Monday, August 21, 2023

Religion, Church, Bible Class, Christian Conferences...All Muh Fuckin Bullshit! Read The Shit For Yourself Sans Mans' Teachings of The Shit You Are Reading!

 I read things differently now! It started with The Holy Bible!

US has ah direct relationship with Our Father! US don't need no muh fuckin sorry ass


Fuck that noise!

When US humbly ASK, 

Our Father, 

Tah help US bettah undahstand some shit yo ass been havin some hella difficulty with readin it like you've been conditioned!? That shit's foul all day er day! Anyway...

Our Father,

Wraps his phantom arms around US!

Smiles and gently says,

"Continue readin My Son! Let me show you what these words really

Mean without conditioning!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

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