Sunday, January 29, 2023

My Human Alien Felt Existence! But I Feel More And More Human Every Day That Our Father Lets me Live!

 I didn't really get this shit until I started reading, "The Holy Bible"! Then I started in college researching philosophy with emphasis on , "Existentialism".  Fuck ah university or a college! But thah beautiful thing about partaking in college education, US Black asses just ain't around niggahs no more! I mean I went to Crispus Attucks High School in Indianapolis, Indiana and yo sorry Black broke ass could count, probably on your fingers and toes the amount of white muh fuckahs that attended! Challenges US! Anyway...Then yes, like the "Taco Bell" 'dong'...My Black broke sorry ass started noticing! Something the fuck is terribly wrong in this shit! Researching some shit some more after enlightenment...But at that point, it was too late! My Daughter was born! ol Black sorry broke ass has tah live this shit through! Until Our Father says tah me, 

"Meredith My Son! It's time!"

Thank you!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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