Monday, January 23, 2023

Kudos?! If You Are Going To Get Fucked!? Let US All Get RighteoUSly Fucked!

 "Mister Hopson we are closing your account because of insufficient funds!"

Well, if I may?! I have insufficient funds because I wasn't paying attention. My bad. But when I took that last fifty out some four months ago, makin my savings go under the minimum amount of five hundred dollars. I read it now. But I didn't know, that you all had the right to take Twenty-five dollars out of my account for "maintenance fees" every week for being under five hundred dollars in my savings account, which is excessive and predatory.

"Mister Hopson. If you would like. I can send you the contract that you signed with our bank. You have been non-compliant contractually now for going over four months now. I didn't sign it. You did Mister Hopson. So, if I may? What are we speaking about?"

Well I guess I agree like you suggested at first. Close the account. Now what about the sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents left in my account? When can I get my check?!

"As per the contract. We have ten business days to send you the balance in your account once closed. Now, I'm sure you read about the closing fees. Fifty dollars will be deducted from the amount. And you should receive your check in the amount of sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents within ten business days of today."

Right on!

"Right on?"

Well yeah I did read about the closing fees. I just wanted to make sure of some illegal practices that I didn't start understanding until now. Just need to read more, that's all. Especially what I sign!

"Anything else I can help you with Mister Hopson?"

Yes. If you would be kind enough to indulge me?

"I'm all ears Mister Hopson!"

Jennifer! I bet you got some good ass pussy!

She hollered! Heard her laughing so hard I heard the phone drop. 

And all I could think of as I looked at the cellphone screen and pushed 


I guess ah ol broke Black ass sorry muh fuckah made someone smile


(Peace! More to come...)

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