Sunday, January 15, 2023

A Walk-Through US Shitty Time

 So, way back in thah day yah walkin around with ah robe with no undahgarments on and shit, that's what these muh fuckahs write and visually suggests tah US! Anyway...

Yo muh fuckin franks and beans swayin with every step yo sorry ass takes, or maybe not!?

Feelin fuckin free!


Aftah yo sorry broke ass takes ah well needed shit! Y'all muh fuckahs didn't have no toilet paper! And whatevah yah fuckin used was lacklustah at best! Muh fuckahs didn't manscape like some of US do now! So, you know them stinky muh fuckahs gonnah have dingleberries fo sho! Uhm!..

But cha broke ass still got thah whole day tah smell through! So, the remnants of thah well needed shat is still upon thy robed ass, with no undahgarments! 


Let US start talkin bout thah plethora of flies that will try to get all up undah that semi-soiled robe you so proudly donned!

And them muh fuckin flies are gonnah be relentless at tryin tah get on that (did thah best that yo sorry broke ass could do wipin with yo fuckin handful of grape leaves) semi-shitty ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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