Friday, October 14, 2022

Cain v Abel II

 I told y'all Momma!

And I told yo ass Daddy!

Me or Abel got tah go out intah that shit tah know what 

We are goin tah be up against in the near future!

What did y' all do!?

Didn't make ah choice for

Knowledge sake!

And what did my ass find out!?


I was the Big Brothah tah all these muh fuckahs!

Givin me thah hard shit, tillin thah earth and shit!?

His ass walkin sheep and shit!

Ain't no work in that shit!

And God havin thah nerves tah diss my shit!

Yeah they gonnah kill me!

But cha see!?

If I'm not Abel to kill them first!?

And let me tell yah somethin you worthless Heathens to whom I shall dwell forever in my lifetime! 

If I can kill my Own Brother!?

Thee Holy fuck y' alls sorry asses got for me?!...

Fuck this noise!

I'm tired of beggin tah stay!

I'm out!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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