Saturday, August 19, 2023

No Fucking Wayward Children! CaUSe Ain't No Fucking Way You Should Be Wayward!

Yo ass can be an adult all that yo sorry ass wants! But help yo old Dad out with some shit!? Cause I'm confused as fuck!... 

Do you not undahstand what this ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass would do if I saw my daughtah in one of these satanic music videos? Shakin ass, on ah pole, twerkin... CaUSe that shit ain't poppin off in thah midwest like that! Them evil muh fuckahs gottah contain thah evilness! New York or California! My Daughter I do believe would pick California becaUSe of the scenario jUSt written! But I don't give ah fuck! Sonshine! Australia! IsraHell! Africa! Asia!... Yo ass bout ready tah witness me! Anyway...

I'd text her ass, "I need to speak with you in person. I will be at your doorstep within twenty-four hours!"

Give or take a few hours! Her ass would have tah witness my ol Black caring muh fuckin befuddled broke sorry ass in thah Human form! Fuck SKYPE, fuck texts, fuck ah cellphone...Naw! Yo ass, it seems, needs tah talk! And I'm all ears! CaUSe this shit ain't cool at thah fuck all!

I ain't scared of whatevah thah fuck you got tah tell me Sonshine! Please believe that shit!? What can I do to help with this shit I ain't undahstandin at thah fuck at all?! So help your old dad out?! Please!? What muh fuckah do I need tah murder?! Or it isn't that deep?! Whatevah thah fuck!...

So shit!

Speak on it!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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