Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Alcohol Retention Quandary!

 I told y'all I gottah tone thah shit down on the 

Tequila tip!

"Valeo Silver"! Just suggestin! Cheap?! (Nine buck chuck! Thah Holy fuck!) Can't tell! I'm ah fuckin beer drinkah! But thah Effects?! Muy bueno!...

But check it!

Just some FYI from an ol sorry Black broke ass non-teetotaler!

There are major supplements tah have if yah want tah at least sustain ah level of existence while indulging in alcohol. 

Here are my go to shits:

2 x 150mg Milk Thistle Capsules BID

1 x 260mg Activated Charcoal Capsule BID

1 x 240mg Apple Cider Vinegar tablet BID (Preferably on empty stomach or in between meals)

1 x 250mg Dandelion Root Capsule BID

1 x 250 Yellow Dock Root Capsule BID

1 x 2000mg Stinging Nettles Capsule Daily 

1 x 500mg Vitamin C Tablet Daily

2 Tablets DGL (De-Glycyrrhizinated Licorice Root)  BID

3 Tablets Papaya Enzymes after every meal and after every drinking session!


You can only sustain that moderately expensive self medication bullshit for ah lil while Playahs and Playesses! Cause yah do undahstand US is some broke asses! Just tryin tah drink tah get by!

Before yo sorry ass gottah up thah dosages!

And an ol Black sorry broke ass niggah ain't got that type of muh fuckin supplement change tah counteract thah fuckin detriment my vice is doin tah my ol Black sorry ass broken body!?...


What is...

Ah niggah...

Gonnah ultimately do?!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

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