Thursday, January 26, 2023


 A walk of a thousand days. For some reason I liked that spiritual shit instantly! I read about it, didn't know what it was officially called until I researched it, in a book by William Diehl, "Chameleon". Self human discipline has always fascinated me. If I were Japanese, and if I were not so old,  I probably would have embarked on this spiritual journey. "But you don't have to be Japanese!" And I understand! But a niggah ain't got enough money even tah go to Japan! Let alone seven fuckin years tah fuck around homeless and penniless! Johnson County don't want tah hear about yo spiritual journey! In Japan no less!

 "Mister Hopson!? How can you afford such negligence of ah child?! To go to Japan, 'Spiritually!?"

Ain't fuckin worth it!

It's passed my ol Black sorry broke ass bye! 

"But you can do it right here in the US!?" And yes, I understand. But it wouldn't quite be the same for me. To me, the only way to practice some shit is to be in the environment that the shit was intended to be quested in! Plus, I have a child and I'm married! Them Monks would be like, 


Or in english,

"Thee Holy fuck!?"....

(Peace! More to come...)

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