Monday, October 31, 2022


 He was dry. Had been that way for some six days now. 

But the 


Doth not still grab


He was quite piteoUS....

(Peace! More to come...)

Diabetically Speaking

 The mouth pops ah


To stop

The supercilioUS among


But there is no sweeter 


Then to be the

Lollipop of US


(Peace! More to come...)

The Real Meaning Of "Moonwalking" Or "Walking On The Moon"!

Nothin but ah God damned stage!

And them muh fuckahs doin thah muh fuckin

"Michael Jackson" on 


Sorry-super-silly-stupid muh fuckin

Broke sorry asses!

And laughin their sorry-rich-lazy-deplorable...asses about this sorry



(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, October 30, 2022

A Prayer For The RighteoUS Assuredly Dying!

 What are




There is only 



All of

US evil leaders have to be fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Coldest Tis Nigh! @Dec2022

 This winter in thah 

US is gonnah be ah brutally cold muh fuckah!

"Yah know with Global Warming throwin off  nature's cycles in such a violent way!?"

How thah fuck these muh fuckahs can sit up there and make just bold faced fucking lies?...

It's called Geo-Engineering, HAARP, Weather Modification...and whatever thah fuck!

US is on tah yah sorry worthless elite asses!

Pretty soon US gonnah come for yah!

I just hope yo sorry rich ass is 

Prepared for this 

Blood filled fallout!

Why do you think thah sorry elite muh fuckahs done threw 100 million dollars at some sorry ass

"He Gets US" campaign?!

They know a lot of their sorry ass worthless blood will be shed! Because of their sins that will be 

Revealed very soon!

And US broke sorry asses ain't gonnah loose ah fucking


But my ol broke Black sorry ass will have no mercy for they

And what they have done to


"He Gets US!"

But them evil elite muh fuckahs never will!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Building Codes

 I truly believe Sonshines that 

We were like ants back in the day!

Not givin ah Holy fuck about ourselves

Save For a hope of ah brighter muh fuckin 


God damn!

That some sad shit tah me!

Fuck that!

Ain't no fuckin hope no more!

Ain't no fuckin hope...

No fucking more!

Until US

Foundation is 


(Peace! More to come...)

Addition And Multiplication Human Errors: They're Just Fucking With The Digits!? Like They've Always Done Sonshines!

 Why thah holy fuck would any one of US have amassed 

A Billion dollars!?

A Trillion dollars!?...

Absurd numbers!

Manmade muh fuckin numbers!?

No one person should have thah fucking right to amass by charity, taxes and fines burgled by thine poor pitiful no-count havin ass


Yo sorry ass flauntin that hard!?

And ridin evah so light!?


Subtraction is highly underrated!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Dual And Multi-Internet Connections (Operation Tora-Torah @ 2026Mar)

 Just when yah think thah shit had just gotten weird enough!...

Sewing Seeds For US 100% Pure Futures

 Once US sorry broke asses really start writin this shit because we need it! Take away the internet from those sacred files and copy them physically, then put them in the cloud, your cellphone...

Some article of written 

Truth about

US shall forever


(Peace! More to come...)

Here's How This Shit Flows: Toward Transhumanism.

 Yah remembah in "Star Wars" ol Black ass 'Darth Vader' came intah thah shit with ol Tarkin?

Thah one muh fuckah started talkin shit! Then thah othah muh fuckah had tah get his two cents worth sorry ass started talkin shit! Too!?

DeeVee went straight niggah on that muh fuckah!? 

Got about six feet from that muh fuckah and let thah force just tap that ass a lil!?

Mockin thah muh fuckah by squeezin his right forefinger and right thumb together at about two inches apart, while that disrespectful smartass muh fuckah chokin his ass off!

Then Tarkin with his ol weathered bureaucratic ass, lookin at thah shit like he is bored as fuck, thinkin thah fuck is wrong with you two!? Cut that shit out! Now! And start being civil! Then he heard thah muh fuckah havin thah nerves tah say, 

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." Tarkin thinkin!? Thah fuck wrong with you supersillymuhfuckahs!?

"Enough of this! Vader! Release him," Tarkin said.

"As you wish," Vader said. And let that muh fuckah go, and stepped aside like, this is some lightweight bullshit here! At least let me earn my digital notes?

But 'Vader' was ah smooth ass slave, he stepped in cause he thought that

"Massah!" was lettin thah shit go ah lil too far with this underling thing! 

But it worked thah fuck out!

Now, my Black technological singularity infused ass done did my fuckin part, to finally start getting rid of all of these 


Weak ass


(Peace! More to come...)

"Ye Lost 1.5 Billion In A Matter of Weeks. No Longer a Billionaire"

It's called 

Illiquidity muh fuckahs!


That muh fuckah nevah was even close tah bein ah fuckin billionaire!

Y'all talkin to thah fuckin wrong One right here!

Why thah Holy fuck we even waste

US precious's last days or hours listenin, readin or even watchin thah muh fuckin 

Propagandized news media!?

Cause the real billionaires ain't gonnah evah be treated even close tah like EMT


He's just anothah broke ass muh fuckah just like US...

Just was able tah carry that hall-

Pass fo ah minute or two longah!?

Now, them elite puttin thah toy in its place!

"Ye. The hall-pass please?

Time to come back to 


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, October 24, 2022

"Well! You Can't Control Crazy!"

 I beg thah fuck diffah muh fuckahs!

Cause I am crazy!

One can in fact control 


As long as I




(Peace! More to come...)

Hand Appreciation Dance

 Play ah muh fuckin song that yo ass loves tah jam too!


I see y'all!

Now just look at your hands and make them dance!

Let'em move the way they really wannah when thah groove is real but yah ain't payin some niggahs no mind!

Let 'em dance in lovely merriment!

Cause there are not too many times where US get's togethah as



And enjoy thah Holy fuck out of 

Each  Other's 


(Peace! More to come...)

Playahs and Playesses! Welcome! To OldsVille!

 Got some shit goin on with my throat!?

Post nasal drip some shit!

Shit's terrible!

Coughin like those ol ass muh fuckahs we used tah watch when we were 



My old Black broke sorry ass

Is finally pickin up

What yo ass forewarned me


When my sorry muh fuckin ass thought I was something


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Beating The Same Dead White Horse!

 The new alternate media are like these muh fuckin sorry ass preachers on thah pulpit!

Though thah shit is as simplistic as

 Good v Evil or 

Heaven v Hell!...

They want tah talk bout thah same sorry ass shit ovah and ovah again, like

US poor ignant muh fuckahs ain't really been payin


(Peace! More to come...)

A Story About One of US II

 He looked over at his cellphone charging next to him on his nightstand. '100 %' , reached down and unplugged the phone cord from the outlet. Unplugged his phone from the cord. Looked at the huge numbers displaying, '3:33 AM'. 

"Seriously," he thought to himself. Put the phone back on the nightstand. Laid his torso and head back down and looked up at the heavens, his textured white ceilings....

Grammatically Correct Syntax!

 There's ah period that needs tah be put in this lifelong drawn out elite inspired 


If not that!?

Most definitely an 

Exclamation point!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Get The Fuck Off US Knees About This Shit!

When I hear the phrase, 

"Spirit of '76," I laugh my ol Black broke sorry ass off!


But for some reason it turns into my minds' eye and 

I see the word that was used in various texts in the KJV Bible:


I read the Bible and can only think US bein fucked with!?

Belief is truth!

So why are all of

US fuckin

Tarrying for?

We done prayed!

Fuckin worked!

And muh fuckin


And aftah more than close tah

250 years of this shit!?

Thee Holly fuck 

US still praying, working and

Waiting for!...


US have been 


(Peace! More to come...)

A Story About One of US

 He woke up to silence. Always silence. He used to love that absence of sound but lately it had been getting on his nerves. Oft times in the past he would awaken like now and be able to go back to sleep with no problem. Now, he couldn't. He would think about the silence and why? Oh, there was the traffic outside throughout the day living on one of the major thoroughfares in Indianapolis, Indiana. He loved his neighborhood, his abode resting near downtown Indianapolis, peacefully planted on the one way street of  21st and Pennsylvania. The drycleaner's store closed recently. He didn't know why? One day they were there and it seemed the next day they were gone...

Friday, October 21, 2022

I Have Always Been Crazy! But We Got Problems...Now!?

 I am!

Who I am!

And who I presented tah your sorry Beautiful Black being as such!?

Ain't nothin changed!?

"Well! It bettah change!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

An Amalgamation!

 Ain't no muh fuckah gonnah tell my ol Black broke sorry ass, that 'The Weeknd''s voice on "Can't Feel My Face" isn't  an altered 'Michael Jackson" 's voice!

And my ol Black sorry broke ass don't give ah Holy fuck what

You say!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Work More: Exact Population Levels! And That Means You Too Sorry Ass Abhorrent "Elite"! II

 Cause yah see!?

Fuckin takes time!

"Naw it don't muh fuckah! I don't know what cho ol Black broke sorry ass talkin bout!?"

And I undahstand!


But let me tell yah somethin, if yah didn't already know!?

Thah oldah US sorry broke asses get!?

Thah more


US got tah do!

Even before 

US thinkin bout

Fuckin! ...

(Peace! More to come...)

Work More: Exact Population Levels! And That Means You Too Sorry Ass Abhorrent "Elite"!

 Y'all know how much muh fuckin positive shit,

US could possibly witness in US lifetimes,

If US would jUSt

Stop trying tah fuck all of


(Peace! More to come...)

Hyped For Work!? II

 I try tah find ways tah deal with thah banality of this


Music works oft times!

Sleeping, well...shit I get horrible sleep!

Alcohol is temporary and I can't see how ah muh fuckah works high or works intoxicated!?

That shit's like some 

Oxymoronic type of shit tah me!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Hyped For Work!?

 Yah listen tah 

"On Hold - Jamie xx Remix"!?

Talkin bout gettin


How long my ol Black sorry ass gottah work today God damnit!?

Eight hours?!


Let's get this shit started!

"I thought/ 

That you/ 

You 'd come back/

 To me..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

The "No" Vote Is The "Yes" Vote For US! Otherwise, Prepare For Continuing To Live A Dog's Life!

 How thah Holy fuck no mattah thah muh fuckin  political figure that's in office, and US callin some rampant corruption about some shit!? And the sorry ass corruption US hollerin about is still the topic of note?!


Democrat or Republican, Sonshines!

They all fuckin and suckin one anothah!

Fuck that noise!

Votin for ah

Democrat or ah


Ain't workin out too well for Our sorry broke

US asses

Is it





If yah askin me?!...


Is gettin US proverbial 

Chained pulled!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Silent Sounds Spread Spectrum"

 "I heard the voice from Allah! We all did!"

And muh fuckahs doin some ill evil shit in the name of their


Just cause they heard some shit magically formulating all at once in their sorry broke asses


I wondah thee Holy fuck 



(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Everlasting Written Prose

 They try tah find all kinds of fuckin ways fo muh fuckahs tah communicate and shit!

Othah than writin!

"Writing!? That old ass played out muh fuckin shit! We got cellphones, Skype, Zoom..."



Texting and emails,

Are all thah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)



In lies!

Are of





(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, October 19, 2022


 You're very cold!

"That's the way that you've always enjoyed me the most! A lil above Thirty-three degrees!"

I feel yah! Tepid beer! Is no beer!

"You got it!"

Well, Playah I got ah four pack of 'Paulaner's  Pils'!

And of course,

'Pilsner Urquell'!


Bring 'em on!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Inner Voice

 Ain't nobody tellin 


What thah fuck tah 


That's not already 've been 


(Peace! More to come...)

And That's Just The Start...Because: It's All Just Supplemental! IV


"Well you should take just a quality multi-vitamin then!"


They really got



(Peace! More to come...)

And That's Just The Start...Because: It's All Just Supplemental! III

 ...Thank you!...

Garlic 2400mg QID

Vitamin C 500mg BID

Copper 2mg Daily

Stinging Nettles 2000mg TID

Black Elderberry 1000mg TID

Black Seed Oil 1000mg QID

Celery Seed 1000mg TID

Purslane 400mg Daily

Biotin 10,000 mcgs daily...

(Peace! More to come...)

"There's No Fucking Conspiracy By The elite!?"



(Peace! More to come...)

And That's Just The Start...Because: It's All Just Supplemental! II


"Thah fuck Meredith! Just start eating right and doing Our Father's



May I continue?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

An Occasional Dream Escape

 Yah gottah do it Sonshines!

Muh fuckahs wannah drag yo ass down

Twenty-four and seven with that bullshit!

Fuck that noise!

US 's God blessed


Takin ah quasi-teetotalin muh fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

And That's Just The Start...Because: It's All Just Supplemental!

 Taurine 1000mg QID

Bee Propolis 500mg QID

Vitamin D3 50mcg QID


NAC 1000mg QID

Fish Oil 1000mg BID

Pumpkin Seed Oil 1000mg TID

Magnesium 250mg BID

Saccharomyces Boulardii Plus MOS 1 Capsule BID ...

(Peace! More to come...)

Appreciate Your Individual "Mother" fucking Shit!

 I know I said it before!?




And yah know,

"Nobody Can Be You - Slave (Feat Steve Arrington)"!

Solid ol school shit 

Right there!





(Peace! More to come...)


 So my wife came tah me with a question, well and ah statement.

"Well Daddy called today. And he wanted to know if he should take his third booster?"

"Thah fuck wrong with him!? His old Black ass has already gotten four shots total!? He's eighty-four fuckin years old! Thah fuck he scared of!?"

"I didn't ask you all of that! I'm just asking should he take his fifth shot?"

I love her so much! Cause I'm thah most flawed ol Black broke sorry ass muh fuckah that you will evah meet! 

And she says 

"I Love You!" 

Playahs and Playesses,

There is a muh fuckin 

Our Father! 

For real!...


So I said,

"Naw! Fuck naw!...His ass 's really taken four!?"

"I'll call 'im and tell 'im he shouldn't take anymore shots."

"Yeah! He's too old tah be doin that kind of stupid bullshit!"

"I Love You so much Black man with yo crazy ass!"

"I Love You too!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sancocho!? Y'all Need To Quit It!

 Nobody gives ah Holy fuck about yo muh fuckin so-called 

"Home" except yo sorry ol Black broke ass!


If they ask about thah shit well 

US would like tah know!?

Othah than that,

Fuck your 

"Home" muh fuckah!

I mean yah can't say that shit tah ah muh fuckah in ah civil society and shit!

But yo sorry broke ass sho nuff can muh fuckin think it!


I was talkin tah ah Puerta Rican today, from Brooklyn, but was born in thah P-R!

But schleppin, livin in Indianapolis, I guess!?

Thee Holy fuck!


He started talkin that bullshit,

"Oh! In my country! You have to try it! We call it 


At that point he was like thah teacher in "Charlie Brown" and shit,

"Wanh-wanh! Wanh-wanh-wanh-wanh-wanh?..."

Shit I already tried it muh fuckah!

Two times!

And each time I said tah my Black broke sorry ass self,

"This shit ain't nothin but beef stew!"

And y'all Ricans do know 

Y'all too are considered niggahs!?


My ol Black broke sorry ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Don't Mean Shit To Them!

 There's an old sayin,

"The foxes are guarding the henhouses!"

How evah much yo sorry ass labors for,

Hundred thou, half mill', three mill'...


US are 


US are 


And US sorry broke asses are definitely


To them sorry lazy ugly wasted sperm muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Conditioned Slave Mentality Are US!

 How do US do this shit for 65 years or more!?

Then muh fuckahs wannah sit up there talkin bout even aftah retirement age and shit:

"I love working! It keeps me busy! It keeps me moving! And I love money!"


God damn!

That's some niggah slave shit 

Right there!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Genesis! II

US doesn't have tah worry about no damn seeds and shit!

Fuck naw!


Just hast tah keep knowing the overall muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Cryonically Speaking, Of Coarse?

 "Frozen in time"!

Thah fuck that shit mean!?

Yo sorry broke black sorry asses 's only good for ah muh fuckin


Ah muh fuckin season!

Thee Holy fuck

I'm missin!?

And thah muh fuckin shit that kills my ol Black sorry broke ass is:

Yah tryin tah find those elusive answahs aftah yo sorry, now ol broke black ass is,


Too late for that niggah!


No need for all that freezin shit!

Yah had yo one-shot-one-of-a-kind hand!



Especially You, 

Muh fuckin folded!


JUSt you concentrate and deal with thah sorry ass hand,

 All In,  of 



(Peace! More to come...) 

"Frito Lay - Doritos Nacho Cheese v Tostitos Hint of Con Queso Bite Size Rounds"

Marketin is ah muh fuckah ain't it!?

Different shape!

With just ah lil more hint of spice!? 

Yah can't fool ah muh fuckin

Recoverin foolah!

Nor ah junk-food junkie!

And yah sho nuff can't fool ah 

Recoverin fuckin lifelong 


(Peace! More to come...)

"It Takes Me Back Home!" Niggah, Whah?! "And Shake The Dust Off Of Thine Feet..."

 Why thah Holy fuck yah caught in revelry and loathsome membrance of yo sorry ass




When yah left thah shit,

"Your" so-called


Nobody else's!


Sorry broke fuckin asses, just now, affectionately statin



And muh fuckin



Thah Holy fuck wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

Moscow Sun06Nov2022 (Trump-Putin Meeting 1800hrs)

Former President Trump meeting Putin today currently Live. 

Trump, after being warned by The United States, not to Convival in international foreign affairs...


This just in...

Vladimir Putin apparently, just said to one of our networks' strikingly attractive, blond, blue-eyed, white, Male to Female transgendered Russian...

Are you ready for this America!? 


"He would like to take her United States goodies!"

Well, we know what that means!

While being recorded Live in his native tongue in the meeting with

Trump just seconds ago!

I'm Noel Stein. 

Back in a moment....

"FDA Says These Cereals No Longer Healthy" What Will Thine Words Be In 2030? The Elite Men Toys (EMTs). And The Cost To US!

 "Corn Flakes"!?

"Raisin Bran"!?

"Frosted Mini Wheats"?!...


Yah see how these evil muh fuckahs work!?

"Kellogg's", "General Mills..." been kindah laxed in their graft!

Got tah put some pressure on that ass!

Cause there 're new playahs in thah 

Grafting game!

And I guess y'all didn't get thah fuckin memo God damnit!

Now, check it?!

These muh fuckahs let US sorry asses eat that shit all these fuckin years and ain't said shit with all of their 

Modern "Science" at their disposal! 

Yet, they tellin US thah fuck



Defund and fire all them muh fuckahs cause them muh fuckahs ain't doin ah

God damned thing except collectin ah



God damned muh fuckin check!

With y'alls lazy Elite Men Toy asses!

Just puttin yo soul and ass out there just tah be 





Which! Makes you's ah muh fuckin sorry male no count havin nasty ass


At least female prostitutes can decide and say

"Fuck these dicks! I got tah get ah real fuckin job!"

Y'all just love tah get fucked all thah God damned time!






And suckin dick!?






Cause that's what they thah sorry EMTs obviously do!?


And y'alls EMTs are cool with that filthy deplorable shit tah just get one opportunity tah really fuck

US jUSt one God damned time!?...



Fuck wrong with


And undahstand this My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, please?

This same FDA is thah same evil muh fuckahs that gave approval of an

EUA for these pharmaceutical muh fuckahs with this 

COVID 19 vaccination


Currently statin that thah shit is,

"100% effective and safe!"


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, October 15, 2022

EAS: Started At 0300Sat24Dec2022 And Thity-Three Degrees Outside In Indianapolis, Indiana.

 I was awakened by the sound! Sounding to me like a loud trumpet. For some reason I was starting to panic because deep inside of me, told me, something was amiss.

"What's wrong Meredith?" Angela, my wife asked. Waking up too.

"Don't you here that?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's that tornado bullshit sound. Go back to sleep." She said.

"But it's winter!?" I said.

A pause.

"Oh, shit! I'm up!" She said while getting out of bed....

(Peace! More to come...)

Caine v Abel III

 Just you watch

A & E!

You both bastards!

I'm gonnah be ah real muh fuckin important person in


A Cross

Straight, up and down!

I'm gonnah be thah:




(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, October 14, 2022

"Operation Fishbowl"


Lives in ah flat ass muh fuckin 


Now what!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Human Growth Period

 One of US doesn't have tah sock it tah  muh fuckahs tah make ah muh fuckin point!

That ain't how Our shit works!

Complexity doesn't even come close tah Our sorry broke ass 

Human minds!

If it was possible tah hit US all at one time with major networks 

This about tah get real shit wouldn't even be conversed!

Fuck naw!

US Human shit starts small!

Then grows exponentially


US is never finished!



Is ready tah be finished!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Are Aiding and Abetting Sorry Ass Criminals!

 We talk about these sorry ass elite in ah bad muh fuckin way!

And that shit's not fair!

The elite can only continue to be the elite with 

US total


(Peace! More to come...)

"Yuval Noah Harari - Israeli Historian"

Don't give ah fuck!

That's ah butt ugly alien weird lookin sorry ass muh fuckah right there!

May his genes be cleansed!


(Peace! More to come...)

"The Caine Mutiny - 1954"


US really think this shit's just about decisions made at sea?!

Them muh fuckahs could have named it:

The Jones Mutiny!...


But them sorry lazy ass evil muh fuckahs



(Peace! More to come...)


 I thought you said you would always love only me?!

"I do. Only you."

I thought you said you had never had someone to treat you so well like the way that I do?

"And that's the God damn truth."

I thought you told me, "You are the only One for me!"?

"You are. Totally. I made some mistakes damn."

Made!? Mistakes!?

"Yeah mother fucker, mistakes! Like, I fucked up! You know?! I fucked up! Sorry? It will never happen again! I promise! I love our life! I love our two children! I like being married to you! So quit being such a dick about it! And stop all of that divorce bullshit! Yah know!? Babe!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Cain v Abel II

 I told y'all Momma!

And I told yo ass Daddy!

Me or Abel got tah go out intah that shit tah know what 

We are goin tah be up against in the near future!

What did y' all do!?

Didn't make ah choice for

Knowledge sake!

And what did my ass find out!?


I was the Big Brothah tah all these muh fuckahs!

Givin me thah hard shit, tillin thah earth and shit!?

His ass walkin sheep and shit!

Ain't no work in that shit!

And God havin thah nerves tah diss my shit!

Yeah they gonnah kill me!

But cha see!?

If I'm not Abel to kill them first!?

And let me tell yah somethin you worthless Heathens to whom I shall dwell forever in my lifetime! 

If I can kill my Own Brother!?

Thee Holy fuck y' alls sorry asses got for me?!...

Fuck this noise!

I'm tired of beggin tah stay!

I'm out!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Cain v Abel

 Yeah I killed that muh fuckah!

Now what cha gonnah do muh fuckahs!?

It was only two of US muh fuckahs!

Oh We got three female siblings that chall nevah have givin ah shit about!


Fuck Abel!

He was weak! 

My ass went out there amongst these Heathens and witnessed some shit!

Shit I don't even want tah evah convey!

This muh fuckah played it safe and shit by stayin home with Daddy and all these goddamned 


Yeah I killed that muh fuckah!

And I'd kill his ass just thah muh fuckin same for thah vital sake of


(Peace! More to come...)


 Them sorry elite muh fuckahs and their

Men toys avow proudly:

"There is no 

Our Father!"


Them some scary evil muh fuckahs!

And most of 

US havin thah fuckin nerves,

Listening tah that 


Heretical bullshit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Historically Flawed

 How can one tell 





When it's not evah gonnah be

First person



You were


(Peace! More to come...)

The Signs of Life

 Sit up there in the scorners' seat and shit and fuckin complain like ah muh fuckah!

But US is all on thah same muh fuckin bustling Human Highway of life!

But what US do?

Ignore thah muh fuckin "Speed Limit" signs!

Ignore thah muh fuckin "Slippery Pavement" signs!

Ignore Thah muh fuckin "Caution" signs!...

And most definitely

Ignore thah muh fuckin "Stop" signs!

So, here US be!...

Yah think it's time for


Tah start following the rules of this 



Before US has ah muh fuckin major


Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Speeding Up Progress?

 Thah fuck I'm gonnah say tah yah young ass Sonshine tah speed up the 

Old ass knowledge of this shit!?



It doesn't really fuckin mattah any fuckin way!

Thah muh fuckin time will finally pop that ass in thah muh fuckin ass tah yo youthful ass and that day shall surely tah


That's if!?

Yah give ah real good shit at all about


(Peace! More to come...)

"The Cloud"? And "Don't put all of your eggs in one basket."

 And that's just thah fuck what they're doin!

And what 

We're doin?!

Thah Holy fuck wrong with 




He who controls thah 

Digits and





(Peace! More to come...)

The Ultimate Plan To Stop Child Trafficking II

 Tryin tah show these muh fuckahs lookin all pitiful and shit!

"Look at these poor people and their children..."

Did yo sorry ass say



Sittin up there with yo broke sorry asses with five children lookin hungry hangin on tah their sorry ass Mommas and Daddies takin ah muh fuckin dourly still picture!

Somebody gots thah time tah still be fuckin in that muh fuckah!?

Muh fuckahs!?

If yah got time tah 


 and still makin 


Y'all muh fuckahs ain't even tryin!

Just complainin and fuckin!

It must be fuckin nice!

I ain't understandin that shit

At thah fuck all!!!


Thee Holy fuck!

Fuck y'all!

And fuck that noise!

Fucking die!

With y'alls sorry obviously havin ah sex addiction non-not believin in birth control broke still havin babies muh fuckin asses!

I'm fuckin tired!

And I hope 

US is


(Peace! More to come...)

The Ultimate Plan To Stop Child Trafficking

 If yah give ah good God damn!




Lil !

Muh fuckahs!


Problem solved!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Let Me Get My Old Black Sorry Ass Home!

 I can't fuckin wait tah get my 

Black ass home now!

But I've always been a



Even more so!


Somethins brewin out in this muh fuckah!

And I sho nuff don't like thah muh fuckin

Smell of thah


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The Refinement of Pickle Juice

 I absolutely fuckin love drinkin 

Pickle juice!

Do you undahstand!?


That shit is mouth waterin delicious tah me!

Sip that shit like muh fuckahs' sip on thah finest



Now just like 

Wine, beer and spirits

Are all not thah same!

So, too thine beloved

Pickle juice!

Hell naw!

Give me some

"Claussen" pickle juice?!

I'll sip on that shit all fucking


Thah othah shit I'll drink!

But shiiiought!

What's ah niggah tah do!?

Just like alcohol!

Yah just can't pour thah shit out!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Homemade Digestif

 Two shots of gin

Two tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar

Two tablespoons Pickle Juice (Preferably Claussen's)

One teaspoon olive juice

One teaspoon lemon juice

Two shots seltzer water.

It tastes like a slightly watered down


But your gut flora will love you for it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"BoOM! - Bellarina with DJ Terra Firma" Dropped 12Dec2022Mon


I said


Bustin in thah  muh fuckin suckahs fuckin


With suckahs that don't know how tah muh fuckin...


I got tah take ah shit in thah muh fuckin



Yah mothah fuckahs

 Got that!?...

(Pause in music for three seconds then)


Let's say it again!...


I said


(With music simultaneously starting again with the first 'B' sound that comes out of 

Bellarina's mouth)...

The Cloud Reacts The Same, Whether It's Digital Currency Or The Law! It Fucking Dissipates!


Yah got all these muh fuckin 

Law Offices that have their own physical

"Journals of Law"


Yah think that's just ah waste of fuckin money!?


Let's put all them shits yo sorry ass physically


And let's put it all into 

"The Cloud"!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Well, I's Be Literate! God Damnit!

 When yo ol Black sorry broke ass speaks tah enough muh fuckahs yah start undertandin some shit about 

US niggahs!

"Well what about white people?"

I ain't white!

I went tah Crispus Attucks High School with my broke Black sorry ass!

Grew up in ah niggah neighborhood!

And I am in fact, a niggah!...



Most of 


Are so used tah talkin tah ignorant non-readin muh fuckahs,

US Black broke sorry asses start tah think:

All of thah rest of



Black sorry asses



(Peace! More to come...)

Conspiracy Theory?


There's ah fuckin 

Conspiracy against

US by these sorry ass muh fuckin elite and their

Men toys!

God damnit!



Ass went missin ah long fuckin time ago!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"ID2020/Digital Identity Alliance"






Times Two!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Patent "WO2020060606 - Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data"






(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Real American Dollars (Daniel Deal, 33 Years Old, Son of Texas Hold 'em's Three Time Champion - 66 Years old, Grate Deal) Fri03Mar2023

 "Boy! Let me tell  yah! If yah gonnah get on in this here thing!?

I just have tah tell yah!

Digital dollars, house dollars...

Ain't worth shit!

Play money that's all!

Yah ain't really lived

Until yah got thah shit in your hands!


Countin them fools waisted dollahs

Who you've

Outplayed for this 


American smellin



I Love her ass! 

I really do!

Ain't talked tah her in many moons! 

"The Revivalists - Wish I knew you"

My ol Black ass thinks of her!

She was my Friend back in thah day!

Lost touch with her some kindah way!

I still remembah her beatific smile!

Lil-bity muh fuckah!

But her smile could light up an already lighted room!

Yah heard may?!...


I remembah her and I 

Stayed up all night watchin thah,

"Def Comedy Jams" videos!

We laughed Our asses off, 

While drinkin and smokin!

Then her children wakin up at 6:30 AM and shit!

I remembah I said tah her,

Time tah go!

And she said tah me,

"No, you didn't niggah! Oh, no you didn't!" She with her lil beautiful self tryin tah get ill.

Whah?! Playin dumb!

"Yo ass gonnah watch these two lil muh fuckahs until my ass can rest up!"

Shit!? What We talkin?!

"Six hours minimum!"

 Bet! I can do that! But check it!? I'm wakin yo ass up in six hours! Twelve-thirty Sonshine!

"Boy! Boo!"

I ain't kiddin R-Dawg! I'm wakin that ass up! 

For real!

I heard her snoring before I got thah last statement out!

How thah fuck she do that shit!?

I turned to her children,

Cereal or pancakes?

"Pancakes!" In unison of course.

Should have known!

Well Pancakes it is!

"Yay!" In unison of course.

Y'all sure y'all don't want cereal?

"Pancakes!" In unison of course!?...

'Love You Lady! And them two lil bad ass

Muh fuckahs!...

Still !!!'...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Executive Order 14067" II

 "By the authorities vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of  The United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows..."


Shit bout ready tah hit thah proverbial fan!

They say July 4, 1776!?

Two-hundred and forty six years of 

Executive Orders!?

Research thah shit!



Executive Orders

Are passed down!

It ain't evah been 

Nothin Nice for


(Peace! More to come...)

Oh! Don't US Ever Fucking Tapout Of This Shit!

 You can be whomever yo sorry ol Black broke sorry ass wannah be 


It's fuckin easy as shit!


When yo sorry ol Black sorry ass decides tah deal with 


One word:


(Peace! More to come...)

I See You!

 There 're oft time ah plethora of souls imbedded in 


Unappreciated of course

By US!...

Yah don't even have tah notice very hard if yah just

Tap In!

Especially noticin thah shit in Our youths!

They'll say some shit,

And my ol Black sorry broke ass will smile like ah muh fuckah!

Or outright almost hit thah muh fuckin floor with laughtah!

Cause all I'm thinkin is:

"Yo ass is blessed with many 

Downtrodden old broke Black ass



(Peace! More to come...)


 "You are crazy!"


(Peace! More to come...)

Stories of The Unvaccinated (Michael N. Grate, 39 Years Old, Black, Local 440 Plumbers, Steamfitters...Member) Wed-12Oct2022

 "Well you're nuts! Why don't you get vaccinated!?"

Because Our Father told me not too.

"Our Father?!"



Long story short.

Now I'm paraphrasin of course.

Our Father said to me, 

"If yah take thah shit!? 

Yah gonnah die!

And if yah don't take thah shit!?

Yah gonnah die!"...

Monday, October 10, 2022

Creating A Safe Haven

 We all see on these movies!

Or when ah muh fuckah tellin you some shit bout what's happenin in their perspective neighborhoods and shit!

Peekin out thah fuckin blinds and curtains!...

Fuck that noise Sonshines!

Take yo sorry broke ol Black ass out there!

And see what thah Holy fuck is goin on!?

If need be call thah fuckin cops and make their sorry asses earn their keep!

If that shit fails!...

I guess I got tah shoot a niggah!


If yah gonnah be scared in the home which you have chosen your family tah live!?


Our asses ain't safe any damn


(Peace! More to come...)

"Executive Order 14067"

 They wannah roll thah shit out in December...2022!

Yea-ah Sonshines!

I got ah fuckin brothah hell bent on buying bitcoin!


Yah evah heard of 


Gonnah tear Our asses Up!

Beiden signin thah shit behind closed doors and shit!

Ain't one mainstream media organization reportin about thah shit!

And throughout US sorry ass broke American History!

If they ain't talkin bout some shit!?

We already in thah shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, October 9, 2022


 We don't owe any muh fuckin body anything


I mean don't tell Ray-Ray down thah street yah got that muh fuckah tomorrow!

And don't pay thah muh fuckah!?

That shit's foul all day long cause US 's 

Broke Black asses!

That shit's ill!

I mean big lenders can absorb that kind of shit !


"Bailing Out"!


"Bailing In" 

Some shit!


Don't fuck Ray-Ray!


This institutional evil elite

Banking System!


They've made an evil quite of bit of their so-called


Off of


(Peace! More to come...)

"All Natural - Laura's Lean Beef - 96% Lean - 4% Fat" - Marketed At "Meijer"

So my Wife wanted tacos today!

Well, shit!

Got tah get ground beef! 

Cause We don't have thah shit in thah fuckin freezer or refrigetator!

I thought thah topic of note was bullshit!?

But my Black broke sorry ass buys thah shit!

Tastes aftah cookin thah shit and thinks,

"Is this what ground beef really tastes like?!"

God damn!?...

And thah only real reason I bought thah shit was because:

They didn't have any three pound chubs that were supposedly on sale,

The house ground beef was marked $7.99 a fuckin deplorable pound,

And this shit was marked down tah $5.75 ah pound, cause thah shit's expiration is 

October 09, 2022!


Good lookin out!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Amen II

 If...US believes in

Our Father!?


Everything is gonnah work out just fuckin

Fine for


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Hush Money

 Their sorry lazy, filthy, no count, mothah fuckin...asses can

Quell the muh fuckin 


That's fo damn sho!

"Fuck the government! Those pedophilic Luciferian mothah fuckahs!"


(Hit answer)


"Mister Black?"


"We would like to thank you for your true Americanism. But we're going to have to ask for your true Americanism! You have to cease and desist speaking about Our fine Federal Government in such a negative capacity."

"I'm a proud American damnit! I'm not going to stop speaking the truth on this God's green earth!"

"We'll make you tax exempt for the next six years. And send you a check for thirty-three thousand dollars for overpayment of federal taxes!"

"Y'all do direct deposit?"

"Yes. Mister Black."

"Then that'll be agreeable! But when should I expect my money?"

"Tomorrow Mister Black."

"Tomorow?! But today's Sunday!?"

"We do our best work on Sunday Mister Black! 

Our best work!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Truth!? Is Being Told! Right In Front Of US Eyes!

 Do US really want it!

Like ol 'Jack Nicholson' said in 

"A Few Good Men":

"You can't handle the truth!"

And US really thinks that's just a

Great screenplay in ah muh fuckin




(Peace! More to come...)

Pilots Know!

 Them muh fuckahs know!

 That this muh fuckah's Flat!

But they say,

"Fuck all that noise!

Where's my fuckin check!?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Truth Be Told!

"Crumbling Down - John Mellencamp". 

Think that shit's bout his ass and his experiences?


Them sorry ass muh fuckahs got


Or "Pink Floyd's - Another Brick In The Wall"...

Are about any othah thing save for 

Antarctica and the ice wall crumblin?!

Or the movie "Truman", when that muh fuckah's boat hits that wall with all the clouds and blue skies and shit with stairs leading out that muh fuckah?!


Just look at GOTs?!

Talkin bout, 

"Holdin the wall!" And everyone's freezin their nuts off!

For thah fuck what!?

Cause there's somethin ovah that muh fuckin wall they don't want

US tah know about!


We're only ah witness tah 

One-quarter of thah true breadth of this 


And fuckin


I'd fuckin like tah really know!

What's behind those muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Choices Hath Thine Reaped Ye Sadly?

 Everything that Our insignificant, no count, broke, sorry ass...experiences!

Leads Our Beautiful sorry asses tah where this shit's eventually goin tah play out for


When We finally close Our tired ass eyes for thah last fuckin time!


Find Our warm Father's Spirit within!

Cause if We did what We did in Our sorry ass broke lives tah make this

Heaven a bettah place!...

Then go to sleep!

And sleep 


If not...

Then go to


(Peace! More to come...)

We're Only Monkeys To Them!

 They had this series back in thah day called:

"Faces of Death"!

They didn't show thah shit on regular television or none of that shit!

I finally saw it when it came available on videotape!

Yes, videotape muh fuckahs!

I told y'all 

My Black broke sorry ass is old!?


Some muh fuckin things don't fuckin watch 


I remembah tah this fuckin day on one of those shits!

There was this monkey's head popping up from a hole in thah middle of ah muh fuckin dinner table!

Diners surrounding this poor monkeys exposed head!

I forget if they carved the monkey's scull tableside or not...

Shit's been ah long fuckin time ago!

But it's still vivid as evah!

They were around this muh fuckah tah eat thah brain of that monkey!

That monkey yelled, screamed...whatevah monkeys do when they are in severe pain God damnit!

I said to myself, 

The fuck y'all's sorry asses doin!?...

Been scarred ever since!

"Well, it was only a 


It's called empathy mothah fuckah!

That's what they 're sorry elite no count havin asses still treatin and callin


(Peace! More to come...)

Drinking Spirits

 I keep tellin muh fuckahs,

Thah shit ain't called 

Beer, Wine and Spirits 

For shits sake!?

Fuck naw!

Beer and wine been around since 

US began!


But those current


Are manmade alchemies!


Came hella aftah


(Peace! More to come...)

"Ye" 's Been Gone! Yo! II

 "I can't believe this Yo! Y'all lettin that muh fuckah dictate my lineage! My heritage! My...brilliance!...That shit ain't right Yo!"

"Kanye!? We have a contract! Signed in your very rare B+ blood type!..."

"I fuckin know that muh fuckah!...Just sayin!"...

Then "Prince" chimes in,

"Have you ever fucking seen those 'Dr. Pepper' commercials

They let 'em get away with?!

'It's the sweet one!' 

Could slap his handsome transgendered sorry ass

Cute face!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Ye" 's Been Gone! Yo!

 Thah muh fuckah said,

"I sold my soul to the devil!" In one of his joints!

So it was just a mattah of time before his numbah was up!?

"Check this out playah!? Yah had a good run! Good run! Brilliant, you definitely are! Yes! Yes! Oh, but I did I tell yah We gottah clone yo ass!? It was in the contract, you signed, with your own blood which states, "All manner in me which is either, me, the real me, the fabricated me, cloned me...?" We made that deal "Kanye"! And a deal is a deal with him! Yah know for 'Fame' and perceived 'Fortune'!"...

That's why they killed his Momma!

Cause ah Momma would sho nuff fuckin know!

That niggah ain't my muh fuckin child!


What thah legal mothah fuckahs sing-songly call:

Malice Aforethought!...


"Ye" is thah synthetic!

Now actin out tryin tah find his young birthed test-tubed baby havin ass synthetic confused mind!


Now "Kanye!?" Livin someplace they take those now cloned mothah fuckahs tah live out thah rest of their sorry ass lives right beside the

Devil on this earth!

Where fucking

Ain't even fun anymore!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Police in New Hampshire city stop 147 drivers in a 5 hour span amid crackdown on excessive speeding - Yahoo News"


Them were some lazy mothah fuckahs! 

Go anywhere in this US!?

If these muh fuckin lazy ass 

LEO's (Law Enforcement Officials)

Would give their job ah 

Total commitment!

Instead of ah less than half ass kind of commitment!?

The town, the city and the state!

Could make their nut in one fuckin week!

Have ah hella surplus for infrastructure!

Cause shit, when yo sorry ol broke Black ass goin 65 mph and ah vehicle in thah passing lane goes past you like you are doing 30 mph!?

That's fucking dangerous and reckless!

Cause I sho in thah fuck ain't seen

"Tony Stewart"

In any one of those numerous shit fasted


(Peace! More to come....)

Patents v Copyrights

 The tangible shit can only be patented for no more than 20 years!?

So the subliminal shit can be copyrighted for the life of the author plus 70 years!


Start writin muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome)

 The elite and 

Our leaders!



Evil sorry ass

Muh fuckahs!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"NAMI: National Alliance for Mental Illness - 'Fox 59'"

 So these sorry ass muh fuckahs had a walk for the cause type of shit!?

The woman spokesperson for thah organization, forget her name and don't give ah real fuck, was lookin like somethin was majorly wrong with her freakish ass! Fake smile, eyes looking out at nothing...

She had a tight shot of herself while doing this story via her own cell phone. But when the story was over she was trying tah hit thah muh fuckin "End/Disconnect" spot on her cell!

And the cell panned around kindah chaotically while she was tryin tah hit thah shit and less than six muh fuckahs at thah spot! Includin her damn self!

I'm thinkin tah myself!

Talkin that mental illness shit!?

And askin muh fuckahs tah take a walk for a fuckin cause with

33 degrees weather in Indianapolis this mornin!?

Yah see!?

Muh fuckahs ain't that 



(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, October 7, 2022

K.I.A.s (Know It Alls)

 Don't cha get tired of that sorry ass shit!

God damn!

I got my degree in Telecommunications!

And I had a brother tryin tah tell me about

AM Radio Broadcasting!?

"You're wrong." I simply said.

"I'm telling you Meredith! I know what I'm talking about!" He tried to coerce.

I just shut thah fuck up and let 'im  talk!

Cause that's what his sorry ass needed at thah time!

Tah just hear his misinformed ass fuckin talk!...

"Well what about now?"


Thee Holy fuck

We gonnah talk thah fuck about


(Peace! More to come...)

The Fine Print

 Here's one of the major problems now!

"We haven't been able to hire anyone to fill all of these open positions!"

But what their sorry muh fuckin asses leavin out is:

"You have to be vaccinated!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"95% Of Our Senses Are Visual!"

 Think about that My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

You know how you talkin to ah muh fuckah in ah public place?

And yah tryin tah pay attention tah what thah muh fuckah is sayin tah yah?

But there's this muh fuckah on the fringes actin up, but the vision is blurred because yo focus tryin tah stay engaged with the topic of the conversation of note?

Then you see ah muh fuckah for no apparent reason that makes you think he is familiar in some kind of way!

And yo brain's photographs, videos...are Terabytes to infinite...

And it's not that you know thah muh fuckah!

That was the muh fuckah in the fringes of your past focused acuity while yo ass was tryin tah have ah conversation with anothah!

Some 30 days ago!...


Our minds


Can't evah be


(Peace! More to come...)

Treat An Other As US Will Want To Be Treated

 I love thah way I fuckin think!

And all of 

US as

Individual Americans


When yo ol broke Black sorry ass been around people as much as I have and haven't learned some shit about US nature!?

Then I should die right thah fuck now!


I'm Still here!

Writin this shit!...


And yah nevah fuckin know!

When One, such as I, breaks down my thought processes? One, such as I, has to challenge said thought processes!

"Well, how do you do that smartass?!"

I ain't sayin I'm smart!

Just very observant about Human communication with my fifty-six years old Black broke sorry ass! That's all!?


Well...I've noticed with ovah thirty years of Customer/Patient Services!

Make muh fuckahs comfortable in thah fact:


 Is all about


Even though thah shit really ain't!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Tower of Babel

 They flaunt some of those joints that the elite own

And sometimes decide tah reside for ah time!

Lookin out all ovah the various US cities from


But no mattah how high up yah live you sorry worthless ass 

Muh fuckahs!

Yah inevitably have tah come down to 

Our sorry broke ass 

Ground level!

Whether tah fuckin 




When yo fuckin sorry rich asses blessed

Naturally or



(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Score Keeping


Globalism my right nut!

"What about your left nut?"

That shit don't mattah!

Cause my Black broke sorry ass tryin tah make ah fuckin point!

And yah fuckin up thah mental flow!


Thank you. Your sorry is most sincerely accepted and appreciated!

"Please? Proceed."

Well, what I'm tryin tah say is they brought soccer (football) ovah in this muh fuckah!

Ain't nobody in thah US gonnah watch that shit!

Fuckin boring as fuck!

But let me suggest somethin tah yah Sonshines!

It's not that it's boring... but them muh fuckahs like thah  stupid ass marketing of hockey!

Yo sorry ass scores a goal!

And yah sorry ass gets one fuckin point!

Now compare that shit tah...let's say

American football!

You score ah goal

And my sorry American football havin ass

Makes six times more than yo sorry ass one shit!

And doesn't six points sound way bettah than one fuckin measly ass point!?

From ah marketing perspective!?

I mean shit!

Beatin ah muh fuckin team 21-7!

Sounds way bettah than

3-1 on any muh fuckin game day!...

Sorry Love! I was just on ah roll.

"Fuck you niggah!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Lost US Team Members

 Yah have tah appreciate yo


Yah just have to!

These muh fuckahs out here sellin their muh fuckin 

Souls for sorry ass

Fame and sorry ass 



They are not a part of 


Any longah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Nature Of The elite

 "But I don't understand!? 

Why are they so evil!? 

They have everything that money can buy!...

Why do they do what they are doing?"

And I got thah muh fuckin 

Simple answah tah that stupid shit:

Cause they muh fuckin 


And they muh fuckin sho nuff



(Peace! More to come...)

Peep This?!

 "Just because ah muh fuckah is thah One that's out front, payin Our bills and shit! He think he can always talk fo US! Fuck that! I can talk! Thah fuck!"

Oh, you can talk. That's for damn sho!

"Ha! Ha! Mothah fuckah! I'm tryin tah speak some truth ta yo ol Black broke sorry ass! We need that shit right now! You remembah all thah times my ass took ovah in many of situations and I got US through that shit!?"

Yeah! I remember! But it wasn't nothin nice at all goin through that noise! Shit!

"But yah made it through it mothah fuckah! We made it through thah shit! Cause of my Black ass!"

And We got Our asses fired!

"Thee Holy fuck! You remembah where yo tired ass was workin?! Havin ah degree from Butler University and workin in thah muh fuckin sorry ass 'Dairy' department in the God awful night shift at sorry ass "Meijer"!? So my Black ass took ovah for ah minute! We just told muh fuckahs thah truth that's all!? And they couldn't handle thah muh fuckin truth! Come ohn naw niggah!?"

We could have handled it way bettah than that shit! And you know me well enough Love that money don't mean shit tah me!? And shit, it's not where you fuckin work?! Just fuckin work!

"Don't give ah fuck! Our sorry asses weren't supposed tah be there tah begin with and you fuckin know it! Wasn't where We were meant tah be!"

And where in thah Holy fuck are We meant tah be!?

"Well niggah! That's what my Black ass needs tah talk tah ah niggah about?..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

These Sorry Ass Evil Luciferian No-Count Preachers!

 They want tah speak Our Father's

Sacred Words to 



Can you read mothah fuckahs?!

Well shiiiought!

You don't need anothah One of 


Decipherin those intimate

Blessed words from 

Our Father's love meant for only


(Peace! More to come...)

And They Say US Niggahs Are Dumb?! II

 How thah Holy fuck George W sorry ass applyin for ah muh fuckin job as 

President of this here United States

With ah 2.35 GPA graduating from Harvard?!

And his sorry ass gets thah muh fuckin job!?

Only in America!


Send ah fuckin transcript tah any employer with that type of absurdity!

Our sorry asses ain't even gonnah get ah lettah of rejection!

Just goes tah show US the absurdity even further about 

"Public Servitude"!

The higher yah sorry lazy ass goes up!?

The dumber

Yo sorry ass has tah


(Peace! More to come..)

And They Say US Niggahs Are Dumb?!

 US are gettin played Sonshines!

These muh fuckahs talkin that miscommunication shit in politics, most,  have ah muh fuckin

Law Degree!

And degrees from Harvard, Yale, Penn...

And these muh fuckahs misspeaking?!

Not understanding the American public?!

Tryin tah change US Constitution!?...


Ivy League my sorry ol broke Black sorry ass!

That's some Bush league muh fuckin shit there!


Those two muh fuckahs did go tah 

Harvard and Yale! 

But they were too damn dumb tah get ah muh fuckin

Law Degree from those two shits!

And them sorry muh fuckahs were both



(Peace! More to come...)

Dilation Is Necessary For The Overall Health Of US Minds' Eyes!

 Remembah ol George Carlin when he said,

"It's a big old club. And you ain't in it!"

People in thah audiences laughin at that shit!?

I did too at thah shit until things started makin hella sense by 

Dilating my pupils!

Lettin all that fuckin effulgent light in my two shits,

That's damn near blinding me!

But shiiiought!

Ah niggah got tah do!

What ah niggah got tah do 

For excellent 

Visual acuity

Until ah niggah dies!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

You!... Are One Of A Kind!


Are not like anyone else in or has ever been living in this 


Our minds and  Our souls have been precisely programmed so long ago to be not like 



For Our

Human existence



Look in thah muh fuckin mirror and be beyond



Are fucking!



(Peace! More to come...)

Facing The Inevitable

 Niggresses and Niggahs!

Yo sorry broke Black asses ain't gonnah live forevah!

That shit

Wasn't evah meant tah evah be!





With Our Father's wondrous blessing to US


My sorry ol Black broke ass gonnah fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

They Want To Give US All Facials!? The Smearing Campaign And Then Some...US Won't Have The Right to say, "No"!!!

 Before I stopped watchin porn, this was thah shit!

A man whether gettin a BJ, HJ, TJ, Propah PJ or an AJ...thah finale would be cumming all on that woman's face! You do know porn is all about male dominance and debauchery!? Why the Holy fuck ah female would do thah shit willfully is beyond my ol Black sorry broke ass?! 


Cause real Women don't...willfully! 

That's why I stopped watchin thah shit! A normal biological female ain't gonnah do that type of degrading shit! Not for potential millions tah witness! I's gives ah real good Holy fuck! 

Trust me!?

Unless they've been brainwashed or are MTF transgenders!...

Just suggestin!?

 But that's a topic for anothah blog! 

Coming real soon! (And forgive the soon to be pun!)


Thee Holy fuck!

"They want to enslave US!"

Naw Playahs and Playesses!

That shit's not good enough for their ingrate sick entitled lazy sorry asses!

Fuck naw!

You're goin tah feel their nasty ass evil

Warmth from even an endless amount of miles away from

Their sorry lazy ass elites' putrid ejaculate!

Every single One of


On Our sorry broke ass, 



Dripping slippery gross nasty ass


And US sorry broken nasty asses witnessed it

Building up and even

Witnessed it...


(Peace! More to come...)

Defining Space

 Once thah muh fuckin jig was up, in my ol Black sorry broke ass's Our Father's mind's eye, with them

NASA lyin lazy muh fuckahs!?

Them muh fuckahs can kiss my ol' Black sorry broke ass until my soon passing!

Have you seen some of their buffooneries!?

That sorry made up shit

Should infuriate US!

But it doesn't!


Cause We all dream of gettin 



Out this muh fuckah!

God damnit!

Our Heavenly Father!

That's why!

Let me suggest just one thing tah yah My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

That NASA a fucking 

NASA absurd dream!

And I'm so glad tah avow tah One and all of 

US Sonshines!

This Firmament is all that 



(Peace! More to come...)

My Best Friend Forever, Depression? But The Muh Fuckah Gettin On My Ol Black Sorry Broke Ass Fuckin Nerves Here Lately! And Sleep Envy.

 You just want thah muh fuckin shit tah stop!

The over analyzing, the worry, the anxiety, the replay shit that's goin through yo sorry ass mind constantly and you can't hit "Stop," the feeling of perpetual fatigue, sleepless nights, the feeling of perpetual doom, the mental conditional outside invasive perpetual trauma, their fuckin lying ass lies hearin them ovah and fuckin ovah, stupid entitled welfare recipients includin thah fuckin sorry ass elite fuckin whining all thah God damned time cause they don't fuckin work...




That's why yo sorry ol Black broke ass reaches out and induces something! 

To make thah shit "Stop" for just a lil while! 

Put thah muh fuckin bullshit on pause so my sorry tired ol ass can get some muh fuckin well needed Holy fucking blessed


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, October 3, 2022

I Guess We Can Create Our Own Heaven!

 Everybody talkin that crazy ass shit,

"It's how you play the game!?"


Ah game has winners and losers!

Look around yo sorry Black broke asses!?

Do yah really witness any fuckin

Winners amongst


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, October 2, 2022

The Muh Fuckin Future For US All...Depends On You!

 My daughter is kind of like me with

Suicidal tendencies and shit!

Thee Holy fuck I'm gonnah tell her,

"Don't do it Momma!?"


I told her straight up!

I've put thah barrel of my .38 caliber in my mouth, 

Pointed upwards three fuckin times!...

But here my ol Black sorry broke ass still be!...

(Peace! More to come...)

One Has To Rest For A Time...Or A Lifetime!

 "Don't We see what is going on!?

How can We not!?"


Ignorance is bliss muh fuckah!

And so too were 


(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck Memory Lane! But...It Is What This Muh Fuckin Life Truly Is! II

 "Well I don't see a blog of your Mother or your Father? Were they there for you all?"

Fuck yeah they were there!




Thah Holy fuck yo sorry ol Black sorry broke ass gonnah say about yo muh fuckin parents!?

 That is thee Holy fuck any different than what yo sorry ailing ass is going through that is thah fuck all different than thah othah muh fuckahs done said?!


I'm sorry!

My Parents were special!

Niggahs please!

All parents are special!

If they are worth one damn


Sorry ass


(Peace! More to come..._

Fuck Memory Lane! But...It Is What This Muh Fuckin Life Truly Is!

 My Brother Hubert called me yesterday and just today I called him back.

We chitchatted for a time.

But his request was,

"That story you wrote about Chauncey? 

"Breath in. Breath out. (02June2011 Blog)"

 Send it to me."

Well aftah ah long while My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs I captured it!

 Read it!

Told him where to find it!

And read it again!

And cried like ah muh fuckah!

I ain't ah muh fuckah that travels down the road:

"Remember When?" evah!


But I'm thankful to Our Heavenly Father and My Brothah that I did!

And my ol Black broke sorry ass still is humbled and cryin!

I rarely read old blogs for ah muh fuckin reason!

I get thah muh fuckin shit out!

And fuckin



Don't do this shit tah my ol Black broke sorry ass again!?

Just suggestin


(Peace! More to come...)

Tomfoolery And "Richard Hell and the Voidoids - Love Comes In Spurts (First heard, "Pump Up The Volume-1990")"

 Muh fuckahs want tah sit up here talkin hellah shit!


Dandy in fact!

But Sonshines!?

Them evil elite, lazy, no-count, sadistic, pedophilic, narcissistic, worthless, cowardly, murderoUS, spurts of sperm...muh fuckahs!

Are just that!




Genetically Modified

Human fuckin useless


(Peace! More to come...)

"Streets Of Philadelphia" And The Sacred Simplistic Truth of US

 I remembah in that movie My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Denzel Washington bein thah attorney for the unfortunate HIV soul, 

Tom Hanks.

He would ask muh fuckahs,

"Explain it to me like I'm a nine year old?"

Or somethin close tah that shit! It's been ah long time since I saw that shit and I'm not watchin that muh fuckah again for exactness sake!

Fuck that noise!

My time in this firmament is quickly runnin out!

The point bein...

Cause yah see?!

If yah can't explain shit in a non-legalese fashion and make fuckin hella sense!?...

Our sorry assUS done been


(Peace! More to come...)

Mystically US II

 Well, finally my eyes roamed left until they set upon the book I was reading,

"On Writing by Stephen King".

But the funniest thing...

I noticed out of the corner of my right eye again, his aubergine aura was only maybe six inches away from my right foot!?

Then I heard the announcement:

"Delta Flight 2466 now boarding for Las Vegas!"

And the man instantly stood up.

I swiftly picked up my carryon.

Circled around to my left and left the terminal!

Let my Black sorry ass see if I can get my money back for this about to be missed flight?!

If not!?

Fuck it!

My Black broke ass is going back 


And fuck a manmade


(Peace! More to come...)

"Putin Announces The West Are Nothing But Satanists"

 Why is that even a muh fuckin headline!

Don't US all know that shit!?



Capitalism is 

Spawned is in


Ain't that what US is all going through,


Ain't no goodness in capitalism anywhere!...

Ergo, by deduction,

Our Father has left 



US being led by funky evil ass

Step daddies!

We 're led by them until those muh fuckahs meet with some unfortunate

Fatal Accidents!

Fatal Accidents that

US colludes!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Mystically US

 I see a perpetual haze around US!

"Well, you probably have cataracts with your old ass!?"


But I guess I should define myself better. 

I'm speaking of the metaphysical instead of the physical.

We good?


Well, I used to see auras around people. And the auras had a whole array of various colors. I remember seeing this man in the airport. He was in the same terminal as I, sitting opposite me maybe three uncomfortable seats to my right! As usual, I people watch at the airport. Looking at the various, wondrous arrays...then I looked toward the man aforementioned and he had this aubergine emanation spreading some three feet around him, which no one else was even coming close to or going into. I stared because I had never seen anything like it on an other? Something told me to quit looking at him. So as I slowly start panning toward my left, I see out of the corner of my right eye, him just beginning to look up from his book he was reading and now, staring at me. 

And I continued panning left...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Transgenderism: Cause It Ain't Supposed To Be!

"A Transgendered individual is four times more likely than a normal sex gendered individual to experience depression."


I wondah why?!

Have you evah seen SRS?!

Fucking horrible and brutal surgery!

It's called


You stupid mothah fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Asians and US Blacks


Just try tah procreate with those sorry ass 

Nordic genes!?

Yo sorry ass gonnah have ah lil


Or ah lil


What about Asians and 

US Blacks procreating?!


That's fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Thee Holy Fuck US Got The Nerves To Be Scared Of?!

 When muh fuckahs can find you and you only have givin reasonable information is

A Beautiful Thang!

Muh fuckahs wannah talk bout,

"That's fucking stalking!"


Thah fuck they want!?


Thah fuck they gonnah get!?

I'm just ah ol Black sorry broke ass man!

Who shall die very 


Muh fuckahs!...

Just do thah damn thing!

But bring yo muh fuckin breakfast, lunch and


(Peace! More to come...)

"Georgia v Missouri" 2-3. Bet!

 I don't give ah shit about one team or anothah!

But my ol Black sorry broke ass sure do loves me a good ol college football game!

And fuck thah "NFL"! 

Professionals fixin games and shit!

Thah Holy fuck!...


Yo sorry 2-2 ass got thah numbah one team in thah muh fuckin country on thah fuckin ropes!?

Maybe they havin ah bad fuckin day!?

Maybe y'alls sorry 2-2 asses just doin thah damn thang!?

But if my ol Black sorry broke ass was ah bettin man?

I'd pick thah formah!

And when yo 2-2 sorry ass knows yah ain't gonnah be six yards of maybe victory at thah end too many times in this muh fuckah goin against thah number one team in thah country!?

And thah best y'alls 2-2 sorry asses got is ah muh fuckin

Field goal!?

Against thah numbah one team!?

In thah country!?

With fourth and goal!?


Y'all 2-2 sorry asses still wonderin,

"Did I hit the lottery!? Are these numbers really correct?!"

Muh fuckahs!

Y'all just wannah find ah muh fuckin reason tah


And maybe thah muh fuckin "NFL"

Is not thah only one


(Peace! More to come...)

The Names In The Game

 How in thah Holy fuck do muh fuckahs named:

Dabo and Jimbo get ah fuckin head coachin job

On any level!? 


And them muh fuckahs makin millions at it!?

Thee Holy fuck!?

That would be like two niggahs gettin ah head coachin job with the names:

Sha'quan and Ja'Marcus!

That shit just ain't gonnah happen


On any muh fuckin

US level!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ain't No Muh Fuckin Nukes!

 Ain't no fuckin 

Nuclear Weapons!

Them shits bout as fake as ah Haitian's

US passport!

Think about it!?

Who controls thah 

Nuclear armaments?!

Thee fuckin lazy sorry ass elite!

If yah haven't noticed!?

Them elite muh fuckahs hellah


Nee 1945!

Ain't one of'em so called 

Nukes have evah decimated US!

And here US sorry broke asses still be!

Come ohn naw!?/

They would've dropped one or two of those muh fuckahs on

The Caribbean island of Hispaniola a long fuckin time


(Peace! More to come...)