Friday, August 18, 2023

Signing Up For Voluntary Human Pain!?

 Thah muh fuckin military is ah shitload of experimentations goin on and gathered!

Just look at


US thinks that's jUSt for that sorry ass recruit!?

Them evil muh fuckahs receive data and video ad nauseum bout US sorry assUS pain threshold!

Shit, US even signin up for shit like

BUD/S et al!?

Makes them undahstand every-fuckin-thing them evil muh fuckahs need tah know about US supersilly muh fuckin assUS pain thresholds! When them evil muh fuckahs gonnah test that muh fuckin shit for their damned selves sooner than soon!...


US assUS are

Gullible as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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