Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Here's How This Shit Flows: Toward Transhumanism.

 Yah remembah in "Star Wars" ol Black ass 'Darth Vader' came intah thah shit with ol Tarkin?

Thah one muh fuckah started talkin shit! Then thah othah muh fuckah had tah get his two cents worth sorry ass started talkin shit! Too!?

DeeVee went straight niggah on that muh fuckah!? 

Got about six feet from that muh fuckah and let thah force just tap that ass a lil!?

Mockin thah muh fuckah by squeezin his right forefinger and right thumb together at about two inches apart, while that disrespectful smartass muh fuckah chokin his ass off!

Then Tarkin with his ol weathered bureaucratic ass, lookin at thah shit like he is bored as fuck, thinkin thah fuck is wrong with you two!? Cut that shit out! Now! And start being civil! Then he heard thah muh fuckah havin thah nerves tah say, 

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." Tarkin thinkin!? Thah fuck wrong with you supersillymuhfuckahs!?

"Enough of this! Vader! Release him," Tarkin said.

"As you wish," Vader said. And let that muh fuckah go, and stepped aside like, this is some lightweight bullshit here! At least let me earn my digital notes?

But 'Vader' was ah smooth ass slave, he stepped in cause he thought that

"Massah!" was lettin thah shit go ah lil too far with this underling thing! 

But it worked thah fuck out!

Now, my Black technological singularity infused ass done did my fuckin part, to finally start getting rid of all of these 


Weak ass


(Peace! More to come...)

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