I saw thah same shit everybody else 's seein!
Let me suggests somethin tah US!?
If ah muh fuckin cop stops yo Black sorry broke ass for whatevah reason!
Whatevah that muh fuckah tells US tah do, othah than suck their dicks or them suggestin tah let 'em fuck US!?...
Fuckin do it!
My ol Black broke sorry ass lookin at this shit and I'm sayin tah myself! Them muh fuckahs ain't no damn lawyers or judges!
LEOs believe in street justice! They know thah law of US streets!
Them muh fuckahs don't know dick about real judicial laws!
They jUSt enforce them muh fuckahs...kindah sortah!
They are trained in thah law but they do not study US laws!
Anyway, just ah suggestion tah US:
When US gets stopped!?
Put thah muh fuckah in park and shut thah shit down!
(I mean, where the fuck US think US goin at this point!?)
Turn on every interior light that is in visible reach!
Roll all US muh fuckin windows down, especially if US have tinted windows!
Then put both hands out of thah driver's side window and fuckin wait for instructions!
"Get out of the fucking car!"
Ask what hand US should USe tah open thah door from the outside so thah muh fuckin LEO can always see US hands.
"Just get out of the fucking car sir!
(Sir? Okay? I may just make it tah jail at thah muh fuckin least!?) US gets US asses out thah car with arms spread wide and palms facin thah LEO!
"Put your hands behind your back!"
Put yo muh fuckin hands behind US back!
Of course US back tah thah LEO with palms wide still pointed back toward thah LEO!
They cuff yo sorry Black broke ass!
"You're going to jail! Do you have anything to say?"
'Not until I get to blessed jail!'...
(Peace! More to come...)