Thursday, October 6, 2022

Score Keeping


Globalism my right nut!

"What about your left nut?"

That shit don't mattah!

Cause my Black broke sorry ass tryin tah make ah fuckin point!

And yah fuckin up thah mental flow!


Thank you. Your sorry is most sincerely accepted and appreciated!

"Please? Proceed."

Well, what I'm tryin tah say is they brought soccer (football) ovah in this muh fuckah!

Ain't nobody in thah US gonnah watch that shit!

Fuckin boring as fuck!

But let me suggest somethin tah yah Sonshines!

It's not that it's boring... but them muh fuckahs like thah  stupid ass marketing of hockey!

Yo sorry ass scores a goal!

And yah sorry ass gets one fuckin point!

Now compare that shit tah...let's say

American football!

You score ah goal

And my sorry American football havin ass

Makes six times more than yo sorry ass one shit!

And doesn't six points sound way bettah than one fuckin measly ass point!?

From ah marketing perspective!?

I mean shit!

Beatin ah muh fuckin team 21-7!

Sounds way bettah than

3-1 on any muh fuckin game day!...

Sorry Love! I was just on ah roll.

"Fuck you niggah!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

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