Saturday, January 14, 2023

Bill Gates Is A Dumb Muh Fuckah!

 Why thah Holy fuck 're they still talkin tah this butt ugly muh fuckin idiot !

Thah muh fuckah was even too lazy tah even get ah college degree!

"But he's a billionaire! He's a philanthropist! What have you done with your Butler University degree!? Still owing student loans broke self!?"


So, I got somethin that idiot doesn't have with all that muh fuckin money,

A college degree.

God damn!

So bein ah degreed expert on some shit don't mean shit no fuckin more?!

I can say thah same shit he's sayin but at least it would sound way more convincing,

"Meredith Hopson. Who has a Bachelors' of Science degree from Butler University has this to say about the vaccination craze in America."

As oppose to,

"Bill Gates. Founder of Microsoft. Education? Who gives ah fuck!?..."

If Bill Gates is the example of how this muh fuckah's gonnah get run?!

Fuck higher education!

And save US God damn US blessed 

Short currency!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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