Tuesday, January 31, 2023

"The Rockford Files: S4 Ep7 - Quickie Nirvana"

 Fuckin episode is geniUS!

When Sky says to ol Gordon,

"Gordon How could you!?"

Gordon, "How could you cop out on me like that!"

(Gordon slaps Sky)


"That's the sound of one hand clapping." to one of Sky's many previous spiritual epiphanies of thought!

Will crack yo ol Black broke sorry ass up!

Rockford was real!...

(Peace! More to come..._

501(c)(3) III

 I mean think about it!?

US sorry asses gottah pay taxes and shit for US shit!

But these no-count muh fuckahs gettin ah muh fuckin free 'pass'!

I remembah, My Brothah Al, tellin me,

"Meredith! Custodial or non-custodial!? If I'm legally obligated to pay?! Shoot! All of these parents are  legally obligated to pay!"

US might smartassily say,

"But taxes are voluntary!"


I mean jUSt because those evil elite muh fuckahs mismanagin thah shit! Don't mean they won't have to pay thah 'Ultimate Human Tax'!

Straight real readin!

Thee Holy fuck ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

During "The Pandemic"


I worked at an optical company named, 'Interstate Optical'!

Based on thah evil shit that was about tah go down layoffs was sho nuff gonnah take place!

"I hate to asks this. But any volunteers?!" Our Manager Andy.

I raised my ol' Black broke sorry ass hand! Shit! I had read about thah muh fuckin "additional funds" in unemployment benefits due to the 'Pandemic' layoffs!

And muh fuckUS!

I hate tah write it!

But, shiiiought!

I made way mo without 


And US didn't even have tah file those extra funds on US muh fuckin


I got thah lettah muh fuckUS!

Fuck... that!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Representatives, Start Appreciating US!

 Not One of US owes this shit ah God damned thing!


US owes US,

Every muh fuckin thing!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 If US does not assimilate...


Ah shitload of US will be 


(Peace! More to come...)

You Evil Elite Muh Fuckahs! But Y'all Sorry Evil Muh Fuckahs Do Undahstand? This Human Game, Takes Two!


Precipice which



No longer


(Peace! More to come...)

Shut US Human Factories Down! (In other words), Quit Having Fucking Children For Thirty-Three Years! II

 Well it only makes sense! Start walkin around in this firmament with no JoyUS children for thirty-three years?!

Maybe it 'll take more than thirty-three years! Maybe less?!

But what US does undahstands about this Human

Existence is that,

It is 


When US starts noticin that US future are no longer among 




Appreciation begins!


Genesis shall begin


(Peace! More to come...)

Transparency?! My Left Nut!

 Shit's foul as fuck!

Not my left nut! Naw, fuck 'Lume'! Been puttin 'Soft n Dri', 'Suave', 'Sure'...around my nut sack for some shit...ovah forty years!

Muh fuckahs wannah talk now about how thah non-'Lume' shit causes these different cancers!


All I can tell US Sonshines!

Thah way I've been puttin that shit on my chest, under my arms, around the private area, in between my butt-cheeks, on my feet in between my toes, bottoms and tops and sometimes on the palm of my hands?!

Niggresses and Niggahs!?

This ol Black broke ass niggah is in trouble!

But shit!

A niggah gottah do!

What ah niggah gottah do!...

(Peace! More to come...)

501(c)(3) II


Don't get it twisted!?

The Church!

Is thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Let's Talk About Irony?

 I've been researchin some shit! US knows? Keepin thah brain fluid synapses in place! Anyway...yo ol Black sorry broke ass starts researchin those evil Luciferians!

Do US not know there are different sects of Satanism!? Fuck yeah! 

And these muh fuckahs even got ah muh fuckin book of Rules and Governances!

US can't make this idiocy up Sonshines!

These muh fuckin absurd muh fuckahs be crackin my ol Black sorry broke ass up!


Even in 



That shit don't make no bit of fuckin Human sense tah my ol Black sorry broke ass...at thah fuck all!?

Y'alls some supersilly muh fuckahs!

And shall fail


I'm still laughin and always will be laughin...

All that money!?...

Just buys bein muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"The Jig Is Up!"

 Riddle me this My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

How can muh fuckahs be deemed disabled, from 

Humanly working!?

Gettin ah muh fuckin check from US taxpayers every fuckin month!?

But not so disabled tah still be producin some of US muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)


 Every single one of US thinks that US has that muh fuckin right!

To be exempt!




Not if yo sorry asses ain't payin taxes and ain't workin!

And if US sorry asses are one of those that avows tah any and all,

"The fuck is wrong with US?"


Muh fuckah!

Just lil ol

You muh fuckUS!

Cause US sorry asses wannah work undah thah muh fuckin proverbial 'table'! Which means yo sorry broke ass don't pay yo muh fuckin taxes eithah! Which means yo no count havin ass don't have ah say in US shit!

Matter of fact!

Shut the fuck up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Future Human Presentations

 I see these muh fuckahs with three or more children and thah woman havin anothah one in the oven!

Then I start lookin at thah way thah parents are presentin themselves as oppose tah thah way their three or more children are bein presented to US public!

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Will tell US sorry broke asses all that US needs tah know bout what US just witnessed!

And US soon to be perilous future!


US is gonnah be just fuckin fine


(Peace! More to come...)

Shut US Human Factories Down! (In other words), Quit Having Fucking Children For Thirty-Three Years!

 I don't give ah fuckin shit how many children US has!

Fuck naw!



As long as US can solely take care of US lil muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Get US The Fuck Working! And Welfare Be Fucking God Damned!

 "'Labor takes care of three great evils: Idleness, want and vice.(Voltaire (translated))"

How these muh fuckahs doin all these rally's, marches and shit! Where's y'alls sorry ass money comin from with y'alls, marchin, rallyin asses! Well, yo asses can damn well walk, yell and scream! Yeah, muh fuckahs, y'alls sorry havin free time startin malfeasance muh fuckahs need God damned jobs!

Since thah evil elite fucked US with thah shut downs, they've been payin muh fuckahs not tah fuckin work! 

Got broke ass muh fuckahs talkin that crazy shit, "Uhn-uhn! Fuck that! I'm not goin back to work and dying from somebody else that don't know how tah keep other people safe by jUSt wearin the damn masks correctly?" Well...them muh fuckUS got ah fuckin point, cause thah evil elite started that nonsensical shit! But cha sorry broke Black asses can't stay at home long enough tah not stay out those clubs!?


Get US happy asses back tah work! And US states need tah quit payin these sorry broke ass muh fuckahs,

Not to work!

Cause those thah same lazy ass muh fuckahs that got all this muh fuckin free time tah start muh fuckin Trouble!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, January 30, 2023

Real Cheap Ass Shit!

 "I sold my soul to the devil!"

Sell that cheap ass shit!

But let me suggest something tah US My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

When that devil finds out how that muh fuckah overpaid fo US sorry ass 

Worthless pieces of shit!


It's gonnah be hell tah fuckin pay for US doomed sorry ass self!

Cause thah muh fuckahs knew they paid too much for yo sorry Black broke asses from thah 


(Peace! More to come...)

Just Pray! Fuck it!

 While drivin tah work I say "The Lord's Prayer" I can't tell US how many times! 

The same thing throughout my workday!

But once I get off!

On my way back home!

I doo-doo thah same muh fuckin shit!


After every "The Lord's Prayer", 

I suggests:

"Our Father!? Yah gottah get me out of this shit!?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Well Known Hooliganisms of: The Masonic Order

 "Snitches get stiches!"

And even,


(Peace! More to come...)


 What! God damnit!

Fuckin what!?

Is US lives worth!?

That Our Father gifted for US tah fuckin


Thirty-three million funky dollahs!?

A fuckin bank robbery gone wrong!?

A fuckin traffic stop gone wrong!?...

Or US had tah kill US spouse cause their sorry asses gave US thah smallest muh fuckin pork chop with my hardworkin Black still broke ass!?...


Thee Holy fuck!

Absurdity is


(Peace! More to come...)

Ty Are Nickels! Remember? US Is Priceless!

 I saw thah same shit everybody else 's seein!


Let me suggests somethin tah US!?

If ah muh fuckin cop stops yo Black sorry broke ass for whatevah reason!

Whatevah that muh fuckah tells US tah do, othah than suck their dicks or them suggestin tah let 'em fuck US!?...

Fuckin do it!

My ol Black broke sorry ass lookin at this shit and I'm sayin tah myself! Them muh fuckahs ain't no damn lawyers or judges!

LEOs believe in street justice! They know thah law of US streets!

Them muh fuckahs don't know dick about real judicial laws!

They jUSt enforce them muh fuckahs...kindah sortah!

They are trained in thah law but they do not study US laws!

Anyway, just ah suggestion tah US:

When US gets stopped!?

Put thah muh fuckah in park and shut thah shit down!

(I mean, where the fuck US think US goin at this point!?)

Turn on every interior light that is in visible reach!

Roll all US muh fuckin windows down, especially if US have tinted windows!

Then put both hands out of thah driver's side window and fuckin wait for instructions!

 "Get out of the fucking car!"

Ask what hand US should USe tah open thah door from the outside so thah muh fuckin LEO can always see US hands.

"Just get out of the fucking car sir!

(Sir? Okay? I may just make it tah jail at thah muh fuckin least!?) US gets US asses out thah car with arms spread wide and palms facin thah LEO!

"Put your hands behind your back!"

Put yo muh fuckin hands behind US back!

Of course US back tah thah LEO with palms wide still pointed back toward  thah LEO!

They cuff yo sorry Black broke ass!

"You're going to jail! Do you have anything to say?"

'Not until I get to blessed jail!'...

(Peace! More to come...)


 There's not a lot more goin on than yesterday!

Now, US get US shit instantaneously!

More eyes can see!?

Fuck yes!

But more eyes are blinded by these same sightings!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Start Creating US Own Black Industries! But US Black Muh Fuckahs Can't Dictate How Ah Muh Fuckah Runs Their Shit!

Then, when US Black muh fuckahs hires some muh fuckah that looks like US,

And when US Black asses are questioned about US Black ass shit!?

US jUSt clearly states,

"I thought that shit was the norm?!" 

US just wants tah hire muh fuckahs that US are familiar with! Who look like US!

That's all!


Fuck yes!



There! My ol Black sorry broke ass has said it?

But racism?!

Now...fuckin no!

I don't think disproportionately ah white muh fuckah is racist!


US Black muh fuckahs do undahstand!?

It ain't US Black ass broken business shit tah begin with!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ignorance Until Thine Death!

 Throughout my ol Black sorry broke ass life?


It has always been!

"I know! Until I don't know?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Duality of US Spoken Words! III

 The spoken word and the written word is totally different for US literate!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Duality of US Spoken Words! II

 US sees!?

That's why US has tah read whatevah Thee Holy fuck on US own! 

Especially "The Holy Bible"!

I've heard preachers that made thah muh fuckin congregation read ah scripture!

Then they go back and translate that same scripture!

"You see? That means that we are always in bondage!"

That ain't what that shit says! You got KJV just like me dog!? That's a blatant legalistic lie!


This shit's personal for 


Let US finish this final Human


Humanly and


(Peace! More to come...)

It's Just A Carrot! Not A Carat! Even Still!

 I remembah thah movie "Hollywood Shuffle"! Robert Townsend! That movie will have yo ol Black sorry broke ass on thah fuckin floor! Watch that shit once ah month at least! Anyway...

"Bobby, my main man!" He was tryin tah get intah Hollywood and he had a GrandMother that lived with his family. She told him, "You know? There's always work at the post office?!"

That shit's humbling!

US sorry broke asses reachin for those muh fuckin conditioned defined stars!

And US does not have one clue thah real muh fuckin sorry ass sick journey US gonnah go through! Cause US hasn't defined thah stars US is dreamin about obtaining!?...

Until US decides tah hold them sorry ass fake ass

Stars with thah muh fuckin understanding, 

US will always be

Empty handed!


"There's real work at the post office!"

'Thanks Grandma!'...

(Peace! More to come...)

Duality of US Spoken Words!

 Really listen to what US are really saying!?

"What? I got ears! I speak English!? I have a four year degree!..."

I didn't say all that shit! I'm just tryin tah convey,

Listen to what US is saying!


What US translates US as


(Peace! More to come...)

My Human Alien Felt Existence! But I Feel More And More Human Every Day That Our Father Lets me Live!

 I didn't really get this shit until I started reading, "The Holy Bible"! Then I started in college researching philosophy with emphasis on , "Existentialism".  Fuck ah university or a college! But thah beautiful thing about partaking in college education, US Black asses just ain't around niggahs no more! I mean I went to Crispus Attucks High School in Indianapolis, Indiana and yo sorry Black broke ass could count, probably on your fingers and toes the amount of white muh fuckahs that attended! Challenges US! Anyway...Then yes, like the "Taco Bell" 'dong'...My Black broke sorry ass started noticing! Something the fuck is terribly wrong in this shit! Researching some shit some more after enlightenment...But at that point, it was too late! My Daughter was born! Now...my ol Black sorry broke ass has tah live this shit through! Until Our Father says tah me, 

"Meredith My Son! It's time!"

Thank you!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Yo Black And White Ass Is Going To Fucking Die! III

 So, by simple deduction, US shall assume all wearing masks are contaminated! 

And fucking yes, shall contaminate US, by sashaying around amid US, what they are trying to protect US from!

"Quarantine the lot of US masks 


(Peace! More to come...)

Yo Black And White Ass Is Going To Fucking Die! II

 "Wear the masks for the rest of US!"

Remembah that stupid shit!?

Yeah! I thought so!

And what about now My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

The muh fuckahs that are wearin the masks now are thah muh fuckahs that are doin thah sorry ass practice for protecting Self!

Not for protecting US!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Yo Black And White Ass Is Going To Fucking Die!

Got muh fuckahs scared tah die!? Most of US have seen Mommas, Daddys, sisters, brothers...fuckin die!

But for some reason US thinks US is special than thah muh fuckah that US said US loved that US witnessed dying!?

Muh fuckahs thinkin doin all this cleanliness shit, that they didn't do before and was still livin howevah many fuckin years, before the mandates were instituted!? That those same cleanliness guidelines some-fuckin-how,

"Is gonnah give me just one mo 's days on this earth!? I 's gotstah do whats they say!"


US sees what that sorry ass selfish obedience shit is doin for US!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, January 28, 2023

"Kyly and Kym put on these fresh new plush robes that are shutting the internet down, after well needed showers!"

 Thee Holy fuckin shit wrong with 


(Peace! More to come...)

The Fuck US Really Been Eating?!

 I remembah Mommy used tah get ah quartah of ah pound tah a half of pound of sandwich spread! From Marsh or 'Kroger' from their deli departments. Put that shit on two slices of soft white bread!? Niggahs and Niggresses!? Some good ass shit! Anyway... For thah longest I thought thah shit was made out of ham. Didn't know until latah it was made out of niggah steak!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Damn! Ham!? The Shit 's Really A Sham?! II

 But I have tah smile with my ol Black broke sorry ass, cause all I'm thinkin tah myself, about these sorry as Bills playahs who lost, "Rah-Rah Hamlin" and thah fuck evah! They fuckin lost! The whole muh fuckin team looked like they were all in ah state of:

"The fuck them muh fuckahs ask for us Buffalo Bills playahs tah do!?"

Bills players still in shock!

'These muh fuckahs actually thought they could play out their childhood dreams! Make a shit load of money! Without consequences!?'

I wish my ol Black sorry broke ass could even suggest this shit was that easy!...

Damn! Ham!? The Shit 's Really A Sham?!

 Fuck yes!

Thah Holy fuck US still talkin bout this insignificant professional football playah for!?

The niggah's dead!

Anything else US wants tah believe!?


That shit 's on 


(Peace! More to come...)

Ain't Chah Mommah! (Platinum Single, 4-2 LonG) Dropped Sun25Aug2024, Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, Indiana

 "Ain't cha mommah on ah pancake box/ Ain't cha mommah on ah pancake box/ Ain't cha mommah on ah pancake box/ With her nappy ass hair and her shit ain't locked..."...

Transhumanism Is An Illiteracy!

 Muh fuckahs like the World Economic Forum wannah talk about Transhumanism!

Ain't no such ah muh fuckin thing!

An illiteracy!

Cause once US Human Electrical Current is severed from the host,


Human ain't got shit tah do with that fucked up shit

No fucking blessedly


At that point that muh fuckah is a muh fuckin

Hybrid at best!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Until Next Time! II

 I mean how long muh fuckahs been drinkin beer and wine?!

How in thah Holy fuck can something so wrong for US

Supposedly, if US indulges!?

But has lasts all this muh fuckin time with US indulgin in thah shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Until Next Time!

 "Liver function test, impeccable. Renal test, impressive. blood pressure, A1C, Cardio, neuro... but Mister Hopson. I'm just suggesting to you? The amount of beer per day is going to catch up with you!"

And until that day Doc?! Ah niggah will sho nuff make some bonafide changes! Until then!? Been nice talkin tah yah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Chemical Skies (A Satirical Musical): Act II (Ordinary man on lunch break looking up at the staged skies), Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, Indiana - Fall 2024 V

 (Ordinary man si) It's been most of the days! I've seen Heaven's haze! Seen gray more, than sunny days! I need more sunny days! No delays! And what dost thy fellow Human say? Put simply if I may?! We wannah see Blue Skies!..."

They Can't Fuck US! Unless US Lets 'em!

 Oh, US ain't evah fucked!

Not by ah long fuckin shot!


When US states out of US sorry ass muh fuckin mouths,

"Please! Fuck me?!"

Thee Holy fuck US think these evil degenerates gonnah do!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Arrogance

 Muh fuckahs wannah own thah muh fuckin air!

Air, figuratively meaning, 


Making it 



But US peeps thah game!?

'Thah Holy fuck


Y'all muh fuckahs talkin!?'...

(Peace! More to come...)

Secret Recipes!? Who of US Gives Three Fucks!?

 As long as US has been cookin tah survive!?

How thee Holy fuck can any culture, family, race...say out their God damned mouths that:

"Yes! We started this shit!"

Thousands of years of Humankind!?

Cookin over fires!

But y'all started that shit!?!...


(Peace! More to come...)

It's JUSt US!

 We 're..


JUSt listen to the stories ah muh fuckah different than US tells it, and relatin tah that shit in US own experience(s)!


Some of US may think some of US is


All I can suggest to you My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs is,

Listen to the commonalities of the many stories!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Gig-less And Byte-less!

 US brains are infinite!

The elite try to un-dignify the purity of

US with modern 'Technological Science'!

I'm so glad to inform y'alls sorry elite asses,

"It's been tried numerous times before!"

US 's individual minds,

Cannot ever be


(Peace! More to come...)

English, Is What I Speak! Fuck it!

 "Sprechen Sie Deutsch?"

Fuck naw! Ugly muh fuckin language! Like Russian! Sounds like ah muh fuckah always tellin yo sorry ol Black broke ass tah,

"Kiss my ass!"

Or givin me ah muh fuckin command!?


I'm cool with 


(Peace! More to come...)

A Piece of You! And A Piece of me! Now, US! "Let US take care of our own garden - Voltaire" IV

 And US shall let that Sistah talk! Howevah long! Cause her ass 's on ah fuckin roll! She needs ah muh fuckah tah listen and undahstand, without ridicule, saying "Something thah fuck is wrong! And I need your knowing ass tah listen tah me now!"

I totally understand!

It's called, purging!

And US knows US shall do it from time to time!

For US sakes!...


I listened!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

A Piece of You! And A Piece of me! Now, US! "Let US take care of our own garden - Voltaire" III

 ..."Puttin all these Chemtrails in the sky! Contaminating our food! Messing with our Lord's Jesus Christ's firmament! Making us lose our minds! Putin all this fluoridated water in major cities! Injecting us with who knows what!?..."

US sees'!?

US gotstah keep listenin!

Cause US nevah fuckin knows!?

We'll address that white and Black shit at a later time!

But for now,

'My Dear Sweet Sistah! Do tell!? 

Please continue!? Now, you have my full attention!'...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Piece of You! And A Piece of me! Now, US! "Let US take care of our own garden - Voltaire" II

 But what I would suggests My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brohahs is this!

I mean, I go 'Charlie Brown' on ah lot of muh fuckin people! But I'm still listenin tah thah spittin! Cause yah nevah know if it's thah same ol regurgitated slippery spit!? 


Freshly out of the mouth type of spit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Oh, Y'all elite Muh Fuckahs Gonnah Have Tah Pay For This Ill Shit!

 Shit! US ever seen thah muh fuckin movie


Tells US exactly what thah fuck is goin on!

But not in some comic cosmic fucked up dimension!

Cause ain't no cosmic anything!

JUSt thah firmament!

And in US Eden,

Is where these no-count elite muh fuckahs doin that dastardly

"PrometheUS" type of

InHuman shit!

On US!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Eden's Three Absolutes: US Lives! US Dies! And US Regenerates!

 Everyday US wakes up to this Beautiful 


Brings US closer to when US

Eventually have to


(Peace! More to come...)

US Only Needs Food And Drink To Survive!...Clean-Air!...And...Beer, Please!?

 I remember 'Anthony Bourdain' on one of his "No Reservation" shows. He said some shit about he had high cholesterol and fuck it, he was going to eat this seafood that was high in cholesterol, and fuck it because I'm on "Lipitor"! 

My ol Black sorry broke ass said tah myself! Damn? Is it that muh fuckin deep!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, January 27, 2023

A Piece of You! And A Piece of me! Now, US! "Let US take care of our own garden - Voltaire"

 I was talkin tah this patient. She was spittin some real shit!


"Yah see thah white man doin all this shit!..."

Then it went "Charlie Brown" on that ass,

"Wanh! Wanh! Wanh-wanh...."


My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

JUSt fuckin tired!

Thah muh fuckin blame game is a fucking

Human shame!


Is thah muh fuckin


Not them sorry elite pieces of shit evil muh fuckahs!


(Peace! More to come...)


 This firmament moves though me as water...

As I become the same....


One of


(Peace! More to come...)

Fecal Matters

 If US is thah shit!?

Why thah fuck US havin these muh fuckin problems!?




Ain't got shit tah do of what thah Holy fuck is really goin on!

And that!

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs is

A God damned



(Peace! More to come...)

A Time And Its Place

 Why muh fuckahs wannah be high or half-way drunk while their sorry asses workin is beyond my ol Black broke sorry ass scope!

Shit! I've gotten high many of times! With both! Based on that bangin head knowledge! Thah fuck a niggah wannah waste that level of existence, while


Thah fuck ah niggah 


(Peace! More to come...)

US Have To Practice: Sober Days To Blessedly Appreciate The Not Sober Days!

 "Well what do you do that is so special?"

I don't do shit special! I just do what I can do, that I understand about my body to not abuse it! Because I like to eat and drink!


Well, muh fuckahs wannah call it 'intermittent fasting" but US have been doing the practice for ages!


Abstaining! For a time! I overindulge in alcohol and food for three days out of a week!

The other four days?

I have to fucking suffer!

And deal with US soberly and hungrily!

For four fuckin days!?

Out of a week!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Weird As Fuck!? But shit, It's Me God Damnit!

 In thah mornin I have to take a shit!

"Well, everybody takes a morning stool!"

Naw! My ol Black sorry broke ass is thah type of muh fuckah that don't like tah go just any damn place! Not if I can avoid it! If nature calls! So be it! But...If I can hold that shit until I get home!

Fuck yes!

Cause that's where I prefer to shit!

I mean in thah mornin to me,

Not takin a shit before I shower then leavin for work is like...

Leavin thah house without the car keys!

(Peace! More to come...)

It's Happening

 You might think aftah lookin what my ol Black sorry broke ass eats I would be a fat muh fuckah!

Quite thah contrary! I mean I'm ol, and when yo ass gets ol, yo ol ass gets deposits. As in fat where it never used tah be. No big deal! The aging process! 


Start loosing: musculature, sex drive, hair (But growin more in places where you thah fuck don't want thah hair tah grow. Like inside yo old ass ears), interests, words, hormones...


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Just Kill! Problem Solved!

 If!! Pedophilia was rampant!

Those pedophile muh fuckahs would be goin tah fuckin prison!

"Don't pass go"


"Don't collect go!"

Because the muh fuckin sorry US money!

They evil! Time tah collect on that evil rampant shit!

Even though they 're of the same yolk!

Money is money!

Either by evil or good!...

Oh, US can stop thah shit!

Before it gets rampant!

By just killin these worthless evil muh fuckahs!


(Peace! More to come...)

"Sit Next To Me - Foster The People" II

 "Oh it's over/ It's over..."

Nuff said!,,,

(Peace! More to come...)

"Circadian Rhythm (Last Dance) - SIlversun Pickups" II

 "Nowhere left to go/Stay with me..."


"Stay with me..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Making This Shit Right Before I Die

 Don't get it twisted!

I got problems! Like all the rest of 


My ol Black sorry broke ass just tryin tah work through those shits before I


Tis nigh!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Watching The Wheels - John Lennon"

 Muh fuckahs wannah cry about what the vaccine is doin tah US!

Don't do that tah US!

Cause, whatevah US decision! 

US 's goin tah be jUSt fuckin fine 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US MUSt Stop The Circumlocution!

 Don't take this shit sitting down!

Turn this shit around to stand US ground!

Not a folklore!

Oh, US 'll sho nuff feel thah pain as it evilly rains!

But US 'll still stay sane!

Waned the furious evil from within!



US Beautiful better 


Than before!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Black Rain - Rhye" II

 "Gentle rays makin waves/ Oh it's how you seed it/ Turn around really slow..."

Niggresses and Niggahs!?

The fuckin jam!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Losing My Religion - REM" II

 RighteoUS shit!

"...Consider this? Consider this?!..."

Speak on it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana"

 This shit gets me pumped about thah Human Condition for some damn reason!

My ol Black sorry broke ass gettin hyped like ah muh fuckah!

Even tah this day!

"Hello, hello, hello, how low..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Centrism IV

 Muh fuckahs wannah put ah good spin on some shit and say,

"The State's Death Penalty"!

Niggahs and Niggresses!


Oh, y'alls sorry muh fuckin legal asses scared tah say some shit,

"The State's Murder Penalty"!

Don't make thah shit sound so nice!

Y'all murderin muh fuckahs!

But for some reason, pedophiles and rapists!

US judicial system keeps them in this 

Human Game?!

But US sho in thah fuck, 

Murderin those othah nonlethal muh fuckin criminals!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Centrism III

 "Well a pedophile is a criminal! Duh! So there's only two categories instead of three!"

US must agree tah disagree on this shit!

Criminals are thieves, robbers, assaults, assaults with a deadly weapon....them kindah muh fuckahs on adults!

Even in criminality!

Don't US evah try tah put 


In the category of the rest of the "Criminals"!

Cause pedophiles need tah be instantly


Along with 


(Peace! More to come...)

"My Hero Zero - Schoolhouse Rock"

 Muh fuckahs got US thinkin US 's owed something!?

US ain't owed shit!


US 's worked for that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just Part of US Dregs!

 "You're arrogant!"

No! Not at all!

My ol Black broke sorry ass just writin what's been in my mind fo some time! 

Ain't got shit tah do with nobody else save for 

Out Father!

Cause I fully understand!

I ain't shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 A walk of a thousand days. For some reason I liked that spiritual shit instantly! I read about it, didn't know what it was officially called until I researched it, in a book by William Diehl, "Chameleon". Self human discipline has always fascinated me. If I were Japanese, and if I were not so old,  I probably would have embarked on this spiritual journey. "But you don't have to be Japanese!" And I understand! But a niggah ain't got enough money even tah go to Japan! Let alone seven fuckin years tah fuck around homeless and penniless! Johnson County don't want tah hear about yo spiritual journey! In Japan no less!

 "Mister Hopson!? How can you afford such negligence of ah child?! To go to Japan, 'Spiritually!?"

Ain't fuckin worth it!

It's passed my ol Black sorry broke ass bye! 

"But you can do it right here in the US!?" And yes, I understand. But it wouldn't quite be the same for me. To me, the only way to practice some shit is to be in the environment that the shit was intended to be quested in! Plus, I have a child and I'm married! Them Monks would be like, 


Or in english,

"Thee Holy fuck!?"....

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday Thru Saturday II


AA, NA...can find ah meeting every day of thah fuckin week!

The muh fuckin church 

"Fighting for the Lord!",

US gets maybe three days a week out that muh fuckah!

Then US wants tah wondah why these preachers, bishops, deacons...are fuckin, drinkin and actin like God damned evil fools?

I'll tell US why!

Cause them muh fuckahs ain't workin! And sho nuff not fightin for Our Father!

Any of US that were raised in thah church had at least one parent sayin that old ass maxim,

"An idle mind is the devil's workshop!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday Thru Saturday

 Muh fuckahs be killin my ol Black sorry broke ass for real!

"Oh no! Not today! This shit ain't gonnah work today!"

Come oh naw!?

Humor an ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckah for about two minutes or so?!

Yah see, that wasn't hard at all was it My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!

But what is hard is watchin these no-count muh fuckahs every fuckin Sunday go in that muh fuckin church!  And come out that muh fuckah thah same sorry ass muh fuckah as their ass went in thah shit! Thah Holy fuck is that about? 

"Cause that's what you do on a Sunday, you go to church!"

Fuck else US got! Cause that's some straight-up bullshit! And US sorry broke asses supposed tah go fifty-five miles an hour on some of US inner highways and interstates but US ain't doin that shit!

Muh fuckahs think they get a non-human pass all thah fuck way tah Sunday, that's when US gots tah pay the many Human reckless citations US done racked-up for the past six days! 

"Well. I pay my tithes!"

That church may want that shit! 


Our Father!

Would rathah have US sorry ol Black broke ass those six days rather than that one day!

And fuck Manmade Created "Holy


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Start Watching What US Are Really Eating

 Yo sorry ol Black broke ass tryin tah figure out, what yo sorry ass thought was already figured?!

Dairy, caffeine and artificial sweeteners!

I ain't been indulgin in the main three!

Thah Holy fuck is wrong with my skin actin thah fuck up then?!

Then my ol Black sorry broke ass reads the ingredients.

Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream: Contains Milk Ingredients.

Doritos Nacho Cheese Flavor: Contains Milk Ingredients...

(Peace! More to come...)

Essential Life Hacks! Well, This One...If US Eats Eggs?

 There's some shit US learns in passing conversations!

There was this white woman when I used to work at thah Zionsville Meijer at night while I was stocking the dairy department.

She wasn't apart of Meijer but she was a contracted employee by another company paid by Meijer to do 



She was always friendly. Her and I started talkin one night about cooking. Then thah subject got on eggs for some reason? Maybe because I was stocking dairy? I don't really know? But she said,

"If you want to cook perfectly cooked hardboiled eggs? Just put them in covered water until they come to a boil. Shut the heat off. And in ten minutes you will have perfectly cooked hardboiled eggs, without that grayish layer that forms around the yellow yolks when they are boiled for too long."


Thank You!

It's worked every fuckin time!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Jalen Hurts Is A Winner!

 If I had thah money tah bet!?

Any team that Jalen Hurts started as quarterback!?

I'd bet at least ten thousand a game for his team to win!

I like that young professional football man.

When he was in college,

They fucked him in Alabama!

Never spoke ill of any-fuckin-body!

He went to Oklahoma tah show who he is!

And didn't miss ah muh fuckin beat!

Now a professional. They still doubtin his young proven ass!

And he still ain't talked ill of any-fuckin-body!


Philadelphia tryin tah hate 'em like they tried with Cunningham, McNabb and Vick!

But them Black ass muh fuckahs did y'alls sorry asses proud and propah!

Like Hurts!

That muh fuckah in Philadelphia gonnah do like Mellencamp said,

"Hurts so good!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Centrism II

 US is different! Ain't no muh fuckin true American tryin tah bust ah move tah any othah country tah fuckin live permanently!

I mean...save for pedophiles, criminals and muh fuckahs lookin for greener pastures!

Fuck thah muh fuckin first two! 

US greener pastures muh fuckahs!?


Keep lookin at thah muh fuckin colah of those pastures!?

Believe You,


They get greener every fuckin 


US lives in this muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The elite Don't Give A Fuck About US!

And US knows that shit!

Thee Holy fuck!

Just suggestin,

 Us deftly has tah start undahstandin, 

These elite degenerate lowlife muh fuckahs ain't lookin out for


Never have!

And never will!

US got tah start takin countermeasures tah this Luciferian


Countermeasures meaning: 

US gots tah start killin them sorry ass elite muh fuckahs en masse!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ignorance of The Law of US Is No Excuse!

 "You're telling this panel right now that you still think these vaccines are safe!?"

"No! I can tell you that we got caught up!"

"Caught up!?"

"Yes! Caught up! We thought the data that was given to us was true. We doctors did what we did like all of the other times throughout our history to try to save lives. We just got caught up in the science of medicine."

"And now?!"

"Now? Well...we're caught up only in shame...."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

IN Stately Known

"I grew up in a little town called Ninevah, Indiana. You probably have never heard of it!?"

I have actually. Johnson County?

"Yes. You go you!"

Well, I only know about the town because of some legalities I have going on in Johnson County!



"Doesn't surprise me one bit!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Centrism

 Love Indiana!

I'm thah best poster republican niggah child Indiana could evah market!

Love Indiana!

"Quit brown nosing! Why don't you?!"

I'm sorry!?

Where 's them fat checks!?

Ah niggah ain't gettin paid for this shit!...

I'm fifty-seven years old muh fuckahs!

How big is this firmament?!

And yes, like US statistics state, "Seventy Percent of US", 

Like My ol Black sorry broke ass, 

Is gonnah die "within thirty-three miles"

Whence I was born and raised!

"Don't Believe The Hype - Public Enemy"!...

(Peace! More to come...)

IN The Air!

 There 're different beautiful smells in this firmament!

I'm used to Indiana Air!

Been to Utah!

That's some different Air!

Been to Louisiana!

That's some different Air!

Been to Oklahoma!

That's some different Air!...

I go out to smell Indianapolis, Indiana's 





(Peace! More to come...)

Mommy USed To Say

 "I've had twelve children Meredith! I ain't ever had a child like you!" 

I was the last!

I'm fifty-seven years old and my ol Black sorry broke ass still don't know if that shit was meant to be a compliment or an insult!

But fuck it really!

Too fuckin old at this point of my life!

And I still love her!

So fuck it!

"Why don't you just ask her?"

Cause she's dead. If Mommy was stil alive she would be one hundred and two years old this April 14th! Anyway...

But, why thah fuck did she say it so many muh fuckin times!?

So, US can't jUSt do that shit can US!? 

JUSt fuck it!?

There are like demarcation default lines in memory that jumps back through time and captures the many moments, cemented in US memory for some fuckin reason! But why?! What is that memory trying to tell ah ol Black broke ass muh fuckah, that I guess I'm missin, for thah shit tah pop into my fore memory every once in ah while, 


(Peace! More to come...)

We Need To Say To One Another Every Fuckin Day, "I Love You!"

 Just because yah tell anothah muh fuckah that US loves 'em!

Doesn't mean US wannah fuck 'em!

Fuck naw!

"I Love You" should mean, 

I love everything about yo Beautiful ass! 

And ass ain't got shit tah do with it!...

Okay?! Damn!

If US 's courtin!? Okay!

If US 's married!? Fuck yes!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Uniquely Priceless You!

 After US dies!

Our bodies are denatured and given to the firmament once again!

Broken up! 

Particulates being separated righteoUSly by the firmament!

US matter becomes compost!

Oh, we'll live again and again...

In some animate form!

But what US sees in the mirror!




There will never be another beautiful




(Peace! More to come...)

Keep Keeping On!

 US ain't shit sometimes!

Just because ah muh fuckin business is open until ah certain hour doesn't mean tah show yo sorry Black broke ass up ten minutes or less before thah muh fuckahs close!

"Well the employee is paid up until the establishment closes!"

I can tell some of US sorry asses ain't nevah worked retail! Or in thah muh fuckin dreaded fast-food indUStry! And those same some of US knows thah muh fuckin pay fuckin sucks! But them underpaid muh fuckahs up there tryin tah do thah best whatevah thing that they are tryin tah do, tah be productive in this muh fuckah! 

I, for one, have to give ah big shout out tah all thah retail and fast-food workers in US!

Y'all some Beautiful muh fuckahs!

And I mean that from my heart!

Thank You All!

Keep up the excellent 


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, January 23, 2023

We Live? And We Die?

I'll leave US with this, My Dear Sweet Sistahs amd Brothahs!



Let US talk amid




US only goes around one


(Peace! More to come...)

"Save A Prayer - Duran Duran"

 Listen tah some of these muh fuckahs joints!

Funky beats!

But thah lyrics!?

Niggresses and Niggahs!?.

Come ohn naw!?

Them just some nasty evil muh fuckahs!..

(Peace! More to come...)

"Wonderwall - Oasis"

 My Daughter was singin ah muh fuckin song in tune fifteen years aftah this muh fuckah was released!? You know how cute that shit is?! Cute as fuck!

Niggahs and Nigresses!

Yah can't tell my ol Black sorry broke ass that media doesn't influence 

US youths!

This influence came from her Mother! 

I'm just sayin, gottah give credit where credit is due!

I was ah Tupac, Tribe Called Quest, Pharcyde...listenin muh fuckah!...


But damn!

Sometimes it's cute as fuck!

"I said maybe/ Yah gonnah be thah one that saves me..."

Cute as fuck! I'm Tellin US!

And of course she had not ah clue I was watchin her!

Cause she was in thah 

"Wonderwall" zone!....

(Peace! More to come...)

Start Fucking Writing Muh Fuckahs! Fuckin Out of Suggestions! Fuckin Done!

 Sit back and relax!

Cause if yah got anything tah hide, shit yah sorry broke asses ain't gonnah


Did I write that shit!?


I did!

And you sho nuff can


Come ohn!?

US ain't got shit tah lose!

Just tell me where I can find 

US truths?!


(Peace! More to come...)

"Depeche Mode"

 Funky fuckin beats!

Hold up now!?

Listen tah thah muh fuckin lyrics of some of those joints!...



Real talk!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Can't Break US Down

 US is perpetually in thah soil of US Fine Beautiful Firmament!

When yo sorry ass broken body turns intah ashes tah ferment this 


US dost yet understand the real power of the plethora of still-pictures of this cinema-tological 

Sorry ass


(Peace! More to come...)

It's Just Life!?


Don't take the fake!

Breakin ankles on the take!

Bake some chocolate fine cookies to taste!

I got turkey to baste!

Tryptophan tah enhance!

The feeling of slumber!

Yo ol Black broke ass ain't dead yet!, left tah chance? 

Oh, US is thah only


One! Rhymes with Son! Fun! Ton! Pun...(Okay. Now cut that shit out! Just a suggestion?)

A line to fiend! 

Be it even a friEnd to US dreaded 


(Peace! More to come...)

Immutable US!

 We got made ah long fuckin time ago!

Live up tah 

Thissssss eviL 

Kissssses' slithering



Truth Sonshines!

Shall abideth 


(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck The Now!

 "You ain't shit!"

You right! 


But yah readin this shit!

In some of US Human 


And yo sorry broke asses ain't gottah be shit eithah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The elite Got US To This Inhuman Decision!

 That shit right thah fuck there Sonshines makes ah muh fuckah understand!

Shit! Us thinks thah fuck differently!

Not so much US gonnah agree tah disagree!?

But damn close!

Thah fuck!

US sorry broke asses!


Tah muh fuckin!


Feel US!

Know US!

And finally, blessedly:

Be of



US gonnah be just fine


(Peace! More to come...)


 This muh fuckah is whatevah US wants this shit tah be!

God damnit!

US needs tah quit bein afraid of


Which sieves through






To continue to nourish

Our Father's Fine Pristine Beautiful


(Peace! More to come...)

Find A Reason To Be Here!

 My Wife and My Daughter keeps me balanced!

Without thah two!?

What would I have tah do!?

And go through!?

Where would my ol Black sorry broke ass be 




(Peace! More to come..."

Kudos?! If You Are Going To Get Fucked!? Let US All Get RighteoUSly Fucked!

 "Mister Hopson we are closing your account because of insufficient funds!"

Well, if I may?! I have insufficient funds because I wasn't paying attention. My bad. But when I took that last fifty out some four months ago, makin my savings go under the minimum amount of five hundred dollars. I read it now. But I didn't know, that you all had the right to take Twenty-five dollars out of my account for "maintenance fees" every week for being under five hundred dollars in my savings account, which is excessive and predatory.

"Mister Hopson. If you would like. I can send you the contract that you signed with our bank. You have been non-compliant contractually now for going over four months now. I didn't sign it. You did Mister Hopson. So, if I may? What are we speaking about?"

Well I guess I agree like you suggested at first. Close the account. Now what about the sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents left in my account? When can I get my check?!

"As per the contract. We have ten business days to send you the balance in your account once closed. Now, I'm sure you read about the closing fees. Fifty dollars will be deducted from the amount. And you should receive your check in the amount of sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents within ten business days of today."

Right on!

"Right on?"

Well yeah I did read about the closing fees. I just wanted to make sure of some illegal practices that I didn't start understanding until now. Just need to read more, that's all. Especially what I sign!

"Anything else I can help you with Mister Hopson?"

Yes. If you would be kind enough to indulge me?

"I'm all ears Mister Hopson!"

Jennifer! I bet you got some good ass pussy!

She hollered! Heard her laughing so hard I heard the phone drop. 

And all I could think of as I looked at the cellphone screen and pushed 


I guess ah ol broke Black ass sorry muh fuckah made someone smile


(Peace! More to come...)

Proper Natural Remedies

 It's frUStratin times Sonshines! Very much so!

But my ol Black sorry broke ass didn't have tah tell US that shit!

Just writin my frUStrations I guess!

But that's ah Beautiful thang!

In these times My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, are thah ones that cause US tah take that shit out on someone who is proximal tah US!

That shit ain't civil at all!

And it's sho as fuck ain't good for US Human Electricity!

Fuck naw!

Pray, run, walk, read, cook...whatevahthahfuck aids US!

Tah get what that frUStration is all about, thah fuck out of US pristine temples!

So US can start healing from within 


And tomorrow blessedly,

Is another, 

One of Our Father's, 

Beautiful muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Proof Power of Paper

 In US Juris Prudence they have programs that you can log onto, given thah muh fuckin company US works for, and change words in contracts that have already been signed, electronically or paper!?

Now, yo legal company ass has tah pay ah shitload of money tah 'Java' Et al, tah be able tah do that shit!

But thah shit is absolutely possible and is being practiced!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Some of thah shit I think then write, I would never avow aloud to anothah person outside of Our 


My Wife? Damn skippy!

My Daughter? Damn skippy!

Outside of this 


Fuck that shit! 

I just listen tah muh fuckahs!

Give ah little of myself every now and again during thah conversation, but not thah real shit that I write in this muh fuckah! Fuck that noise!

It ain't even fuckin worth it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Ain't Jesus! God Damnit!

 "You need to tell people!"

Tell 'em what muh fuckahs!?

US ain't gonnah tell these grown asses and even these young muh fuckin asses shit!

Don't know what muh fuckahs smokin these days!?

Some good ass shit that this ol broke Black sorry ass muh fuckah don't got! And cannot afford! How thah fuck y'all financially able tah cop thah ill!

Share God damnit?! Share!?


US can suggests!




Gonnah get US feelins hurt and/or get 

US killed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Y'all Evil Ass elite Muh Fuckahs, Should Have Chosen To Kill US Quickly!

 "They want to kill US all!"

But shit!

Then what!?

Has tah be more tah thah evilness than that shit!

They evil!

They don't know how tah get it ovah that quick!

Ain't no joy in thah pain of US in that shit!

So, yah got some of those muh fuckahs fuckin with some shit on purpose tah witness thah pain US is goin tah go through! Witness US suffering and dying!


And unbeknownst to those evil asses, they fucked it up for their whole evil crew!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Inherent Dangers of Contract Digital Laws (CDLs)

 Yes US lives in ah paperless fuckin society! 

"Oh, but I signed my name to a physical contract!"

Did yah get ah copy of it!?

Oh, you lost it?!

I'm sorry? You said you could get an original copy of it from the bank!?

You ever heard of 


(Peace! More to come...)

Bank "Bail Ins" (BBIs) VI

 But I have "Bitcoin! Hah!"

Post EMP!

And subsequent 


Check them digits Playesses and Playahs!?

It ain't called

"Digital Currency"

For fuck's sake!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The elite Do Not Matter Any Longer II

 It's never to late for US to assimilate US


The elite are scared shitless for that Human scenario to even begin!

But it is!

But this next time!?

Let US suggest?!

Make it, 




(Peace! More to come...)

Bank "Bail Ins" (BBIs) V

 "Well how much do you stand to loose by not pulling out your money in time?!"

Absolutely, positively...nothing!

This shit ain't about just me!

It's about US!

I'm kind of always been a minimalist when it comes to money. And I've always been able to maximize it to some degree whatever the circumstance; ergo, a humble broke ass!

I love me some Beck's, Stella Artois, Heineken...if thah money is alright!

But I'll buy that 30 case of Hamm's in a second if thah money is funky!

I live paycheck to paycheck jUSt like all of US!

But if I can keep a hundred or two from them sorry ass muh fuckahs when the

"Big Global Heist" concert

Hits it's crescendo !?...


At thah very least I can say for US at that point,

But yah didn't get this two hundred you sorry muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Bank "Bail Ins" (BBIs) IV

 "Please enter your account number followed by the pound sign?"

"Please enter your four to eight digit passcode?"

"How can I help you today? For account information press one. For balance information press two..."

"Okay, balance information. Is that correct? Press one for yes. Press..."

"Okay. Your present balance is: "Zero balance"!

"To return to the main menu press one,..."

"Main menu..."

"You have pressed zero? That is not an option."

"Okay, please say what you would like?"

"Okay, customer service. I am customer service. How can I help you today?"

"You have pressed zero? That is not an option"

"Okay, please say..."

Finally a Human voice, "Those words will not be tolerated Mister Hopson toward any of our fine digitized customer service representatives! It's seems that you are angry. Maybe upset. Call back after twelve hours of calming down. Have a pleasant day."

Bank "Bail Ins" (BBIs) III

 Can't yah see where this shit is goin?! These sorry muh fuckahs are gonnah maximize their theft digitally with an EMP!

"Bank Run"!?

Naw bitches!

We just shut the shit down!

When thah shit boots back up!?

What those digital digits lookin like in yo account now?!

Give yah thah voice from the digitized customer service agent,

"No known account? Please try again?..."

Then US will know!

We just got


(Peace! More to come...)

Bank "Bail Ins" (BBIs) II

 Well, it's ah fuckin Ponzi scheme that thah elite are allowed to legally/illegally do because,

"Shit! We're the elite!"

Cool! I can dig that shit for real! 

But shit!

I don't pay for any muh fuckahs sordid fucks!

Especially of US!

Just ah suggestion, once yah start pullin yo shit out, do not let othah muh fuckahs know what yo ol Black sorry broke ass is doin! Well, not until you get all yo shit out! 

"Oh that's selfish and unHuman of you!"

Thah fuck you talkin bout!

I'm writin thah shit here!

Right now! 


That would cause ah muh fuckin

"Bank Run"!

And if yah ain't got yo shit out yet!

Well...them muh fuckahs sayin and emailin en masse,

"Thanks for your generous contribution!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Bank "Bail Ins" (BBIs)

 And the shit is 100% legal!

"But whys would that be!?"

Cause US was too fuckin lazy tah read thah contracts with the various banking institutions US signed to be able to open an account with them!

Of course US knew about this shit!

But what thah fuck does US do,

"Thay's wouldn't dos an evil thing like that! Where again do I sign!?"


They have done it! And they are fucking doing it!

And ain't no major network reportin on thah shit!



Words to US wise?

Savings accounts? Start pullin yo shit out! Then close that bitch!

Checking accounts? Keep enough in that bitch that makes US comfortable!

Don't believe in that FDIC backin of thah safety of yo coinage! Shit, get yo muh fuckin feelins hurt!

Cause when this shit goes south real fuckin soon! Yo ass have physical bonds tah sho how much this new enlightened government owes my sorry, now maybe not so broke, ol Black ass in 

US Human Future!

Thirty-three more years if some of US is still here!?

This shit won't be this evil!

And US RighteoUS Rulers aft,

Shall do the right thing for every single one of


They'll Secure those physical bonds

And make shit right!...

That's all I can write!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Soon, It's Just The Day After Today After That!

 US as individuals?


US as ah 




The elite will not be able tah stop



Once US gets collectively motivated!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The elite Do Not Matter Any Longer

 But oft times yah get caught up in our own shit! The elite conditions US tah think individually, to start thah separation from US at birth! But that's thah nature of this manmade evil beast! 

US fuckin knows that!


When do US start finally start taking care of jUSt


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, January 21, 2023

US Has to Start Moving Forward! II

 So all those muh fuckin loved ones are gone!

Thee Holy fuck!

It's called forgiving US for US's ignorance! 


But US has not...



(Peace! More to come...)

US Has to Start Moving Forward!

 Oh, My Daddy! Oh, My Mommy! Oh, My Daughter! Oh, My Son!...

Them muh fuckahs dead right!?

And even aftah three or more years US still talkin bout these

Deadass muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"WTA" Should be TWTA-Transgendered Women's Tennis Association (Anagram of TWAT)

 Come oh naw!?

Sabalenka, Shriver, Graf, Evert, BJ King, The Williams brothers, Navratilova, Hingis...and have yah seen Sakkari from Greece, ain't even tryin tah hide thah shit!? Straight up like Amelie Mauresmo!...


US knows what thah fuck US is truly lookin at!

And BJ King had thah nerves and founded thah muh fuckin "WTA"!

God damn!

Has my ol Black broke sorry ass sides hurtin like ah muh fuckah, laugin so hard at US!

And this is just ah microcasm of what thah fuck has been goin on! Unbeknownst to US of course! 


When thine asketh for truth! Thy shall receiveth the truth expeditiously!


US can't make this shit up Sonshines!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Alfred Z. Fenkins, Indianapolis, Indiana Independent Mayoral Candidate, August 2023 II

 So check it! My Daddy, God rest his soul, owned ah tire and rim shop! Bust those front rims at about ah buck and ah half a piece, that's if they're aftermarket, if they ain't? Shit yah lookin pro'ly round five hundred ah piece! Throw in thah tires, fifteen hundred and some change!? Naw! Yo ass ain't gonnah be speedin through that shit no fuckin more!


Yah heard may!....

Alfred Z. Fenkins, Indianapolis, Indiana Independent Mayoral Candidate, August 2023

 You wannah stop all this speedin goin on in school zones, on the highways, on the streets and any damn place yo Black ass drivin in our beautiful city of Indianapolis? Got one word: Chuckholes!

Especially in school zones!

Now I ain't talkin bout no real big chuckholes, but the type of chuckholes, if yo drivin ass goin twenty-five miles per hour in that school zone, ain't shit gonnah get fucked up on your car! And shit, we can adjust them shits according to conditions and posted speeds! Then once these muh fuckahs get out of the city limits! Who gives ah fuck! It's peddle to thah metal then! 

But we have to keep ourselves safe! 

Cause most of the complaints are going to be from those who are just passing through!...

"Lullaby - The Cure"

 Some weird righteous shit!

Listen tah thah shit! Some sorry ass shit! That muh fuckah speakin on some personal evil shit!


And when yah watch thah muh fuckin video with yo ol Black sorry broke ass, all that yo perplexed broke ass has tah say is:

"Thee Holy fuck!?"

And I'm replayin thah shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Keep Hope Alive!" Naw! Y'all elite Evil Asses Need Tah Feel Some Hopelessness! II

 But yah see how ridiculous thah shit is?

They, thah ones talkin bout opposites, satanic rules and satanic beliefs!?

Thah fuck y'all smokin niggahs!?

Share that shit!!


Niggah I'm fuckin mad evil! Thah fuck yo sorry ass talkin bout rules!?

Talkin bout beliefs!?

There are no fucking rules!

There are no fucking beliefs!

Cause I'm ah straight 

Evil mothah fuckah!

Believe that!

And fuck yo muh fuckin rules


(Peace! More to come...)

"Keep Hope Alive!" Naw! Y'all elite Evil Asses Need Tah Feel Some Hopelessness!

 There are three tiers in Demonology:

First: Overstand you ain't shit!

Second: That, yeah, you are, a worthless piece of evil shit!

Third: You will only amount to shit!

Cause evil can't smell good, cause that would be bad cause yah gottah smell bad tah smell good!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, January 20, 2023

Death: US Has to Answer The Muh Fuckah!

 What are US waiting for!?

Anothah hit tah split!

Fit tah be tied and still being lied


Pools streams of evil fiery steams left!


Bereft in even


(Peace! More to come...)

US Allowing Third Person Interpretation

 They think for some reason, by them explainin what thah Holy shit means, and by yo sorry broke ass holdin that, "The Holy Bible," yo ass ain't readin it! Shit! US too lazy for that shit! Read!?

Just, tells may God damnit!

And fuck all that othah noise!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Passe: Only What Thine Eyes Can See

 US is not meant tah witness some shit!



Is on anothah 




(Peace! More to come...)

A Meeting with My Ultimate Destiny

 Aftah awhile My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

US has tah take off US figurative cloths and stand naked in this firmament! For all of US to witness! For US to cleanse!

And say to US all,

"I am here! I ain't got shit else tah hide cause my ol Black sorry ass is old! And I ain't got shit tah fuckin loose! What do US


Before I am no more!?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Help An Ol' Niggah Out!?

 So, you know?!

Conversin with ah muh fuckah and shit!

Yo ol broke Black sorry ass gonnah say, 

"I'm tellin yah! At fifty-seven I'm feelin some pains I have never experienced before!"

"Oh, you ah baby! Give it twenty more years! You ain't felt nothin yet!"

Yo older muh fuckin sorry broke Black ass ain't fuckin helpin ah niggah!

Shit! I might as well shoot my ol Black broke sorry ass self, if thah shit gets way worse than this!?...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Remote Viewing

 Mommy USed tah listen tah non-secular music!

There was this one song she would wear thah fuck out!

"It Won't Be Long - Andrae Crouch"!

I would watch her, she not knowing I was watching her,

And when they got tah thah part, 

"It won't be long/ Till we'll be leaving here..."

She'd throw her head back a little with her eyes closed, when thah song said,

"...Till we'll be leaving here..."!


Mommy was in 


(Peace! More to come...)

Spreading Our Father's Words In Modern Time II

 I mean can't US just hear thah cracking and creaking of that seventh seal being pried open!

But US still waitin for thah muh fuckin


But US sho nuff heard that unmistakable final


(Peace! More to come...)

Spreading Our Father's Words In Modern Time

 Where does one start a story? A tell of a tale-tail? Oh, there's always an end! Always!

But the Genesis?

Where does one start?

At, "In the beginning..."


A lot of muh fuckUS ain't  heard and ain't tryin tah hear that muh fuckin shit!

Gottah change thah words without changing 

"The Word"!

US are different now!

Technology and these sorry ass so called "preachers" have quelled the written words to "The Holy Bible"!

Ergo, like the elite use subliminal messaging and all other means to control US!

US righteoUS too,

Shall change with these evil technological times!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Quantum Dot technology!

'Thermo Fisher', 'Moderna' and

'Johnson & Johnson/Pfizer'!

US did know that J&J absorbed Pfizer!?

Even before the COVID scare!?

Yeah! Under the same umbrella!

Muh fuckahs ain't shit!


Scary ass muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Dicyanin Dye And PTSD

 Can't get thah shit legally!

Shit, who would want to?!

They put thah shit in these military goggles so those muh fuckahs could see thah enemy at night!


Muh fuckahs seein demons flyin all around 'em and shit in real time!

Them, muh fuckahs still fucked up ovah that ill shit!

The military put them shits up quickly and quietly!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, January 19, 2023

"Kum ba yah!"

 Thee Holy fuck US foolin!

US gots mirrors God damnit!

Look into those tired muh fuckin ass eyes starin back at yo ol Black sorry ass, with thah muh fuckin truth which you only know!


Please tell US!?

What thah fuck do you truly see!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"In A Blink..."

 Let me show you some shit!?

Naw, it aint gonnah hurt, 


To see the true


(Peace! More to come...)

An Integral Part of US

 "Nobody can tell you what you know Meredith! No one!", my Mother's words to me often. Over the many years that statement of maternal truth has not diminished in its original strength! Because no one can!

Unless US lets 


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

JUSt Begin To Drive US!

 Thah fuck US scared of?!



Lifelong battles!?...


"Thy will! Shall be done!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

My Only Daughter

 She makes me smile!

She thinks she's outsmarting me oft time but I'm thah 


I've been peepin US since I undahstood what 

US was!?

She'll nevah catch me lookin at her and smilin with jUSt approval!

Like Geeg, my wife!

When I die soon!

My pure electrical spirit shall move thah both of


If jUSt even ah millimeter tah thah



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Breaking Bad!"

 Since thah muh fuckin day I could deduce some shit!

I knew this shit was foul for



And US!?

Is in total control of this shit!

Unbeknownst tah US of course!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Slippery Noodle

 Why thah Holy fuck these muh fuckin elite even think they could control US thoughts through technology?

That shit behooves my ol sorry broke Black ass!

US is complicated as Holy fuck!

And I'm quite sure, y'alls sorry worthless pieces of shit, undahstands?!


Is backed by US


(Peace! More to come....)

The elite: US Are The Right Ones!

 Muh fuckahs wannah talk crazy shit and shit!

I see US Playesses and Playahs!

Don't think I don't!?

Us is Human electrically motivated!

Bein ah fuckin part of thah Human electricity that will ultimately


Shock 'em!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Flowers - Miley Cyrus"

 Some funky ass righteoUS shit!

That She'im has always been underappreciated!

That voice is strangely hypnotic!

And for some crazy reason I like Miley!

She 'im 's funky as fuck!

Smoke ah 'J' with her!?

"Listen dude! Fucking crazy right! Listen, the weirdest thing right? Dude! Where was I? Fuck yeah!..." Can't US see her sayin that kind of shit? Cause she really kindah out there like that!

And for some strange reason she 'im gets ah pass! Cause I see she 'im as ah muh fuckin


Cause she don't give ah fuck!


Real talk!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Thah Holy fuck wrong with US?

"Here this niggah go again?!"

Thah fuck else yah fuckin doin!?

This is what I do!

US have witnessed Beautiful US real women!

Talk tah any of 'em!

Look 'em in thah muh fuckin eyes as US converses!

Then US sorry broke asses will see it!


US Beautiful Real Women,

Always have some sorry ass deep sadness in their muh fuckin beautiful sullen 


(Peace! More to come...)

"Like Sand In An Hourglass..."

 I'm tired! Been tired for a long time now! 

US might suggest, "Well get some rest?!" 

But yah see?! 

Rest is thah problem! 

Cause in thine death thy shall hath blissful nothingness of slumber!

Three-Score and ten!?

So if everything plays out like it should?!

My ass got ah little ovah twelve years tah get some shit done Biblically for US!


Tis the time to tire!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Racism: Highly Ritually Practiced, Ritually Promoted and Carried Out By The elite! But now, The Blame Is Put On US!

 I read shit, watch shit and listen tah some shit!

Some of these white muh fuckahs wannah talk and write about how this shit US 's goin through is about thah,

Killing of the White race!

US Blacks wannah talk about the same muh fuckin noise but with Black muh fuckahs!


Thah muh fuckin elite ain't tryin tah kill US White or Black ass, because of thah color of US muh fuckin skin!

Fuck all that noise!

 One, both US races are some broke asses!

Two, US got thah wrong bloodlines in US sorry asses according to them!

And three, (please read one and two)!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

"All In"

 That's what these muh fuckin supersilly muh fuckin elite done went and done!


I got anothah poker analogy fo y'alls stupid asses that US jUSt absolutely love, and Kenny Rogers said it thah muh fuckin best,

"...And know when tah fold 'em!? Know when tah walk away!? And know when tah run!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The King of Nothingness

 Yah signed up for that sorry ass zero shit!

For fuckin tah be a household muh fuckin name for yo sorry Black broke ass self!

Not for thah bettahment of US!


Now what?!

Muh fuckah?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Nicki Manaj (Monarch: Beta-Kitten Programming)

 "Raman is a crazy boy...People have brought him out! People have conjured him up. Now he won't leave."


(Peace! More to come...)

NWO! For Whom?

 Them evil muh fuckahs are thah same muh fuckin ones that believe in opposites!

Up is down! Down is up!

Male is Female! Female is male!

Good is evil! Evil is good!...

Yeah, I love that shit!

Cause they think thah NWO will have them in control!? But with thah Law of Thelema, and that othah Luciferian bullshit they believe... then they can't ever seize control! Because the opposite must occur! Or how can that be evil!? The evilest shit yah can do tah these evil (if yo ass is super-evil) muh fuckahs is tah promise them thah muh fuckin world! Then unpromised it! 

What?! Why y'alls evil asses so mad and shocked for?! 

Shit! I'm an evil muh fuckah, mother fuckers! God damnit!...

Cause y'alls

New World Order shit!

Don't mean shit tah 


Cause it's fucking 


US shall make thah shit


Y'all sorry muh fuckahs 're finally right,

Opposites do attract!

But that date y'all muh fuckahs been beggin for ain't gonnah be nothin nice for y'alls sorry sick muh fuckin asses!

Cause y'alls rights are all muh fuckin wrongs!

"Thy firmament shall endure once more!"

US see?!



"And where in thah Holy fuck is my mouthguard!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Always Queries!

 Check it!

I ain't no expert on shit!

But, I'm just tryin tah suggest tah US,

When US talkin tah anothah muh fuckah that seems like they have different views than US?!

There is no need tah argue! If yo shit's solid!

Cause ain't nothin worse than loose shit!


Once anothah muh fuckah gives US ah response, that US know is in adverse of US's ideology?

Then US shall start telling US truth with questions!

"Everybody needs to be vaccinated?"

"So you're not concerned with all of the instances of myocarditis, strokes, cancers...these vaccines are causing?!"

"You sound like one of those conspriracy theorists!"

"How can I be a conspiracy theorists when this is now on national media?"

"Yeah. I guess you're right. They are starting to say some things like that?"

"We're just conversing, I would hope? I hope you don't feel I am trying to impose on you in any way?"

"No. I guess I just got a little defensive? That's all."

"We are just talking?"


(Peace! More to come...)


 Ah fuckin Psyop!

What does thah muh fuckin word

"Dahmer" mean in 


Oh, and what that muh fuckah do with those murdered bodies?!

And I'll go even furthah God damnit!

What does thah name 'Geoffrey' mean in 



His name meant,

"A peaceful pledge of hunger!"


US can't make this shit up 


We dealin with some sorry sick ass elite folks!

And they are going to kill 

US all!


US kills all of them


(Peace! More to come...)

No One Is Smarter Than You! As Smart?! Damn Skippy!

 What I have noticed is that, thah worst muh fuckin thing US can do is tah tell ah muh fuckah that we are conversing with, "I know more than you!"!

Conversation done Sonshines!

Now you don't have tah literally say it like that to be like that to anothah muh fuckah! 

For example, I'm listenin tah this muh fuckah on Bitchute an excerpt of him talkin on his bully pulpit on ah video entitled some shit like, "Satanism in Hollywood". He talkin bout thah evil shit but then he says this shit, "We are loosing the war! I don't know about you! But I have numerous of years of knowledge on this subject! And I can positively tell you, "We are loosing the war!"...See what I mean? But US did that tah that sorry muh fuckah cause US listenin tah his sorry combover thinning hairstyle thah muh fuckahs rockin! Potbelly tah boot! With that irritating as fuck sing-song dreaded slow muh fuckin southern fuckin drawl! And yo sorry ol broke Black ass jUSt wants tah tell thah muh fuckahs, "Time muh fuckah! Fuckin time ain't on my muh fuckin side! Speed that shit up! God damnit! Please!?" And yo sorry ass gots thah nerves tah insult me!?... I'm done with this shit!..


(Peace! More to come...)

"Putin will 'Lose His Life' If He Loses The War:..."

Thah Holy fuck y'all smokin muh fuckahs!

All my ol Black sorry broke ass can suggest is,

"Share that shit!" 

Cause God damn, that's some good ass unbelievable shit y'all inhalin!...

Ain't no muh fuckin Ukraine and Russia war!

So, how's thah muh fuckah gonnah loose his life?!

And if somethin 's goin on ovah there, it sure is bein miscommunicated as fuckin shit!

Cause all that shit ovah there could evah be is ah muh fuckin conflict! 

If even that shit!

Thah Holy fuck these muh fuckahs talkin bout!?


Putin aint' even losin any fuckin sleep ovah this evil misrepresented

Propagandized shit!

Let alone gonnah lose his muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...) 


 US all goin through thah shit!

Got computers, cellphones, tablets, automobiles, governments...

US won't be too far behind!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, January 16, 2023

The Cain Seed

 I remembah ah muh fuckin Endocrinologist's said some shit that tah me was some profound shit tah my ol Black broke sorry ass!

He was talkin about diabetes. He stated clearly,

"I understand all of that. Please believe me I do! But just because you are predisposed to a certain disease? Doesn't mean that you are predetermined to have the disease."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Dissent Flipflopped, Presently Known As: Terrorism!

 You talk ah certain way these days, muh fuckahs think yo ass is "Coo-coo for 'Coco Puffs!'"

But that's thah nature of this rude elite evil beast now!

The elite can do all thah evil shit that they want tah do tah US! Shit, them muh fuckahs even killin US legally with mandates and shit!..

But let US say or write one muh fuckin thing bout gettin rid of those need tah be gottin rid of muh fuckahs!?

Uhm! Ain't gonnah be nothin nice for US at all!

Them sorry ass muh fuckahs throw US undah thah muh fuckin federal prison with thah sorry ass indictment of:


(Peace! More to come...)

The elite's Global Termination Papers!

 None of them look like US!

None of 'em!

Yet they sit up there in their Hickey Freeman wool suits, some of those joints ovah 2,000 dollahs and shit! Cheaney shoes! Piaget watches!...

Women politicians doin thah muh fuckin same, with all thah accompaniments! 


Fuck all y'all!

Y'all don't look like US,

 Y'all Don't dress like US,

And y'all sho as fuck! 

Don't work like US...

Fuck naw I don't need y'all muh fuckahs talkin about what's good for 


US should fire thah lot of yah! 

Or US needs tah begin global extermination of all you worthless elite muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, January 15, 2023

My Brother Chauncey

 At some point and time in US lives US has tah start some deducing!

Twelve muh fuckahs! Eleven boys and one girl!

Only one witnessin thah inside of ah penal system, post-Vietnam, mind US!

He was thah one that avowed, 

"Meredith! We were raised right!"

And that one who was thah only one to witness US penal system suggested to me, 

"There's more to this shit than what you think you know."



Straight talk!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Walk-Through US Shitty Time II

 Shit! It's goin on right thah fuck now!

Muh fuckahs got these long fingernails!

I got very short ones!

And sometimes these short muh fuckahs, dependin on how hard I fuckin wipe, comes through those multi-layered sheets of paper made for the toilet!

Please tell ah niggah truthfully!?

Yo sorry ass gots some leftovah shit in them long fingahnails shits! 

Don't yah?...

(Peace! More to come,,,)

US Taxpayers or US Non-Taxpayers! There Is A Muh Fuckin Difference!

 Muh fuckahs talkin that ill uncivilized shit,

"I pay my muh fuckin taxes God damnit! I should be allowed tah play my fuckin music whenevah I muh fuckin want to!" I got chou! But playah?! Every night?! Okay!?


"I don't pay my muh fuckin taxes God damnit! But I'm an American!  I should be allowed tah play my fuckin music whenevah I mother fuckin want to!"...

Read thah muh fuckin difference?!...

Naw muh fuckahs I don't have yo non-taxpayin ass! 

And yo sorry broke asses are, 



I got ah right tah bitch cause my ol Black broke ass payin for this mess in taxes!


Well, you need tah jUSt shut thah fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

We Are JUSt Talking About Eating! Right?!

 I'm ah savory person! 

Sweets just don't turn me on! Now, yah give me some "Jolly Ranchers" (I don't give ah good fuck! Any flavor!) "Now & Laters" (I don't give ah good fuck! Any flavor!), "Haribo" gummies, "Sprees", "Junior Mints", "Jujubes", "Mike and Ike"...

Now US talkin! 

Now offah me two fried chicken thighs from "Church's"?

Them sweet shits can go fuck themselves!

Okay, more fat content!

Sodium tah me? Negligible!

But I got that ass with thah muh fuckin carbs!

And fuckin fried deliciousness!

"Well what about the inflammatory response to fried foods!?"

God damn!

I hadn't thought of that!


(Peace! More to come...)

You Are! Who, You Are! Because of Our Father's Beautiful Gift of Individual US!

 Thah fuck anothah one of US gonnah tell US!?

US has our own individual taste, smell. hearing, feel...tah this shit!

Thah fuck anothah muh fuckah gonnah tell yah about 

US one of ah kind Human senses!?...

Save for...

Conditioning US on how tah utilize in their truth for

US unique one of ah kind



But that shit ain't got shit tah do with most of US!

That shit has everything tah do with lil ol individual.


And them sorry ass muh fuckahs!

Cause most of US knows bettah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Remittance! II

 US always has tah pay for that ill shit US brought upon US selves!

Sloth and stupidity costs!

And US is way past fuckin 


Thee Holy fuck!

Are US finally gonnah 


(Peace! More to come...)

Reporter to President Beiden, Globally Speaking, "Well What About The United States Mister President?" Wed06Nov2024 @ 6:33 PM

 US president's responds,

"Yeah! What about the United States!?

   Fuck 'em!"...

Reporter Speaking With One of Madrid's Elite - Mon01Jan2024 @ 12:01 AM

 Now you do understand that most of US can't experience such opulence?!


"3, It's A Magic Number - Schoolhouse Rock" III

 If yah believe in "The Holy Bible"!

Purchase three of them muh fuckahs!


One is for thah 

Home to be read!

The second,

is to hide in thah muh fuckin US 

Homes just in case some shit happens!?

The third?...

Bury thah shit in yo muh fuckin 


Seal it tight with a slice of bread so that thah fine paper will have some humidity tah sustain from hidden time!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Humanly Connecting! And No Road Rage Allowed!

 Please, take ah ride with me?!

Ol' school of course!

Maybe in a '76 Monte Carlo...or like thah solid old joint I used tah roll ah,

"1973 Oldsmobile Omega"!?

Just ride! Feeing free goin around I465!

At "55" goin round 25 x two!?

Time is not an issue!?

Come ohn!?

I got US gas!

And US gots those 


And even "White Castle" aftah all of that enjoyable ride and conversation!

But within three hours!?

We have tah be out of each othahs presence!

But if US 's married!

It's gonnah be ah gaseous x two smelly


Now, I didn't say,

"I got that type of gas!?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"It Don't Hurt"

 My Mother knew I was troubled!

She USed to say to me time and time again,

"Just pray Meredith! It don't hurt! And it doesn't cost ah thing! What do you have to lose?"


It doesn't hurt!

I don't have shit tah fuckin lose!

And it's muh fuckin cheap as fuck!...



(Peace! More to come...)

Injections! They Got US Fucked!


God damnit!


Muh fuckahs can put some shit in some shit and tell US sorry broke asses, somethin!? 

And that somethin is way more complexed muh fuckin shit than y'alls muh fuckahs said it was supposed tah be for?!


Would US take any other voluntary injections!?

"Well, what about numbing you when you go to the dentist? They can easily put their 'evil shit' in there!"


I hadn't thought of that shit!

Fuck me!

Cause ain't no muh fuckin body gonnah reject an injection with that muh fuckin soon to be torturous  painful shit!

Brings that Hollywood vision in "Marathon Man",

"Is it safe?"


Thah fuck yo sorry ass needs fo my ol Black sorry broke ass tah tell yah tah stop this unconscionable Human painful evil tortuous shit! Fuck that oil of Clove shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Walk-Through US Shitty Time

 So, way back in thah day yah walkin around with ah robe with no undahgarments on and shit, that's what these muh fuckahs write and visually suggests tah US! Anyway...

Yo muh fuckin franks and beans swayin with every step yo sorry ass takes, or maybe not!?

Feelin fuckin free!


Aftah yo sorry broke ass takes ah well needed shit! Y'all muh fuckahs didn't have no toilet paper! And whatevah yah fuckin used was lacklustah at best! Muh fuckahs didn't manscape like some of US do now! So, you know them stinky muh fuckahs gonnah have dingleberries fo sho! Uhm!..

But cha broke ass still got thah whole day tah smell through! So, the remnants of thah well needed shat is still upon thy robed ass, with no undahgarments! 


Let US start talkin bout thah plethora of flies that will try to get all up undah that semi-soiled robe you so proudly donned!

And them muh fuckin flies are gonnah be relentless at tryin tah get on that (did thah best that yo sorry broke ass could do wipin with yo fuckin handful of grape leaves) semi-shitty ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Satanism: The Fastest Growing Religion Globally II

 Here's where Christians and Satanists are similar!

Both fuckin with their given words!

Christians do this shit through churches by what thah sorry ass muh fuckahs call

"Legalism"! Some sorry shit individual churches utilize tah manipulate the words in "The Holy Bible" to fit their given religious practices based on their interpretation.

Satanist fuckin up cause they do thah same muh fuckin thing! When ah muh fuckin ritual states that a "Priestess" shall say/perform thah shit or that a "Priest" shall say/perform thah shit!? 

Well, y'alls sorry asses gottah use ah muh fuckin woman or man! 

Not no God damned


Woman or Man!

Even y'all fucked up muh fuckahs 're confused as fuck!

But shiiiought,

Y'all satanists always gonnah be fuckin up with that

Law of Thelema 



Yah see, some of US broke sorry asses still do fuckin

Research and actually 


(Peace! More to come...)

Satanism: The Fastest Growing Religion Globally

 No surprise!

US gives these lil muh fuckahs cellphones, laptops, desktops, tablets...any fuckin thing that these youths want, so US same youths, can bring

all that evil shit from thah outside, 



God fearing


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, January 14, 2023

'Whatever is clever'?! II

 As long as US has some shit tah refer back to in times of trouble?

US is always gonnah be just fuckin fine


(Peace! More to come...)

Thee Holy Fuck US Allowing To Be Put Into US Pristine Temples?!

 And remembah this My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs please?!

Cancer had nevah been ah diagnoses until the first vaccine was implemented!...

Yeah! Straight talk!...

(Peace! More to come...)

There is Immense Power In The Word For US II

 Then too is this,

It centers me.

It is 


US needs some shit in US fallible broke ass lives tah,

Check US 

Human asses

Oft times!...

(Peace! More to come...)

There is Immense Power In The Word For US

 I guess the greatest thing that has come out of "The Holy Bible" for me is noticing the beautifully written prose. Though one is speaking to another in conflict, the words are still civil. 

US can agree to disagree about some shit but keep the shit properly civilized.

I remember reading for the first time, 

Revelation 3:15-16.

I'm thinking to myself,


Just fuckin 



(Peace! More to come...)

The Book of Ephesians KJV

 Read thah shit when yah have thah time?

Paul tears US asses up! 

Good Lord!

What thah muh fuckah say on "They Live",

"I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum! And I'm all out of bubble gum!"


Paul 's 

'Kickin ass and takin numbahs!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Beiden is A Fucking Bum!

 Get your old worth for nothin pedophile ass out of fuckin politics!

Sit in your rockin chair!

And die an agonizing long ass death!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Bill Gates Is A Dumb Muh Fuckah!

 Why thah Holy fuck 're they still talkin tah this butt ugly muh fuckin idiot !

Thah muh fuckah was even too lazy tah even get ah college degree!

"But he's a billionaire! He's a philanthropist! What have you done with your Butler University degree!? Still owing student loans broke self!?"


So, I got somethin that idiot doesn't have with all that muh fuckin money,

A college degree.

God damn!

So bein ah degreed expert on some shit don't mean shit no fuckin more?!

I can say thah same shit he's sayin but at least it would sound way more convincing,

"Meredith Hopson. Who has a Bachelors' of Science degree from Butler University has this to say about the vaccination craze in America."

As oppose to,

"Bill Gates. Founder of Microsoft. Education? Who gives ah fuck!?..."

If Bill Gates is the example of how this muh fuckah's gonnah get run?!

Fuck higher education!

And save US God damn US blessed 

Short currency!...

(Peace! More to come...)

En Masse

 I mean muh fuckahs are dyin!

"We're all dying!"

Yo ass sho nuff right about that shit!

But my ol Black sorry broke ass ain't witnessed muh fuckahs dyin like this before!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, January 13, 2023

Ephesians 5:18 KJV

 Have yo ol Black alcoholic broke ass rollin!

RighteoUSly gettin in that ass!


Speak on it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker - Netflix" And It Just Fuckin Reeks!

 Talkin bout 

"Whatever, the market will bear"?


My ol Black sorry broke ass ain't fuckin bearin it!

Thah muh fuckin tale is as funky as ah three dollah

Ho's pussy or male crotch, 

In 90 plus degree weathah with humidity at


(Peace! More to come...)

"Ukranian woman claims Russians boiled her hands, pulled out her hair during torture"

 Shit made me almost lose my fuckin beer!

Thah muh fuckin shit's for folly!

Three days later after this shit supposedly started!?

Yo worthless piece of shit of ah "Ukranian" citizen would not even be able tah make that supposed sorry ass false statement!...

(Peace! More to come...)

There're Some Of US, US Best Not Fuck With!

 I have ah friend.

Sweetest person you would ever want tah meet!




But she has these kindah translucent brilliant blue eyes that makes ah muh fuckah undah-fuckin-stand,

"You better not fuck with me!"

Those fuckin brilliant blue eyes mean it!

And she's even married to thah 

Chief of Police!

But her ass was like that shit way before she married thah


(Peace! More to come...)

"3, It's A Magic Number - Schoolhouse Rock" II

 Yah can fuck with anything else!

Don't give ah real Holy fuck!

But y'alls sorry worthless elite fuck with,

My Wife,

My Children


My Home!?


Y'all elite muh fuckahs got problems


(Peace! More to come...)

We Are JUSt Parasites Within This Human Firmament!

 Well, it's simple really!

US jUSt have tah start undahstandin this shit is finite instead of infinite because of


(Peace! More to come...)

US Always Have To Make Sacrifices And Suffer!

 Well, ever since high school, I undahstood

GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out)!

And I'm not even ah techy!

I've always had bowel problems!

When I started playin sports in high school I started noticin what my Black sorry ass was eatin was boggin me down, based on my stool production! So even in high school I had tah make a slight change in my diet. 

While in season, I would only eat meat durin thah weekends. 

Saturday and Sunday!? A niggah would gorge like ah muh fuckah!

Up until this day I do that shit!

Well, I eat meat throughout thah week!

I jUSt watch thah garbage goin in and garbage goin out more closely!

I've learned some shit!

All I can suggests tah yah 


If yah love tah eat!

Oft times US sorry ol Black broke asses got tah

Fast too!

So, sometimes US can eat thah shit US really wants tah


(Peace! More to come...)

The Transfer Portal Is A College Sports Players' Wet Dream!

 There is no such joy US can evah imagine of ah muh fuckin football, basketball, baseball... playah gets than to be playin thah fuckin game!

Second and third string?!

Thah fuck niggahs!? 

I'm ready now!...

(Peace! More to come...)

No More Transitioning Periods

 Be alone!

At least six fuckin hours in a work week.

JUSt ah suggestion!

So US can center US fuckin selves!

Cause modern work and home sho nuff don't mix!

"Well, I work from home!?"

And I undahstand!


(Peace! More to come..."

A Simpler Plan? II

I mean, 

US undahstands there is no magic pill nor magic potion that can fix this shit instantly!

None of US are askin fo that shit!

But what US are askin for, is tah be thah

Last Human Cycle tah have tah go through this

Perpetual bullshit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Simpler Plan?

 Muh fuckahs sho do know how tah tell yah what's goin on don't they?

Muh fuckahs just love tah fuckin hear themselves,

For fuckin thousands of Humans', this Human Cycle's, years!

God damn!

But they sho can't tell US sorry broke asses what tah do about thah ill shit that's sho nuff goin


So, US can finally fix


(Peace! More to come...)

I Guess, JUSt Another Presley?

 Come ohn naw y'all filthy sorry ass muh fuckahs!?

US has been suggestin tah y'alls sorry degenerate no-count havin asses tah:

JUSt tell US thah muh fuckin 


God damnit! 

Please read?!

Aftah awhile y'alls sorry elite muh fuckahs!...


US got tah 



US got tah


(Peace! More to come...)

They Give US No Other Option!

 I ain't much of ah physical fightah!

Not now, not...evah!

I nevah could undahstand physical violence!?

Makes no fuckin sense tah my ol Black sorry broke ass still tah this day!

Shit, cause yah gots teeth muh fuckahs! And thah shit fuckin hurts! Thah Holy fuck!...



Now I'm witnessin what thah fuckin elite has been and are doing tah 


Oh, shit!

I finally understand the need for 



And where in thee Holy fuck is my 


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, January 12, 2023

The Human Truth Serum Within US

 The Human Electricity in US is runnin up and down US sorry broke ass veins!

All that US needs tah do tah start undahstandin this shit is tah,

Stop thah shit for jUSt a split second and say,

"Where thah fuck your Human Electrically truth charged ass goin! Cause ah niggah needs ah fuckin boost!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Absolutely Absolute!

 US will be humbled and troubled when the seventh seal is removed!

No more laughing. No more joking.


"There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just Cause!

 Violence is not violence when put upon the elite!

Violence only has to do with thah crimes by US against US!

Violence put upon the elite is called

RighteoUSly           ...

(Peace! More to come...)

Always Awakenings, Alliteration

 I'm weird, or as my wife likes to call me,


But I dig that ill shit for some reason!?

Our employer took us out for a late lunch today and paid for it.

As you start talkin tah muh fuckahs off thah clock!

Yo ol Black sorry broke ass starts undahstandin,

Yo sorry non-deserving havin ass works around some



(Peace! More to come...)

JUSt Writin Bout US Shit! That's All!

 People oft times get offended by

"The Holy Bible"!

All I can suggest is this,

I've read many books.  Especially Crime Fiction!

Tom Kakonis, Our Father rest his soul, he was thah shit!

Eugene Izzi, Marcel Montecino...Anyway...

Not one ever mentioning the characters race!

I mean not to thah muh fuckin point where they say, "He/She is a Black/white muh fuckah!"

We put that shit in based on conditioned characterizations described by thah author!

And the next time US reads for pleasure...

What race are thah characters US are formulating?!

And does it really fuckin matter!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

'Whatever is clever'?!

 Have you evah read 

"The Holy Bible"?


Some of that shit will have yo sorry ol Black broke ass rollin!

And some of that shit will have yo sorry ol Black broke ass sayin to yo humbled self,

"These muh fuckahs gettin in US asses!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck US! US Wanted The Little Muh Fuckahs!

 It hurts my fucking soul to hear a baby cry!

Oh my fucking God!

Thah fuck y'all doin tah that child?!


Yea, like yo ass ain't doin nothin!

Pick that child up! 

Change thah lil muh fuckah!

Put down that muh fuckin cellphone!

Comfort thah lil muh fuckah!

Feed thah lil muh fuckah!

When yah get thah child home,

Hopefully bath thah lil muh fuckah!

And that child will go instantly asleep!

US little Humans,

Don't take to much if yah pay thah fuck attention tah thah lil muh fuckahs basic lil

Human needs!

God damn


(Peace! More to come...)

Played God! Now Act Like God!

 I don't give ah good Holy fuck what US broke asses does if 

US sorry broke ass is without

Child or Children!

Don't give ah muh fuckin fuck!


Once yo sorry ass decides tah fuck and



Let US creationists forevah remembah,

US got ah lil muh fuckah(s) that will be always keenly watchin US broke sorry asses until US muh fuckin dies!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Awakening Has Started

 So ah frame sales representative came in today.

We all know her and like her. We got on vacations and she's telling us about it. Then my coworker who has no filter, but somehow gets away with thah shit, says, 

"So I know you had to be vaccinated."

"Oh yes! It was twenty-six of us and we were all vaccinated before going on the cruise!"

"So, what do you think about all of these incidences of myocarditis and stuff happening?" My coworker asks.

"Oh, I know! But my husband and I just got the first round. You know? But we're not taking any of the boosters. I mean ever since we got the initial shots, I shouldn't be sayin this but, my husband has been kind of spacey?..."

Yeah! Real talk!...

(Peace! More to come...)

CVMD Is Becoming An US Epidemic

 US might be tempted tah click on ah fuckin video and watch some shit!?

Don't fuckin do it!

Not fuckin worth 

Chronic Visual Memory Disturbances!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Damn! Ham?!

 These sorry ass  muh fuckahs act like this professional football playah is like 


Being resurrected and shit!?

Thee Holy fuck wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Ephesians 5:25-33 KJV

 Do I really need tah say some shit bout some righteoUS muh fuckin shit!? It's some Human beautifully written prose tah my sorry ol Black broken ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Commoners' RighteoUS Place!

 Less shall 

US be 



Shall forever 


(Peace! More to come...)

"3! It's a Magic Number - Schoolhouse Rock"

 There are Your thoughts!

There are My thoughts!


There are



(Peace! More to come...)

The Human Pinnacle

 Do US not ovahstand,


Why US is here!?

US 's here tah make every single one of 

US ovahstand:

I'm here!

Because of US!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Damn, Dam' Ham', Fam' And Shammed! Now Shamed!

 Kindah of fuckin bullshit!?

So thah muh fuckin family, I guess, hires this spokesperson, Jordon Rooney!

Ah fuckin Zionist Jew!

Thee Holy fuck!

US can't make this shit up Sonshines!

Ain't that muh fuckah Dam' ah fuckin


Them muh fuckahs tellin US thah best this scenario got is ah fuckin Zionist Jew spokesperson for that muh fuckin


Niggresses and Niggahs!

US can't make this muh fuckin supersilly absurd shit thah fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

US Learns

 I hated fuckin high school! Hated that shit! Now I have ah Daughter. Her Mother suggests some shit tah me and I'm like, "Whatever she needs! Can't imagine what Sonshine's goin through!?"

I mean, I came from ah two parent household! Can't imagine two separate parents' households!? And in high school!? 

High school, 

Where thah only muh fuckin places I found solace and made every sense in thah muh fuckin world for my young ass, was on ah muh fuckin football field or on ah muh fuckin track field!?


"Whatevah she fuckin needs!"

But of course I don't say that shit like that!

That shit's uncivilized!

"Whatever she needs?!"

Read thah muh fuckin difference?!


Get my ol Black sorry broke ass feelings hurt!

And, they've been hurt jUSt about enough!

Fuck that shit!


(Peace! More to come...)