Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Racism: Highly Ritually Practiced, Ritually Promoted and Carried Out By The elite! But now, The Blame Is Put On US!

 I read shit, watch shit and listen tah some shit!

Some of these white muh fuckahs wannah talk and write about how this shit US 's goin through is about thah,

Killing of the White race!

US Blacks wannah talk about the same muh fuckin noise but with Black muh fuckahs!


Thah muh fuckin elite ain't tryin tah kill US White or Black ass, because of thah color of US muh fuckin skin!

Fuck all that noise!

 One, both US races are some broke asses!

Two, US got thah wrong bloodlines in US sorry asses according to them!

And three, (please read one and two)!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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