Wednesday, August 30, 2023

"Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne - Infowars-Alex Jones"

 Niggah Jones!


How can I take yo show serioUSly when yo "guest" looks like ah fucked up 

Elvis impersonator, Jew from South African niggah hatin "pastor", with that fucked up South Afrikaans English accent muh fuckah! How?! Thah fuck they do tah yo sorry portly ass?! Lookin all confused and shit all thah God damned time! Lookin like on thah muh fuckin camera, "What was I supposed to say again?" evil muh fuckah in thah background, his handler of course, points to the teleprompter. "Oh!..." US evah notice he does that shit alot? That "Oh!" shit? US thinks cause he's kind of queer? Odd? But fuck no! His handler's gettin in that ass!...Anyway...

And thah muh fuckin guest gots thah nerves tah be ah Pentecostal preacher!???

Can't make this shit up in ah millenia Sonshines!

Fuckin absurd muh fuckin shit!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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