Saturday, August 12, 2023

US Makes A Difference!

 I just think that the Human mind takes US to events that have real meaning in this life! I mean, we could remember the ancillary events but why bother? They are there, in the backdrop of insignificance...until?

Well, when I graduated from college I moved into a two bedroom with one of my brothers. Anyway, niggah paying his rent and shit! Well, I used to go over to my parents home to mow their lawn. Make sure they were doing okay? And of course, tah see what Mommy was makin for dinner?! Yeah! Anyway...

Every time I would leave I would kiss them both on the cheek and say, "I love you!" Most of the time would be left with their kind of cold upbringing! Niggahs weren't supposed tah show outward affection for ah loved one! It would make it that much harder for 'em when thah othah niggah was sold! My parents were born 1920 and 1921 respectively!

"But you are talking in early 1990's?! Slavery was abolished in 1865! And finally with Black people in the mid sixties with Jim Crow!"

Yeah! And I was born in 1965!

Conditioning is ah muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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