Sunday, January 22, 2023

Bank "Bail Ins" (BBIs) II

 Well, it's ah fuckin Ponzi scheme that thah elite are allowed to legally/illegally do because,

"Shit! We're the elite!"

Cool! I can dig that shit for real! 

But shit!

I don't pay for any muh fuckahs sordid fucks!

Especially of US!

Just ah suggestion, once yah start pullin yo shit out, do not let othah muh fuckahs know what yo ol Black sorry broke ass is doin! Well, not until you get all yo shit out! 

"Oh that's selfish and unHuman of you!"

Thah fuck you talkin bout!

I'm writin thah shit here!

Right now! 


That would cause ah muh fuckin

"Bank Run"!

And if yah ain't got yo shit out yet!

Well...them muh fuckahs sayin and emailin en masse,

"Thanks for your generous contribution!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

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