Wednesday, August 23, 2023

An evil Ass Muh Fuckin, Maui Owie! II

Have US witnessed thah drone footage ovah Maui?! Uhm!

Them evil muh fuckahs "Gave into the D.E.W."! And my ol Black sorry broke ass ain't talkin bout no damn Mountain at thah fuck at all!

Fuck that shit!

Those dastardly degenerates singed that muh fuckah!

They are murderers! They torched: Women, Children, Men, dogs, cats...! Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs didn't give ah fuck! It's time to aloha muh fuckahs! God damn them some evil muh fuckahs! Are US startin tah undahstand what these evil ass muh fuckahs got in store for US?!...

How thah fuck them evil worthless sorry ass muh fuckahs gettin away with this shit!?

Fuckin how?!

US's own federal government is complicit in this deplorable muh fuckin shit!

How are thah muh fuckin fires gonnah hop ovah whole houses, whole five star hotels and shit?!



And please don't give me no sorry ass muh fuckin shit like,

"Well! They're "Wild" fires!"

Our Heavenly Father! I'd beat their complexions off their uncarin worthless muh fuckin faces! Then let thah pigs have at'em! But I wouldn't eat those muh fuckin pigs subsequently! Shit, they'd live until they naturally died! CaUSe now they're tainted swine! Like the evil muh fuckahs they jUSt feasted on! Anyway...

Please notice all of thah houses standin! Ninety percent had solar panels on top! The othah ten percent were their next door neighbors! Bullshit you not!

"Well some of the houses that they singed could have had solar panels?" 

Yah really think? Shit! US'll nevah know unless ah private muh fuckah comes up with aerial photos before thah shit happened!? We'll nevah fuckin know?

"They can do test on the ashes to see if solar panel particulates are present."

Uhm! You really gonnah believe any-muh-fuckin-body them evil muh fuckahs hire tah research or investigate some shit like this?! If, so? Shit! I undahstand! Anyway....

Them evil muh fuckahs need tah be murdered


Thee Holy fuck is this ol tired Black sorry ass muh fuckah


God damnit!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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