Sunday, January 22, 2023

Bank "Bail Ins" (BBIs)

 And the shit is 100% legal!

"But whys would that be!?"

Cause US was too fuckin lazy tah read thah contracts with the various banking institutions US signed to be able to open an account with them!

Of course US knew about this shit!

But what thah fuck does US do,

"Thay's wouldn't dos an evil thing like that! Where again do I sign!?"


They have done it! And they are fucking doing it!

And ain't no major network reportin on thah shit!



Words to US wise?

Savings accounts? Start pullin yo shit out! Then close that bitch!

Checking accounts? Keep enough in that bitch that makes US comfortable!

Don't believe in that FDIC backin of thah safety of yo coinage! Shit, get yo muh fuckin feelins hurt!

Cause when this shit goes south real fuckin soon! Yo ass have physical bonds tah sho how much this new enlightened government owes my sorry, now maybe not so broke, ol Black ass in 

US Human Future!

Thirty-three more years if some of US is still here!?

This shit won't be this evil!

And US RighteoUS Rulers aft,

Shall do the right thing for every single one of


They'll Secure those physical bonds

And make shit right!...

That's all I can write!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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