Saturday, August 19, 2023

501 c3s are Giggalos and Harlots for the evil elite!

 Every non-profit makes ah muh fuckin profit!

As long as them evil muh fuckahs get their cut!

I remembah readin one cent of every dollah thah United Way received went towards their "Mission Statement"! Thah othah ninety-nine percent went towards administrative, marketing...fees! Uhm! Anyway...

And their evil outcome!

Come on now!

None of those muh fuckahs workin long term for


Every-fuckin-one of those muh fuckahs have ah muh fuckin



Ergo, being granted 

Non-profit status!


The plethora of brick and mortar evil sorry ass muh fuckin manmade 


(Peace! More to come...)

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