Sunday, July 30, 2023

Breaking Bread Unification (BBU)! Before Their evil Storms Arriveth!

 my Wife and my Daughter, I always try to make every meal that I can for them.


CaUSe US all needs tah spend some 

RighteoUS muh fuckin time


So US can break bread and be at peace!

Whoevah thah Holy fuck wants tah make that muh fuckin

RighteoUS shit


Before their evilly induced pain and their evilly induced horrible storms


And aftah it is all said and done by their numeroUS evil attempts, once again too shall fail,



Are still muh fuckin here ! 

Meekin out and shit!

You evil sorry ass disgusting muh fuckahs!...

'And shit ladies? What shall we have for lunch today?!'...

(Peace! More to come...)

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