Monday, July 31, 2023

Brother John Todd (ex-Illuminate. Circumstances Unknown)

 No matter where you are my US


I can still hear your voice of



No matter US's 



Cause ain't no way you're still with thah muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Elon Musk II


All that muh fuckin money?! With his ugly big ass head busted ass!

And that's thah best yo sorry ass can come up with!

These evil elite muh fuckahs are stupid as fuck!

Niggah there's only one 


And that'll always be Malcolm!

Quit muh fuckin playin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

March?! US Will March Right Into Our Deaths With That Stupid Ass Shit! III

 I mean shit!

Them evil muh fuckahs gonnah do!

What them evil muh fuckahs gonnah do!

And tah hell with you and



That marchin shit is


As fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Caught One!

 The statistics state that over seventy-percent of US women have been sexually violated in some way before the age of majority!

The statistics on US Men!

I guess it doesn't matter!

But it does!


Under the Heavens of 

Our Father!

There is no memory captured more vividly!

Then thah time you felt so alone and helpless!

And could not possibly stop what is happening to 


Oh, my 

Heavenly Father!

And you carry that vast ill ass loneliness for fucking


(Peace! More to come...)

Not Ready To Catch And Write About That Shit, Just Yet!?

 There are some memories that keep passing through my mind!

And I let them keep passing!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Is Where US's From!

 Talk bad all you want about 


You sorry ass evil diasporic

Transplant muh fuckahs!

US will nevah have two


US only has 




Please, tell ah ol ass US Black broke sorry ass muh fuckah!?


And...why are y'all sorry muh fuckin asses here in this sorry muh fuckah?!..

(Peace! More to come...)

US Are Concerned About The Wrong Muh Fuckin Shit!

 "Shit man! I'm sixty-six years old! And I'm here to tell you, 'If you don't use it. You'll loose it'! That ain't nothing but the truth Meredith!" Walt said.

'Fucking? We talking bout niggahs still fucking with their old asses?'

"Hell yes! I do! Shit, damn near every night with my wife!"

'I heard that?!'

Walt smiled. 

God damn!

Thah niggah had so many muh fuckin missin teeth and shit!

My ol Black sorry broke ass jUSt had tah smile and say tah myself,

'Yeah niggah! By thah look at yo grill muh fuckah! It appears yo ass ain't been eatin!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

This Is My Personal Therapy Shit! US Needs Tah Try It The Fuck Out?!

 I'm kind of free when I talk tah muh fuckahs! I mean, shit! I don't cuss at all! I mean I tear some muh fuckin cuss words up on this muh fuckah!


Because I'm not talkin tah no damn body! I'm writin! That shit's fuckin different!

"How so?!"

Shit at any-muh-fuckin-time ah muh fuckah can stop readin this shit!

Or like 100 percent of the US ain't readin this shit at all!

Thee Holy fuck! 

I let thah shit out!


This blog is where I vomit, piss and shit!

Can't be doin that ill ass shit talkin crazy around

Muh fuckahs!

Shit, so I write thah muh fuckin shit, piss and vomit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, July 30, 2023

What Are You Worth!?

 Can't put no monetary value on yo muh fuckin individual ass muh fuckin shit!

Yo shit's priceless!

But jUSt ah suggestion?

Don't tell nobody your known

Truths about yo priceless shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Butler"? And A Niggah?! I'll Buy That Ticket!" Thee Holy Fuck!?

 I watched that shit shamefully so at thah cinema!

Ah niggah 'Butler'?!

What ah muh fuckin surprise!?

I fell for that idiotic absurd muh fuckin bullshit!

God damnit!


Our Father!?

Please guide me from this evil ass muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Stupid Muh Fuckin elite!

 My shit often times snapshots!

With each snapshot truthed!

The video forms!


Oh shit!

Them evil muh fuckin asses. once again. are in some deep ass trouble type of kindah muh fuckin ill ass


Oh I can't erase?!

I would have to serve anothah's 


(Peace! More to come...)

"Neil deGrasse Tyson" The nigress Ain't About Shit! An ActWhore!

 Well his first name says it all! Thah muh fuckin black ass FTM muh fuckah kneels and sucks evil muh fuckahs vile ass dicks! And kneels tah get fucked anally while fake testicles and fake penes sway!

Then US gots tah look at deGrasse!

'de' in French jUst means 'of'!

So, Grasse!

Means: Fat as a pig!

Then we have tah look at Tyson?!

Well, tie?! Duh! Y'all done witnessed what they did tah US niggahs!



 Just's tyin some shit togethah!

But he sho thah fuck ain't no






Didn't US 


(Peace! More to come...)

Breaking Bread Unification (BBU)! Before Their evil Storms Arriveth!

 my Wife and my Daughter, I always try to make every meal that I can for them.


CaUSe US all needs tah spend some 

RighteoUS muh fuckin time


So US can break bread and be at peace!

Whoevah thah Holy fuck wants tah make that muh fuckin

RighteoUS shit


Before their evilly induced pain and their evilly induced horrible storms


And aftah it is all said and done by their numeroUS evil attempts, once again too shall fail,



Are still muh fuckin here ! 

Meekin out and shit!

You evil sorry ass disgusting muh fuckahs!...

'And shit ladies? What shall we have for lunch today?!'...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Hollywood Shuffle" and Other evil Hollywood Parlances.

"You know there's always work at the post office?" Grandma...


It's yo shit! Yo shinin in thah muh fuckin dim light moment! Yo truth! Yo vision!...

Not any-fuckin-body' else's shit! That shit is selfish as fuck!

"I can't believe in 2023 pedophilia is so being deemed harsh!"


No muh fuckahs! Y'all some nasty filthy muh fuckahs!

Filthy! Putrid! Dung!...shall I continue you sorry muh fuckin degenerates!?

That evil muh fuckin shit will nevah be commonplace in

Our Father's


And never shall it ever


(Peace! More to come...)

The evil elite Human Games?! I Fucking Forfeit!

 "You have to play their many unforgiving games!?"

Fuck that noise!

Ah niggah's muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

StellaQuila X 3

 One 'Stella Rosa -Black Cherry 250ml" can chilled.

A hefty squeeze of orange.

A hefty squeeze of lime.

Two shots of Valeo Gold tequila.

A pinch of citric acid (If you don't have it? Salt will properly make do!)

Mix into an at least 16oz highball glass or 16oz glass of choice....

Aftah three?!

If those muh fuckahs don't chill US muh fuckin assUS out?!

God damn!

YoU'S jUSt ah miserable livin

Muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Covet COVID (Homophonic Sentence)?!

Them evil muh fuckahs are toying with 


Them muh fuckahs are fuckin worthless!

God damnit!


What thah fuck is this ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckah


(Peace! More to come...)

A Separation of Church and State Is No More! Them evil Muh Fuckahs Unionized Them Muh Fuckahs Through A Non-Actionable COVID Agreement!

 Have you noticed an eerie absence of 

Our Father lately, my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?


Just sad! Sad awhile! Too fuckin sad!


Cause them evil muh fuckahs put out Mans' 

ReligioUS Lethal Human Edict: 

"That the church will not again congregate jUSt for him any longer!"

And thah 



Signed in blood! 

And now evilly


(Peace! More to come...)

A Rapidly Changing US Environment For DUMBys...

 Environments around Indianapolis, Indiana are changing so rapidly I often times get confused about my surroundings!

"That's because your Black ass is old!"

I undahstand! Touché! Believe me? I do. 

But there is a shift that is happening in Indianapolis, Indiana! Can't speak for any other city or state which I do not reside! Been in this bitch for fifty-seven years! I think I'm entitled tah speak on this shit ah lil bit?

There is so much construction goin on! I notice ah muh fuckin building being gone! Just in ah half ah day! 

Go to work! There! 

Go home! Fuckin rubble!

Ah muh fuckin patient hipped me to some shit, near Capitol and 22nd Street,

"We're laying waterpipes three hundred and thirty feet into the ground."


For whom!?

For what?!


"Man I'm just telling you what I know! Cause we doing the shit right now around the corner. You ain't noticed all that shit around the corner?!"

'Yeah! But like most. I just thought it was for infrastructure purposes and paid it no mind!'

"Infrastructure? I like that Meredith! But infrastructure for who or for what?! You see? You asked the right questions before! I just had to see where you were coming from that's all?"...

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Not The Fuck In Our Home! II

 Cause when I was growin up?! Yah bettah have some drawls, undershirt, shirt, pants, socks and shoes on,

Once yo sorry broke lil ass got woke up out of bed!

Shit, I wish I would've gone tah thah muh fuckin eatin table jUSt with some drawls on! Modern day Mommy would have taken me tah ah psychologist! Uhm...I doubt that shit! It wouldn't be nothin nice though! Anyway...But back in thah muh fuckin day she said,

"Boy! Get your little behind up there and get some clothes on! Don't you ever walk around this house or anyplace else with just your underwear on! You hear me!"

'Yes Mommy.'

"And I better not have to tell you that again!"

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US TrUSt's US Every Fucking Day! Please Quit Taking US For Granted? And Please Don't Believe That Ill Ass evil Hype Noise?

 US don't realize thah beautiful shit!

"But why though?!"

CaUSe US is bein trained perpetually by them loathsome pathetic evil muh fuckahs tah not trUSt anothah muh fuckah! "Divide and Conquer" some ill shit! Anyway...

Shit fuck ah cellphone! Can't stand that shit!

When I'm drivin, I put thah dial on "SiriUS' 53 'Chill'". And drive.

"So what?!"

Well, in drivin US has tah trUSt all thah othah drivahs out there! Well, tah ah certain point, but shit US ain't no muh fuckin perfect drivahs US damned selves! I mean yo drivin may be clean as ah muh fuckin whistle but thah muh fuckahs that have driven with yo broke ass be like, "Never again muh fuckah!" Anyway...

Just by this action of driving that most of US do on ah muh fuckin daily, hourly...US basis! CaUSe drivin too is hard fuckin work! But thah majority of US gets to and from US's various travels!

And make it back blessedly home jUSt becaUSe of 


TrUStin in one anothah to

Honor US's 

Driving laws!

And that my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Is ah muh fuckin Beautiful thing!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Science? Ain't Shit! II

 "By 2030,

 According to my lifelong research and numeroUS of studies, I have concluded:

 All thah evil elite will have been murdered by US



Does that shit make me ah muh fuckin scientist?!

It does?!

Shit evil muh fuckahs!

Can ah niggah at least get his muh fuckin student loans paid off from jUSt this one truthful statement! I mean shit!? Ain't too much tah science! Y'all evil muh fuckahs tell US what tah fuckin discover and what tah say! I mean truly, 'Butler University"?! Fuck 'em! Here's what I want from you sanctioning debtors' prisons evil muh fuckahs! 

"If any US citizen would like their US student criminally backed loans expunged?! Understand this! You will no longer have college credits or a college degree!?" 

(Giggling) And?! Muh fuckah! Thah fuck wrong with them!? Anyway....

But God damnit! There's 

Ah hell of ah lot of repetition!

And ah whole hell of ah muh fuckin lot of sorry ass


Thee Holy fuck is ah niggah missin?!

Oh, shit!

Where's my checks you evil sorry ass muh fuckin Fed

Cloned bastards!

If what I have been muh fuckin laborioUSly researchin tah be deemed thah fucking



My bad! Cause y'all didn't tell ah niggah tah write some shit?!

Copy that!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Science? Ain't Shit!

 Them evil muh fuckahs always comin up with somethin muh fuckin


I call bullshit on this ill ass muh fuckin shit!

Like investors bankrollin their company's shit!

If yah ain't gonnah show an increase in my muh fuckin money, then my rich elite sorry ass gots tah keep my muh fuckin money and fuck this company!

That fuckin simple God damnit!

So what do thah companies' do?!

They start fuckin with numbahs and shit tah show some type of upward movement in thah market!

Crisis staved off!

Now let's take science!

Them muh fuckahs bankrolled by thah fed through military contracts and shit! 

R&D is thah muh fuckin truth of corporate welfare! Anyway...

So what do those scientists do?!

Make up words and shit that not even thah bankrollin muh fuckahs can undahstand and shit! "It's going to revolutionize..." whatevah muh fuckin shit! You know, jUSt tah keep gettin muh fuckin paid! Like NASA! CaUSe that's thah name of this evil oriented hundreds of billions dollar ah fuckin year white collar muh fuckin abhorrent crime ring! Keep US's dollahs flowin tah them evil ass muh fuckahs! Anyway...

"The earth will be sucked into the sun in one billion years!"


Yah see?!

Crisis staved thah fuck supersilly muh fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, July 29, 2023

"Let The Market Dictate..."

 Muh fuckUS talkin bout thah high ass costs of groceries!

US fuckin feels that shit, fuckin hard!

Muh fuckahs complainin bout some high ass twenty-dollah regulah drink at thah muh fuckin club?! Or How much you're expected tah tip more these days every-fuckin-where?!...


Just stay yo broke assUS

Home then?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The evil Within US

 White Christians gettin shitty at niggahs!

And we don't own shit that will affect yo White ass pockets! Don't have enough juice in politics! Don't make no legal decisions for US! Didn't hire you! So can't fire you! Anyway...

But moreovah gettin shitty with US Black Christians!

Oh we out here Sonshines in ah fuckin abundance!

Some of US muh fuckUS have kind of lost our way,

Just like y'all White muh fuckahs!

I mean Black folks don't control thah media who stigmatizes all of US Blacks!

Shit I've seen trailer park trash, Hillbilly, Redneck..shit comin from y'alls way! Ain't nobody in thah media pannin ah muh fuckin camera their way!?

So, yah see thah conundrum all of US righteoUS are 


And it's definitely not one of US righteoUS Black or White!

Fuck no!

This shit's gone tribally global! 


And which tribe doth thy

Witness to this evil tribe's


Trying to take over...



(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, July 28, 2023

March?! US Will March Right Into Our Deaths With That Stupid Ass Shit! II

 And if US Black muh fuckUS think that marchin shit is effective?!

Then march yo Black ass on then!

But fuck that shit!

My dawgs are barkin like ah muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Ultimate Plan For US by The evil Muh Fuckin elite!

 US can't be espousin information from thah rooftops and expect muh fuckUS tah think what US's sayin is thah muh fuckin Gospels?!

There is ah propah way tah say some shit! 

And it ain't tellin ah muh fuckah tah do some shit!

Fuck no!

US Meek guides and suggests.

'I'm just suggesting? Read Agenda 2021? Read Agenda 2030? Then read The Lock Step plan on The Rockefeller Foundation's website? Then go on the World Economic Forum's website and read some shit? Bill Ugly Gates with his depopulation madness on Ted TV? World Health Organization's website, especially about Codex AlimentariUS? Deep Underground Military Bunkers (DUMBs)? The Georgia Guidestones? Chemical Trails/Chemtrails? DARPA? SES?...

See what I'm suggestin?


And that's just gettin muh fuckin started!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Is What's up! The Last Muh Fuckin Frontier! II

 "I hate the United States! I'm going to live overseas!"


Go 'head with yo bad ass self then!


Just ah muh fuckin suggestion?!

I wouldn't do that shit if I were you?!

"Fuck it! These bastards! They've ruined this beautiful America!"

They ain't ruined shit as far as I'm ah witness tah this shit!

These othah countries have failed! Well, not China or Russia!

But all thah rest of'em outside these muh fuckin borders!

Sad thah fuck awhile! Sadder than sad! Too fuckin sad! Them evil easily influenced muh fuckahs existin on borrowed muh fuckin time! Anyway...

This shit ebbs and fuckin flows my Dear Sweet Beautiful Sistahs and Brothahs!

Always has!

Always shall!

And them evil muh fuckahs can kiss my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass! I ain't goin any muh fuckin place! US is my muh fuckin


Born, bred and will fuckin die in this muh fuckah!

US is

No greater place tah be muh fuckin livin in this

Firmament now!

And no propaganda intended at thah fuck all!

JUSt thah righteoUS muh fuckin 

Truth from one 


meek to othah  



(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, July 27, 2023

US Done Fucked Up! Time To Look At Our Beautiful Future!

 We don't want tah do no muh fuckin

Human work!

Fuck no!

No, what US wants tah be is like thah evil ass sorry muh fuckin elite!

Sip on Adrenochrome and shit all fuckin day! And bein lazy as fuck! Oh, I'm sorry! Them evil muh fuckahs call fuckin, workin!? My bad! Thee Holy fuck! Anyway...

Shit! I muh fuckin hate muh fuckin workin! 

God damnit!



I'm so glad tah tell some of US Sonshines!


US broke assUS gots tah  muh fuckin



Thah muh fuckin 

Human future is goin tah be even more






(Peace! More to come...)

That evil Money And evil Promises Y'all Black Muh Fuckahs Takin?! Allows Them evil Muh Fuckahs To Throw Yo Sorry Black Ass Under The Fucking Proverbial "Bus"! II

 I mean shit that black sorry ass muh fuckah in Alabama!

"I lied!" So saith yo sorry black ass through yo sorry ass attorney!

How thah fuck yo sorry broke ass payin ah muh fuckin attorney?!

Who paid that sorry black ass niggah's retainah!?

Pro Bono?!

my Black ass don't think so!

Shit, ah niggah attorney named Emory Anthony?!


Just screams "White Folks" niggah shit!

God damnit!

Thah fuck is ah niggah missin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Disturbing situation unfolding along California's coastline - here's what you need to know"

 I live in Indianapolis, Indiana muh fuckahs!

Six states ovah, ovah two thousand miles and

Thirty-two or more hours drivin to or from that bitch!

So no!

I don't need tah know shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Yahoo" Is US Propaganda's Wet Dream!

 They sittin up here again on "Yahoo" talkin bout these 12 teenagers fuckin this muh fuckah up in Kansas City!


Somebody is payin these muh fuckahs tah act ill! 

I mean shit!

Are some of US Black muh fuckahs nuts!

Fuck yeah!

But twelve at one muh fuckin time is 

SpecioUS as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"In The Heat Of The Night - 1967"

 Some of thah shit that happens in this God damned movie will have yo ol Black ass on thah fuckin floor with laughter!

Some of thah facial expressions that Sidney Poitier does in this shit is fuckin priceless!

Like when he was goin tah do an 'autopsy' of the body of thah dead muh fuckah, he asked thah two White muh fuckahs, "So where do I wash my hands?" They didn't say shit. Just nodded ah direction! Ol Virgil Tibbs kept gettin prepared, rollin up his sleeves and shit,  and had a wry smile on his face like, "These White muh fuckahs?!" Funny as shit!

Or when ol Endicott was in his greenhouse and decided he wanted tah slap ah niggah! And thah niggah Virgil slapped him back quickah than shit! Even thah niggah butler cringed! Then aftah ol Virgil left thah niggah butler just looks at ol White disgraced Endicott and jUSt shakes his head, looks down and turns away like, "You stupid muh fuckah! That niggah's from up north didn't you know?!"...

Oh, and there's more!

Shit has my ol Black sorry broke ass bent ovah with laughtah every muh fuckin time!

And it ain't no muh fuckin comedy!

I watch thah shit at least one time every three months or so!

Love this muh fuckin movie!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Professional?! Of Fucking What?!

 What kills my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass about sports?!

Them muh fuckahs supposed tah be professionals and shit!

Showin them muh fuckahs comin intah work with jeans and ah muh fuckin t-shirt, fucked up hairstyles, tattoos all ovah thah muh fuckin place, can't talk for shit, always gettin intah some ill ass shit...and gettin paid millions!

Shit, yah pay Tyrone up thah muh fuckin block one hundred "Gs"! That muh fuckah will ball some shit out for fuckin peanuts compared tah those spoiled no-count muh fuckahs!

And will look and dress thah muh fuckin same!

God damn!

US are some stupid ass muh fuckahs!

And what thah Holy fuck is ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

March?! US Will March Right Into Our Deaths With That Stupid Ass Shit!

 "Well what are you doing about all the evil things that you are witnessing?"



Thee Holy fuck yo ass think I should do?


God damn! 

Please don't make ah niggah laugh so hard any-fuckin-more!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Like Everything Else! Them Dastardly evil Muh Fuckahs Stealing US's Shit!

 They're stealing US's God damned taxpaying, hard earned muh fuckin money with this fake ass Ukraine war shit!

God damn!

Supposed tah be ah muh fuckin war ovah in that muh fuckah!?

I speak to ah lot of muh fuckin people Black and White! Ain't nobody mentioning that ill ass fake ass shit!


Where's Our money you evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!

And I owe close tah seventeen hundred dollahs in muh fuckin fed taxes!?


My ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass should be guaranteed ah muh fuckin refund every fuckin year

God damnit!

If y'all evill sorry muh fuckin asses pissin US's shit away like that!


I'll take my shit back in US currency muh fuckahs and

Fuck you!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

evilly Sacred

 "Keep it up counselor! You'll wind up being in contempt of court!" The judge said.

"Oh, now I see which court belies our troubled fate obviously." The attorney for the defendant said.

"And which court would that be counselor?" The judge asked.

"The Court which your honor was chosen tah keep!" The attorney...

(Peace! More to come...)

Hammers: Are Always Teaching!

Our Home has one at every entry/exit way!

Got one near each one of our spots beside thah bed!


Countin in my head, we got at least nine lyin round this muh fuckah! Just waitin for an unrighteoUS muh fuckah tah cross this righteoUS threshold! And Our Father sent yo sorry ill ass here for whatevah thah fuck thah reason saving ass tah thah right muh fuckin address!

Muh fuckahs talkin that ill shit about some lead out of ah muh fuckin 


I'm tellin yah Sonshines! Get grazed with ah muh fuckin hammer?!

Then start thinkin about thah damage of that shit if that shit hit


Then tell ah niggah about it?!

I mean rear back and throw that shit at ah muh fuckin stupid sorry ass home invader?!

Still gonnah do some major damage!

If not?!

Shit! Yah got somethin more dire for 'em!

Shit! Hammers are all right!

I mean we still got US's armaments! 

But shit! If we evah get ah chance tah use those peens!?

I mean without shootin ah muh fuckah bein ignorant breakin intah ah muh fuckah's home and shit?! I mean we'd rathah teach thah stupid muh fuckahs ah painful valuable lesson!

Without killin ah muh fuckah!?

But shit stupid home invadah playahs, we goin tah do some major damages with those muh fuckin appendages! But shit! At least yo muh fuckin stupid ass will witness anothah day!? Plus! Without pain in thah choices of Humans' vile ass stupidity! 

There are no 

Over-Standings of 


(Peace! More to come....)

IN US Preparations!


More than muh fuckin evah!

US IN has tah 


US IN selves with good ol



(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Graveyards Are Filling With Fame! US Wonders Why?!

 Sinead O'Connor!


Yah did "Nothing Compares 2 U" better than thah muh fuckin


Glad yo Irish ass didn't do ah covah of 

"When Doves Cry"!?

Anybody tryin that shit!?

I'll get on stage with ah ballpeen hammer!

Beatin that stupid tryin tah pose ass! While strikin and talkin shit while my ol Black sorry ass workin on 'em, 

"Thah Holy fuck were you thinkin tryin tah covah this shit!? Anything else?! Will always be straight booty, with thah muh fuckin chunky ass juice! Get this shit out of yo sorry ass muh fuckin rotation! It ain't evah gonnah happen!"...

Now I'll only strike thah muh fuckahs three times with not much force!

I mean shit!

Ah niggah 's old and shit!

But they'll undahstand and respect thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Three Marines found in car near Camp LeJeune died of Carbon Monoxide poisoning."

 Still laughin at that absurd muh fuckin shit!

Who thah fuck them evil muh fuckahs think they 



Ain't nobody gonnah click on that stupid fake ass shit!

All them evil muh fuckahs tryin tah do is tah make US sorry asses once again,

Accept this indoctrination ill ass agenda process!


Check it?

"You see? An electric car would have saved their lives! There are no carbon emissions whatsoever!..."


Please always remembah?

Them some evil ass sorry muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

WriteoUS Truth!

 Don't make ah fuck bit of difference what one of these movie stars, politicians, rich evil muh fuckahs, the local and national news...


Fuck that noise!

What God damnit!

What thee Holy fuck are 



Of course, 

In US's written muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Pick Your Poison Muh FuckUS!

Jamie Foxx?! 

Yo ass eithah's ah muh fuckin clone,

Ah muh fuckin hologram,

Or ah muh fuckin CGI

Muh fuckah now!

But yo sorry real ass is ah sho nuff muh fuckin


RIP muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Elon Musk

 Just anothah evil pathetic sorry ass muh fuckin elite that has nevah worked ah muh fuckin day in his sorry ugly ass entitled life! A waste of sperm or cloning time on any level!

In othah words my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs:

He ain't muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Not The Fuck In Our Home!

 Muh fuckahs always talkin crazy!

 Well, shit in their minds thah shit's quite muh fuckin sane!

But tah me, fuck that shit!

That's some country ass niggah shit right there!

"What in the hell are you talking about?!"

Okay, shit! I'm sorry. Gettin fuckin old! Anyway...

This Black patient oldah than my ol Black sorry broke ass started talkin and shit! Talkin bout,

"Shit anybody come over my house! I don't care who it is! I'm at home God damnit! I walk around just in my drawls!"

'I heard that!'

Yah see? That's that country ass niggah shit I was writin about previoUSly!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Two And A One!

 I know my ass talkin too much crazy shit when my Wife says:

"Love listen?!"

And when my Daughter says,


(Peace! More to come...)

evil IS Always Grooming US! Toujour!

 I think about thah time I was cattin! I wasn't doin too much! Shit! Ah niggah's always been broke! Takes money tah party! And this niggah didn't have thah ends! Anyway....

Start thinkin about some of thah joints I went to? 

Wasn't any of 'em well lit!

Always with thah muted lighting! 

Damn near pitch black up in this bitch! 

Can ah niggah get ah candle some shit!

God damn!...

But why?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just To Bring US Into The Year 2030 II

 Shit! Ah niggah gets off course like ah muh fuckah! God damnit!

Old age muh fuckUS!

Gonnah get you too!

If yah lucky! Anyway....

Agenda 2021? Done!

Agenda 2030! Them evil muh fuckahs gettin down with this ill shit!

Read thah shit?

Thah shit is out there for all tah see and tah be ah witness to! Them evil muh fuckahs doin thah shit right in front of our God damned faces! They don't give ah fuck! Like Mike Tyson told that niggah interviewer, "I think you're a piece of shit! Now what are you going to do about it?!" Well shit Mike! Not ah God damned thing! But what thah niggah interviewer said was, "I think I'm going to end this interview. Thanks for stopping by and speaking with US." And Mike couldn't give it up that easy, he said, "Fuck you!" 

Talkin bout an ol ass Black broke muh fuckah on thah God damned muh fuckin floor! Still giggle at that shit! Mike's out of his mind! But that muh fuckah can sho thah fuck back that shit up! Shiiiought! That's ah mad at whatevahthahfuck muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ah Niggahs Trying!

 There shall be somethin else aftah this loathsome muh fuckah!

"Well if you were rich instead of broke you wouldn't be saying that shit!"

Okay, the evil rich! They're tribal! They believe in inbreeding! Which means they believe in fuckin their children and othah primary and tertiary family membahs! Shit, fuckin any-God-damn-body! They drink blood! They eat human flesh! They are devil worshippers! Imbedded into thah occult for Millennias...

"Well, if we're talking about meat, you eat human flesh too! You still eat McDonald's!"

Touché! But I'm really tryin tah stop! Ain't had it in oh, three weeks now.

I read about all that bullshit! Makes sense! 

And on thah muh fuckin real,

Their fries are for shit now!

Now Wendy's fries are killin McDonald's!

Them muh fuckahs done stepped up their muh fuckin fry game for real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just To Bring US Into The Year 2030

 All US has tah do!

Don't take no more vaccines! Cut down on thah muh fuckin meat cause them evil muh fuckahs injectin animals with that ill shit! So thah shit can be transferred tah US!

Fuck tap water whenevah US can!

Fuck ah doctor! Unless yo ass sho nuff can't take thah muh fuckin pain for whatevah thah fuck! I mean shit! Ah niggah got his limits! I've severely sprained both ankles at varioUS times in my life! And I hear muh fuckahs talkin bout broken femurs and shit! Naw playah! My shit was painful! But what yo ass talkin bout?! My sorry broke Black ass would be replayin that shit for thah rest of my short ass life! CaUSe I for damn sho could not replay that horrific pain! CaUSe I would have tah have sho nuff killed myself tah stop thah muh fuckin pain loop!

Shit fuck it! Let's talk about Women and childbirth!

Why thah Holy fuck Women want tah have children goin through that nine month tortuoUS ordeal, then waitin for thah ultimate torture! Droppin that muh fuckah!

And still have more?!...

Talkin bout some muh fuckin storm troopers!


I remembah back in thah day when aerobics first started takin off! I went tah this aerobics class at thah muh fuckin "Y"! All women except two stupid men! Me and anothah stupid muh fuckah! Anyway...

I got through that shit! Just barely! And I was runnin track and shit in college! I looked around these women barely breakin ah sweat! Me and thah othah stupid muh fuckah, sweatin profusely, looked at each othah and we were like, "Fuck this shit!"...

And women! God damn!

Y'all muh fuckin asses should be runnin this muh fuckin shit!

Talkin bout ah niggah gettin humbled!?...

Thah Holy fuck is wrong with Women?!

Them evil muh fuckahs got it like that?!

Y'all Women are some bad ass muh fuckahs!

I ain't bullshittin at thah fuck all!

Big ups!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Unforeseen Knowledge Is Afoot!

 Fuck it!

I'll listen tah thah muh fuckahs all day, er day! 

I'm at thah gig for eight hours some shit!

Speak on it!

My great responses are:

"I didn't know that?",


"For real?!"

"I heard that!"...

I mean fuck it! Yah gettin paid! While I'm writin up their jobs?

Plus, shit, sometimes they got shit tah propahly speak


"Oh, and with your exam and material copays that brings your total to: One thousand and eleven dollars. Will that be cash or credit card? HSA? Most definitely! But while I do this. Please, tell me more about these dangerous Chin gangs on the southside of Indianapolis? Eighteen to thirty-five years old hardcore murderers you were saying?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, July 24, 2023

"Brown Eyed Lover - Allen Stone"

 So thah Wifey says while I'm playin music while I'm writing,

"Play Allen Stone - Brown Eyed Lover!"

What thee Holy fuck!

Thah muh fuckah's lyrics about lovin tah bang muh fuckahs in thah muh fuckin ass or some shit?!

Who, thah Holy fuck is that muh fuckah?!

Searched him real fuckin quick!

Ah fuckin White geeky lookin hazel eyed blonde haired White ass muh fuckah?!

Thah fuck Fam! 

Yo ass slippin!...

Hit play!



Yo ass ain't slippin at thah fuck at all!

How thah fuck I ain't heard and missed  this muh fuckah!?

With my listenin tah muh fuckin music for ovah 

Fifty-seven fuckin years!?

But, yeah!

I missed this muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"My Friend - DTrain"

 Shit makes me think of my Mommy, Daddy, Brothah Morgan Roy, Brothah Al, Brothah Chauncey...!

Can't really listen tah thah song anymore!

Fuckin hurts!

Niggah cryin and shit uncontrollably!

"The fuck's wrong with yo old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!?"


Critical losses tah my muh fuckin delicate sanity!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Sign O' the Times - Prince"

 I started tah see ah lil yellow in my sclera!

Shit niggah, got tah bump thah Milk Thistle up tah 1000mg TID!

My shit's startin tah clear thah fuck up now!

Along with some othah shit I've been takin!

God damn!

Does ah niggah really have tah quit fuckin



Say it ain't muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Heartbreak Hotel - The Jacksons" III

 Listen tah thah muh fuckin lyrics and read thah muh fuckin lyrics?

Evil muh fuckin shit!

"You live in sin!..." 

Oh, it gets more evil!...


The muh fuckin shit is jammin all day every-muh-fuckin-day!

So beware!

It's still some evil ass muh fuckin shit!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Properly Supplemented?

 So I added:

Monolaurin 550mg BID

Organic Spirulina 500mg BID


Thyme Leaf 500mg BID.

The Thyme is breakin up thah shit in my lungs!

Thah othah two...

US'll see how thah shit goes!

I take all three on an empty stomach!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Star of a Story - Heatwave" III

 Takes my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass tah ah happy muh fuckin place!

Almost eerie in sounds!

But that shit has me on ah solid cloud

Floatin ovah US!

I'm witnessin the Beauty of


And smilin evah so broadly of thah beauty I'm witnessing!

Turn on my back and check out thah


Hit replay!

And take anothah 

Beautiful muh fuckin

Close tah six minute calmin fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

What US Particularly RighteoUSly Envisions...Is The Truth!

 I know this young man named 'X'!

He said, 

"I don't know how to explain it to you man! But with engines! I see shit 3D and shit!"


Explanation undah-fuckin-stood

Clearly Bro!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Everybody Is a Star - Sly & The Family Stone" II

 And I guess...Once I read ol 'E's shit! It calmed my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass thah fuck down!

Ecclesiastes 12:14 KJV:

"For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."

Now that's some righteoUS ass doctrine right thah fuck


Just for US!

Fuck medications!

Well, take three shots of whatevah's clevah and shit! Just ah suggestion? Tequila! Anyway...

But othah than that muh fuckin aside!

Just read thah muh fuckin words!

Thah muh fuckin shit calms and humbles my sorry muh fuckin ol Black broke ass real thah fuck quick!


Give it ah try?


(Peace! More to come...)

"Everybody Is a Star - Sly & The Family Stone"

 I catch myself a lot!

I have ah friend, he'll go toe to toe with topical deniers!

'D! You know that shit ain't gonnah make any difference whatsoever!? Why waste your breath Bro?!"

"Cause fuck'em! I have to listen to their silly shit! They need to listen to my backed Biblical and backed documented truth shit!"

'I heard that!'

But I say,

Fuck that noise!

Jesus couldn't save these supersilly muh fuckUS!

And I'm thah fuck damn sure ain't no muh fuckin


God damn!

Plus, this niggah's tired!...

(Peace! More to come...)

That evil Money And evil Promises Y'all Black Muh Fuckahs Takin?! Allows Them evil Muh Fuckahs To Throw Yo Sorry Black Ass Under The Fucking Proverbial "Bus"!

 The "news" is some funny ass shit now tah my ol Black sorry muh fuckin ass!

Yah read that shit about that niggah woman in Alabama? Stoppin for thah child?! Windin up missin then not!? Niggahs once again done fell for thah evil okee-doke! 


Every-fucking-one of 


Are being fucking 

USed in thah 

Vilest way for their sorry ass luciferian agenda!

God damn!

Time for them sorry evil muh fuckahs tah fuckin


Horribly so!

Can ah niggah get ah muh fuckin witness!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Are In The Great Tribulation, The End Is Nigh! But...US's Genesis Is Just Ahead And Bust That Quick Ass Right, Marked "End"!

 So this is what them muh fuckahs been callin purgatory all along!

That waiting period for whatevah thah fuck is goin tah happen tah our souls when US supposedly dies!

Shit! Fuck that noise!

US are part of thah living

God damnit!

Tarry no more!

US will have an answah 

Sooner than soon!

"Fuck that shit you mother fucker! I've been hearin that shit all my God damned life! Ain't shit gonnah happen except muh fuckin life as it is!"


And I undahstand Sonshines!

I undah-fuckin-stand!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, July 23, 2023

The Sky's The Limit!

 Making cars from gas to electric!?

So tell ah niggah you evil muh fuckin dickless wondahs?!

When thah fuck is US gonnah get ,

Electric muh fuckin


Electric cruise ships and personal boats!..

Fuck it!

Indy 500 cars electric!

Daytona 500 cars electric!

Thah Holy fuck is ah niggah missin?...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Lives' Have Been Misrepresented! Punishable By Death!

 It shouldn't take no-muh-fuckin-body tah do ah muh fuckin video and shit tah make US undah-fuckin-stand some shit!

US kills my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass, 

US don't have tah tell one muh fuckah on this God damned firmament

How tah fuck!

But tah properly and civilly live?!

"Can yah say that shit again playah? Shit! I was scopin that fine ass right there!"

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Blood Washing"

 You know like muh fuckahs do on dialysis and shit!

Yeah, that's what's bein promoted by some of these sorry ass doctors!

Now your insurance company ain't gonnah pay for that ill shit, fifteen thousand dollars or more for thah shit, because they still deem the mRNA shit injected intah yah tah be "Safe and Effective"!

You remembah I think in thah late seventies early eighties and shit, the big titty shit was goin on and plastic surgeons got paid! Then them muh fuckahs found out the silicone based fake titties were oft times leaking leading to cancer and sometimes death from thah muh fuckin silicone leakage!? Now yah got tah get them fake titties out! Well them muh fuckahs got paid for that ill shit too!

Then what them muh fuckahs do?! They started making saline based implants! And you know yo sorry ass wantin some big titty havin ass wants these shits again! "Saline has never caused cancer from the implant leaking!" Sold! 

So, they put them muh fuckin fake titties back in yo low self esteem havin muh fuckin ass! Well, them muh fuckahs got paid for that ill ass shit too! Double for thah fake saline bettah for yo sorry ass health type of shit! 

So they've hit that ass three muh fuckin times for what was supposed tah be ah one stop shop and stuff kind of shit! Anyway...

Now! Yah got these doctahs' now gettin ah conscience about this ill shit they told US tah do! Tellin muh fuckahs now, 

"You mUSt detox your blood now!"

They got US broke assUS comin and 

Now goin!


Them some evil ass pathetic sorry muh fuckahs!...

But how did that ol school choir go at "Christ Temple Apostolic Church" back in thah day?!

"The day of redemption is here!..."

God damned right bout that muh fuckin evil ass shit!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Y'all Evil Muh Fuckahs Gonnah Dick US Like That?!

 It's like ah muh fuckin job!

Yo sorry broke ass comes muh fuckin prepared!

These muh fuckahs come ovah in this bitch and be like,

"I ain't prepared for shit bitches! Where my broke illegal ass job at Son!? And healthcare! And room?! And board?! Oh, and a muh fuckin translator God damnit!..."

I don't fuckin blame 'em!

"Stupid is! As stupid does!" And that shit ain't got shit tah do with Good or Evil! Black or muh fuckin White! Christian or Jew!... Just muh fuckin stupidity!...

Our Heavenly


Ah muh fuckin pickle indeed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Then What Happened?" Shit! I Don't Even Know!

 I go south a lot!

For those of You not familiar tah Indianapolis?

South is south of Washington Street or US40! Anyway!...

I'm goin down south Madison Avenue! There's this muh fuckin niggah standin at thah bus stop! Tank-top! Ball cap on!


Oh, it gets bettah! Tennis shoes.  Muh fuckah bout my old ass age! Shorts on! But below the drawls!

Which, his manly bits were kind of protruding!

"How are you seeing all of this and driving?!"

It's called ah muh fuckin stoplight muh fuckah! God damn! Anyway...

Do US really think thah Indygo bus drivah gonnah pick that muh fuckah up?!

"Yo dawg! Yo dick hangin out! Can't get on public transportation like that dawg!..."

To jUSt be ah fly on thah muh fuckin bus!?...

(Peace! More to come....)

US Is What's up! The Last Muh Fuckin Frontier!

 Sorry ass muh fuckahs want tah throw their ill ass fucks on US!

Oh, we ain't talkin one or two...

Naw we talkin bout multiple muh fuckahs times three in any capacity!

I see all these muh fuckin Africans in Kroger and shit! Still speakin French! So, Haiti, Martinique. Cote d'Ivoire... Barely any English type of black ass niggah type of Global agenda type of shit!

And all my ol Black sorry muh fuckin broke ass can think is,

"And yo Black ass still gots thah nerves tah brag about Benin?!"

Or wherevah thah fuck yo sorry broke asses are from!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

DX: Human Crazy! (BIG SMILE!) And The Human Market.

 I know how tah stay in my ol Black sorry ass muh fuckin broke lane!


All of US do!

If yah want peace in yo muh fuckin prayerful life!

Or yah wouldn't muh fuckin pray!

Muh fuckah ain't prayin for chaos!

Shit, US don't have tah pray for that perpetually displayed and mass marketed muh fuckin bullshit!

That would be counter-fuckin-intuitive!

And, yes! Mentally fucked up!

But shit!

If US's speakin truths!

I can't wait for thah chaos tah muh fuckin


Counter-intuitive or fuckin not!

That will awaken all of


God damn!

If not?!

US were worse off than US muh fuckin projected!!!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Human Revelations In Real Time

 I don't know what else I could leave with my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass othah than me?!

For my Wife, my Daughter and my Sister!

This was me y'all!



This was me!

Even got thah shit on thumb-drives


(Peace! More to come...)

Lieback v. McDonald's Restaurants

 So Mister Lieback. Please forgive me, I'm sorry! Miss Lieback. I'm confused? You ordered cold coffee on the date and time of note?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Plethora of Perspectives

 My mind jumps!

Can't really explain thah shit!

But I undahstand what I'm miserably tryin tah convey!


Okay check it?

It's like ah muh fuckah sayin tah yo sorry broke Black ass,

"Good morning?"

And them sorry broke ass muh fuckahs like you, 

Chipper than ah muh fuckah!

So, what yo ol sour puss Black ass gonnah do?

Add some stank pussy?!

Come on now?! No need for that shit!

Fuck no!

Spray some 'Binaca' on that muh fuckah and say proudly as one of only US can do,

"Good morning? Back to you Sonshine! It's gonnah be a beautiful day!"

While yo sorry tryin tah be truthful muh fuckin ol Black broke ass jUSt would love tah say,

"Bad morning for me! Good morning for You! Thank you for your kindness!"...

(Peace! More to come....)

The Truth Sells Muh Fuckin Dick!

 "Oh, I'm sorry sir? But I'm Frank Furter First for 69 news! You remind me of a concerned citizen! What do you think is happening in Indianapolis?"

'You don't want to talk with me," I said.

"But why? I'm sure you pay taxes? What do you think of all of this?" FFF asked?

'CaUSe thah truth only comes with raw words! Unless you want to spend an hour or two editing all of the curse words I will have to USe to honestly answer your question or questions which needs to be addressed?!'

"Oh! Thank you for your time, sir. Hey! You sir?! Let us catch up with you?..."...

(Peace! More to come....)

Real US History! And Get Literate God Damnit! Thee Holy Fuck! It's 2023 Muh Fuckah!?

 Shit US can quote shit all US muh fuckin wants God damnit!

But in thah muh fuckin end!

What is Your individual truth about


In your own individual muh fuckin


But if yo sorry muh fuckin ass is illiterate!?

Yo muh fuckin broke ass...

God damn!

And do you undahstand I had ah muh fuckin patient I was talkin to from Mississippi that couldn't read! Just ah lil oldah than my ol Black sorry broke ass! So, sixty-two, sixty-three?! And kindah proudly said, "I can't read that! I'm illiterate!"

Thee Holy fuck! Thah upside and down-fuckin-side of workin in ah near downtown Indianapolis optical office! That takes the state's insurance! God damn!

I wanted tah ask so bad! Just for reassurance purposes, 

"Excuse me?!"

But I heard his ass loud and clear! Let my ol Black sorry broke ass quit playin with thah muh fuckin truth!

God damn! Bro!?

Don't make any more muh fuckin children! He had nine!

"Three wonderful boys! And six wonderful girls!"...



Our Father's speed?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Niggah! Fuck You! - Minds Gone Mad" Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, Indiana wed11Sept2024 @ 20:23


 I never knew you until

Without you!

I never felt such pain before!

But give me another chance afore!

BecaUSe my love for you is now



Niggah! Niggah!


Fuck you! Fuck you!

Fuck you!...

US Has Gotten Pushed Aside BecaUSe of Their evil Planned Future!

Every-fuckin-thing those evil muh fuckin simpletons do is for thah benefit of them sorry ass muh fuckahs! 

"You?! What about you!? You worthless, lazy, feeders!" Anyway... 

They finally stopped all this financial Beiden bleedin tah thah Ukraine!

Six-hundred-million goin missin tah thah fundin of that muh fuckin foul ass ''war"!

Bout time!

Thee Holy fuck is wrong with 


Yeah and I undahstand thah muh fuckin amount comes with an alert!

But shit, fuck it!

Since US talkin that noise and how much them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs lie!

I'm gonna say, them muh fuckahs lost three-hundred-and-thirty-three-billion!

Of course, on thah low muh fuckin end! Got tah double that shit tah make it real evil!...

They are degenerates!

Not human at thah fuck at


And their sorry evil muh fuckin asses are now officially,

On the muh fuckin 



(Peace! More to come..."

Age And evil Ain't Ever Hid!

 Well, shit I'd hope you'd undahstand when I write this type of shit!

That it's for US!

Nobody told me about gettin old! What thah fuck it's like and shit!

They tell yah shit in bits and pieces, not how thah shit progresses! 


Yet, in plain muh fuckin 


Like evil!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US-A's Deplorable Penchant For Pedophilia ObvioUSly!

 US is like ah muh fuckah that keeps hangin out with ah hood niggah!

Always wonderin why every muh fuckin time US hang out with thah ill ass muh fuckah

US gets intah some major ill shit!

And US knows good and God damned well that muh fuckah has always been foul as fuck!

Yet, we stay in fuckin denial caUSe

"Shit! I grew up with that niggah! He cool!"


Is it somethin more muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Synthetic Biology"

 So thah evil ass Jew bitch minion states,

"Life is becoming programmable!"

Are US praying vigilantly?!

I can only hope!

CaUSe thah shit's bout ready tah be real before their

Agenda 2030 next evil

Guide Stone!

Thah shit's gonnah hurt Sonshines!

God damn!

I mean US is gonnah hurt real muh fuckin bad!...


And yes! We'll be jUSt fine!

But why thah Holy fuck US's generation gottah go through this near future very painful

Sins of US's muh fuckin parents!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck These Absurd Overpaid US Athletes and US Sports!

 The Global Football will nevah be fuckin popular in US!

Shit, I laugh my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass off at "The Indy Eleven" buildin ah muh fuckin

One billion dollar "Eleven Park"! Broke ground May 31, 2023 in Indianapolis, Indiana! And ain't nobody in Naptown done said shit about that absurdity!  Kindah fucked up distorted future them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs lookin at for US IN?! Payin One (B)illion dollars for ah sorry ass stadium with US's muh fuckin hardworkin taxes and all thah roads are all fucked up!? For them sorry ass "professional" posin Global football playin muh fuckahs?! God damn! That's some stupid ass Indianapolis shit right there! Fuck Hogsett! Anyway...

Track & Field ain't nevah really caught on! And Indianapolis has one of thah best world venues ovah at IUPUI!

Same with IUPUI's Aquatic Center! Nobody fuckin 'round with swimmin!

Shit, look at hockey,

Nobody watchin that shit! Modern organized sorry ass iced game began in the North Americas!

US IN got thah minor league "Indy Fuel"! I'm supressin my laughtah!

Also thah minor league "Indianapolis Indians"! How thah fuck they gettin away with that "Indians" shit is beyond me! 

"Well it's just Indianas without that last 'a'!" 

SerioUSly?! Uhm! Whatevahthefuck! Anyway....

I mean look at golf!

Without Tiger Woods, that shit is back in the dregs


American football is slowly dying!

And basketball, invented by thah Mayans some shit, well shit,

If yah ain't gonnah throw no heads of thah murdered/sacrificed through the muh fuckin hoop tah score!?...

I mean thee Holy fuck!?

All US got left is jUSt watered down muh fuckin borin ass games!

Where's "Jonathan E." and "Rollerball" when yah really need that inventive kind of fucked up Entertainment shit!? That, "Yes", I would fucking watch! Every muh fuckin time! And them professional sports "Rollerball" athlete muh fuckahs would deserve their absurd pay for that ill ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, July 21, 2023

Those God Damned Stupid Ass Muh Fuckin Masks! God Damn! II

 Oh and what irritates thah dogshit out of me is when muh fuckahs decide tah don thah muh fuckah, them shits be dirty as fuck!

You know yah need tah change them muh fuckahs at least daily!?

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Those God Damned Stupid Ass Muh Fuckin Masks! God Damn!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Talkin bout an evil brilliant marketin muh fuckin gimmick!


Read on thah side of thah boxes of them muh fuckahs:

"...Less than 1% efficacy."

God damn!

Thah Holy fuck is ah niggah missin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Gospel!

 Muh fuckahs always out here goin on vacations lookin for thah biggest bettah adventure!


Save yo ass ah shitload of muh fuckin money!

Buy ah sativa/indica blend!

Hit that shit thah whole muh fuckin weekend!

Properly vacated!

Wake up Monday morning!


Right as fuckin rain!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Chauncey Dewitt Hopson II

Alcohol is legal God damnit!

 Listen Meredith! God damn!

There isn't any magic potions 

God damnit!

Well? (He held up the fifth of bumpy faced Seagram's Gin. Almost gone! Downed the rest of the fifth's remnants!)

Lied on his bed and fell asleep.

I said to the winds,

"And there is always tomorrow!"

And covered him up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Part of US!

 US were born into secrecy!

US not knowing US 

Human Laws!

How should US?!

I mean, I read this shit,

"Ignorance of the law is no excuse!"

But y'all evil muh fuckin asses are thah muh fuckin reason 



And can't read then undahstand our common

Civil Laws muh fuckin 

Literate shit!

(Peace! Mote to come...)...


 Yah evah had these moments where shit was captured in time in our minds?!

Not no video shit! 

Shit, way more complexed than that!

Our minds snaps again thah old shot!

Bringing memories alive tah thah muh fuckin fore muh fuckUS!

Then thah muh fuckin snapshot starts tah become degraded with 

Ill ass memories from thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Alcoholic's Delusions of Grandeur!

 To me I write my best open shit when I get ah lil hazy!

"Well, bro! Yo shit ain't that good! Mattah of fact son! Yo shit's garbage! Yo!"

No wonder I've been feeling


(Peace! More to come...)

It's The Fucking Truth!

 Let me give yah lil disinformation correction from thah muh fuckin modern day media!

White muh fuckahs! 

Have helped my broke ass out disproportionately more than muh fuckin

US kindred niggahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Time For US To Really Go To Work! Just Say The Word!?...

 It utterly blows me away how our minds keep US alive! 

Blocking the trauma put upon 






(Peace! More to come...)

The Inevitable

 The more I research my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!


The more muh fuckin 




(Peace! More to come....)

Declaration To Jasmine II

 There are some beautiful muh fuckin spirits!

"Spirits?! Spirits are evil!"

God damn!

 Can Good spirits get some muh fuckin love!

You are Sonshine!

Have ah wonderful life!

And Mister Alvarado!

All my ol Black sorry broke ass has got!


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I can't sleep more than five hours some shit! That's the max!

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"







(Peace! More to come...)

I'm Just Fine With Understanding!

 Stop fucking hiding?!

God damnit!

Just one muh fuckin


That's it!

As far as we understand!



Yah got tah get freaky with that muh fuckin ill ass


I'll righteoUSly pass on that 

Ill ass muh fuckin shit of


(Peace! More to come...)

Declaration To Jasmine

 Yah hate tah admit thah shit!

But fuck it!

I'll admit it!

Oft times my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, your coworkers can make this shitty muh fuckin life so less shitty! I mean God damn! Yah spend half of US's wakin and workin lives with US coworkin muh fuckahs! More hours than yah spend with yourself or muh fuckin immediate family! Anyway....

We, at the office, had this receptionist named 


We lost her to the more money capitalistic regime taking over!...Damn! I'm sorry!...

I'll miss that young lady!

She had a righteoUS old spirit aura about her!

She, along with my manager and owner at least make this shit tolerable having to work!

She was and is pleasant!

I miss You!

But life shall...

Our Father's speed

True Lady and Mister Alvarado!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I'm A Witness! And I Ain't Talkin Bout No Jehovah's! God Damnit!

 I work with two Whiter than White women that don't give ah fuck about race! Nicest muh fuckahs yah evah would like tah meet! 

Fuckin trippy as fuck!

"Well. How do you know?"

Please listen? When there are ah shitload of niggah patients comin in and out that optical office door!

And more than twenty hardcore Black ass muh fuckahs done asked my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass in one way or anothah, 

"Are they for real?"

And all my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass could/can say in response was/is.

"Yeah Bro!"

With ah muh fuckin smile on my ol Black sorry ass witnessing face!...

(Peace! More to come....)

"Tick Tock Lounge". East...Side! Indianapolis, Indiana.

 So my wife and her friends have "Ladies Night Out"!

Yeah, Bros that shit is for real! If yah didn't know?

But one of the ladies birthday's was today!

They went to the "Tick Tock Lounge" on the eastside of Indianapolis!

I Yelped it!

Came across a review by

"Elise H"!

Talkin bout ah muh fuckin refreshin no frills review!?

Go head Sis! Writin real! I read yo righteoUS beautiful muh fuckin ass!

My fucking God!

Had my ol Black sorry broke ass laughin like ah muh fuckah!

That's thah shit I'm writin bout Sis!...

Can't wait tah visit this muh fuckah!

Oh, and I will get me one of those Bloody fuckin Mary's!

Fuck that naked shit!

I would like it fully thah fuck clothed please?!...

And I don't fuckin go out much at thah fuck all!

As ah mattah of fact! I hate that shit!

But with this shit! Her muh fuckin raw written review of thah shit!

My hatin goin out ol Black sorry ass muh fuckin self is goin tah make an


(Peace! More to come...)

BLM! FU! LGTB-Z! CIA! FBI! USDHS! NASA! DoD! POTUS! SES! WHO! WEF!...Insignificant Muh Fuckin Letters!

 Niggahs talkin that BLM (Black Lives Matter) bullshit!

God damn!

If US Black muh fuckahs have tah force feed muh fuckahs that evil backed agenda sorry ass muh fuckin shit!

Then fuck it!

US Black lives don't mean




God damnit,

Means every-fuckin-thing!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Prayers Are For US! Not For The Prayerful!

 You know how you pray multiple times durin every fuckin day?!

But every fuckin day, 

Wake yo broke ol Black sorry muh fuckin ass up!?

And yo broke ass still gots tah go tah muh fuckin work!?

God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Shall Have Patience! Then The evil Screams Doth Comes!

 There's a reckoning coming for thah righteoUS!

Avoir de la patience!

TrUSt me my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, them ill muh fuckahs got it fuckin comin tah 'em! Sooner than soon even! Them sorry ass muh fuckahs tryin tah make their exit plans right thah fuck now because there is getting ready tah be blood on US's piece of firmament! And it ain't gonnah be US's fuckin meek sorry asses bleedin! Anyway....

Our Father's shit ain't evah gonnah happen on

US's time!


Only when 

Our Father blessedly avows to all of US,



What that muh fuckah say, "Release the hounds!"


Now thah shit gets bloody for them evil ass muh fuckahs as fuck!

Oh, what yah cowerin for?! I thought y'all evil muh fuckahs loved blood!

Oh, I see!

Just not yo sorry muh fuckin 



But ah niggah got tah do!

What ah righteoUS niggah shall do!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Bon Soir! Mes Amies!

 Make this firmament appreciate US!




We'll be 


(Peace! More to come...)

Reality Is US Broke AssUS!

 I'll leave you with this my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Just ah muh fuckin suggestion of course!

This firmament! 

This Eden!

Does not exist!



And me!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Oft Times Immediate Family Ain't Shit! But Tertiary Family Will Change US's Life For The Muh Fuckin Better Future!

 You remembah things! But what US remembah's can be altered if thah desired life's effect is shit, fuckin


Well, I was ah senior at Crispus Attucks High School in Indianapolis, Indiana, 1984! And you know how "Herff Jones" et al, makes ah muh fuckin broke ass senior in high school feel bad about some shit!

Well ah niggah needed some more ends tah make his senior year "Special"! Yeah! I bought intah that sorry ass shit jUSt like most of thah rest of US! Like muh fuckin 'Student Loans'! Anyway... Not makin any excuses of my stupidity, jUSt writin some shit's been on my muh fuckin mind, that's all! Plus our Daughter goin through her senior year. Anyway....

 CaUSe ah niggah sho nuff needs tah fuckin purge! Travel light in thine death and shit! 


(Peace! More to come...)

"P-Diddy"! You black Cheese Eating Sorry Ass Muh Fuckin Nigger!

 Now that's ah sorry ass muh fuckah!

Don't give ah fuck!

Thah niggah's foul as fuck!

"Unh-hunh! Unh-hunh!"

Sorry ass muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Mommy Circa 2000

 I mean when my parents made me?

My Daddy was forty-five years old and my Mommy was forty-four years old!

I remembah Mommy sayin some shit like,

"You were a mistake. Oh, I didn't mean it like that Meredith. Please believe me. But I was forty-four years old. I didn't believe we could make anymore children."

'So you and Daddy were just having fun? You didn't mean to make me?'

"You see that's why I have always liked you the most. You've never been afraid to ask hard questions. No matter your punishment for asking! You...make me think about some things...differently."...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Vietnam" 31.6 Years!?

 What them evil muh fuckahs call:

"A Psychological Operation"!

Have US researched thah median age in Vietnam!?

God damn!

Where did all thah middle aged and really old muh fuckahs


(Peace! More to come...)

Them Doomed evil Ass ADHD Muh Fuckahs!...

 US are bein revealed thah stupidity of evil!

I mean God damn y'all evil slovenly muh fuckahs!


They got all this ill ass shit fuckin goin on : Wars on many levels; Transgender muh fuckin rights; White and Black hatred shit; Money problems; Globalism;...

Thah fuck wrong with them evil muh fuckahs!?

Ain't no way with all those muh fuckin distractions y'all evil muh fuckahs will evah be in control of muh fuckin jack shit

Long fucking term!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Modern Day Customer Service: Don't Start None. Won't Be None!

 So thah muh fuckin Black woman oldah than my ol Black sorry broke ass and shit says,

"Oh, you can call me a liar all you want!..."

'Hold up. I ain't said nothin about you lying! Now that's a lie!' And yes muh fuckUS! I said, muh fuckin 'ain't'! Still kindah gigglin bout that shit! Niggah?! You do know you need this J-O-B?! Anyway...

"Well if you are going to say that I didn't order those cute metal magnet things in my lenses along with thah sunglass? You might as well just be callin me a liar!"

'The only time I used the term lie in any capacity is when you said I called you a liar! I never said that. Nor would I. But I have to digress. So yes, I'm calling you a liar now in the present because you said I called you a liar!'

"Hold on. I'm kind of confused now baby!" she said....

(Peace! More to come...)

Putin To The Rescue?

 How about that for ah muh fuckin US headline?!

God damn!

What thah Holy fuck done happened in this piece?

Our best option is Putin?!


But I'll take that muh fuckin option instead of thah sorry ass muh fuckin evil rest! I ain't heard shit about Putin fuckin children! Or eating children! Or drinking blood of Humans!...

"Well how do you know?"

Oh, US would know! Anyway...

Fuck it!

But my ol Black sorry broke ass ain't gonnah be red or dead!

Fuck that noise!

US has Our Father!

US jUSt gots tah 


(Peace! More to come...)

God Damn!

 Shit Playesses and Playahs I almost hate fuckin drivin!

I thought I was ah fucked up crazy driver!?

These muh fuckahs out here drivin post "pandemic" got my ol Black sorry broke ass even lookin like

"Driving Miss Daisy" and shit!

Thee Holy fuck is ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"We Stand With Ukraine!"? Thee Holy Fuck!

 Ain't none of US studyin that shit ovah there!


Yah heard may!?

So why 're these evil muh fuckahs got our assUS hitched tah fuckin


That's what thah muh fuckin Ukraine is:

Modern day Babylon! Straight up! Prostitution! The epicenter of child trafficking! Out of control money laundering! Shitload of bioweapons labs! Shitload of cloning labs!...Yeah!

Research what them muh fuckahs been doin ovah there along with thah muh fuckin 

US's evil ass complicity!

The lil country is foul as fuck!

And these evil muh fuckahs done got US all mixed up with that ill

Evil ass rank ass muh fuckin shit!

Putin done told them silly evil ass muh fuckahs,


Putin bout ready tah scorch some shit!

Well...if Putin's a mason? 

Our assUS are fucked!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

US Settlement

 What do US leave tah this bitch!?


And every-muh-fuckin-thing!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Passing Me By - The Pharcyde"


Jump on board Sonshines!

Strap US selves in!

Oh shit!

US's goin for ah ride!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Not Now!

 I've walked this firmament to and fro with my spirit!

Ain't shit in it!

Worth a good 





(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck Them evil elite Muh Fuckahs! US Are Some Beautiful Muh FuckUS! "Never US!"


We can sit up there and talk ill about this shit all US wants to!?

Fuck that shit!

I might write crazy but God damn!

These ol Black broke sorry muh fuckin weary 


Done witnessed some beautiful muh fuckin shit in


(Peace! More to come...)

Time For US To Heal!

 US can't stop this ill ass muh fuckin shit them evil muh fuckahs are doin!


US can start mitigatin thah muh fuckin innumeroUS

Human damages!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Get By - Talib Kweli"

 One of thah greatest lyricist evah! Ain't scared of this English language whatsoevah! And thah joint's topical like ah muh fuckah! Have yo ol Black sorry muh fuckin ass hyped! Anyway...

Ninety-six percent of US's population jUSt wants tah be left thah fuck alone!

I'll do my shit tah "Get By!"

CaUSe tah make this shit really work,

US gots tah physically work!

"Copy that!"

After which?

You can kiss my sorry broke muh fuckin


And yah bettah stop fuckin with me durin my muh fuckin well deserved


(Peace! More to come...)

It's Just-US Now!

 US are all born at ah muh fuckin point and ah muh fuckin location in US's individual life for ah muh fuckin reason!

Don't give ah fuck!

Wandering has no substance!


"Standing Your Ground"


(Peace! More to come...)

Wherever US Begins! Make The Shit Work! BecaUSe That Is US's True Eden!

 You know how muh fuckahs that USed tah live in US's given state and jumped ship!?

Then those muh fuckahs wannah visit and talk about how great this othah muh fuckin state is!?

But then somethin kindah funny happens six years latah,

"We are starting to have so much crime in our neighborhoods!?"


(Peace! More to come...)

Them evil Muh Fuckahs Ain't Goin Nowhere!

 We can solve this ill shit togethah!


God damnit!

US can't keep tryin tah fuckin 

Hide from this

Ill ass shit them evil muh fuckahs still doin! 

Sans abatement!

God damn!

Fuck no!

CaUSe US muh fuckin knows!

Shit runs thah fuck


And guess where thah fuck where US's horribly broke asses are muh fuckin

Situated on that fuckin sorry ass


(Peace! More to come...)

The Country of Indiana (The First To Officially Split)

 So what's them evil muh fuckahs next plans?

I don't know about all them muh fuckahs, but if yah look at what's happenin tah all thah local law enforcement officials quittin, gettin frustrated and shit!

US will get that muh fuckin "Aha" moment!

Can't yah jUSt see the states, cities, towns...cryin cause US don't have enough law enforcement muh fuckahs with all this crime now!?


That's thah muh fuckin agenda! "Defund the police!" Yeah, some absurd shit! 


First them evil muh fuckahs will send in "The National Guard" tah help areas out! Yah remembah them evil muh fuckahs did this shit with thah hospitals durin "COVID"? Anyway...

Then, fuck it! They'll send all of thah military intah US's varioUS states! Includin NATO forces! Yeah!

They will militarize thah muh fuckin local police departments! Gettin all communistically red up in this bitch!

Now thah fed will control all that shit!

Have US noticed all thah muh fuckin road construction they doin in and around major cities even in Indianapolis?!

Do US honestly think them evil muh fuckahs doin that shit so that US can have ah smoother traverse tah our nine-to-five!? Shit them evil muh fuckahs are fuckin some shit up now! And US thinks this shit is for US's IN betterment?!

I don't fuckin think so!

Shit US IN bettah start thah muh fuckin process tah at least have ah shot! And mitigate this ill shit!

I don't know about y'all my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs but

"The Country of Indiana"

Sho thah fuck sounds quite

Copacetic bout now!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, July 17, 2023

"Senor Samurai - Chi"

 See, when I was an on-air personality! I used tah look forward tah my shift!


Spread the musical joy amid this chaotic beautiful


(Peace! More to come...)

Modern Day evil Is Flawed As Fuck! Thee Holy Fuck!?

 The bad thing about this ill ass shit is:

These rich elite muh fuckahs don't know dick about real


God damn!

Jack ah muh fuckah, "Give it up!"

"But?" Bam!!!

Ain't no muh fuckin 'buts'!?

Thah fuck is ah niggah missin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Let US Pray!

 What do US has tah be scared of Sonshines!?

Them evil muh fuckahs are in fuckin control!

And guess what my Nigresses and Niggahs?!

US Nigresses and Niggahs ain't got but ah 

Lil bit tah loose!

Shit, really nothin! 

US's playin with the

House's money at this muh fuckin point in their muh fuckin ill sorry ass game!...


US 's gonnah be jUSt fine


Cause US are 

Our Father's 


(Peace! More to come...)

Hold Up! I Don't Know Shit! (Twenty-Three Years Old, Benjamin Tolliver, Bicyclist Messenger, Indianapolis, Indiana) @ April 2024

 'Before this ill shit gets started! I'm tellin all y'all! I don't know shit! Now, hold up! Y'all can always torture my Black ass! I'm just suggestin tah yah! Rents due! Muh fuckah says, "Give yo Black ass ah thousand bucks tah delivah some shit!" Why he picked my now fucked ass? I don't fuckin know! But shit! The muh fuckin rents due! Shit! Have had it!..."

Fuck US Being A Firmament Guinea Pig! And Fuck The Dentists! II

 Membah ol sad awhile Dustin Hoffman bein in that dental chair and evil ass Lawrence Olivier talkin that unidirectional bullshit, of course:

"Is it safe?!"...

Niggresses and Niggahs!

Like on thah movie 'Ronin' where Robert DeNiro's character says aftah ah muh fuckah asks an absurd question about Human Torture:

"Oh! Everybody talks!"

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck US Being A Firmament Guinea Pig! And Fuck The Dentists!

 If yah ain't really read shit else on this muh fuckah!

Read this?


Don't take anothah injection of evil medical muh fuckin

Jack shit!

God damn!

But shit Sonshines!

God damnit!


If my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass evah has tah get some dental work done?!


Hit that shit again muh fuckah!

Three, four, five...muh fuckin times!

Don't give ah Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come,,,)

Be Proud Of US's Children! They Are US's Future! II

 Okay I know what incident I was thinkin about when I started this shit!

Well, I lived off of Shortridge Road and Washington Street!

There was this "Pasquale's Pizza" around thah cornah on East Washington Street!

Well, Momma and I went in there and ordered ah pepperoni pizza tah go!

There was this young White teenager behind thah muh fuckin counter! Now check it! Momma was appareled down with my visionary quasi-designer accoutrements!

That young muh fuckah said,

"She's adorable!" with the utmost youth's honesty!

I looked down at her!

She already lookin up at me and smilin!

Put my arms out tah pick her up?

She turned away!

'My niggress!'

The young man thought that was thah funniest shit evah!


I did too!

Then Momma turned back around and started laughin with US!

"Just adorable!" The young man said....

(Peace! More to come...)

Be Proud Of US's Children! They Are US's Future!

 When our Daughter was maybe three or so?!

I'd put small adult colored t-shirts on her with some color coordinated child pants! Of course with a white undershirt! I'd knot the t-shirt tah where you could see her color coordinated baby pants, but thah t-shirt still droppin properly! Yah know?!

She'd be rockin that shit! 

Spray some, "Chloe" on her!

"That smells good!"

Run some 'Blue Magic' hair grease through her hair! Curls would start glistenin!

"Hair grease?"

Shit! Don't have thah muh fuckin time! Fuck it! Anyway...

Put thah kicks on! 

Time tah roll-out!

'You ready Momma?!'


'Well Let's roll out Momma!'

" 'kay daddy!"

We'd get in that 1993 Burgundy Buick Century! And roll thah fuck out!



Them were some hard muh fuckin times!

But God damn!

They were some beautiful muh fuckin times amid that perceived bad ass muh fuckin



Our Heavenly Father!?

Thank You!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Forecast: Perpetual Sonshine And Will Always Be RighteoUSly Clear!

 Don't you feel it!?

It's rumbling,





The gray skies have never



(Peace! More to come...) 

Now About Them Fucked Up Facial Scars Bro?!

 I was talkin tah this patient last week! The muh fuckah had some battle scars for real! Face zippered like ah muh fuckah! Knuckles lookin fucked up and probably could punch through steel!

God damn!

So, y'all know how I do it? Shit I love ah good muh fuckin story from ah muh fuckah! Sometimes yah got tah work for thah shit! So yah won't offend! I'm dyin tah find out what thah fuck happened tah this muh fuckah?!

So we start talkin bout high school, college and shit like that.

'You went to college? Snap! Which one?' I asked

"HBCU! Prairie View A&M in Texas!" He said.

'Damn man! I wanted tah go to ah HBCU! But man, I went to Crispus Attucks High School! Maybe five percent White if that! My behind got thah business for my "Light skinned niggah ass" and I'm quoting on multiple times! I said to myself about college, ain't no way I'm goin tah ah Black university! And maybe relive four years over again? Muh fuckahs crackin on my light skin! No thank you!'

"It's funny that you say that shit Bro! That shit was still goin on when I was in college!?" He said....

(Peace! More to come...)

Gold Plated Cars? Lions For Pets?...And The Ignorant Shit Is In The Fucking Desert!

 Have US seen these ignant emirates in Dubai and thah ridiculous gaudy material shit them muh fuckahs be buyin!?

They call them muh fuckahs, "Sand niggers" for ah reason!

But fuck that shit!

If US niggahs buyin stupid ass shit like they do in US!

Shit, that ain't no niggah shit!

That's some stupid ass muh fuckin niggah shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Watching The Wheels - John Lennon" II

 There's some shit on thah muh fuckin news now I know is fuckin fake ass shit!


Shit, there's some muh fuckahs that know some shit! So I research their shit and some shit of my own!


Yah start findin out the news is jUSt


"Well why do you read it, watch it or listen to it?!"

Shit, that's fuckin easy tah tell yah!

US gots tah keep up on what those sorry evil muh fuckahs are really fuckin doin!

Gives ah niggah ah somewhat measurable timeline and ah lil head-start when this shit goes muh fuckin


Which is fucking sooner than


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Just Muh Fuckin Beans! Muh FuckUS! God Damn!

 So you make your beans!


Yeah! Like dry beans whatevah thah fuck ones yah like!?

Red Kidney, Black Eyed Peas, Navy, Black (of course), Cranberry, Pinto...whatevah thah fuck!

Soak them shits overnight! Or shit, when yo ass gets home aftahwork thah next day!


I ain't nevah did that shit! Poured watah on thah muh fuckahs tah covah at least ah knuckle deep! Put thah pot cover or Dutch oven lid on it! On top of an off burner on top of the stove. The next day, whenevah thah fuck! Start cookin them bitches! Anyway...

Cut up some bacon! Fry about four slices intah ah Dutch oven or pot of choice!

Put ah shitload of onion, ah shitload of garlic and ah shitload of green pepper! 

Sautee that shit along with thah bacon! Until thah onions are translucent!

Add thah drained soaked beans!

Along with one can of chicken stock! And Four cups of water!

Two tablespoons of salt! One tablespoon of pepper! 1/4 of ah teaspoon of MSG. Three Bay Leaves. Chicken base. And three tablespoons of Goya Bean Sauce or Soy Sauce. 

Simmer, with pot cover tilted, for two hours.

Season tah taste.

Put a scoopful of potato salad, slaw, macaroni salad, tuna...whatevah thah Holy fuck, in the middle of your bowl of choice.

Pour beans around given mayonnaise based (refrigerated at least three hour) salad.

A dollop of butter on the beans.

Fuck thah muh fuckin cornbread!


(Peace! More to come...)

"Feel Your Weight (Poolside Remix) - Rhye" II

 Oh, take me away from this so-called blissful decay!

The insanity to this inhumanity!

I'll go away

And stay!

Just let me ripen and die


(Peace! More to come...)

Married?! Oft Times! Just Shut The Fuck Up!

 Your Wife!?

Your Husband!?

Shit, even 

Your muh fuckin Children?!...

Yah can't tell'em shit!


BecaUSe you 



(Peace! More to come...)

All My Old Black Broke Muh Fuckin Ass Can Say is: "Have a nice trip!"

 My wife! I love her dearly! Oh, yes I do!

She's ah very religioUS woman!

I smile at her often for that!

CaUSe she is!

But baby?!

Why thah Holy fuck yah goin tah ah muh fuckin concert tah see,


Have you not read or at least heard?! 

She and jay-z are Marina Abramovic's muh fuckin


God damn!

Yah lettin thah devil through thah muh fuckin front door!

And even payin for that muh fuckin evil shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

We're A Zoo To Them evil Ass rich Muh Fuckahs!

 Them evil muh fuckahs don't have shit else to fuckin do!

Ain't that some sad ass shit!?

All that money!

And yah fuckin with US constantly?!

Y'alls some sorry ass muh fuckahs!

I remembah I took this Black History class the year I was at IU!

Professor Tate, how you doin my Dear Sweet Black Sistah? Anyway...

We had tah read this muh fuckin book for thah muh fuckah! The title escapes my ol Black sorry broke ass at thah moment!

But I remembah it was about these slaves on a plantation. They'd get what we would call now, "Time off."

They'd be in their livin quarters havin fun like ah muh fuckah!

Well, on one occasion, one of thah muh fuckahs had tah go out and take ah piss!

Opened thah front door tah thah quarters.

Thah muh fuckahs that owned thah muh fuckin plantation and their friends, sittin in chairs outside thah niggah quarters. Picnickin and shit! 

Entertainin themselves listenin tah thah niggahs havin fun?!

And y'all know that niggah held that piss right!? Fuck that shit! "I's sorry! Y'alls minds if I's close thah doe?! Or should I keep it open?"...

Thee Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Alabama woman found after witnessing toddler on side of interstate."

 Somethin is fuckin wrong with this muh fuckin story!

Don't know what thah fuck it is!

But some shit ain't ringin 

True at thah fuck all with this shit!

The only thing I can think is she ran across a, FBI "The Finders" some type of shit incident!

And they couldn't murder her for witnessing what she saw!

So they mind fucked that ass! Then let her go!

That's... if thah shit's legit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Call, "Bullshit!"

 All these muh fuckin cellphones, cameras, "Ring" units...and they always showin some shit caught that is so fuckin outlandish, them evil muh fuckahs jUSt gots tah show it! (Think about how vast thah US is?! With all thah muh fuckin states!? Of course some fuckin idiotic absurd stupid shit is gonnah happen! It's ah fuckin numbahs thing! Anyway!...)


Cause that's the best their evil asses has got!

Tryin tah make US scared tah even live next tah one anothah!

Fuck that noise!

That terrible shit ain't happenin every-fuckin-where!

Do you know how many US IN niggahs I'd have tah shoot every-fuckin-day if that ill shit started happenin where we live?! And talkin tah some of our neighbors, them muh fuckahs would be killin some muh fuckahs too! Anyway!...

Don't give ah fuck what them muh fuckahs tryin tah instill!

Ninety-six percent of US every-fuckin-day grindin, jUSt tryin tah make it happen



And fuck their evil propagandized produced ill ass


(Peace! More to come...)

"Sound of Freedom"

 Thah fuck!

Yah know how many children go missin every muh fuckin year my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!

More than 800,000 per year!

Think about that shit?!

And muh fuckahs makin ah muh fuckin big deal about this muh fuckin movie that took three fuckin years tah be put on the 'Big Screen'!

Shit ain't gonnah wake US up about this deplorable shit muh fuckahs doin with these children all across this firmament!

The only way tah stop thah shit is tah stop thah supply chain of 

Human production!

Then them muh fuckahs will have to get desperate! Cause they'll start gettin hungry like ah muh fuckah!

Cause cloned children's meat and blood, them evil muh fuckahs have found out,

Does not have thah same nutrients, tastes and powers like

US's Human naturally made children!

God damn!

Do US see why US jUSt has tah pray vigilantly, secretly, and intimately with

Our Father?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Doth Not The Hypocrites Do Also."

 Pray! But pray by yourself! "In thine own closet."

That's all US has tah do my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

What's wrong with US is that we have tah keep reemphasizin thah truth within US!?

Aftah awhile Sonshines US knows thah truth!

Muh fuckUS still arguin with muh fuckahs and shit!?

Still goin tah Bible Class, goin tah secular seminars (Them muh fuckahs don't know dick about the truth.), church and shit!?

God damn!

Our Father is inside of US all!



Seek and


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Hang On In There!

 Everything that I research about US's sorry muh fuckin broke assUS!

Ain't fuckin good!

Not thah fuck at all!

But God damn!

Here US sorry broke muh fuckin assUS still


(Peace! More to come...)

"Everybody wants to rule the world/ Tears For Fears"

Ain't that how this shit's goin?!


Muh fuckahs hardheaded like nobodies business!

You sorry ass evil tribal affiliated muh fuckahs will once again fucking


God damn!

And so...

Here we go!


But the shit's gonnah hurt!

I mean hurt


But shit,

We are going,

Once again,

To be jUSt fine

Sonshines! (BIG SMILE!)

But it's goin tah muh fuckin hurt!

I mean fucking


God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Eyes Have It


David Spencer EYEwEAR/ Ellison/ Col. 1133 (color discontinued)/ 52-19-145 Eyeglass Frames, $325. Essilor Physio Enhanced W3 PAL (Progressive Addition Lenses), $550. Polycarbonate lenses, $50. Transitions Polarized Gray photochromic (Blue Light Filter included) add-on, $175. Essilor Crizal Sapphire 360 UV No-Glare add-on, $223. Contact your local downtown Indianapolis optical offices for prices and availabilities.

(Peace! More to come...)

Harold Wallace Rosenthal Circa July 1976

 You read thah alarming interview!

Them Jews don't give one good fuck about 


And don't let anyone of them fuckin try tah tell 

US any fuckin differently!

Black!? White? Don't give ah fuck!

Less than two percent of this US population but control every God damned thing!


And US are jUSt sorry ass muh fuckin


Worse than fuckin quadrupeds tah them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!


God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Lolo Jones! Another One.

 Muh fuckah talkin bout 'she's' ah muh fuckin forty fuckin years old virgin!? And she's ah biological dude!

So that means that muh fuckah ain't evah sucked ah dick or licked ah pussy!? Ain't evah been fucked in thah created pussy but has been fucked in thah ass?! Thah fuck! Anyway!...

Remembah A.C. Green of the Los Angeles Lakers talkin that bullshit that he and his fiance were muh fuckin virgins back in thah day!? Then we found out they made some type of pact with themselves tah not fuck again until they were married?! Stupid ass silly muh fuckin shit! Anyway!...

Yeah! And I'm ah fifty-seven years old married and father virgin!

"That's absurd! You're married. You have a child."

Well, we never have consummated thah muh fuckin marriage!

My child, well, she was adopted!

"Are you serious?"



But yah see how easy it is tah muh fuckin lie tah muh fuckahs!

Forty fuckin years old and ain't fucked, licked or sucked nobody else!?


Even priests fuckin nuns and othah priests and shit!

Get thah fuck out of here with that absurd fuckin foolishness!

Who thah Holy fuck you think you fuckin foolin?!

CaUSe I'm an ex-hardcore recovering foolin muh fuckah!

Muh fuckah!

God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's "Commander and Chief"?

 Beiden?! How thah fuck he can lead any muh fuckin country let alone his own damn sick sorry ass life is beyond this niggah's comprehension!

"That's because you are a stupid Republican!"

Shit! Political party preferences ain't got shit tah do with muh fuckin shit! It's called "Right or Wrong" muh fuckah! Anyway....

That muh fuckah has a predilection for US's children!

Ain't no fucking way he gets voted back intah muh fuckin office!


Them evil sorrry ass muh fuckahs wannah be fuckin stupid and cheat tah put that child rapist back intah office!

And if they do that shit!

Thank Our Father!

CaUSe y'all muh fuckahs are about tah go down muh fuckin


Dead and

Bloodied thah fuck up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

No More Fear


Them evil muh fuckahs at US's front muh fuckin door God damnit!

Knockin! Poundin on that muh fuckah!

We ain't answerin and shit!

But US do know soonah than latah!

If US don't shoot through that muh fuckin door!?

Them muh fuckahs gonnah kick that bitch in!

And US won't have the time tah even get one muh fuckin good ass shot off!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Pedophiles Beautiful HorrendoUS Reckoning Cometh!

 Them muh fuckahs done jUSt lost their rabbit ass minds!

Obama, Beiden, Branson, Gates, The Bushs, Winfrey, m. Theresa, The Clintons, The Podesta brothers, Sheen, Spielberg, Schneider, the churches, DCS, The Red Cross, USDOT, LEOs, CIA, FBI, NSA...


After their sorry ass sentences!

Let's take'em tah 

The Rack!

And pull them muh fuckahs apart! Slowly dismembering those evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!

While hearing them muh fuckahs scream like ah muh fuckah!


Televise thah shit!

Fuck 'em!

I'd watch that righteoUS muh fuckin shit


And more than enjoy their

Hallowed screams while even, yes...

Eating take-out pizza!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

California II

 "Hot Furnace"!

That means tah live in that bitch is muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

President Pedophile Beiden!

 What thah fuck is wrong with that ill ol ass repugnant sorry muh fuckah?!

Muh fuckin broadcasters tryin tah blame it on old age?!

Niggahs puhleeze!

Thah muh fuckah is fuckin nasty!

See that ol sorry ass pedophile in Helsinki? 

Can't keep his mouth or hands off of fucking children!

And the "Mother" of thah child tryin tah get ah muh fuckin sorry ass selfie of thah nasty shit!

Thah muh fuckin child wasn't havin none of that sick shit!

God damn!

And US ain't sayin shit about that 

Loathsome fuckin shit!...

Thee Holy fuck is wrong with US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, July 14, 2023

The Realities of Real Human Life

 "Women are not supposed to smell un-fresh!"


Ninety-five degrees! With ah one-hundred-and-two degree heat index! And the humidity is at a whopping ninety-percent!? Catchin muh fuckin buses to and from work?!...


(Peace! More to come...)

Perfumery: Female Scents or Male Scents?

 Stupidest shit!

Scents are fucking universal!

Ain't no gendah specific scents unless 

US wants them shits tah be!

I mean, shit! 

Eithah thah shit smells good or not!

Niggresses or Niggahs?!

Who gives ah fuck!

Have US smelled some of the "Male" scents out there?! Yeah muh fuckah! Buy that "Aromatic Elixir by Clinique" and rock that shit with your broke ol Black sorry male ass! Anyway...

As long as US can pull that beautiful smell shit


(Peace! More to come...)

"Absolution - Netflix"

 So I'm watchin this shit!

And thah muh fuckah states:

"There are just two emotions: Love and Fear!"

God damn!


Got tah get back with yah on that ethereal shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Fuck that noise!

Just ah suggestion tah US!

Wannah get some real muh fuckin deep ass sleep?!

1500mg - 2000mg of


Preferably on an empty stomach!

Some fucked up dreams!

But yo ass will sleep like ah muh fuckin baby!

Wake yo ol Black broke ass up thah next muh fuckin morning thinking,

'Why thah fuck do I feel so muh fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

Y'all Muh Fuckahs Scared of The Wrong Muh Fuckahs!

 White righteoUS people bein evilly setup tah fear niggahs!?

What thah fuck kindah of US economic power and US political juice power does US niggahs have that y'all White muh fuckahs should be so scared of?!

I mean, God damn!

What thee Holy fuck is this ol Black righteoUS broke sorry ass niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

RighteoUS Homecoming II

 "Well you know you could just kill yourself?"

I've created God damnit!

Too late for that muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

RighteoUS Homecoming

 I don't fuckin care any longah!

God damn!

Don't give ah fuck about whips, the latest fashion, the latest music...


Our Father!

If I don't have shit else tah do for this bitch?!


Just askin, one muh fuckin niggah tah anothah!

When 're you gonnah let ah niggah come


(Peace! More to come...)

Stanley Gold, Thirty-Three Years Old, Eugenicist, Provo, Utah @ March2024

 He smiled when he saw the movie "Men in Black"!

The neutralizer! Yeah! It was true!

Everyday after his shift, he was neutralized! Blanked.

He rarely remembered the Blank in. But he always remembered the Blank out.

But the bad thing about his plight was, he had never taken a vacation!

They made him take this vacation!

Now he was out!

Just two days in, visions were starting to haunt him severely so....

Thy US RighteoUS Shall Arise

 Don't speak to the agenda's many evil leaks!

All props to send the cops!

Drops the mops!

No need to clean any longer!

We're not getting weak,




 Are getting blessedly


(Peace! More to come...)

It's Not Kind To Stare! So...Just Don't Get Caught Doing It!

 I think I told y'all this shit before my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

But if I'm repeatin myself? I'm so sorry? Ah niggahs old! Anyway...

I'm a people watcher! 

Love that shit!

People oft times don't have thah faintest clue they're bein watched!

"Maybe somebody's watching you"

Shit! If they are!? They better at it than me! Big ups! Anyway...

But the weirdest thing happens sometimes when I'm watching people.

Sometimes they do know it!

They'll stop!

Start looking around and shit!

Well, at this point ah niggah done undahstood thah jig is up and start lookin at my black faced cellphone!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"This House - Tracie Spencer" II

 Do y'all undah-fuckin-stand my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!

How this is thah all mighty

Kickin rocks kindah shit I've been talkin bout?!

"You! Me! We can make a difference!..."

Corny muh fuckin shit!

The truth?!

Fuck yes!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Slow Walking (Twenty-Six Years Old, Franklin Fox, Thirtieth Family Reunion) Garfield Park, Sat16Jul2023

' Something is wrong with 


You don't feel that shit?!

I undah-fuckin-stand!

But for me?!

God damn!

I'm irritated like ah muh fuckah


Aunt Thelma pleasantly spoke out,

"Eat that delicious damn grilled porkchop boy and shut the fuck up with that bullshit! We out here trying to have a good time! A positive Family Reunion! How've you been doing anyway? You looking good! Um! Who made this potato salad? Fire!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Revolutionaries

 Okay! Fuck y'all! Come on now?! Y'all know how we roll?!

There is going to be a window!

However slight!

But shit!

We can do thah damn


(Peace! More to come...)


 So yo sorry ol Black muh fuckin fucked up wantin tah know ass! 

Puts thah muh fuckin state, for some fucked up personal reason that "Knows how tah party!" as per hip-hop, in yo preferential search engine! Comes back:

"Hot furnace."

Still gigglin bout that absurd fucked up shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

It Is Now Imprinted! And Fucking Verified!

 Undah-fuckin-stand some shit?!

Once yah wannah be ah real witness tah this ill ass shit!


There ain't no fuckin 

Turning thah fuck


(Peace! More to come,,,)

"Heather O'Rourke" Sorry!? Shit! Our Sorry Asses Failed Your Cute Dead Fucked Over Lil Ass!

The fuck's wrong with US?!

Oh, shit! I have episodes of cryin thinkin bout this ill shit that I chose tah read?!

 I was in ah grandiose funk my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

my Wife and my Daughter lookin at me like

"The fuck wrong with this niggah?!"

Shit! I didn't know what tah tell 'em!

Yah start researchin some shit!?

Some shit sets yo sorry ol broke Black ass back!

In ah bad muh fuckin way!

Well, readin some shit, I ran across some articles about that lil cute blonde girl from "Poltergeist" gettin raped by Steven Spielberg et al! Readin more of thah sorry ass shit, thah muh fuckah detailed how they paraded this innocent child on stage at a "Very famous gameshow set"! Nasty pedophiles whackin off at this innocent child bein made tah be violated for fucking fame! After which, backstage, ah muh fuckahs gonnah run from, "Something's wrong! They stuck something in her!"

Yah think?

Oh my fucking God!!! Thah Holy fuck is wrong with US?!

And ain't nobody went tah fuckin jail!

Paid ah muh fuckin fine even!


(Peace! More to come...)

Music Is Evil!

 I know that shit!

But what thah fuck is an ol Black broke ass muh fuckah supposed tah do?

"Just quit listening!"



That shit!

Gets me 


(Peace! More to come...)


 Simple simplistic systematic souls severed succinctly!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Echoes of Evil! Ever Eden's endings exactness!...

(Peace! More to come...)

What?! Thee Holy Fuck! Do US Have To Hide From Another Ever Again!?

 What does it take my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

"Well you used to be addicted to porn you hypocrite!"

No, I done confessed tah that bullshit! If yah read previoUS blogs!

I ain't got shit tah hide!

Death's knockin like ah muh fuckah!


Niggahs please!


Has tah reel this hell of ah historical angler's madness

Thah fuck in!

Before thine rod breaks!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Feeling The Human Synchronized Electricity!

 This old jam came on: 

"All That She Wants - Ace of Base"!

She was standing next to him in the office kitchen.

 Fuck it! They're responsible for these jams! Not me! So he looked at her. He saw it in her eyes she was down!

So they started dancing like nobodies business!

And everyone within witnessing eyes started being in 


(Peace! More to come...)