Saturday, December 31, 2022

US Pointing Fingers

 Any Federal, State or city building!

Is US's shit!

And in time of dire need!

US needs tah start utilizin



But if yah think that yo sorry non-tax payin broke asses are absolved?!

Think again!

"I got ah back problem! Painful! Gottah call my hook-up for thah mean green tah take away this depressive and painful shit I'm havin right now!"...

Don't give ah fuck what these takin US hard earned taxes and fuckin it away!

Ain't US problems!

Payin shit tah take care of Human shit!


Now, y'all sayin,

"Money" what?!...

Y'alls some sorry muh fuckahs!

Money...ain't worth shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Influences? Gods! Not One God! Blessedly!

 My Daughter makes me smile!

I can see some shit within her when we converse I know comes from my side!

But shit!

There's some shit I say to myself,

"I don't understand that way of thinking? Explain? Please?"

Je ne comprend pas!

But shit, again!

She's not just made of


Shit, she's bilingual!

I sho nuff ain't!...

And who thah fuck knows?!

Yah feel may?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tithes And Other Shit!

 I undahstand Sonshines!

I really thah fuck 


But let me give yah ah lil POP (Point of Ponder)?!

Any-muh-fuckin-thing that happens subsequent tah payin US muh fuckin tithes and US muh fuckin taxes!

That shit's on them!

Or shit!?

US Black sorry broke asses gottah check that ass!...

Thah Holy fuck y'all do with all that muh fuckin


It sho thah fuck was not goin toward thah muh fuckin 




(Peace! More to come...) 

Even A School Can Be Our Sanctuary! And We've Paid US Taxpaying Dollars To Build It!

 Yo stank ass has tah at least close yo muh fuckin broke sorry ass eyes tah feel and appreciate thah 

Human breeze forever blowing!

Being at ease even though it is snowing multiple feet!

One of US picked yo freezin ass up and said,

"Come on with me! This place isn't bein USed!"...

Niggresses and Niggahs!?


Is gonnah be just fuckin fine


(Peace! More to come...)

I'll Help Yo Broke Sorry Ass! But Don't Start Telling My Ol Black Broke Sorry Ass How To Fucking Do It! Cause I'm Doin The Shit On The Muh Fuckin Cheap...Free!

 My wife calls me 


That shit cracks my ol Black broke sorry ass up!


Cause I am!

Some shit...God ol broke Black sorry ass ain't gonnah put up with!

I don't give ah fuckin shit!

Ah muh fuckah gonnah call me tah help their oldah than my ol Black broke sorry ass tah help 'em!? I don't evah fuckin mind because shit, I don't do shit! But anyway...

And their ungrateful broke Black sorry ass tryin tah tell me, how tah maneuvah the dolly, how tah strap thah shit on tah thah muh fuckin dolly! How tah...whatevahthahfuckin, fuck!

Fuck it Yo!

You need tah do this shit yo damn oldah than my ol Black Sorry broke ass!

So I drop thah shit!

I don't owe yo stank ass shit!

Now I don't say this shit, matter of fact I didn't say shit!

All this communication between He and I was totally 

Unidirectional nothingness....

Turn, and leave thah muh fuckah's home!

Get in my vehicle and drive away!

All while thinkin tah my ol Black broke sorry ass self,

"Now what beer shall I indulge in aftah that fuckfest?!"

Though I know Geeg gonnah get intah my ass!


Fuck it!

Shall Geeg's wrath rain upon my ol Black sorry broke ass!

Cause I'm muh fuckin blessedly


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, December 30, 2022

Empathetic Heavily Unvaccinated US

 I don't believe in thah vaccine! But a lot of 


Truly do!

And I get kindah unnerved when muh fuckahs like me make fun of thah adverse effects that are happenin on ah regulah with thah vaccinated!


That shit 's just mean!

Don't US do that!


US 's bettah than that!

Some sad muh fuckin shit!



Too have been


If I wouldn't 've had thah opportunity tah be a part of my daughter's creation, I never would have known


Cause bein a part of 


Is some of 

Our Father's 

Type of 

Ill shit passed 

Holy tah 


That makes yo sorry ol Black broke sorry ass finally start undahstandin this

Muh fuckin sorry ass

Life has nevah been 

Just about lil ol Black sorry broke ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Ultimate Query Will Always Be Unanswered By Our Father!

 Don't mean dick why US 's 


US sorry broke Black sorry asses are 



What US broke asses gonnah do bout this dastardly


They done put 



(Peace! More to come...)

It's Just Masonry Witchery!

 We live in a firmament!

Thee Holy fuck!

And flat as fuck!




My left nut!

"The Earth Is Flat - Jaba & Friends"...

(Peace! More to come...)

All Rights!

 No mattah how infinitesimal some shit might seem!?

That lil shit is gonnah 



A lil ways

Down thah road of this 


(Peace! More to come...)

Guarding Evil?

 These no count political figures and elite got all these security agents, bodyguards and shit!

Thah Holy fuck!

How many of US got muh fuckin security agents, bodyguards and shit?!


Muh fuckahs!



Doin thah

Right fuckin 

Humanly shit!

Them muh fuckahs doin wrong?!


Y'alls sorry muh fuckin asses need that perceived





Still goin tah

Get yo filthy worthless pieces of shit sorry muh fuckin asses!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Talking About A Freeman

 I ain't tryin tah talk bout no damn body!

Especially no Brothah!



Y'all put challs sorry Black asses out there in thah public's muh fuckin eye!

So fuck it!...

I was watchin thah fuckin "Fighting Irish" just now on a bowl game.

They kept cuttin tah Coach Freeman!

And finally my mind said tah me,

"Somethin's fucked up with somethin!"

Then fuck!

I fuckin noticed it!

How thee Holy fuck I didn't notice now fucks me up!

Well, thah muh fuckah had this fresh cut, yah know? Yo boy was goin tah be on national television and shit! Bein ah Black ass! Coachin no niggahs are right, "Notre Dame"! Big ups!...Anyway, well that barbered defined hairline brought it to thah fuckin fore! Forgive thah pun!

He has a long fucking head!

And if he evah starts goin bald, and decides tah just shave thah shit and say fuck it!?

Mistake Sonshine!

Yo ass got ah bald head now that would put

"Megamind"'s tah muh fuckin shame!

With "LA Reid" ah close second!

Followed by "LL CoolJ"!

And "Lester Holt" rounding out the top!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 For ovah ten years has put up with my buffoonery!

She puts up with some insanity with my ol Black sorry broke ass!

Good gosh!

I smile at her often!

I have found out I'm a lot like my 


She didn't like to show outward affection.

"Boy! That's just a show! All that outward kissin, holdin hands and huggin...! We don't know what's really goin on in that relationship? Don't do that boy! Some things are meant to stay inside the Household!"

So I try to show it by admiring her while she's not noticing me appreciating


Sometimes she catches me!

But most times than not,

I've gotten pretty good at it!

Kindah fucked up!

But fuck it!

If there was a problem? Yah best believe my sorry ol Black ass gonnah fuckin hear that shit! Check my ass in ah New York minute!

She's put up with my idiosyncratic sorry ass ways!

I always ask myself and sometimes her, 


And like Mommy, she just says thah simple phrase,

"Boy! Stop bein silly!"

And I smile even 



I Love You!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 What them muh fuckahs say,

"Happy anniversary baby/Got you on my mind.."


Fifty-seven years old!



And I sho undahstand 

That's my burden tah bear!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Live By US RighteoUS Words? Or Fuckin Die By US RighteoUS Words!

 Thah shit is funny as shit!

I gives ah fuck!

What did ol J.J. say,

"You don't have to have a good memory to tell the truth!"

Do tell!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Lullaby - The Cure" Hook A Brothah Up!

 Talkin bout solid shit!?

Thah fuck y'all muh fuckahs on!


Share that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Human Virginity

 It never hurts to flirt with the


Taking the truth to the fray of


While mac and cheese 


Lends an unprofitable spirit within


Pus tucks the sucks!

Viral infections are not


Like a goal in hockey,

The spoken Humanly


But US 's not 


We've driven billion of yearly miles


(Peace! More to come...)


I'm still learnin thah powah of that simple shit!

Oft times!

In these given times!?

Just shut thah fuck


Oh! It's hard as fuck!

Butchah ain't like thah multitude of



US 's goin tah be just


(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Human Rule? The Choice Is Up To US?!








(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Stalker's Anthem: "Lovesong - The Cure"

 Don't evah leave that muh fuckah!


Muh fuckah...

Will kill 


Yo sorry broke ass just been 


Unbeknownst tah yo now kilted sorry broke ass of course!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Forever Calibrating

 You know!

Until you don't know!


Yah gottah reset some muh fuckin shit!

That's if...

Yah give ah good fuckin shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I love the way my mind thinks!

What about 


Where can I find 


(Peace! More to come...)

A Constant

 Wherever US are!

US 'll always be there

For US!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Yo sorry ol broke Black sorry ass don't have nothing tah be worried about!

That's if yo ol broke Black sorry ass done everything that yo broke Black sorry ass could possibly do for


Within yo sorry ass lil means, tah fuckin deserve ah 

Peaceful Blessed


(Peace! More to come...)

US Truth: Whatever It Takes

 I put thah first earbud in!

I already heard thah righteoUS shit comin toward my left!


While expecting the right bud 

Closing the system,

Ceasing the Outer 


"It seems like everyday 's the same and I'm left to discover on my own..."

Time to 


(Peace! More to come...._

US Ultimate Survival Technique



Can stop who US really wants to eventually





(Peace! More to come...)

US Has Knocked! Time For The Elite To Open US Human Door!

 Do US not undahstand how sorry the elite are?!

God damn it!

Them some sorry worthless pieces of shit!

"Your old Black sorry ass has said that stuff before!"

Big ups for payin attention tah this shit!

For real!...


And, I'll say it again, 

Them some sorry worthless pieces of shit!

The elite, as every fuckin time before in US Human History, thinks they are going to just meander into 

Their Holy Light!?...


Y'all muh fuckahs gots tah answah for some shit!


And that answerin time is


And y'alls sorry asses goin tah blanket 

US streets now tarred with your vile

Evil blood!

You should have muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Get Down On It - Kool & The Gang" Humanly Dance Before The Nevermore Dance!

 When that muh fuckah says,

"How yah gonnah do it if yah really don't wannah dance/ By standing on the wall/ Get yo back up off the wall/ tell me?..."

I was ah fuckin wallflower!

Do you not understand?!

Just scared tah cut thah muh fuckin rug!



A Pentecostal 



A fuckin


And ah sho nuff muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Fire For You - Cannons" II And I'm Just Fine Witnessing!?

 There's somethin about seein roller skaters!

I don't care about the trick type of shit!

But I absofuckinlutely love those muh fuckahs that got them muh fuckin

Skates undah tha fuck in total control!

What I like tah call,




Sayin tah yo non-skatin ass,

"Please!? Come roll with me!?"

But not really verbally sayin that shit!


Some ill ass shit!

But my ol Black sorry broke ass will respectfully pass!


I ain't even stable on my own two shits!

Let alone my ol Black sorry broke ass addin four times two muh fuckin



Y'all heard my ol Black sorry broke ass!

But I love y'all,

All thah fuckin same!



(Peace! More to come...)

Coach Alonzo Lee, Coach of The Professional Football Team, Martinsville Hoosiers, Sat09Nov2024 III

 We play the game given the game clock!

Outside of that!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Righteously And Humanly Bilingual! And I'll Gladly Translate This Shit For US!

 Muh fuckahs wannah sit up here and act like they invented somethin that will change US by,

Talkin crazy!?

Y'alls sorry rich filthy asses do undahstand my ol Black sorry broke ass is 

Crazy too!?

You do?!

Thah Holy fuck!

So y'alls sorry rich muh fuckin asses do undahstand!?

Y'all just talkin in 

My Native muh fuckin Tongue!

You supersilly muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Number One Human Rule of Juris Prudence!


US can't 




Says it to




(Peace! More to come...)

Elite Terraformation

 Muh fuckin elite wannah hide in 

DUMBs and shit until thah,

"All Clear" signal is given  tah their sorry cowardly worthless muh fuckin asses!

While they're manufacturing in US beautiful firmament an


Heaven for


Tryin their sorry ass best tah turn this Heaven intah



Y'alls sorry inhumane asses shall always


Our Father hath


(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Hypnotic Elite?

 Ain't nobody makin US do ah 

God damned thing!

Yah heard may!?

US voluntarily doin their suggestive sorry ass evil shit!

And US gots thah nerves tah blame


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 28, 2022


 Luke 21:25 KJV

"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars: and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the seas and the waves roaring;"...

The Holy Bible is still on tah somethin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

IN Adverse Of US Conditioned Truths Is Where US Conditioned Truth Lies?

 So whatcha do tah get started is easy! 

Local or national news?

Refuse of 


Fuck that noise!

Yah start readin, watchin and listenin to

Shit that is in conflict with your conditioned


Grit yo muh fuckin teeth and bare it! It's fuckin hard let me tell US! But US mUSt if one gives ah shit about US!

Here's what I do! Let's take for example I'm reading some shit I'm researching. I come across in the texts a word, a group, an organization, a thought, a name...that for some reason interests me. I stop right there and research whatevahthahfuck I just read that was interesting. Then down the rabbit hole I go!

Start findin some real truthful blow yo sorry ass mind type of ill shit!...

And every fuckin time that shit feels like Mike Tyson just punched my ol Black sorry broke ass right in thah muh fuckin face!

Shit hurt like fuck?!

Fuck yes!

But thah muh fuckin fight for


Ain't ovah just yet!

My ol Black sorry broke ass still oriented some fuckin how, 


Still in thah Human fight for...



Fuckin shit


(Peace! More to come...)

US Just Got Some Nigh Rude Awakenings Cometh!

 Shit, I don't call any of US idiots!

Even though US acts like them sometimes!


But US is not 


Cause them 's some real fuckin 



Them 's some Real muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Unappreciated Green

 They got this shit at 'Kroger" they sell in thah produce department called

"Baby Broccoli"!

Dip them shits in some ranch dressin or italian dressin?!

Hurt yo ol Black sorry broke ass self!

And with yo ol broke Black sorry ass you will definitely

Do the well needed


(Peace! More to come...)

Now, US Ain't Owed Shit! II

 They took my shit off "Blogger"!


Cause it ain't my shit!

But seriously 


Been on this bitch fo a lil ovah fifteen fuckin years!?

With only 10,999 sorry ass views!?

That's like two muh fuckahs per day!

Ain't nobody payin attention tah this shit!


(Peace! More to come...)

Now, US Ain't Owed Shit!

 These sorry muh fuckahs say,

"I can't believe it?! They banned me from 'YouTube'!"


Cause it ain't yo shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Coach Alonzo Lee, Coach of The Professional Football Team, Martinsville Hoosiers, Sat09Nov2024 II


Listen please? All I can tell you is what I know. This other stuff you sports reporters asks is above the players and coaching staffs' paygrade. You all should be asking these questions to the officials, the league officials. the League...not US! I don't make nor enforce these games' rules! 

They do!...

How About: Just Cause US Needs It?!

 "Why don't you monetize? Make you a lil money?!"

And what do you think an advertisah would pay for two tah three muh fuckahs ah month, that happened tah pass by?

Beyond that!

Money has never held the muh fuckin truth!

The truth shall always be


US don't have tah pay ah God damned muh fuckin penny for thah fuckin real



Real talk!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Individual Truths Matter!

 US don't have anything tah hide Playahs and Playesses!

US are all goin tah die!




Goin tah



Break free Sonshines!

The time is 


Feel the fuckin truth!

And write the muh fuckin

Truth for


Future Human


(Peace! More to come...)

US Raw Real Human Blood Truths

 All you need is to bleed real Human blood for all of this shit tah make



Bleed out!

There is no Human blood evah involved!

US has tah give US 

Real Human Blood innumerable 


For the real telling of





(Peace! More to come...)

There Is Not One Pure Spot In This Firmament! III

 Can't US just imagine thah sorry ass worthless elite ejaculatin from US bein finally 


Comin intah thah plethora of Human contained breeding grounds and choosing thah pick of thah lot of US?!

"Oh! I'll take that one! That one is going to be delicious once salted and peppered up!"


Real talk!...

(Peace! More to come...)

There Is Not One Pure Spot In This Firmament! II

 Cause that's what they 's doin Sonshines!

Creating a center for

Humanity: ergo, Human contained breeding grounds!

Have yah witnessed what's goin on in Haiti!?

They call'em "Stack and Packs" in 


Have US IN noticed all these ugly muh fuckin squarish new at least six floors of housing projects these major cities are building?

I mean fuck Chicago, fuck New York... I mean shit, them muh fuckahs been breathin in each othah 's farts for a long fuckin time!


Fuck naw!

I'm talkin local, like in US beloved

Indianapolis, Indiana even!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Coach Alonzo Lee, Coach of The Professional Football Team, Martinsville Hoosiers, Sat09Nov2024

 "So coach? Did you think that hit late in the fourth quarter should have been a penalty?"

It's not part of the game. What else yah got?

"What? It is part of the game! What are you talking about Coach Lee?"

What else do you have for me to answer that I haven't already answered?

"You just said that the penalty wasn't part of the game? How did you answer that question?"

Well, all I can tell you is, what I have come to know, in this League I have coached in for over twelve years. Penalties are game stoppages. The game clock starts after the penalties are officially called. Again, they're not part of the game....

An Affective Positive Charge

 Muh fuckahs take this individual 


Shit too fuckin far!

Shit, I undahstand that shit!

But check it?

That shit 's cool as fuck!

Until it negatively effects


(Peace! More to come...)

It's About Healing US, So US Can Take US Ol Black Broke Sorry Asses To That Final Comfortable Ass Bed! Peacefully!?

 Your individual shit!

Is US 's shit!


If not!?...

Thah fuck I'm still here for?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Morgan Lambert Hopson. I Never Got The Chance To Say "Goodbye".

 Who I fondly called,


I miss you 


He had ah stroke.

They had these I.V.'s in him. 

I really do forget the date Daddy died, it was either in '94 or 

in '98?

Daddy was born in 1920.

But the intricacies of his passing are starting to attenuate, 

Like most memories do. 

I guess I could look it up?

But no. 

I guess some memories need to fade?...


He had awakened and they were moving him to a long term care facility near 86th and Township Line Road.

I went to see how he was doing the next day after transfer.

His limbs were moving involuntarily and Daddy was looking up at the ceiling.

I came next to his bed and looked into his eyes.

Daddy 'd already left....

(Peace! More to come...)

Darkness Will Never Sustain For Long...Cause Our Father's Effulgent Light Will Always Find The Cracks!

 These supersilly elite muh fuckahs think they are so cunning about thah slick way they goin bout this shit!?

 Fucking idiots!

So, y'alls asses get intah power!? And yah think yah got all these things covered puttin US, now, in a total Police State! Yah did that prior to for safeguarding sake! So y'alls sorry asses can always know what US sorry broke asses doin?! Big ups!? But that fuckin sorry ass shit ain't good enough you evil muh fuckahs you!

Just like you sorry worthless pieces of shit have your fuckin 

"Deep State"!

I'm so happy tah inform y'alls sorry asses,

So do


(Peace! More to come...)

Presently Fucked!

 US is so enamored with the 


And the


And US 


Is being fucked by


(Peace! More to come...)

Final Words To US!

 Cause what you gonnah do?

"I did some research in my ancestry and I had a Great, Great, Great Grandfather who was the King of all of Africa!"


After all of that...

You are still 

Ah broke Black sorry ass muh fuckah!

And that niggah was shit for a fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Just Subsist! After Awhile...Yo Ass Near Life's Death Anyway!

 They talk about depression like it's ah muh fuckin 

Death sentence!

US can work through thah shit!

Whatevah thah shit that happens tah come 

US way!

Shit yah ain't gottah take yo ass out this muh fuckah 


Take some pharmaceuticals for awhile, alcohol for awhile, self medication for awhile...

Just don't be haphazard with thah shit!

Fuck naw!

It's called experimentation tah see what works for this shit tah be tolerable, 

So yo depressed ass will not at least be able tah pull thah damn trigger!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, December 26, 2022

"Tiktok" et al And US Reality

 US can be entertained all US fuckin wants!


Just keep in mind,

You're bein entertained!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Mac" What?

 They talkin bout this muh fuckah named "Mac Jones" on the 'Patriots" makin this dirty fuckin block!?


I played middle school and all through high school footballl!

And I've spoken to a lot of ex college football, not any professional football,  players that have ever witnessed any coach on thah many muh fuckin teams,

"Teach a quarterback how to legally block!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

You Gave Me A Reason To Still Be Here!


Fifty-seven years old as ah witness!


Dealin with depression most of my sorry ol Black broke sorry ass life ain't been nothin nice!

Now dealin with my Daughter who is dealin with thah same tired ass shit!


I just 


It's helped my ol sorry broke Black ass ovah thah almost fifty-seven years!

Try tah talk tah her!?

But shit, ah muh fuckah, parent or not, couldn't talk tah me!

Kiss my young ass "adult folk:!

So I suggest and keep it light!?...

If it helps You at thah fuck all Sonshine,

My suicidal ass shouldn't have even been here ever before 



But I am still fucking 


Because of 


I wouldn't have ever seen you even being



You would have never been a part of me if I did thah damn thang so long ago before you were born, like I had always planned?!

But, please forgive me, suicide still backgrounds my tired thoughts!?

But my ol Black sorry ass is still here because of


Thank You Sonshine!

I Love You because of 

You just being



You will be just fine!

I promise!







(Peace! More to come...)

GenesUS of NME II

 It was very simple really when they started looking at it tonally. 

After which it was easy.

Just a matter of frequencies. 

This firmament being alive with untapped pure, in abundance and unadulterated beautiful

Human Electricity!

How do we break the Human Electricity?

"Well, like any other electrically charged matter it can be interrupted, however pure the source. Well... Once being interrupted or compromised, that electrical matter is then susceptible to eventually seizing, blacking out or dying. To what degree of the three? That depends on the individual? The strong ones! The ones who know what we're doing instantly purge. And we're working tiressly on that..."

(Peace! More to come...)

"Men Can Have Periods Too." Yah Can't Make This Shit Up Sonshines! Yah Just Fuckin Can't!

 Kindah fuckin nonsense!?...

Thee Holy fuck wrong with 


Just because yah wannah look like ah muh fuckin man takin Testosterone and whatevahthefuck...but yah too fuckin scared tah do thah damn thing! Or too fuckin broke for those expensive and extensive tired ass abusive surgeries tah 

Crossin ovah tah finally gettin that 



I've been a biological male for fifty-six years muh fuckah,

And my ol Black broke sorry ass is here tah tell yah with y'alls no count elite agenda havin sick asses!

I have never had ah muh fuckin period!

And, I'm so happy tah inform you sorry ass muh fuckahs,


Don't have muh fuckin 



(Peace! More to come...)

GenesUS of NME

 As soon as you are born you are hit with negative manmade electricity. Frequencies never letting up until individual indoctrination has been obtained! So you see, we're at a grave disadvantage at even at the time of joyous birthing. This life restricts US mentally and soulfully! Teaching US that some are better, very different than US!

Dialing US down!...


And US all came out of ah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)


 So if you look at what they say about the Supercontinent becoming all of these now broken off landmasses that now are individual, I would deduce, floating continents?

So the Supercontinent before breakage, was floating too!

If that is to be true as a science?

Then scientifically speaking the world has to be flat!

More over,

One shall deduce from earlier research,

There were three other 


Still being denied!...

(Peace! More to come...)

There Is Not One Pure Spot In This Firmament!

 How thah Holy fuck do US think US can live in a semi- populated, very populated and whatevahthefuck area without catchin some shit anothah muh fuckah's got!?

US signed up for this shit! 

Cause there's always


With farms, tractors and shit!?...

Butchah see,

US ain't that muh fuckin Fed up!


Just US talkin normal everyday

Mega Freedom supersilly


(Peace! More to come...)

Christmas Hangover

 You go out today everything is kind of off!

Muh fuckahs drivin, walkin...around in a 

Christmas Hangover!

Sluggish as shit!

Christmas has just become ah manmade commercialized deplorable consumer ploy to corporate America, and turned thah shit intah thah four lettah word:


Christmas doesn't mean one shit about

Our Father any longer!


But shiiiought!

Blessedly, the sorry ass shit is fuckin 


Fuck ah New Year!

Next real moneymakin booty on duty!

Them muh fuckahs already got 

Valentine's Day product out on 

Display! ...

(Peace! More come...)

Saturday, December 24, 2022

A Little Part Of The True Me

 My first memory of having to go to church were the women running around oft times 'shoutin'!

Yah lil ass wannah ask,

"What's wrong with them Mommy? Shouldn't we leave?!" But those silly thoughts get abandoned the more you have to go!

I've come to realize...

I don't believe in 



(Peace! More to come...)

Christmas Mask?!

My Christmas, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, is

December 26th!

 I don't give ah fuck!

Wannah kick every Santa in thah fuckin 


Hate this fuckin shit!

"Oh, you "Scrooge"! You fucking "Grinch"!

Instead of goin through all

 that fuckin nonsense!?

What your sorry ass do?...

"Yeah! Merry Christmas!.." 

One like me says in ah loathsome cheerful scowl!

And US never knows it!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I absolutely love readin some shit I wrote goin back tah what I was thinkin!?


To say the least....

(Peace! More to come...)

Shame on you!


I'm ah niggah!

But in certain circumstances!?

 Fuck ah niggah!

Obama got my ol Black sorry ass thah muh fuckin first time!

Butchah ain't gettin me thah second time!

You sorry muh fuckah...


And do you not undahstand Playesses and Playahs?


Muh fuckah!

Was thah main reason I'm an ol Black broke sorry ass 

Republican tah this day!

Now ain't that some niggah shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Pure First Thought Is The Truth

 I'm always readin my shit! Oft times rereadin thah shit until my ol Black broke sorry ass says tah myself,


 Is it not the truth when you wrote it?"

Yes! But...

"No buts! No excuses! 

  US has only one time!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Circulatory System


It takes 




But undahstand, 


Have ah one of ah kind muh fuckin uniqueness!

US are akin tah snowflakes!

Not one thah fuckin same!

But damn!

"How does ah broke sorry Black ass muh fuckah


Thy asks!?

And thy has been answered!

Long afore 


(Peace! More to come...)

Final Words To US!

 I think in US lifetimes US tries tah find thah spirits of old who make US who 

US are! 

Hence, thah muh fuckin reason of this Fatherly 

Human puzzle US 's all apart of!?

Cause yah don't have tah worry about that trivial noise Sonshines!


"Keep My Words!"

Human puzzle now


(Peace! More to come...)

The Shit US Just Don't Know

 So my co-worker got my manager and I this fuckin keepin beer bottle cold with no condensation kind ah contraption!?


The shit fuckin works Playahs and Playesses!

Will fuck yo shit up!

When yo sorry ol Black broke ass been drinkin beer as long as I have without this wondrous contraption, there is an embedded, "Time for another beer!" 

But puttin thah beer bottle in this evil muh fuckah?! Throws that mindset thah fuck out thah muh fuckin window!

You pull on thah shit! Still cold!? Is this ah new bottle? This shit should be on thah downside!? Not sustaining beer quality coolness!?...And yo sorry ol Black broke ass takin the final hit!?

And my co-worker isn't even ah beer drinkah!

Good lookin out Sis!

But God damn!

My ol Black sorry broke ass been sleepin! 

For real though!

Thee Holy Fuck?!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 It is ah fuckin miracle for me tah be in this muh fuckah in six more days, fifty-seven years!?

Thee Holy fuck!

But shiiiought!

You too!

Can do it too!

Ain't no mysteries tah thah shit!

Don't hang around bad elements!

Don't do no hard fuckin drugs!

If yah gonnah fuck yo body up, take supplements tah counteract thah abuse of body!

Try tah be kind tah muh fuckahs!...

And mostly,

Start noticin US


"What about happenstance!?"


That's just one of thah nature of this here,

Life's "Always Open For Business With

Billions Served", muh fuckin life shortened



Yah see!?

Ah fuckin miracle!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Don't evah be scared of that pure 

Human voice vibratin all through US broke ass

Human Beings!

Share that Human positive electricity!?

US needs your individual

Human Energy!

Nikola Tesla be fucked!

And unlike "Duke"?! 

It don't cost US broke sorry asses

Shit to

Keep thah shit on!...

(Peace! More to come...)

ME (Music Envy) No More

 There's some shit out here musically!

That's why Radio is fuckin dyin ah slow fuckin painful death!

Playin the same sixty-six songs in ah loop causes ah muh fuckah like my ol Black sorry broke ass tah be diagnosed with:

Music Envy!

But with this here Internet...

It's ah blessin and ah muh fuckin curse!

And bein ah lovah of Music?!

Musically speaking?!

The Internet is ah muh fuckin blessin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Cellphone Demise (Written while listening to "Loud Places - Jamie xx)

 How big is your pocket socket?

So we can reach in and, "Sock it!"

Take it home by thah US Godawful many


Tones of cash 


Mountains of US bones,

Still can't pay the loans made of 


US is gonnah all die


By the Godawful many 


(Peace! More to come...)

Tap Into US Beauty (Written while listening to "Black Rain - Rhye")

 Don't take it and fake it!

You'll never make it!

Bake it for the last time


Don't take it!?

But that's all that you're going to have to eat for a very long time!?


Opine and whine,

All that US want to never witness the true


And it's here for US to freely 


Just stay purely Human kind!?

US 'll be just


(Peace! More to come...)

Ain't No Fuckin War Goin On In The Fuckin Ukraine! And Stop The Production!

 Talkin bout, "One of the greatest stories ever told!"?

It's a fuckin story!

A fuckin tale!

A fuckin lie!...


Bein produced by thah no-count NWO right in front of US damned broke sorry ass blinded eyes!


Would have been ovah in less than 72 hours!

The first 48 of those hours, Russia, would have rained down on their lil insignificant sorry ass, armaments on that Ukrainian ass! And at about thah size of 


Get cho lil ass on!


The Ukraine would be smoldering ash and rubble!

That's if...

Russia was really fightin against thah muh fuckin Ukraine!...


Thine elite 


Nazi ruse on 


Solemnly continues!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, December 23, 2022

They Have To Learn About US! Less Every Single One Of US Suffers!

 Us don't have ah muh fuckin thing fo yo trifling asses!

USed thah fuck up!


Is thah muh fuckin time thou shall


(Peace! More to come...)

"Black Rain - Rhye"

Talkin bout puttin my ol Black broke sorry ass in ah

Happy place!? 

Shit be jammin!


Head noddin like ah muh fuckah!

And if yah watch thah muh fuckin 

'Black Rain (Official Video)'?

Yo sorry ass be like


"Strange! Strange! -Boomerang"

Just watch thah muh fuckahs movements with thah beat!?

Then listen tah thah muh fuckin lyrics!?

Bro and Bro-esses!?

Muh fuckin funky!



Cause that's US true sorry ass damned self by 

US damn self! 

Created by


(Peace! More to come...)

Let US All Will

 Think about numbahs!?


Fuck it!

Will these shits:

5, 8, 10. 12.30...25!

"Even you can be a winner in our multi-state lottery!"

US 'll see!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Percolating

 You are unique!

Which, makes 



A major threat and volatile to thah filthy


Shit scares thah Holy fuck out of


Tribal blood!?

"Fuck all that shit!",

US still and has always retorted!...

(Peace! More to come...)

" Silversun Pickups - Circadian Rhythm (Last Dance)"


Sometimes corny is fuckin 


This puts my ol Black sorry broke ass in ah muh fuckin

Happy place!

Thah muh fuckin eighties sound fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

The Multi-State Lotteries

 Don't waste the taste of hate.



US mind is 


Mined a multi-million dollah diamond


So none of

US can evah possibly

Experience, to hopefully finally


(Peace! More to come...)

"Sit Next To Me - Foster the People" II

 When them muh fuckahs say,

"...It's all right!..."

I go into ah 

Happy place!


My Mommy


My Daddy 

Said that shit tah me:

"Now boy! You're gonnah be all right!"

That Human shit!...

"It's gonnah be all right!"...

US 'll be just fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

Always Teething

 That's what I don't undahstand about US with teeth!?

I remembah long ago ah muh fuckin Human Resource Official told me,

"The first thing I look at are the teeth! The second thing I look at are the nails...!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Fed Is Deplorable II

 Yo sorry ol broke Black ass payin federal taxes in US!

But them muh fuckahs givin thah shit tah othah countries and shit!?

Kind of fuckin absurdity!?

It's like goin tah church every Sunday even though yo sorry ol Black broke ass knows thah muh fuckin preachah is ah damn 



Ain't got nothin tah do with that nasty repulsive preachah!

Has everything tah do with, 


US actions speaks

Complicity to thah witnessed foul, inhumane,

Uncivilized... shit of thah many acts

They've enforced against



Shame on US!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Fed Is Deplorable

 All thah muh fuckin homelessness, mental illness, evictions...

Y'all still promised 45 Billion to thah Ukraine!?

Y'all some sorry inhumane, non-caring...muh fuckahs to


45 Billion tah anothah muh fuckin country!?

And US 's in ah recession?!


Y'all just some evil heartless no count...muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"You Bought A Ticket To The Stars!" Shiiiought! I Want My Fuckin Money Back!

 They give US hope tah get away from


Where thah fuck yo ol broke Black sorry ass gonnah go?...

To Mars?

To UranUS!...

Well, I'm so happy tah tell yah 

Playesses and Playahs!

Ain't no othah muh fuckin 



It's just ah firmament populated by


US just gottah fuckin find away tah make it happen for


(Peace! More to come...)

As Succeed Is To Recede! So Too Is, To Secede Is To Succeed So US Can Reseed!

 US Beautiful homophonic language!


Ah muh fuckin 

Beautiful glorious thing!

That US can only entirely appreciate when


(Peace! More to come...)

One Way

 We can talk tah one and anothah all that US fuckin wants to Sonshines!

But when thah shit's all said and done,

"US still in this shit!? All and together!"

Put whatevah spin US wants to on thah shit!?

It just comes down tah two queries US got tah honestly answer for 

US tah secede:

Humanly In?!


Humanly Out!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Dexter"-isms: 4) Close Relationships Kill The Real You! And Are Oft Times Intervened Necessarily So!

 It happened time and time again on thah muh fuckah!

"Dark Passenger" my ol Black broke sorry ass!

Because a life of blissful dark loneliness

Ain't fuckin normal!

And is fuckin unsustainable...

Okay you right,



(Peace! More to come...)

"Putin says Russia wants end to war in Ukraine" So US Can All Just Magically Speak And Magically Understand Russian!?

Most of US don't thah fuck know what Vlad is fuckin sayin!?

Until they tell US what he said!? 

So that's what that muh fuckah said!? Shit I don't speak ah lick of Russian! And I'm nevah goin tah learn how tah speak Russian! Cause tah me, it's an ugly ass language, like German! No mattah what them muh fuckahs say, thah muh fuckin shit sounds harsh and curt as fuck! It's ah voice flow type of shit!...Anyway, them muh fuckahs know good and God damn well only about nine percent of  US can speak and undahstand Russian! And I'm nevah gonnah learn how tah speak Russian! So as far as I'm concerned, Putin still ain't said nothin tah my ol Black broke American sorry ass that I can undahstand tah really give ah fuck about!? So fuck it! 

Trust me!? 

Putin ain't evah gonnah have shit tah say tah most of US that US could evah 


But US politicians!

Y'all sorry muh fuckahs bettah start clearly bein


Cause US is Fed Up!

And US speaks American!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Danger With Un-Native Tongues' Translations

 Every time something is translated, whether it be text or speech!

It's going to dilute frighteningly so!

Because nothing organic is left to be translated from that text or speech!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The 'President' Of The Ukraine, On US Soil Begging!? And US Are Letting His Sorry Ass! III

 Them muh fuckahs agreed tah give thah fuckin Ukraine 45 Billion more in emergency assistance!

Yah can't make this shit up Sonshines!


The student loan relief bill gets put on hold because it's bein argued to be unconstitutional!?

But at least thah bill would help some of US!? Estimated cost ovah ten years US taxpayers 43 Billion dollahs!


So why them Ukrainians benefittin off US


With US taxpayin federal tax


Throwin money at non-Americans tah help their country, not US, ain't


Ain't US shit supposed tah help US first and foremost!?

When y'alls sorry filthy inhumane muh fuckahs know

Help in

 US is horribly needed!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Just Digits

 Money don't mean shit tah me!

Nevah has!

Nevah will!

Do you need it to pay yo muh fuckin bills!?

Damn straight!

But shiiiought!

I'll gladly civilly Humanly work for 

My shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just Do A Little Research About US

 Before US history is 


(Peace! More to come...)

ExsanguiNation II

"And we absolutely love the preppers' blood because they are non-vaccinated! Like the regular non-vaccinated blood. But prepper's have an extra oomph in their standards of blood quality! And we love the blood of what we call "Berry People"! Oh, sweet joy! Excellent Blood Wine! We can just taste the freshness of the eaten berries in their blood!..."

Thah shit-show Playahs and Playesses has turned intah just


Cause those sick muh fuckahs done shown US sorry broke asses

Enough shit!

But tah them?...

There's never enough 


(Peace! More to come...)

8 Degrees In Indianapolis, Indiana

 It's funny how thah muh fuckin cold can still niggahs!

Othah than thah wind!

Ain't ah peep of outside 

Human noise!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Humor Them For Awhile. They'll See The Humor In It When It's Their Time.

 Lil muh fuckah says some silly shit cause they heard or saw some shit,

"I wannah be a pimp!"

Yah do?

"Yes! I wannah be a pimp!"

A successful pimp I would hope?

"Yes! I wannah be a successful pimp!"

I feel yah! So check it! We gonnah start havin tah hit those books okay? Cause successful pimps gottah learn about psychology, economics, math, tah learn at least three othah languages...


Yeah! Real talk!

Cause yah see,

If yah gonnah pimp!

Yah can't be no average muh fuckin sorry ass everyday run of the mill ubiquitous


"You talk funny."

And that... you lil muh fuckah...was funny as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Dexter"-isms: 3) We All Have Our Problems

 Individually so! Of course! Always dealin with that shit! If yah give ah shit!? 

"But my problem of Anti-Semitic rhetoric being avowed by the American people is more important than any of the other shit happening in the world!"...



(Peace! More to come...)

"Dexter"-isms: 2) Thy Who Becomes Enlightened With The Truth Shall Surely Die! II

 I mean think about it!?

The only muh fuckah that really knew about thah muh fuckah was Sergeant Doakes!

And yah saw what happened tah his dismembered enlightened ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Dexter"-isms: 1) Be The True You!

 Tah me thah series had nothin tah do with a serial killer!

Fuck no!

That shit had everything tah do bout every single one of 


Yah wannah pay yo muh fuckin bills Sonshines!?


Hide some shit until yah get off from


And yo sorry broke asses will always be gainfully


(Peace! More to come...)


 US took y'alls vaccines and lockdowns...!

Thah fuck else y'all fuckin want from






(Peace! More to come...)

A Real Transitioning Tale!

 Shit! If I was tryin tah pass my sorry muh fuckin ass off as ah woman, aftah most of the surgeries and hormones and shit!...

Is tah make muh fuckahs believe I can have children!

I give you My Dear Sweet Sistahs and brothahs:

A nail in thah proverbial coffin!?...


(Peace! More to come...)

The 'President' Of The Ukraine, On US Soil Begging!? And US Are Letting His Sorry Ass! II


Done gave thah muh fuckahs ovah 13 billion in "security" assistance this year alone!

And thah muh fuckah ovah here beggin!

Talkin bout "When you find a fool bump his head!"?

Shiiiought US gettin our head Ukrainian bumped and thumped!

Thee Holy fuck did you do with thah last 13 billion 

US gave your

Sorry muh fuckin ass bitch!


(Peace! More to come...)

The 'President' Of The Ukraine, On US Soil Begging!? And US Are Letting His Sorry Ass!

Thah Holy fuck!

Don't chall gottah war goin on ovah in that bitch?!

Fuck yo ass showin yo face up in this bitch!?

Sorry pathetic muh fuckah! 

Muh fuckahs gots thah nerve tah shoo away, cuss at, deride...



And Volo done went

Solo on that sorry ass! 

Not even askin for change! That supersilly muh fuckah beggin for 

Billions Son!?


Cuss and shoo his sorry nasty ass away


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Meteorologically Speaking: "We don't know shit!" III

It's called: Geoengineering, HAARP, Weather Modification...Whatevahthahholyfuck! 

Like Jack Nicholson's character righteoUSly said. "You can't handle the truth!" And that's ah muh fuckin powerful statement when yo sorry broke asses start fuckin round with thah quote!? 

Don't see that shit as the multitude! 

See that shit as the few! 

Cause if yah remembah,... Jack Nicholson's character was one of thah muh fuckin,

"The Few and The Proud!"


Playahs and Playesses!?

Will fuck yo shit up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Meteorologically Speaking: "We don't know shit!" II

 But have yah noticed Sonshines?!

The plethora of latticed

Chemtrails in Our 

Beautiful Skies of

Indianapolis lately!?


Just suggestin?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Let Us Pray - Fecal Matters" Platinum Single, Dropped Fri14Apr2023

 "...I want to pray with you/ And I don't know what to do/ I said/ I want to pray with you/ So I will know just what to do/I want/ I want/I...want to pray with you/..."

It's Never Been About Just "Doom And Gloom"!

 So I'm listenin to some shit!

"So what? They get all of that shit!? Then what!?"

"'re fucked!"

My ol Black broke sorry ass still havin gigglin episodes bout that funny ass real Human interaction shit!

For some fuckin reason!?

Just fuckin raw truth I guess?!...


We'll be 



(Peace! More to come...)

Just Listen To US Oft Times


I love talkin tah US!

If yo sorry tired ass ain't full of yo muh fuckin self, let US jUSt take ah well needed verbal blowout of ah shit!? 

Your reward...

The shit that yo sorry ol Black broke ass will hear and find out bout



If walls could talk!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thou Changeth Not!

Because when it's all said and done!

Women are thah ones who are always gettin fucked!

These crazy muh fuckahs!

Men changed physically with hormones and surgeries to look like women!?

And aftah thah shit is 

Irreversibly done!


Them changed muh fuckahs still havin thah muh fuckin nerve tah love


Kindah absurdity is that fuckin sorry ass shit!

It's like these women changed to men, now they have ah dick

But wants tah still fuck over


Thee Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Meteorologically Speaking: "We don't know shit!"

 I thought these muh fuckahs had all this, "Doppler Radar", Degrees (forgive thah pun)... and shit like that!?

Supposedly can forecast thah muh fuckin weathah!


Y'all couldn't have been sure bout y'alls shit before this week?

The week before Christmas God damnit!?

"Windchill will get down to -31 degrees in some places in Indiana..."

Now yah finally sure bout some shit! 

Christmas week!?

All this time y'all muh fuckahs hedgin and shit with unsurety!


Meteorology my left nut!

Y'all's sorry asses didn't study ah God damn thing bout weather!


A fuckin clusterfuck in these stores!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

"Like A Deer In Headlights"

 That's what US is!

US can't believe we're thah lucky Ones after the light has been blindingly shined!


Thee Holy fuck!

US judicial states,

"One has to pay for those insurmountable negligent non-lightening happenings within the given federal states!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck Hope! There Shall Always Fucking Be!

 There is always...

Our Father's




(Peace! More to come...)

From Their Latest Hit "Don't You know!? Ah HO To HOS " We Give You...H-O! (Dropped, Circus TV Forum) Wed30Dec2026@0300

 "...I wannah H-O!/Don't you know/I wannah H-O!/ Don't you know?/ I wannah H-O!/Don't you know!?/ Down tah be a Human Operator Show!/... I wannah H-O/..."

No Sale!

 There's some natural shit that will take care of any

Shit in this 


But it ain't no muh fuckin money in thah many forests, everglades...that have secrets of 




(Peace! More to come...)

Amlodipine D/C 'd

 "Mister Hopson you have high blood pressure. I'm going to write you a prescription for that! And follow up with you in three months."


Aftah three days of takin 25mg daily my right foot started itchin! Terribly so! So bad I looked down and said tah myself,

"God damn! Do I see my Human meat!?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Alcohol Retention Quandary! II

...Yah got muh fuckahs talkin that crazy shit,

"You're not supposed to take Activated Charcoal every day!"

Yeah, and they said that shit bout


I mean, fuck it!

God damnit!


You do undahstand,

I've been drinkin ah shit load of poison intah my muh fuckin now ol Black sorry ass body for at least every othah day for thah past eighteen years!?

And we talkin bout this Activated Charcoal pitiable nonsense!?


Shame on 


(Peace! More to come...)

Alcohol Retention Quandary!

 I told y'all I gottah tone thah shit down on the 

Tequila tip!

"Valeo Silver"! Just suggestin! Cheap?! (Nine buck chuck! Thah Holy fuck!) Can't tell! I'm ah fuckin beer drinkah! But thah Effects?! Muy bueno!...

But check it!

Just some FYI from an ol sorry Black broke ass non-teetotaler!

There are major supplements tah have if yah want tah at least sustain ah level of existence while indulging in alcohol. 

Here are my go to shits:

2 x 150mg Milk Thistle Capsules BID

1 x 260mg Activated Charcoal Capsule BID

1 x 240mg Apple Cider Vinegar tablet BID (Preferably on empty stomach or in between meals)

1 x 250mg Dandelion Root Capsule BID

1 x 250 Yellow Dock Root Capsule BID

1 x 2000mg Stinging Nettles Capsule Daily 

1 x 500mg Vitamin C Tablet Daily

2 Tablets DGL (De-Glycyrrhizinated Licorice Root)  BID

3 Tablets Papaya Enzymes after every meal and after every drinking session!


You can only sustain that moderately expensive self medication bullshit for ah lil while Playahs and Playesses! Cause yah do undahstand US is some broke asses! Just tryin tah drink tah get by!

Before yo sorry ass gottah up thah dosages!

And an ol Black sorry broke ass niggah ain't got that type of muh fuckin supplement change tah counteract thah fuckin detriment my vice is doin tah my ol Black sorry ass broken body!?...


What is...

Ah niggah...

Gonnah ultimately do?!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

The Human Truth

 Muh fuckahs callin me morbid!?

Thah Holy fuck!

Morbidity is nothing more than thah


In US!

Now from 


(Peace! More to come...)

A Common Place!

 I'm convinced!

There's no more tah say tah muh fuckahs!

These supersilly muh fuckahs wannah preach about the fucked up evil government, prepping, the end of fuckin times...

Whatevah muh fuckahs!

Yo white, Black, brown...

Whatevah thee Holy fuck!

Is gonnah sho nuff muh fuckin


I's gives ah Holy fuck!

What cho broke ol white, Black, brown...whatevah thee Holy fuck sorry ass is


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, December 19, 2022

My Merriment

 The beautiful thing about writing is, 

I allow my mind to dance!

Oh! Sweet Joy Sonshines!...


I can go back and read how serious thah muh fuckah was about

'Cuttin' the rug"!?

Or not?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Pinging US!

 That's what US minds do!

That's if US has any fuckin sense?!

Allow thah righteoUS voices from US past, present and future speak to


We don't have tah open up some damn stupid ass 


US is in thah muh fuckin


And it's time for 

US to start


Ad nauseum

In this US 'Portal'! 

Finally seeing a flicker!

And finally finding




(Peace! More to come...)

Early Dental Hygiene

 I shake my head at these muh fuckahs that just love tah fight!

Go head with yo bad ass self!

But based on that stupid shit that y'all into, yo sorry broke Black asses don't 

Appreciate all your muh fuckin


And ain't nothin bettah than ah "Colgate Smile" muh fuckah!

Check it!?

Before these dentists got on that yearly now six month check up shit! Mommy and Daddy took Our asses tah ah, Black dentist, Dr. Clinthorn every fuckin year! Cause both of 'em had false teeth!

I remember Mommy tellin me one time, "Boy you don't want to be gummin nothin! Now get in that chair!" And I did.


You take a look at my brothers', my sister's and my teeth!?

And it was twelve of US!


You'll say...

That shit worked!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Make Your Shit At Home


If yah like ranch dressin do yo sorry Broke ass ah fuckin favah!

Make yo own shit!

Even though I stay away from dairy One lives in ah muh fuckin household! With people that One loves! And let me suggest somethin tah yah My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!? Just because yo ass fo whatevah reason decides tah stop eatin, drinkin...whatevah thah fuck!? There 're two othah muh fuckahs besides you livin in that household! They fuck with dairy! They like ranch dressing! And so did me! Still do! Butcha can't do! Or shit...shouldn't do!


I buy thah "Kroger" brand ranch dressin mix packet. Just read what you put in that muh fuckah tah make it so! I guarantee if yah have ah family thah shit is already at thah crib! Then add whatevah thah fuck else yah would like tah taste in yo homemade ranch dressin, a little more garlic powder, a little more onion powder, a lot more black pepper...shake that shit!

Slice some cucumbers and dip them shits!

Fuckin delicious Son! Sometimes I can't help myself and my ol Black sorry broke dairy allergy havin ass takes two or three slices and dip them shits! I pay for it a lil about two days latah! Start havin an itch on the left side of my navel that I found out when scratched will start raisin and lookin kind of...



"Just buy "Hidden Valley" and fuck all of that shit!"

Cause "Hidden Valley" done lost their rabid ass muh fuckin mind!


Tryin tah charge ovah five fuckin dollahs for

24 sorry ass ounces!

My left nut!

I'd rathah throw my money away on

Fresh Chicken wings @ $4.99 ah pound!

Using about twenty ounces of oil from the $3.89 "Kroger" vegetable oil container...oh, those twenty ounces will get strained, refrigerated and reused!

Salt and pepper thah chicken wings!

After fryin them shits up!

I'll dip in my homemade ranch dressing with a heavy splash of siracha!


All of that!...

And still close tah yo muh fuckin selling abhorrent price of

$5.89 for muh fuckin 24 sorry ass worthless ounces of


And I'm full!

With three full wings left!?

Okay two and a half!

But that last flat wing was talkin shit tah ah brothah!

"I'm golden brown and delicious! I know yah already had three! But once yah go flat! You'll never regret that!"

Y'all see what I'm sayin!?...

And I'm gonnah pay for thah shit in about 48 hours!


I'll tell yah again Playahs and Playesses!...

Mothah fuckahs!?...

(Peace! More to come...

It's Just A Beginning

 Oft times before I write I just look at the white screen! Then the words come! Words, sentences, thought ...from all over and as I try to grasp hold of just one! 

So I can begin to tell the truth...

(Peace! More to come...)


 You can come up with all thah muh fuckin different shit that yo sorry ol broke Black ass can come up with!?


Yo happy ass knows!

Done gave up dairy, done gave up caffeine and I still do indulge in nicotine through vapin once and awhile.

"But vaping is just as bad as fucking smoking!"

I don't know who y'alls sorry asses listened to that's tellin that flat out lie! Shiiiought! Bull shitty said thah fuckin committee! When I smoked cigarettes after years of it, my chest started to hurt! I mean like, Is ah niggah gonnah have ah heart attack kind of hurt!? Fuck that noise! So I turned tah vapin. My shit don't hurt like that shit no fuckin more! Whatevah!?


Skin only slightly gettin bettah!

"But Meredith! Didn't you say you are a drinker!? Maybe alcohol is the problem!?"


I didn't know y'all really read and was payin attention tah this shit!? 

And I didn't thah fuck know, that y'all were some straight up muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Tabula Rasa

 Unbeknownst tah US, we signed up for this shit!

What US call in thah military jargon,


(Peace! More to come...)

US In Unseasonal Dangerous HIgh Winds

 There's an evil wind blowing!

I close my eyes!

But I don't care!

Let it blow!

Let it blow!...

(Peace! More to come..."

Just By Being You! You Too Can Get Out Of A Good Ol Fashioned Ass Kicking! II

" Listen?! Your place or my place!? Wherever you feel more comfortable to talk about some shit?"

"We ain't talkin bout no gay shit or some shit are we!?"

"Seriously? I just thought we could talk about some shit cause how thah Holy fuck you got out of that ass kickin?! We need tah talk about some business shit! Listen? Muh fuckahs always called me cheap and shit! Fuck! Why thah holy fuck am I gonnah spend thirty dollahs on three shots of "Patron" at ah bar and I can get ah whole fifth for forty and some change, take it home, get fucked up and don't even have tah drive!?"

"Shit. I feel that! Mine, if you don't mind! Unless you got some smoke at yours?!"

"Okay stop by your local LQ I'll buy US a bottle!"

"Just worry bout yo shit! I got my shit!"

And for the second time in a long time, he laughed again!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just By Being You! You Too Can Get Out Of A Good Ol Fashioned Ass Kicking!

 ..."And you're just goin to sit up there and take this ass kickin!?"

"Yes! Do what you got tah do Bro! I was wrong! Straight up! I deserve this ass kickin'! But Bro! All I'm suggestin to you, thah worse my ass kickin?! Thah more thah medical bills! Unless you gonnah kill ah niggah? I got tah get ah cut toward those insurmountable medical bills caused by yo now revengeful violent acts upon me!"

"What? After all that you 've done!? I would have to pay your medical bills!?"

"With all do respect, if yah ain't gonnah kill ah brothah? That means my ass gonnah have some major injuries! And given thah hustle we both into!? You know I don't have no muh fuckin medical insurance!"...

He laughed, "You like tequila!?"

"'Patron"! One of the very few adopted righteous


"Right on! Let's go have ah drink!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Has To Stop The Raining Shit

 Do you not undahstand where this shit-show is goin 

Playahs and Playesses!?

Their sorry asses just gonnah keep pilin thah muh fuckin 





(Peace! More to come...)

US Are! How US Defines US!

 I know I overindulge!

Got tah work on that shit!

Muh fuckahs talkin that shit

"You're an alcoholic!"

Shit, my name is 

Meredith Hopson!

And I don't know no muh fuckah by thah first name or last name of


(Peace! More to come...)

Bully Pulpits

 I can make up any God damned shit I want to!

If I control thah muh fuckin shit!

If thah whole world gets shutdown!

US has already been fuckin compromised!...

(Peace! More to come

Prostate Problems?

 I know I play a lot in thah written prose!

But on thah real!

One ol muh fuckah tah anothah!

Prostate start fuckin with yah!

Fuck "Flomax " and all that pharmaceutical bullshit!

Here are thah major supplements to purchase:

Beta-Sitosterol/Plant Sterols

Pumpkin Seed oil

Saw Palmetto 

Stinging Nettle Root


I'm startin anothah supplement today,

Hawthorn Berry!

Keep yah abreast!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"South African president embroiled in wild scandal - Yahoo news"

 Thah muh fuckin shit is ah fun read!

Let me tell yah Sonshines!


US knows they makin shit


(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck Thinking With Normalcy!

 I think weird!

I know that!


Ain't fuckin thinkin 


Boring as


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Favelas (Joao Braga, 33 Years Old, Professional Football Player, Dark Skinned Brazilian American) @ Fri06Jan2023

 I mean it's like absurd! I mean! I've played soccer all over the world! Come from a tough environment... 

I've witnessed people, fans at sporting events crying from the outcome. 

And I'm thinkin,

Got niggahs dyin on ah regulah! 

Where I'm from!?

And yo sorry broke asses gonnah shed some muh fuckin tears ovah this petty




But like I learned early in the



I'll take your money!


But US Still Has A Chance!

 We are grand makers in Our ultimate


(Peace! More to come...)

Manmade Science Is Absolutely Not Absolute

"I just believe in the science!"

How many God damned times in thah past two or more years has US heard that sorry ass hackneyed phrase spewing from US!?


Science has never been thah muh fuckin truth!

Science is based on confidence-men with a mindset for controlling the population with basically, non-

"Science" to homage their given various


(Peace! More to come...)

They Need US!

 There is no thing that you accomplish by yo damn 



I was watchin ah show and they were showin this architect's home.

Them muh fuckahs had thah nerves tah say,

"He built his house..."


That muh fuckah didn't build ah God damn thang with those freshly perfectly manicured man hands!

Kiss my ol Black sorry broke ass!





My left nut!

Not with those pristine hands!

Give ah fuck whatcho sorry broke ass talkin bout!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Code of Conduct Hidden Clauses II

Some muh fuckahs yah can't talk no sense into!

Please listen, Playesses and Playahs!?

Cause they only trump yo shit cause thah university, club...needs tah make ah muh fuckin point!

I forget his Black ass muh fuckin name, played on 'BYU''s basketball team. I think he was ah centah or forward. But thah muh fuckah was ah Black ass! That I do fuckin remembah! Been in thah last six years or so...

Anyway, they kicked his sorry ass off of thah muh fuckin team cause he was havin,

Premarital sex! Which was definitely rubbing against their sorry ass


The university 's like, "We know you all are having premarital sex. We're not dumb you know! But, no premarital sex with darkies!"...

But Sonshines! I had ah good muh fuckin laugh that day!

Lookin at his darky ass in shame now!?

But before, smilin havin ah good time havin premarital sex with them white Mormon 'pure' college women! 

And yo Black ass thought you could get away with that shit!?

In muh fuckin Utah!?

Shit, they don't want no kindah mulatto muh fuckahs comin out that bitch!


(Peace! More to come...)

Code of Conduct Hidden Clauses

 Any muh fuckin place that you decide to join, participate signin yo muh fuckin name!?

Yo sorry asses just signed ah

"Code of Conduct" clause to participate in


Yah happy ass chose tah sign yo sorry ass name on!

Muh fuckahs don't read all thah trivialities of all of the fine print written on thah many documents yo sorry future bright minded self just signed tah get ah higher education!

Until yah do some shit that is rubbin up against their muh fuckin


Then they fuck yah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Working To Only Subsist

 Ever since I got ah bad flu November 6, 2022 that took me almost twelve days tah fuckin shake!

Never felt so bad in my 56 years old sorry Black broke ass life!


Anyway, since then

Food doesn't taste the same!?

Can't explain it tah yah except,

I only really want it when I get really hungry!

Shit, before, I'd just get intah work thinkin bout where I'm goin for lunch?

What am I going to fix US for dinner?...

Now, my ol Black broke sorry ass stopped thinkin bout all that shit!

I just go to lunch now?

What am I going to eat?

Well, what little is goin tah sustain my mild hungah until I get my

Black ass back home!?

"Well? Why don't you just bring your lunch?..."

And eat at work!?

Fuck that shit!

Yo sorry broke ass gottah get away from that muh fuckah for at least ah muh fuckin


And what are we having for dinner?!


I'll worry bout that shit when I get back 


(Peace ! More to come...)

Being Civilly Clear

 It doesn't take much!

It really doesn't!

Be kind tah muh fuckahs out here,

Even if they are actin like muh fuckin straight up



It won't last long!


US needs that Humanity shit right thah fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, December 16, 2022

"Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby - Cigarettes After Sex"

 Thah fuck my ol Black sorry broke ass listenin to?!

Kindah some eerie type of muh fuckin shit!


Shit kindah jammin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck "AA"! Just Plan Drinking Shit Better!

 Whethah you are ah

Daytime drinker,

Nighttime drinker or

Any time of day drinker!

One shall deftly undahstand,

That's if yah wannah keep muh fuckin drinkin?!

US is ah 


(Peace! More to come...)

Emphatic Empathy

 Oft times leave shit thah fuck alone!

When I was ah teenagah...


"Don't fuck with me Adult Folk!"

Bein ah non-custodial parent makes ah ol Black sorry broke ass undahstand some shit!

So, I rarely bothah Momma if visitation isn't imposed!

"Why!? She's your daughter too!"

And I undahstand!

But shiiiought!...

My ol Black sorry broke ass grew up in ah two parent household and I didn't want muh fuckahs botherin my teenage ass!

I can't imagine her dilemma!

But I do thah best that I fuckin can for


All I evah tell her,

"If you need tah talk? Call ah brothah!"

"Oh, Dad?!" She usually says with ah smile.

Maybe she doesn't take me seriously?

Maybe she thinks We just talkin and not really serious?


Whatevah thah fuck!

Call ah niggah if shit gets deep!



Believe me when I tell you these four simple words,

"You Will Be Alright!"

It will all be just fuckin fine


Whatevah ah muh fuckah can do!?


I'm still here?!...

Because those teen years weren't fuckin nice at all tah ah muh fuckah like



Back in thah day, My Mommy and My Daddy would have been like,

"What!? Don't bother me with that evil foolishness!"

And you are witnessin thah outcome of that type of muh fuckin


I'm direly tryin tah change!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Cause?! Cause You Ain't Shit!

 Fuck with me all that yo sorry ass wants!


I've been teased and bullied most of my ol Black sorry broke ass life!

Ain't no thing!

But muh fuckah!...

Yah mess with thah muh fuckin people I Love!?

Now muh fuckah!

US got tah address some 


Cause me, 

I understand!


(Peace! More to come...)

An Unnatural Domino Effect

 "They fooled US!"

No Sonshines!

They are fooling 


But just like dominoes muh fuckah,

This muh fuckah refuses tah muh fuckin

Fall like most of

US did



(Peace! More to come...)

"Sex Reconstructive Surgery/SRS"

 Thah Holy fuck!

Has yo sorry Black ass evah watched videos on thah shit!?




Fuckin brutal son!

Them surgeons, like "Marcellus Wallace" said,

"They'll get medieval on that ass!"


And how in thee Holy fuck their now

Flipflopped gender asses

Aren't in lifelong


Pain for thah rest of their

Hormon induced life has me totally

Flummoxed (BIG SMILE)!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Gender TheRapists"

 Yah can't make





Is thah muh fuckin problem!

Cause these elite agenda oriented muh fuckahs done went stone cold fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, December 15, 2022

"Trump Is Crazy!"

 Like ah fuckin fox!


Do you see what demographic he is going aftah!?

That is correct!

The same as

"Disney" et al!...

(Peace! More to come...)

There Is No Future Without US

 I'll keep doin this shit until I die!

Leaving something hopefully for 

Our brighter future youths!





(Peace! More to come...)

"Richard Cory - Edward Arlington Robinson" II

 Love this shit!

My ol broke sorry Black ass don't have near thah ends of this muh fuckah!

Shit 's fine 'til it's not tah yo crazy ass!

But that muh fuckah is me!


Without me  pullin thah muh fuckin


Without me bein ah broke ass!

And without me bein slim!

I'm ol 



(Peace! More to come...)

Reading Is A Muh Fuckah!

 Yah can't believe thah muh fuckin videos, tik-toks, share-share...and whatevah thah fuck!...All thah muh fuckin time!

But let me suggest tah yah somethin' Playahs and Playesses!?

You read some shit!?

That shit is imprinted fuckin


The written word is an



(Peace! More to come...)

Researching: Modafinil

 "You see! It can be used in so many ways! I'm a handler of course you know that. I've handled probably over a hundred superstars!? And of course they get tired from these tours they've booked. Well we've found through our studies of military personnel, its efficacy is astounding! And brain kinetics through the roof!..."


(Peace! More to come...)

You Are Beautiful Just As You Are Sonshines!

 US is 

"Perfectly made!"

Peep that shit!?


Our Heavenly Father!


No more shots!



US 's gonnah be just



(Peace! More to come...)

Dicyanin Dye

 I am convinced these particulates were put into the COVID vaccine!

Which, would explain the twirls before sorry ass muh fuckahs being 



(Peace! More to come...)

Motivational Speech About US

 US is responsible for the muh fuckin injustices against



Can play victim all US muh fuckin wants!

But thah muh fuckin truth of thah critical mattah is...


The problem is 


(Peace! More to come...)

Cease And Desist: Feigning Aids

 So ah muh fuckah calls yo ol Black sorry ass cause they didn't wannah do it!

And yo sorry ol Black ass didn't wannah do it eithah!

"Cause what kind of coinage we talkin bruh?"

Because that's thah way yo sorry ol Black ass has always been,

Worryin bout yo always seem tah be light pockets!


If yah wannah help ah muh fuckah!

Help 'em!

If not?!

At least have thah muh fuckin balls tah say,

"Fuck you niggah!"...

So I said,

"Fuck you niggah!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Saraga International Grocery - Indianapolis, Indiana"

 Find anything yo sorry ol broke Black ass wants tah eat in that muh fuckah!

They've got thah best tastin pork chops!

"Pig is dirty muh fuckah! Don't you know that Son!?"

And I undahstand!

But shiiiought!

Et tu


(Peace! More to come...)

Thou Shan't Hedge Thine Bet On This Muh Fuckah!

 Your sorry ol broke Black sorry ass can think about how this shit is goin tah end all yah fuckin want to!

But this shit-show!

Is goin tah fuckin blessedly come tah an


(Peace! More to come...)

"Massive Fire Burns Down Part Of N.Y.P.D. Evidence Center In Brooklyn - New York Times"

 Yah can't make this shit up Sonshines!

But ah niggah is dyin tah know,

Was Epstein's and Maxwell's shit in that muh fuckin half that 


(Peace! More to come...)

Money Ain't Shit! And Fuck Capitalism!

 Got sorry Black broke muh fuckin asses givin up their whole bein tah just have ah lil money!?


That's all it is Sonshines, some pocket change!

Not real change!

Cause this niggardly money shit



Changes amongst


But shiiiought!

It's time for some of


Real change!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

US One And Only

 Don't you evah think yah special muh fuckah if yah 

One of


(Peace! More to come...)


 But with parasites!?



We gonnah look fucked up for 


(Peace! More to come...)

A Simple Respectable Task

 So you start pourin ah pint of Guinness intah ah twelve ounce glass!

Niggah! Ain't gonnah work!

It ain't called ah wonderful pint of wee




(Peace! More to come...)

The Written Truth!

 Do you even understand thah very critical essence of Our written language!?











(Peace! More to come...)

The Danger Of Pentecostal Parenting!

 Cause yo sorry muh fuckin asses will eventually wind up with ah sorry broke ol Black ass muh fuckah like


Thah Holy fuck!

Now that's some fucked up shit!


Fuck it!

Thine truth thy 


(Peace! More to come...)

Whatever Is Clever!?

 Them muh fuckahs know what thah fuck they're doin tah 

US listenin asses!

You gettin into it right!

Thah muh fuckah jammin!


Then thah muh fuckin 


Yo bobbin ass like,

"Thah fuck niggah!? I was in thah muh fuckin middle of ah muh fuckin thought!?"

Then what they do?!

They start that shit where their ill muh fuckin asses left!

Thah bobbin begins again!

My previous and current thoughts,

Thy typing hands


(Peace! More to come...)

"6 Underground (Nellee Hoopers Edit)" Thee Holy Fuck!

 Thah fuck am I listenin to?!

But damn!

Head bobbin involuntarily!

Rockin that shit!

Kindah bangin!

A weird kindah bangin!

But still bangin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Researching: "James Traficant"

 Thah shit will have yo sorry ol Black muh fuckin ass rollin!

And thah muh fuckah dies on his farm in an accident (wink-wink), his tractah rolled on top of his sorry ass on:






US can't make this shit up


(Peace! More to come...)

When That Parental Voice Tells Yo Sorry Ass, "It's Time To Go!" Shiiiought! You Best Get Thah Fuck On Down The Fuckin Road!

 More and more I feel muh fuckahs loathsome spirits emanating from them!

And I don't know bout y'all 

Playahs and Playesses!?

But I don't need thah muh fuckin rib tips I was in line tah get at 

"King Ribs" on Georgetown Road all that muh fuckin bad!

Do I want 'em?! Fuck yes!

Do I need 'em?! Fuck naw!

I turned my sorry happy ol Black broke ass around,

"Excuse me?"

Walked out that muh fuckin restaurant!

And brought my ol Black broke sorry ass home,

Twelve dollahs richah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

One's Number One Priority...US!

 No mattah what you individually do in this sorry ass muh fuckin life!

It's always goin tah be about 

Supremely made


Don't give ah good Holy fuck!

Cause individually, 

On thah real?!...


You ain't shit!

And I'm glad tah tell yah Sonshines!

Our sorry individual broke asses



(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

US's Homes!

I am a 


I absolutely love being at the crib!

It's the last safe haven in this muh fuckah!

And if uh muh fuckah like me, just tryin tah get by, and ah muh fuckah or muh fuckahs compromise thah only sanctuary my family has!

Somebody gots tah go! 



It sho in thah fuck!

Ain't gonnah be US!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"An Enlightenment Of Being!"

 Don't know what that shit means tah you My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

But what it means tah me is, 

I closed my eyes one day for a long time. Destressing. On the shoulder of I65 North near Greenwood. Had my hazards on. I could hear the passing cars flying past. The force of the wind from a semi going past my car rocking it a wee bit. While my eyes stayed closed. 

I finally opened my eyes.

For some God damned reason!

Life started to become clearer!

I put the vehicle in drive!

Put on my left turn signal!

And immediately


(Peace! More to come...)

An Ancestry Tale

 "I'm going to research Our ancestry!"

Go head!

Documents from the past are always covered in


(Peace! More to come...)

Whether In The Present Or In The Future! US Has Always Chosen The Sorry Ass, In The Past!

 I ain't sayin no shit like I'm some sort of soothsayer, fortuneteller...

Fuck all that shit!

But US can tell thah future from 



Because living in the


Has always been 



(Peace! More to come...)

There's The Inside! Then, There's The Outside!

 Got muh fuckahs that sayin bout thah vaxxed shit!

"All of those mother fuckers knew! All of them!"

And I undahstand!

But check it!

You and I are on anothah level of overstanding!

Some of those muh fuckahs just still tryin tah muh fuckin


Got caught up in thah shit, now some rustlin through fragments of their now tortured life!...

It's like ah muh fuckin friend takes me tah ah party!

We there for about an hour or so! Everything is cooler than cool!

Yah now?

Chill with this shit niggah! Good lookin out!


Women and men start takin their muh fuckin clothes off and shit!

I look at my friend all perplexed and shit!

He says to me, "Come on niggah I didn't tell you bout this shit?!"

No muh fuckah yah didn't!

Fuck naw!

My ol Black broke sorry married ass gotstah fuckin go!

That's why I stay my happy ol Black broke sorry ass at thah muh fuckin 

Crib 'til this very fucking


And why I don't have anymore muh fuckin so-called


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, December 12, 2022

Unconditionally US

 US is kept from knowledge!

"Well! Shit! You know?! You join Our club? The knowledge will be Yours!"




Pure unadulterated knowledge

Does not come with




(Peace! More to come...)

We Will Be Just Fine Sonshines!

 Don't you ever shed tears for these

Lost years!

Peers to steer!

Evil stares!


There is still no thing to


(Peace! More to come...)

Less...Acid Rain Fall Upon US!

 Don't give ah fuckin fuck!

In thah muh fuckin written prose!

If yo sorry asses literate!?

Read on!?

Or not!?

But if yo sorry broke asses illiterate!?

Then like ol "Prince" sang,

"Let the rain come down/Let the rain come down/Let the rain come down, down..."


Yah know?!

"Well! Now you're just being mean!"

Fuckin how God damn it!?

They can't even read this shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Death Of Thine Rotten Federal Government!

 All thee Holy fuck thah Governors of these Individual States have to do:

Is to formerly secede

Every muh fuckin fifty states at 


Get ah muh fuckin secret muh fuckin caucus...


No more!

The Governors of the fifty states now meeting to form the new

"People Of The Various States Of America"!


A brighter!




Don't care what y'all say!?

That shit would work!





But fuck it!

Ah niggah tried!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Panacea For US Woes: A Multi-State Secession From The Federal Government!

 Othah than that Sonshines!

US just dickin thah proverbial




(Peace! More to come...)

Knowledge Shall Forever Be Gratis! Unless US Wants A Shit-Show!

Knowledge fornication!? 

Thah fuck that mean!?

Yo sorry asses gonnah sale


Knowledge that's gonnah help US in this muh fuckin fight!?

"Well this is my fulltime job! You see? I have a family..."


I can see!

I can feel!

And muh fuckah!

I can hear too!


(Peace! More to come...)


 Love that word for some damn muh fuckin reason!

Same thing with, 


Then my broke Black ol sorry ass reads the definitions!


Couldn't have said it bettah

Than my muh fuckin damn


(Peace! More to come...)

Spirits! A Neighborly And Proper Introduction To The One And Only: Miss "T"!

 I got ah neighbah who was nice enough tah say tah me one day while he was in his garage,

"Meredith! Got somethin for you!? Come on over!"

And I did.

"You like Tequila?"

Well, I'm more of ah beer person but I'll drink it.

"Here!" He took thah cap off of thah bottle in his right hand and poured ah shot full of the clear liquid in his left shot and cap held hand.

It was in ah shot glass!? So... I guess ah niggah shoots it!

And I did!

"Whatcha think of that?"

With thah voice like in the cartoons which he laughed about aft,


"That's 'Michael Jordan' man! Tequila!"

I said again,


"You want anothah one?"


I took one,

And he took one.

"How bout one for thah road?!"


He poured mine then poured his, cheers!

Awright then! Thank you very much!

"Anytime! Watch yourself now!"

Damn! You sure right bout that shit!

I get intah thah house. Get comfortable clothes on!

Go to thah muh fuckin laptop!

And start writin my ass off!

Where have you been


I'm sorry?!

I didn't mean tah disrespect you at thah fuck all Sonshine!

Yeah you right!

"It's Miss "T" if you're nasty!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Panes Of My Fragile Fractured Glassed Past

 There are situations in my ol Black sorry ass broke life that I've witnessed upon and said tah myself,

"Niggah! How thee Holy fuck you get out of that shit!? And thah fuck were you thinkin!? God Damn!"

And thah sorry ass list goes on!

But yah see My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!

That was ah time!

That was ah place!

And yo sorry ol Black broke ass ain't in that


And nor





Yo sorry ol' broke Black ass




(Peace! More to come...)

Pickled Tequila

 Three shots Tequila

Two shots pickle juice (Claussen's if yah have it handy)

Two tablespoons fresh lime juice

One or two teaspoon(s) of "Tajin"

- Stir, drink at room temperature if it's cold outside.


-Shake vigorously with a lot of ice in a shaker if it's warm outside.


(Peace! More to come...)

Got The Cases Of: "The Can't help its"!

 These sorry ass filthy elite muh fuckahs tryin to be

Our Father!?




But when muh fuckahs don't work!...

"An idle mind is a devil's workshop!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Ultimate Caring Human Query!



Going to


And before 


Surely do?!

How can 


Make this shit

Better for





(Peace! More to come...

Sunday, December 11, 2022

It Doesn't Take Much!

 Find somethin on anothah one of US tah


Find fuckin somethin!


Niggahs can come up with all types of shit tah get themselves their ultimate pussy! Until another comes along!

But then...

Ask about US?!

They have not ah fuckin clue!

"I'm just tryin tah make it happen, son!"


Be complimentary!


US fuckin needs it!....

(Peace! More to come...)

What Is Needed In US!

"Red Velvet Cupcakes with Buttercream Topping"

 So I come into thah main office, Lana has these cupcakes. 

You know me?!

How y'all doin? Good morning?!...

"Meredith! You want one of these?" Kristina asked.

Naw. I'm more of a savory person!

"Really!?  Damn! These are some of my favorites!" Lana the office manager said...

Yah see thah muh fuckin difference in appoach!?

"Meredith. These are Lana's favorite cupcakes! Wouldn't you like one?"

And I would have said, even being a savory person,

Fuck yes! Let me see  how delicious these muh fuckahs are!?

And they're goin tah be fuckin delicious! Even though my sorry ol Black broke ass thinks, "What's thah fuckin sugary fuss?!" 

Because I'm savory!


Cause that's what

US at thah very fuckin least fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

EULA!? How You Doin Girl!?

 You can get pretty God damned silly with this writin bullshit!


Oh, come ohn naw?!



Because it's oft times thah truth




(Peace! More to come...)

Biblical Prophecy? There Is A Difference Between: Human Cycles and The Perpetual Human Cycle.

 Just ah history of 

US stupid muh fuckahs!

That's all!

Shit tells 

US what we're goin tah do 



Does it!

How thah fuck yah think that


And US is doin 




That's all that 




It's time for

US to


The Perpetual Human


Our Battle cry:

"Up with THC! Down with TPHC!".


Fuck yes!

But thah shit would work!

Cause US!





(Peace! More to come...)

When It's Time For Me To Go?! Let Me The Fuck Go! Because I Know You Really Love Me!

 I've told my wife,

"Listen man! I get in some bad shit!? Disfigured, paralyzed...invalid, where you have to wipe my ass aftah I've doodied?! (She laughed at that shit.)

You know me?!

I would loathe that!

Because yah took ah chance on ah Brothah and we were happy until this...

And I would hate tah see thah only woman that has taken ah real gamble on me..and have tah watch her...having tah wipe my ol Black broke sorry ass after soiling myself...!?

Come ohn naw!?

If yah evah loved an ol Black sorry broke ass like me?!

Don't know why tah this day!?

But I sho Love Yo ass fo rollin thah dice on my sorry broke ol Black ass!

And If I know You Love me!

Then You know I Love You!

Don't do that to me!

Make a promise to me?


If I get tah that point!





"I promise Love! If...You get to that point? I will! Surely Love."

My niggah!

"I Love You Love!"

And I sho Love Yo fine ass too!

"Now yah bein silly?"

No! Really!

"I'm sorry Mister Man! Just my insecurities coming out."

You do understand We 're in this shit togethah?!


'Til death do US part?'


My niggah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

If US Really Cares? US 's Going To Be Broken!

 I haven't met ah real caring person with my ol Black sorry broke ass 



Them being 



(Peace! More to come...)

"Blood Is Thicker Than Water"?


I can get ah tainted blood transfusion 

God damnit!

But fuck!

I sho in thah fuck need muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

My Brother George! In Caring...Niggahs Come Lately!



Muh fuckahs kill my ol Black sorry broke ass!

"Shit niggah! It's Sunday morning muh fuckah! Don't nobody wannah hear that noise!"

Well stop readin muh fuckah cause here ah niggah goes!...

Their sorry asses wannah sit up there aftah ah niggahs dead or some shit tah start fuckin carin bout ah muh fuckah! 

Cryin and shit!?



This posin and shit like yo sorry asses cared has gotten quite fuckin


Cut that shit out!

That muh fuckah been in this muh fuckah for four score!

One...Two...Three...Four score!

And yah ain't seen thah muh fuckah in ovah two score and ten of those muh fuckahs!


On thah real!

I thought thah muh fuckah was already


(Peace! More to come...)

A Prayer For My Eventual Passing

 The longer my ol Black broke sorry ass lives,

The more I come to realize,

I inevitably pay for who 

I am!


When I close my eyes for the last time on this firmament,

I inevitably pay for who 

I was!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Activated Charcoal And TMAU?

 So I'm researchin  Activated Charcoal's benefits!

Then I run across some shit called:

trimethylaminuria (TMAU)!?

Thah Holy fuck!

Thah more common term bein

Fish Odor Syndrome!



Sonshines I am convinced thah older my ol Black sorry broke ass gets,

Thah more ignorant

I humbly become!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, December 9, 2022

"Emily The Criminal"

 Real fuckin shit!

Love this shit!

Don't know why but thah muh fuckin movie spoke tah me for some damn reason!


The date of thah release of:

"Emily The Criminal II"?!

S'il vous plait!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Pardoning Catch

 I fuck around a lot in this writing shit!

But I'm just writin what's in my mind!

Some things good!

Some things bad!

But shit!

That's just thah nature of this evil

Beast of 


(Peace! More to come...)

"Samford vs North Dakota State"

 Them camera people pannin around on thah crowd and shit!

My broke Black sorry ass searchin!


Man or woman!

I ain't seen ah muh fuckah in that crowd I could even call

Okay lookin!

Ninety-nine percent of those muh fuckahs are just fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Dancing Law Enforcement Official With Kansas Drill Team

 I smiled all thah while watchin that shit!

Law Enforcement thinks thah majority of 


Hate 'em!

I for one will tell yah Playahs and Playesses,

I like cops!


I mean what ah niggah goin tah do with these crazy muh fuckahs out here today?

Use harsh language!?

That shit don't work no fuckin mo!

Fuck that shit!

"Hello? 911 Operator?..."

I pay fuckin taxes!

And when my ol Black sorry broke ass got problems out here?

Shit yeah, 

I'm callin thah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

"Sam Brinton"... Thee Holy Fuck!

 Thah fuck am I witnessin!?

In thah Beiden administration mind you!?

Thah fuck is wrong with


We have ugly ass fuckin



US and

Running US shit!?



Ain't said muh fuckin shit about thah



(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Companies Having Divisional Issues

 "Johnson & Johnson announced yesterday that it was buying the Pfizer division for 16.6 billion dollars."

                                                                                            'NY Times' 27Jun2006 business

Thee Holy Fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Rybelsus" Commercial

"A1C! Down with Rybelsus!"

If I was "Queens of The Stone Age - No One Knows"!?

I'd sue that ass for copyright infringement!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Cannons - Hurricane" V

 I watch this shit repeatedly!

Don't know why?

But M.J. be rockin 

She 'im shit!

But look at the



They got those muh fuckahs on thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Deodorants IV

 Well in thah locker room, that's where everything started fallin intah place with my sweatin and sometimes offensive smells.

Middle Linebacker "Randy Monger". We were all finished showerin and Randy had this "Speed Stick" deodorant, that he was not only puttin undah his pits but he was puttin  thah shit near his unmentionables!

And I remembah some muh fuckah in thah lockah room askin him some shit like,

"The fuck you doin Randy!"

"Shit! Yo balls get funky!"

The light went on!

Back in thah day! I absolutely loved "Soft & Dri" deodorant! It had ah very pleasant floral...happy smell. But for some reason they changed thah formula and it didn't smell thah same aftah that. But I would put "Soft & Dri" undah my shaved pits, around my "Wahl"ed testicles and in between thah crack of my ass, put some on my feet and in between my toes and even put some on my chest!

It wasn't a harsh deodorant!

And it did thah work!

But that shit sho in thah Holy fuck smelled




I use "Sure" or "Suave" near my unmentionables!...

But yah see where I'm goin with this missed opportunity 


(Peace! More to come...)

Deodorants III

 So, let me tell yah. Back in thah day muh fuckahs weren't partaking of this bullshit of a male shaving bodily hair. So, what I had tah do was, Under my pits I would shave with a "BIC". 

My crotch and ass? I purchased a "Wahl" trimmer specifically for those unmentionables. 

I mean damn! You can't be in high school, playin athletics, goin intah thah showah with othah muh fuckahs and some muh fuckin body ain't gonnah notice yo bare ass hairless crotch!

"Well they shouldn't be lookin!"

You funny! 

Please remember high school!

And if you played sports,

Please remember high school athletics!?


So my crotch and thah crack of my ass would get thah muh fuckin

"Wahl" treatment every

Fourteen days or so!

I ain't bare!

So I don't wannah hear shit from you muh fuckahs!....

(Peace! More to come...)