minions Shall Cease!

 I watched this video of this dude in an Asian country tryin tah kidnap ah child! The Father right along side of thah sad awhile muh fuckah cause thah kidnapper has the child by thah child's right arm, with his left hand and the machete in his right hand up tah thah child's throat! Well, the child kidnapper starts lookin around and figures out, this shit's not goin well for me! He lets go of thah child. Puts down his machete. Surrenders! The Father takes thah child tah safety! While thah whole God damn righteoUS neighborhood kicked and beat that sorry ass muh fuckah's ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, August 12, 2023

"High-Jacked Rap Music"! CCA (Corrections Corporation of America), GEO (The GEO Group, Inc). and M&TC (Management & Training Corporation)

 Thah same sorry ass Mason, illuminati muh fuckahs that created 


Are thah same muh fuckahs that own US's

Private fuckin'


With ah muh fuckin condition tah these sorry ass states in US, 

"Our facilities must exceed at least ninety percent capacity!"

And thah US IN signed up with this ill ass sorry muh fuckin

evil Agenda!

Thanks Holcomb!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Makes A Difference! II

 Where thah Holy fuck was I goin with this muh fuckah...

God damn!...

Okay! Copy that shit! Anyway...

I remembah I had kissed Mommy on thah cheek and said, "I love you" one day! But for some reason I remembered not kissin Daddy on thah cheek and sayin, "I love you"! Maybe he was in thah muh fuckin bathroom some shit and ah niggah didn't want tah disturb ' this point I can't really recollect! But I remembah sure as shit about half way home, I get my cellphone ringing with Mommy's and Daddy's numbah on it! Early cellphone use! Hit answer! "Yeah! What's happening?!"

"Your Father said you didn't kiss him?" Mommy stated.

'I'll be back there in about ten minutes," I said.

Rang off and did an


(Peace! More to come...)

"Immune boost or over-the-counter poison...- Yahoo news" And The Rise of Black Market Supplementations!

 Thah CDC says this!

Thah WHO and Codex Alimentarius says that!


Don't give ah Holy fuck!

Start stockpilin supplements my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

CaUSe before 2030!

US assUS ain't gonnah be able tah take shit

Without their evil ass global consent!

Do US not undahstand thah muh fuckin markup on black market of

Vitamin A, B, C, D, Omega-Three...gonnah be?!

And these are thah same evil ill ass ruthless muh fuckahs that wanted 

US all


(Peace! More to come...)

"COVID variant Eris taking over US? - Yahoo news"

 Them evil muh fuckahs are funny as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Humans Will Always Right!

 US muh fuckin niggahs think there was only Black slaves and shit!

Every muh fuckin race has been enslaved at one time or anothah in this muh fuckah!

US got muh fuckahs that think that ill ass way is okay!

Oft times gettin ah whole nation of people tah back that ill ass muh fuckin shit!

But it is what it is!

Until it ain't!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Great Reset

 Them evil Global world muh fuckahs talkin ah whole new muh fuckin language!

But yah see?

They've got it all wrong! 

Again!? Uhm! And with all that evil wealth!? Thah

 'Tower of Babel' is real you evil ass sorry muh fuckahs!

God damnit!

Them evil muh fuckahs believe in what is

Down is


And what is

Up is

Down and some shit!


If y'all muh fuckahs tryin tah control shit globally!?

Based on that fucked up ideology!

When y'all evil muh fuckahs take ovah!

Y'all ain't really takin ovah muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Makes A Difference!

 I just think that the Human mind takes US to events that have real meaning in this life! I mean, we could remember the ancillary events but why bother? They are there, in the backdrop of insignificance...until?

Well, when I graduated from college I moved into a two bedroom with one of my brothers. Anyway, niggah paying his rent and shit! Well, I used to go over to my parents home to mow their lawn. Make sure they were doing okay? And of course, tah see what Mommy was makin for dinner?! Yeah! Anyway...

Every time I would leave I would kiss them both on the cheek and say, "I love you!" Most of the time would be left with their kind of cold upbringing! Niggahs weren't supposed tah show outward affection for ah loved one! It would make it that much harder for 'em when thah othah niggah was sold! My parents were born 1920 and 1921 respectively!

"But you are talking in early 1990's?! Slavery was abolished in 1865! And finally with Black people in the mid sixties with Jim Crow!"

Yeah! And I was born in 1965!

Conditioning is ah muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Directed Energy Weapons V

 They got US


Oh, them evil muh fuckahs really do!

I mean shit!


Thah only muh fuckin way US can get this shit back?!

Is for thah evil elite muh fuckin

Heads to literally roll!

Sans bodies!

Then destroy all of their evil


Then it's 


All over again!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Directed Energy Weapons IV

 Showin these muh fuckin dystopian movies and shit, with these armed military muh fuckahs goin door to door, tah gathah thah flock!


If thah flock don't obey!?

Them evil muh fuckahs lazy and muh fuckin cheap as fuck when it comes down tah US Humans! 

They're gonnah incinerate yo sorry ass broke shit, with you in it!

US broke assUS talkin that ill shit,

"I do not comply!"

Okay! But forgive our evil sorry ass muh fuckin awful bloody

Mess subsequently!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Directed Energy Weapons III

 CaUSe you know all this shit them evil muh fuckahs doin!?

Eventually they gonnah have thah nerves tah blame thah muh fuckin absurd shit on thah conjured up


Think about the muh fuckin movie "Independence Day"!

That spaceship got close tah thah top of thah twin towers and all those muh fuckahs lookin up at that shit!

Then all of thah sudden that intense light beam fired up and started causin all that destruction?!

Yeah! Like Serge Monast stated a long fuckin time ago!

Project Blue Beam in full 



(Peace! More to come...)

Directed Energy Weapons II

 So, I'm checkin out some of these pictures of Maui and shit!

They have homes untouched by thah muh fuckin "fires" and all around these untouched homes fuckin rubble!

Thee Holy fuck?!

Then I started looking at some of thah roofs of thah untouched homes!

Over eighty percent of those untouched homes had solar panels on their roofs! Thah othah twenty percent were located near thah untouched solar paneled muh fuckahs!


Maybe the energy weapon bypassed that shit for fear of 

Reflecting the energy back to thah muh fuckin source!?

Maybe US needs tah invest in some muh fuckin

Solar panels and shit

Sooner than soon!?...

(Peace! More to come...)