Monday, December 19, 2022

Make Your Shit At Home


If yah like ranch dressin do yo sorry Broke ass ah fuckin favah!

Make yo own shit!

Even though I stay away from dairy One lives in ah muh fuckin household! With people that One loves! And let me suggest somethin tah yah My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!? Just because yo ass fo whatevah reason decides tah stop eatin, drinkin...whatevah thah fuck!? There 're two othah muh fuckahs besides you livin in that household! They fuck with dairy! They like ranch dressing! And so did me! Still do! Butcha can't do! Or shit...shouldn't do!


I buy thah "Kroger" brand ranch dressin mix packet. Just read what you put in that muh fuckah tah make it so! I guarantee if yah have ah family thah shit is already at thah crib! Then add whatevah thah fuck else yah would like tah taste in yo homemade ranch dressin, a little more garlic powder, a little more onion powder, a lot more black pepper...shake that shit!

Slice some cucumbers and dip them shits!

Fuckin delicious Son! Sometimes I can't help myself and my ol Black sorry broke dairy allergy havin ass takes two or three slices and dip them shits! I pay for it a lil about two days latah! Start havin an itch on the left side of my navel that I found out when scratched will start raisin and lookin kind of...



"Just buy "Hidden Valley" and fuck all of that shit!"

Cause "Hidden Valley" done lost their rabid ass muh fuckin mind!


Tryin tah charge ovah five fuckin dollahs for

24 sorry ass ounces!

My left nut!

I'd rathah throw my money away on

Fresh Chicken wings @ $4.99 ah pound!

Using about twenty ounces of oil from the $3.89 "Kroger" vegetable oil container...oh, those twenty ounces will get strained, refrigerated and reused!

Salt and pepper thah chicken wings!

After fryin them shits up!

I'll dip in my homemade ranch dressing with a heavy splash of siracha!


All of that!...

And still close tah yo muh fuckin selling abhorrent price of

$5.89 for muh fuckin 24 sorry ass worthless ounces of


And I'm full!

With three full wings left!?

Okay two and a half!

But that last flat wing was talkin shit tah ah brothah!

"I'm golden brown and delicious! I know yah already had three! But once yah go flat! You'll never regret that!"

Y'all see what I'm sayin!?...

And I'm gonnah pay for thah shit in about 48 hours!


I'll tell yah again Playahs and Playesses!...

Mothah fuckahs!?...

(Peace! More to come...

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