Thursday, July 27, 2023

Professional?! Of Fucking What?!

 What kills my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass about sports?!

Them muh fuckahs supposed tah be professionals and shit!

Showin them muh fuckahs comin intah work with jeans and ah muh fuckin t-shirt, fucked up hairstyles, tattoos all ovah thah muh fuckin place, can't talk for shit, always gettin intah some ill ass shit...and gettin paid millions!

Shit, yah pay Tyrone up thah muh fuckin block one hundred "Gs"! That muh fuckah will ball some shit out for fuckin peanuts compared tah those spoiled no-count muh fuckahs!

And will look and dress thah muh fuckin same!

God damn!

US are some stupid ass muh fuckahs!

And what thah Holy fuck is ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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