Friday, October 7, 2022

Treat An Other As US Will Want To Be Treated

 I love thah way I fuckin think!

And all of 

US as

Individual Americans


When yo ol broke Black sorry ass been around people as much as I have and haven't learned some shit about US nature!?

Then I should die right thah fuck now!


I'm Still here!

Writin this shit!...


And yah nevah fuckin know!

When One, such as I, breaks down my thought processes? One, such as I, has to challenge said thought processes!

"Well, how do you do that smartass?!"

I ain't sayin I'm smart!

Just very observant about Human communication with my fifty-six years old Black broke sorry ass! That's all!?


Well...I've noticed with ovah thirty years of Customer/Patient Services!

Make muh fuckahs comfortable in thah fact:


 Is all about


Even though thah shit really ain't!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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