Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Get US The Fuck Working! And Welfare Be Fucking God Damned!

 "'Labor takes care of three great evils: Idleness, want and vice.(Voltaire (translated))"

How these muh fuckahs doin all these rally's, marches and shit! Where's y'alls sorry ass money comin from with y'alls, marchin, rallyin asses! Well, yo asses can damn well walk, yell and scream! Yeah, muh fuckahs, y'alls sorry havin free time startin malfeasance muh fuckahs need God damned jobs!

Since thah evil elite fucked US with thah shut downs, they've been payin muh fuckahs not tah fuckin work! 

Got broke ass muh fuckahs talkin that crazy shit, "Uhn-uhn! Fuck that! I'm not goin back to work and dying from somebody else that don't know how tah keep other people safe by jUSt wearin the damn masks correctly?" Well...them muh fuckUS got ah fuckin point, cause thah evil elite started that nonsensical shit! But cha sorry broke Black asses can't stay at home long enough tah not stay out those clubs!?


Get US happy asses back tah work! And US states need tah quit payin these sorry broke ass muh fuckahs,

Not to work!

Cause those thah same lazy ass muh fuckahs that got all this muh fuckin free time tah start muh fuckin Trouble!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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