Saturday, October 8, 2022

"Police in New Hampshire city stop 147 drivers in a 5 hour span amid crackdown on excessive speeding - Yahoo News"


Them were some lazy mothah fuckahs! 

Go anywhere in this US!?

If these muh fuckin lazy ass 

LEO's (Law Enforcement Officials)

Would give their job ah 

Total commitment!

Instead of ah less than half ass kind of commitment!?

The town, the city and the state!

Could make their nut in one fuckin week!

Have ah hella surplus for infrastructure!

Cause shit, when yo sorry ol broke Black ass goin 65 mph and ah vehicle in thah passing lane goes past you like you are doing 30 mph!?

That's fucking dangerous and reckless!

Cause I sho in thah fuck ain't seen

"Tony Stewart"

In any one of those numerous shit fasted


(Peace! More to come....)

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