Tuesday, October 25, 2022

"Ye Lost 1.5 Billion In A Matter of Weeks. No Longer a Billionaire"

It's called 

Illiquidity muh fuckahs!


That muh fuckah nevah was even close tah bein ah fuckin billionaire!

Y'all talkin to thah fuckin wrong One right here!

Why thah Holy fuck we even waste

US precious's last days or hours listenin, readin or even watchin thah muh fuckin 

Propagandized news media!?

Cause the real billionaires ain't gonnah evah be treated even close tah like EMT


He's just anothah broke ass muh fuckah just like US...

Just was able tah carry that hall-

Pass fo ah minute or two longah!?

Now, them elite puttin thah toy in its place!

"Ye. The hall-pass please?

Time to come back to 


(Peace! More to come...)

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