Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Coldest Tis Nigh! @Dec2022

 This winter in thah 

US is gonnah be ah brutally cold muh fuckah!

"Yah know with Global Warming throwin off  nature's cycles in such a violent way!?"

How thah fuck these muh fuckahs can sit up there and make just bold faced fucking lies?...

It's called Geo-Engineering, HAARP, Weather Modification...and whatever thah fuck!

US is on tah yah sorry worthless elite asses!

Pretty soon US gonnah come for yah!

I just hope yo sorry rich ass is 

Prepared for this 

Blood filled fallout!

Why do you think thah sorry elite muh fuckahs done threw 100 million dollars at some sorry ass

"He Gets US" campaign?!

They know a lot of their sorry ass worthless blood will be shed! Because of their sins that will be 

Revealed very soon!

And US broke sorry asses ain't gonnah loose ah fucking


But my ol broke Black sorry ass will have no mercy for they

And what they have done to


"He Gets US!"

But them evil elite muh fuckahs never will!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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