Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Essential Life Hacks! Well, This One...If US Eats Eggs?

 There's some shit US learns in passing conversations!

There was this white woman when I used to work at thah Zionsville Meijer at night while I was stocking the dairy department.

She wasn't apart of Meijer but she was a contracted employee by another company paid by Meijer to do 



She was always friendly. Her and I started talkin one night about cooking. Then thah subject got on eggs for some reason? Maybe because I was stocking dairy? I don't really know? But she said,

"If you want to cook perfectly cooked hardboiled eggs? Just put them in covered water until they come to a boil. Shut the heat off. And in ten minutes you will have perfectly cooked hardboiled eggs, without that grayish layer that forms around the yellow yolks when they are boiled for too long."


Thank You!

It's worked every fuckin time!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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