Sunday, October 2, 2022

Mystically US

 I see a perpetual haze around US!

"Well, you probably have cataracts with your old ass!?"


But I guess I should define myself better. 

I'm speaking of the metaphysical instead of the physical.

We good?


Well, I used to see auras around people. And the auras had a whole array of various colors. I remember seeing this man in the airport. He was in the same terminal as I, sitting opposite me maybe three uncomfortable seats to my right! As usual, I people watch at the airport. Looking at the various, wondrous arrays...then I looked toward the man aforementioned and he had this aubergine emanation spreading some three feet around him, which no one else was even coming close to or going into. I stared because I had never seen anything like it on an other? Something told me to quit looking at him. So as I slowly start panning toward my left, I see out of the corner of my right eye, him just beginning to look up from his book he was reading and now, staring at me. 

And I continued panning left...

(Peace! More to come...)

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