Saturday, August 19, 2023

"Days Go By - Dirty Vegas" III

 Watch thah muh fuckin video?!

US'll fall in love with this muh fuckah! That Brothah dancin! Right there with him! Though only in my mind! CaUSe my joints be hurtin for real! Anyway....

When music videos had ah muh fuckin story instead of Luciferian originated bullshit!

Beautiful shit! But them evil muh fuckahs done ruined that feel good shit! But...

My ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass watches this shit at least three times ah muh fuckin week


Yah fucked up!

Keep doin what yo sorry ass doin tah relieve thah muh fuckin pain! CaUSe you ain't no-fuckin-body! But yah fucked up! Deal with that ill ass muh fuckin shit! By any means necessary without hurtin anothah muh fuckah!

I feel yo muh fuckin painful emotional Human shit!!!

Some Beautiful feel good 

Human shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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