Tuesday, January 17, 2023

No One Is Smarter Than You! As Smart?! Damn Skippy!

 What I have noticed is that, thah worst muh fuckin thing US can do is tah tell ah muh fuckah that we are conversing with, "I know more than you!"!

Conversation done Sonshines!

Now you don't have tah literally say it like that to be like that to anothah muh fuckah! 

For example, I'm listenin tah this muh fuckah on Bitchute an excerpt of him talkin on his bully pulpit on ah video entitled some shit like, "Satanism in Hollywood". He talkin bout thah evil shit but then he says this shit, "We are loosing the war! I don't know about you! But I have numerous of years of knowledge on this subject! And I can positively tell you, "We are loosing the war!"...See what I mean? But US did that tah that sorry muh fuckah cause US listenin tah his sorry combover thinning hairstyle thah muh fuckahs rockin! Potbelly tah boot! With that irritating as fuck sing-song dreaded slow muh fuckin southern fuckin drawl! And yo sorry ol broke Black ass jUSt wants tah tell thah muh fuckahs, "Time muh fuckah! Fuckin time ain't on my muh fuckin side! Speed that shit up! God damnit! Please!?" And yo sorry ass gots thah nerves tah insult me!?... I'm done with this shit!..


(Peace! More to come...)

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