Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Mommy USed To Say

 "I've had twelve children Meredith! I ain't ever had a child like you!" 

I was the last!

I'm fifty-seven years old and my ol Black sorry broke ass still don't know if that shit was meant to be a compliment or an insult!

But fuck it really!

Too fuckin old at this point of my life!

And I still love her!

So fuck it!

"Why don't you just ask her?"

Cause she's dead. If Mommy was stil alive she would be one hundred and two years old this April 14th! Anyway...

But, why thah fuck did she say it so many muh fuckin times!?

So, US can't jUSt do that shit can US!? 

JUSt fuck it!?

There are like demarcation default lines in memory that jumps back through time and captures the many moments, cemented in US memory for some fuckin reason! But why?! What is that memory trying to tell ah ol Black broke ass muh fuckah, that I guess I'm missin, for thah shit tah pop into my fore memory every once in ah while, 


(Peace! More to come...)

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