Sunday, August 20, 2023

Silence is not, Golden! As a matter of fact! Silence ain't worth shit!

 Undahstand some shit my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

There's some evil shit goin down!

But y'all already knew that shit! Sorry?

I guess, I jUSt wanted tah write about somethin that's been on my heart for awhile now! Shit! I guess for most of my God damned muh fuckin ol Black sorry ass life!

Child sexual abuse is real! And when it was done to me, I have never let go of the way that I felt: Alone! Defenseless! Vulnerable! Worthless! Lost! Sullied! Confused!...I mean I can describe that shit now! But? Back then I was like, "What is happening to me?"

CaUSe I was ah muh fuckin child!

And no-fucking-one listened/listens tah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

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