Tuesday, January 17, 2023

NWO! For Whom?

 Them evil muh fuckahs are thah same muh fuckin ones that believe in opposites!

Up is down! Down is up!

Male is Female! Female is male!

Good is evil! Evil is good!...

Yeah, I love that shit!

Cause they think thah NWO will have them in control!? But with thah Law of Thelema, and that othah Luciferian bullshit they believe... then they can't ever seize control! Because the opposite must occur! Or how can that be evil!? The evilest shit yah can do tah these evil (if yo ass is super-evil) muh fuckahs is tah promise them thah muh fuckin world! Then unpromised it! 

What?! Why y'alls evil asses so mad and shocked for?! 

Shit! I'm an evil muh fuckah, mother fuckers! God damnit!...

Cause y'alls

New World Order shit!

Don't mean shit tah 


Cause it's fucking 


US shall make thah shit


Y'all sorry muh fuckahs 're finally right,

Opposites do attract!

But that date y'all muh fuckahs been beggin for ain't gonnah be nothin nice for y'alls sorry sick muh fuckin asses!

Cause y'alls rights are all muh fuckin wrongs!

"Thy firmament shall endure once more!"

US see?!



"And where in thah Holy fuck is my mouthguard!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

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