Sunday, October 9, 2022

"All Natural - Laura's Lean Beef - 96% Lean - 4% Fat" - Marketed At "Meijer"

So my Wife wanted tacos today!

Well, shit!

Got tah get ground beef! 

Cause We don't have thah shit in thah fuckin freezer or refrigetator!

I thought thah topic of note was bullshit!?

But my Black broke sorry ass buys thah shit!

Tastes aftah cookin thah shit and thinks,

"Is this what ground beef really tastes like?!"

God damn!?...

And thah only real reason I bought thah shit was because:

They didn't have any three pound chubs that were supposedly on sale,

The house ground beef was marked $7.99 a fuckin deplorable pound,

And this shit was marked down tah $5.75 ah pound, cause thah shit's expiration is 

October 09, 2022!


Good lookin out!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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